Faculty Profile

A K M Mazharul Islam


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711346909
  • Email: mazharul-anp@sust.edu, akmmislam@gmail.com


Currently, a Professor of Anthropology at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh and the Executive Director of the Institute of Applied Anthropology, Dhaka, Bangladesh (In a volunteered capacity), Professor AKM Mazharul Islam is educated at Cumilla Cadet College, University of Dhaka, Minnesota State University, and Johns Hopkins University. He has been a Chair of Anthropology at SUST for 12 years in different periods of time. He has also been teaching in Dhaka University, BRAC University, North South University, Independent University, Bangladesh, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Mahidol University (Thailand), and Minnesota State University (USA). His teaching includes applied anthropology, medical anthropology, public health, and research methodology. He has been working in a multidisciplinary team with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in formulating a formative research protocol, which is being implemented in 18 countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa. He worked as a Principal and Co-Principal Investigator in a good number of national and international projects funded and administered by the Government of Bangladesh, the European Union, USAID, WHO, Unicef, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the University of Glasgow, SUST, UNDP, BRAC, and ICDDR, B. He published 41 articles, 16 Books, and 6 book chapters, Member of several professional bodies including the American Anthropological Association, Society for Applied Anthropology, Society of Medical Anthropology, University of Sussex, Maastricht University, Amsterdam University, University of Heidelberg, Mahidol University, University of Delhi, University of Hyderabad, etc.

Also, he ttended 43 national and international seminars, workshops, and conferences, and organized 8 seminars/workshops/conferences including- International workshop on Transformative Competency-based Public Health Education for Professional Employability in Bangladesh’s Health Sector, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK(2020); International workshop on Transformative Competency-based Public Health Education for Professional Employability in Bangladesh’s Health Sector, University of Maastricht, the Netherlands (2019); International Conference on Visual South Asia, Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka and Delhi University, New Delhi (2018); International Conference on Erasmus Plus for Asian Academic, Bangkok, Thailand (2017); International Seminar on Ethnicity, Identity and Governance, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India (2015); International Conference on Contemporary Debates in Public Policy and Management, Kolkata, India (2013); Tribe, Security, and Development. Institute of Tribal Studies, Rajib Gandhi University, Arunachal, India (2012); Child Rights as a Discourse in Higher Education, Khulna University, Khulna (2012); Anthropology and Development, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi (2011); Disaster, child and interventions, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, India (2010); Annual Conference of the Global Health Council, Washington DC, USA (2006); Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, Canada (2006); Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association (2005), Washington DC, USA (Paper entitled: Birth Attendants in Mirzapur, Bangladesh: Practice and Identity); Annual Conference of the Global Health Council, Washington, DC,USA (2005); Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, USA 2005); Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, USA (2004); Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Anthropology (2004),Dallas, USA(Paper entitled: Narmada Valley Project in India: A Case of Development Anthropology); Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, USA (2003).

In Bangladesh, he offers regular lectures, seminars, and workshops to the Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB), Bangladesh Civil Service Training Academy, Bangladesh Planning Academy, Bangladesh Rural Development Academy, Bangladesh Local Government Training Academy, Bangladesh Law Academy, and a disciplinary expert of the selection board for the teachers’ recruitment board of different universities in Bangladesh. He is a member of the American Anthropological Association, Society for Applied Anthropology, Society of Medical Anthropology, USA, and Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. He received the Pelto International Award 2023 from the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), USA for his outstanding contribution to the field of applied anthropology.

Moreover, he participated in various professional training, including- Disaster Management in the Coastal areas of Bangladesh, Divisional Commissioner’s Office, Sylhet; Investment in Children, Save the Children and CSID, Savar, Dhaka; Migration and Remittance: Non-traditional Issues in Asian Security Discourse, RMMRU, Dhaka; Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Software in Anthropology, Washington DC, USA; Career in International Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA; Qualitative Research in Social Sciences, Society of Applied Anthropology Conference, Dallas, USA; Goal Oriented Project Planning (GOPP), the Institute of Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh [Course include] I) Team building ii) Project concept, planning, Development participation Analysis, iii) Problem Analysis iv) Alternative Analysis v) Objective Analysis, vi) Project Planning matrix vii) Indicator Analysis and means of Verification viii) Project Activity Planning and Making of Project, ix) Basics of PCP, PP and TAPP]; Project Proposal Processing, ATDP-IFDC& USAID Dhaka, Bangladesh [workshop include I) Invest Decision Tools, Investment Appraisal Techniques ii) Net Present Value Method iii) Breaks Even Analysis iv) Ratio Analysis v) Concept and Elements of Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss Account]


  • 2018- 2022 (submitted) Doctor of philosophy University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 2006-2007 Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, USA Research Associate
  • 2003-2006 Minnesota State University Mankato, USA Master of Science (GPA 3.8 out of 4)
  • 1995-1996 University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh Master of Social Science(GPA 3.8 out of 4.0)
  • 1992-1995 University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh Bachelor of Social Science (Hons.)(GPA 3.6 out of 4)
  • 1990-1992 Cumilla Cadet College Cumilla, Bangladesh Higher Secondary School Certificate (First Div.)
  • 1986-1990 Cumilla Cadet College Cumilla, Bangladesh Secondary School Certificate (First Div.)

Research Interests

  • Applied anthropology
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Public health
  • Research Methodology

Previous Research Project

  • 1. 2022 Co-Principal Investigator, Universal Health Coverage: A Case Study of Bangladesh, WHO, Geneva
  • 2. 2022 Co-Principal Investigator Children and Youth Led Disaster Risk Reduction Study. The World Vision, Save the Children, Plan International, Actions Aid Bangladesh
  • 3. 2021- 2022 Bangladesh Country Lead, The Kitchen Life Project, University Glasgow, UK
  • 4. 2018 Principal Investigator, Innovation Culture and Effective Public Service Delivery, a2i, prime minister’s office, GOB and UNDP
  • 5. 2018 Principal Investigator, TCV study evaluation, Access to Information, Government of Bangladesh and UNDP
  • 6. 2016 Co-Principal Investigator Use of Pulse Oximeters with Children in the Health System in Bangladesh. Johns Hopkins University, USA and University College, London Contact Person: Eric D McCollum, MD E-mail: emccoll3@jhmi.edu
  • 7. 2016 Principal Investigator Feed the Future Bangladesh Women’s Empowerment Activity. Winrock International, Verulam Associates Bangladesh Limited, and USAID Contact Person: Saiful Islam E-mail: saiful.islam@winrock.org
  • 8. 2015 Principal Investigator Child Rights Situation Analysis, Save the Children Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka Contact person: Sharon Hauser E-mail: sharon.hauser@savethechildren.org Ph: 0177763988
  • 9. 2014 Principal Investigator Deficit in the Health Care Governance in Bangladesh, Save the Children, Bangladesh Contact person: Chowdhury Tayub Tozammul Email: chowdhury.tayub@savethechildren.org Ph: 01816736682
  • 10. 2014 Principal Investigator Challenges of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) by the year 2021: Capacity Building and Resource Mobilization Contact Person: Mollah Nazrul Islam E-mail: nazrul_pol@yahoo.com Ph: 01716593116
  • 11. 2013 Principal Investigator, Documentation of MaMoni Project’s CHW intervention and Phase Out experience, Save the Children International, Bangladesh Contact Person: Ishtiaq Mannan ishtiaq.mannan@savethechildren.org Ph: 01730327515
  • 12. 2012 Principal Investigator, Union Child Database Program, Save the Children International Contact Person: Chowdhury Tayub Tozammul E-mail: chowdhury.tayub@savethechildren.org Ph: 01816736682
  • 13. 2012 Consultant, Profile of the Ethnic Communities Living in the Tea Gardens of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Bangladesh Contact Person: Liaqat Ali Lucky, Ph:02-9562836
  • 14. 1. 2010 Consultant, Anthropologist CHERG-4, Pathways to Survival Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Contact Person: Henry Kalter hkalter@jhsph.edu 2. 2008-2010 Research Anthropologist Health and Nutrition Assessment in SIDR affected Areas of Bangladesh UNICEF and SURCH 3. 2007-2008 Research Anthropologist BRAC MNCH Program Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC Contact Person: Dr. Masud Ahmed 4. 2005- 2006 Anthropologist Project to Advance the Health of Newborns and Mothers School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 5. 2004-2005 Research Internship Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 6. 2001-2003 Consultant Use of Contraceptives in Matlab, Bangladesh ICDDR,B, Dhaka, Bangladesh 7. 2000-2001 Consultant Contributor, Banglapedia, National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh 8. 2000-2001 Project Supervisor Health seeking Behavior of the AFP Affected Families IOCH & USAID, Dhaka, Bangladesh 9. 1997-1998 Research Anthropologist Social Science & Immunization Project, Bangladesh Socio-Economic and Health Profile of Chittagong Hill Tracts Research & Evaluation Division, BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh 10. 2015 Child Rights Situation Analysis in Bangladesh, Save the Children Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka 11. 2014 Deficit in the Health care Governance in Bangladesh, Save the Children, Bangladesh 12. Preparation of the Manual for Formative Research on Global Social Autopsy Studies Johns Hopkins University, USA 13. 2007 Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of BRAC MNCH Health Providers, Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC 14. 2006 Readiness to Disaster Management in Mankato, the American Red Cross, South Central Minnesota Chapter, USA 15. 2005 Birth Attendants: Training and Identity, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, USA 16. 2005 Absence and Attendance in Medication Assistance Program: The Case of Open Door Health Clinic (ODHC), Mankato, the Open Door Health Clinic, Mankato, Minnesota, USA 17. 2004 The Housing Problem among Somalian Immigrants in Minnesota, Community Assistance for Refugee, Mankato, USA 18. Health and Nutrition Assessment in SIDR affected Areas of Bangladesh, UNICEF and SURCH, Bangladesh
  • 15. 1. Accessing Health Care to the Poor: Institutional Alternatives, GRAMEEN TRUST, 1996-1997 -worked in Gazipur, Savar and Manikganj districts, Bangladesh 2. Socio-economic and Health Situation Analysis in the Slums of Sylhet, Healthy City Program, WHO, 1999-2000 -worked in the different slums of Sylhet city, Bangladesh 3. Walking Softly through the Wilderness: An Anthropological Investigation, BRAC, 1997-1998 -worked in the hilly areas of Khagrachhari, Bandarban and Rangamati districts, Bangladesh 4. Health Seeking Behavior of the AFP Affected Families, IOCH & USAID, 2000- worked in 36 districts of Bangladesh 5. Solid Waste Culture in the City of Dhaka, Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, 1996 -worked in Eskaton and Fakirerpul area of Dhaka City Corporation, Bangladesh 6. Women's Participation in Agriculture, BARC, 1995-1996 -worked in Gazipur district, Bangladesh
  • 16. The Role of GOB and NGOs in the Development Programs of Bangladesh, Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka,1995 - worked in a village of Gazipur district, Bangladesh
  • 17. Multiple Indicator Surveys, Unicef, 1994-1995 -worked in Gazipur district, Bangladesh
  • 18. Slum Dwellers in the City of Dhaka, Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, 1994 -worked in the different slums of Dhaka city, Bangladesh
  • 19. Socio-cultural life of the village people: A Study in Bogra Village, University of Dhaka, 1993 -worked at Thangamara of Bogra district, Bangladesh
  • 20. The Use of Contraceptives in Matlab Part-II, Social and Behavioral Science Unit, ICDDR,B, Bangladesh
  • 21. The Use of Contraceptives in Matlab Part-I, Social and Behavioral Science Unit, ICDDR,B, Bangladesh

External Affiliations

  • Adjunct Professor, BRAC James P Grant, School of Public Health, BRAC University
  • Executive Director, Institute of Applied Anthropology
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Social Science and Humanities, Independent University, Bangladesh
  • Part Time Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka
  • Visiting Professor, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Visiting Professor, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Visiting Professor, Department of Society and Health, Mahidol University, Thailand

Journal Publications

  • 1. Chowdhury, Mushtaque and Islam, Mazharul AKM, 2024 Participatory Approach in Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh: A Case. WHO, Geneva
  • 2. AKM Mazharul Islam, 2021 A Tint of the Story of Covid-19. Covid-19 Diary. Zahir Ahmed and Haridur Rahman edited. Dhaka: SARB
  • 3. Carina King, Nicholas Boyd, Isabeau Walker, Beatiwel Zadutsa, Abdullah H Baqui, Salahuddin Ahmed, Mazharul Islam, Eric D McCollum, 2018, Opportunities and barriers in paediatric pulse oximetry for pneumonia in low-resource clinical settings: a qualitative evaluation from Malawi and Bangladesh BMJ Open, Vol 8. Issue 1
  • 4. Miah Md. Shahgahan and AKM Mazharul Islam, 2017, Alternative Health Options in Bangladesh: Knowledge, Power, and Politics, Man and Culture, ISRAA, Vol.2 No.2
  • 5. Islam, Mazharul AKM Accessing the World of Birth Attendants in Bangladesh: Experience from the Field In Pains and Pleasures of Fieldwork edited by Anwarullah Chowdhury Ananya, Dhaka, 2015
  • 6. Islam, Mazharul AKM Food, Nutrition and Health Care: diverse conceptions amongst adolescent population in a semi-urban Bangladeshi Muslim community. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, Vol13, No 04, 2014
  • 7. Islam, Mazharul AKM Khasis in Transition in Bangladesh, Journal of the University of Hyderabad, India, 2014
  • 8. Islam, Mazharul AKM, Winch, Peter, Sharmin, Tamanna Traditional Birth Attendants: Training and Identity, Family Health International 2013
  • 9. Islam, Mazharul, AKM, 2012 Bangladesher Cha Shilpe Khudro Nrigushthi, Dhaka: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy
  • 10. Islam, Mazharul AKM, 2011 Occupational Isolation amongst the Khais: Cultural Materialism in the Make, Journal of Applied Anthropology, Centre for Tribal Studies, Rajib Gandhi University, Arunachal, India
  • 11. Islam, Mazharul AKM Identity, Ecology, and Modernity: Khasi in Transition in Bangladesh, Journal of Tribal Studies, India, 2010
  • 12. Islam, AKM Mazharul, Anthropologist’s Take on Children: An Inquisition. Jamila Milila Islamia, New Delhi, India, 2009
  • 13. Islam, AKM Mazharul, Nutritional Situation at the aftermath of Cyclone Sidr in the Southern Region of Bangladesh. Jamila Milila Islamia, New Delhi, India, 2008
  • 14. Islam, Mazharul AKM, Michel, Winifred Ethics in Anthropological Field Work. Practicing Anthropology. Vol. 26.No.1 Spring, 2004
  • 15. Islam, Mazharul AKM, Anthropology of Art, Bulletin Of the National Museum of Bangladesh, 2003 Dhaka,Vol8, August, 2003
  • 16. Islam, Mazharul AKM Crime, The Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2003
  • 17. Islam, Mazharul, AKM Refugee, The Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2003
  • 18. Islam, Mazharul, AKM. Ethnicity, The Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2003
  • 19. Islam, Mazharul, AKM Ethnic Communities in Bangladesh, The Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2003
  • 20. Islam, Mazharul AKM Use of Water among the Ethnic Communities: A Study in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka, Vo13, July, 2002
  • 21. Islam, Mazharul, AKM Walking Softly through the Wilderness: An Anthropological Encounter on Jhum and Other Agricultural Practices in Chittagong Hill Tracts. In Contemporary Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 2000
  • 22. Hafez MA., Rahim MA., Islam Mazharul AKM Socio-demographic and Cultural Characteristics of Malaria patients in the plains, Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, April, 1999
  • 23. Islam, Mazharul, AKM Solid Waste Culture in the City of Dhaka: An Anthropological Investigation, Bulletin of Bangladesh Environmental Society, February, 1998


  • 1. International workshop on Transformative Competency-based Public Health Education for Professional Employability in Bangladesh’s Health Sector, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK
  • 2. International Conference on Visual South Asia, Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka and Delhi University, New Delhi
  • 3. Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Dallas, USA (Paper entitled: Narmada Valley Project in India: A Case of Development Anthropology)

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Introductory anthropology
  • Research methodology
  • Applied Anthropology
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Business Anthropology

Awards & Recognition

  • 2006-Dean’s Award, Minnesota State University, USA
  • 2006-National Honors Society Award of Achievement, USA
  • 2006- Appreciation Certificate Award, Clinton Foundation, USA
  • 2023- Pelto International Award, Society for Applied Anthropology, USA