Faculty Profile
Navila Kawser
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
I am an anthropology graduate, having expertise in qualitative and mixed methods research. Currently, I am in a position as an Assistant Professor. I worked for FIVDB, Save the Children in Bangladesh, OXFAM Bangladesh, and ActionAid Bangladesh before joining the faculty position. Designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems, overseeing program activities, liaison with partners and other agencies, documenting monitoring and evaluation results, and reporting to significant donors were my staple tasks. I have a vital contribution to designing and collecting good quality data (including real-time data), processing, analyzing, and reporting various research/monitoring reports. My research interest includes Political Economy, Development Studies, Gender Issue, Medical Anthropology.
MA Candidate in Anthropology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada (Started on 2023)
MSS in Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2015
BSS in Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2013
Research Interests
Political Economy
Development Studies
Gender Issue
Medical Anthropology
Previous Research Project
1. Field Research Associate, Baseline Survey in Government Primary Schools on Early Grade Reading Assessment 2015 Under Reading Enhancement for Advancing Development (READ), Save the Children in Bangladesh from May to June 2015
2. Field Research Associate, Baseline Survey in Government Primary Schools on Early Grade Reading Assessment 2015 Under Reading Enhancement for Advancing Development (READ), Save the Children in Bangladesh from October to November 2015
3. Co-investigator, “A Qualitative Investigation into the Governance Strategies around River/Canal Pollution and Restoration in Dhaka City, Bangladesh” Funded by Trans-boundary Rivers of South-Asia (TROSA), Center for Natural Resources Studies (CNRS) from September 2020 to May 2021
4. Co-investigator, “Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) among adolescent school girls: exploring the societal reality in contrast to expectation” Funded by SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021
5. Co-investigator, “Capturing the Adolescent Boys Sexual and Reproductive Health Status in Urban Slums: a qualitative exploration” Funded by SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology from 1 July 2021 to June 2022
6. Co-investigator, “Perceptions and Uses of Herbal Medicines marketed by Pharmaceuticals Manufactures between Drug Sellers and Customers: qualitative Study in Sylhet City of Bangladesh” Funded by SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology from 1 July 2022 to June 2023
External Affiliations
Cultural Secretary, Alumni Association of Anthropology, SUST (2019 to 08 June 2023)
Treasurer, Anthropology Society, SUST (02 March 2022 to 15 March 2023)
Journal Publications
1. Majumder, N. M., Khatun, A. & Kawser, N. (2020). Household Garbage Disposal Practices among the Urban Dwellers in Sylhet City: A Socio-cultural Perspective. Man and Culture. Vol. 5, No. 1, Pp. 43-53.
1. Mia, C., Arif, FB., Kawser, N., Paul, P., Rahman, JKI., Haque, A., Ahmed, TK., Zakaria, AFM. 2023. Maternal care. risks, and violence: Toward an analysis of health inequalities in Bangladesh. Will present the paper at ‘Transitions’- American Anthropological Association/The Canadian Anthropology Society (AAA/CASCA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, 15-20th November
2. Majumder, NM, and Kawser, N., 2020. “Social and Cultural Perspective on Household Garbage Disposal Practices among the Urban Dwellers in Sylhet City.” Presented the paper in the 6th National Seminar entitled “Inclusive Development and Challenges in Bangladesh” of the Institute of Social Research & Applied Anthropology (ISRAA), January 24, 2020
Book/ Book Chapter
Awards & Recognition
2010 - 2013, Merit Scholarship from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, for Honors result
2023-2024, SGS Scholarship, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Graduate Supervision
1. BSS Research Supervision: 06 (from session 2016-17)
2. BSS Research Supervision: 04 (from session 2017-18)
3. BSS Research Supervision: 04 (from session 2018-19)