Faculty Profile
Dr. Choudhury Farhana Jhuma
Contact Information
Choudhury Farhana Jhuma is an anthropologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. She holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology under the School of Social Science in Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka and she attained her M.S.S and B.S.S. Degree from the Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. She has more than fifteen years of teaching experience including the previous faculty position of lecturer and assistant professor in the discipline of Anthropology of the same institution. Her research interest field is ‘cultural ecology’ and ‘environment’ with a special concentration on adaptation challenges of small scale community. She had published a research paper in the national journal of Jahangirnagar University (2010) and an online peer-reviewed journal (2020). She has an interest in courses of anthropology, mostly, Theory, Methodology, and Applied field with experience of pro-student engagements.
Ph.D. 2016, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar. Dhaka. Status: Awarded.
M.S. S 2002, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
B.S. S 2000, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
Research Interests
Environmental Anthropology
Political Ecology
Development Issues
Indigenous Issues, Identity, Subsistence
Active Research Project
1. Relationship between Environment & Social System among the Khasis of North-Eastern region of Bangladesh.
2. Understanding the effect of behavior change communication (BCC) intervention on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices during the context of Covid-19 in peri-urban Sylhet. SUST Research Center. Project Duration: 2020-21. Co-Investigator.
3. Religious and other Cross-border Identity narratives in Peripheral Localities: A multi-sited socio-cultural analysis on ‘localism’ and ‘otherness’ in Bangladesh-India Border
4. Socio-economic influences on women’s property right management under secured land holding initiatives: A study on migrated women in Sylhet District
Previous Research Project
1. Partial Ethnography on Ethnic Communities in CHT, Bangladesh. 2018-19 project year. Principal Investigator: Choudhury Farhana Jhuma
2. An Anthropological Survey on Potential of Ethnic Organization to Redefine Social Cohesion in CHT. Project ID: No. SS/2018/2/25. Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. Bangladesh. August 2020. Principal Investigator: Dr. Choudhury Farhana
External Affiliations
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
Journal Publications
1. Jhuma, Farhana Choudhury., Chowdhury, Abdullah-Al-Baki. (2020). Reproduction Perspectives in South Asia: Understanding ‘caesarian section decisions’, through consumption factors. JETIR (International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research) ISSN: 2349-5162. February, Volume 7, Issue 2.
2. Biswas, Sanjay Krishno., Jhuma, Farhana Choudhury. (2020). Changing Ecology of ‘Hakaluki Haor’ in Bangladesh: Environmental Implications and Social Resilience. Accepted in
3. Jhuma, Farhana Choudhury. (2020). Adaptation and the Question of Cost-Effective change: Outlining Socio-Ecological Exertion of Khasi in Bangladesh Context. Open Journal of Social Sciences, pp. 412-428. ISSN Online-2327-5960, Scientific Research Publishing.
4. Jhuma. Farhana Choudhury. 2010. The Marginalization process of Tea Labour community: A discussion on tea labour of Sylhet. Nrivijnana Patrika Volume 15. Journal of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University.
Book/ Book Chapter
Advance Theory
Economic Anthropology
Social Thought
social inequality
Development Anthropology
Applied Anthropology
Awards & Recognition
Graduate Supervision
1. M. Phil. Research Supervision:
2. MSS Research Supervision:
3. BSS Research Supervision: