Faculty Profile
Sanjay Krishno Biswas
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Sanjay Krishno Biswas is an academician and researcher with a post-graduation in Anthropology. He has been serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology and now pursuing his Ph.D. degree. His academic interests include Anthropological Theory, Research Methodology, Mobility and Migration, Ethnicity, Diaspora and Transnationality, and Ecology and Climate Change. Besides, He has experience in the implementation of different research activities with several national and international organizations like BRAC, MRDI, IOM, GIZ, Winrock International, Oxfam HK, etc. Mr. Biswas has numerous journal articles in Anthropologist; Journal of Science and Technology; South Asian Journal of Population and Health; Sociology and Anthropology. He has jointly contributed a book, Missing Links: Corporate Social Responsibility and Basic Education in Bangladesh, and co-authored a chapter in the book, International Migration and Development in South Asia (Routledge, London, and New York, 2015).
MSS in Anthropology from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
BSS (Honours) in Anthropology from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Anthropological Theory
Migration, Transnationality and Diaspora
Identity and Marginality
Cross-border Issues and Partition
Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
Active Research Project
1. 1) Working as a Co-Investigator with the project entitled 'Religious and other Cross-border Identity narratives in Peripheral Localities: A multi-sited socio-cultural analysis on ‘localism’ and ‘otherness’ in Bangladesh-India Border' (two years project), funded by SUST Research Centre, 2022-2024.
2) Working as a Principal Investigator with a research project titled 'The Livelihood Challenges and Political Economy of Fishing Industry in Coastal Area of Bangladesh' funded by SUST Research Centre, 2023-24.
2. 2) Working as a Principal Investigator with the project entitled 'The Livelihood Challenges and Political Economy of Fishing Industry in Coastal Area of Bangladesh' (one year project), funded by SUST Research Centre, 2023-2024.
Previous Research Project
1. Worked as a ‘University Coordinator’ of the project titled “Bangladesh Ethno-Linguistic Survey” implemented by International Mother Language Institute under Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, since May 2015.
2. Worked as a Co-investigator in the project titled “Assessing key indicators on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of survivors of human trafficking and abuse, and mapping provision of health services for the survivors in 6 upazilas of Jessore and Satkhira districts in Bangladesh”, funded by IOM Bangladesh Office.
3. Completed a research project as Principal Investigator, titled “Climate Change Adaptation and Drought Situation of Hakaluki Haor Area, Bangladesh”, implemented by Prochesta (a local NGO) and financed by Oxfam Hong Kong in 2015.
4. Completed a research project as a Principal Investigator titled “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related to Sexual and Reproductive Health and STIs Including HIV/AIDS among Adolescents Living in Urban Slum Areas in Sylhet City” funded by GIZ Sylhet Office, Bangladesh in 2013.
5. Performed as Research Supervisor in a research project titled “The Impact of Transnational Migration on Migrant’s Family of Mollapara and Majlishpur Village In Sylhet”, funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh in 2011.
6. Completed a Baseline Survey titled “Advocacy for Safe Migration and Abating Labor Trafficking in Bangladesh” Project, implemented by BRAC and financed by WINROCK International in 2011.
7. Worked as a Principal Researcher in a project titled “Situation of Doctor-Patient Relationship in Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital”, funded by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh in 2011.
8. Worked as Principal Investigator in the project titled ‘Digitalization and Union Information and Service Centre: Impacts on the Public Services in the Selected Upazilas of Sylhet Division’ funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh (Project No. 347/ID 03, 2015-16).
9. Worked as Co-investigator of a research project (2020-2021) titled “Covid-19 Outbreak and its Impact in Primary education: A comparative study between Urban and Rural setting in the context of Sylhet, Bangladesh” funded by SUST Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet.
External Affiliations
Ex-General Secretary, Alumni Association of Anthropology, SUST (2014-2016)
Adviser, Theatre SUST
Adviser, SUST Crafters
President, Alumni Association of Anthropology, SUST. (2023-2025)
1. External Examiner, BSS (Hons.) level. University of Dhaka, Dhaka; University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi; Jagannath University, Dhaka; Mawlana Bhasani University of Science and Technology, Tangail; and Jatiyo Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Mymenshing, Bangladesh.
Journal Publications
1. Moni Paul, Akash Saha and Sanjay Krishno Biswas (2024). Government Initiatives and Its Implications in Primary Education during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Space and Culture, India 2024, 12:2; 77-89
2. Roy, P., Chowdhury, J. S., Wahab, H., Saad, M. R., & Biswas, S. K. (2023). Quantitative Data in Ethnography with Asian Reflections. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning (pp. 2741-2761). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-9220-5.ch164.
3. Jhuma, Choudhury Farhana & Biswas Sanjay Krishno (2023), Women Empowerment Sustainability in Informal Economic Activities: The Role of Microcredit in the Sub-urban Areas in Sylhet, Bangladesh, The Jahangirnagar Review: Part II: Social Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 2023, ISSN : 1682-7422
4. Parimal Roy, Jahid Siraz, Haris Abd. Wahab, Mohd Rashid Bin Mohd Saad, Mokbol Ahmad, Biswas Sanjay Krishno (2022); A Philosophical Reflection of SDGs-4 and Our Education Policy: Transforming Lives from Gayatri Spivak’s Justified Self-Interest vs Common Interest in the New Normal; In Global Higher Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic Perspectives, Challenges, and New Opportunities; Washington, AAP
5. Sanjay Krishno Biswas and Choudhury Farhana Jhuma (2022); Changing Ecology of ‘Hakaluki Haor’ in Bangladesh: Environmental Implications and Social Resilience. In Ahamed, FU, Islam, S.M. & Nasrulla, AM., (eds.). Rethinking Development in South Asia: Issues, Perspectives and Practices (pp.). Cambridge, Cambridge Scholar Publishers.
6. Hoque, M. A., Rasiah, R., Furuoka, F., Kumar, S., Siddique, M. M., & Biswas, S. K. (2021). The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Readymade Garments Workers in Bangladesh: Living in Limbo. In H. Wahab, J. Chowdhury, S. Ah, & M. Mohd Saad (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Impact of COVID-19 on Marginalized Populations and Support for the Future (pp. 137-152). Pennsylvania, IGI Global.
7. Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2021). International Marriage Migration and Its Impact on the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 32. No. 2, p.98-118.
8. Biswas Sanjay Krishno & Islam Md. Safiqul (2020), Digitalization and Union digital Centres: Impact of Public Services in Select upazilas of Sylhet Division, In Alam A M, Fakhrul A & Begum Dilara, Knowledge Management, Governance and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries, London & New York, Routledge.
9. Jhuma, C.F. & Biswas, S. K. (2020). Exploring the Roles of Grassroots Organizations as Potential Agency: The Case of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS). Volume V, Issue IV, April 2021
10. Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2020). Challenges in Primary and Secondary Education in Bangladesh and Some Remarkable Events in 2019 (In Bengali). In Akhter Shaheen (Ed.). Human Rights Bangladesh – 2019. Dhaka, Ain O Salish Kendra.
11. Biswas Sanjay Krishno (2016), Rights to Education (In Bengali), In Khan Md. Nur & Akther Shaeen (eds), Human Rights Bangladesh-2015, Dhaka, Ain O Salish Kendra
12. Biswas Sanjay Krishno (2016), Manipuri Language as determinant of Ethnic/nationality: Anthropological Formulas; In Sheram AK, Manipuri language and Literature, Sylhet, Nagri
13. Nur Mohammad Majumder, Lye Tuk Po and Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2015); An Ethnographic Exploration of the Lyngam community in Bangladesh; Sociology and Anthropology 3(3): 179-185, 2015
14. Haque, Kazi Nurmohammad Hossainul and Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2015); British-Bangladeshi Immigrants and Local Political Landscape in Bangladesh; In Yong Tan Tai & Rahman Mizanur (eds.); International Migration and Development in South Asia; London; Routledge.
15. Majumder, N.M., L.T. Subramaniam J. and Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2014); A Full Moon Light and Mystic Lave Affair of Ras Lila in Sylhet: An Anthropological Study on the Manipuri Ethnic Community, Bangladesh; International Journal of Humanities and Social Science; Vol. 2, No. 7
16. Uddin, Md. Fakhar and Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2014); Endangered Life and Distressed Diversity: A Study from a Deforested Village of Bangladesh; Journal of Science and Technology; 4(1): 111-124, 2014.
17. Uddin, Md. Fakhar and Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2014); The Structural Changes in Livelihood Strategies of the Deforested Villagers: A Study of a Village in Northeastern Part of Bangladesh; South Asian Journal of Population and Health; 6 (1&2): 13-27, 2014
18. Biswas Sanjay Krishno (2014), Rights to Shelter (In Bengali), In Kamal Sultana, Khan Md. Nur & Akther Shaeen (eds), Human Rights Bangladesh - 2013, Dhaka, Ain O Salish Kendra
19. Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2013); Situation of Doctor-Patient Relationship in a Public Medical College Hospital in Bangladesh in “Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge in Development”, Dept. of Anthropology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
20. Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2013); Ethnic Markers in Making Contested Manipuri Identities in Northeast Bangladesh; Anthropologist; Vol. 1, No. 1; 2013
21. Ahmed Safayet and Biswas, Sanjay Krishno (2012), Malnichara Cha baganer Cha Sromikder Adibasi Porichiti Nirman: Ekti Nriboyghanik Onusondhan (Indigenous Identity Construction of Tea Labourer of Malnichara Tea Estate: An Anthropological Investigation), in Indigenous People and Environment of Sylhet, Convention Proceedings, BAPA-BEN-SUST Convention – 2012. (In Bengali)
22. Sultana Habiba, Bhuian Mohammad Nazmuzzaman, Rahman Md. Mustafizur, Biswas Sanjay Krishno (2007), Missing Links: Corporate Social Responsibility and Basic Education in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Ekushey Publication.
23. Biswas, Sanjay Krishno; Ethnic Formation of Different Manipuri Communities in Northeastern Region of Bangladesh; Man and Life; ISSRA; Rajshahi; Bangladesh
Book/ Book Chapter
Graduate and Undergraduate level at the Department of Anthropology, and other relevant departments.
Awards & Recognition
UGC PhD Fellowship Scheme - 2018
Graduate Supervision
1. Undergraduate & Graduate (Student: 50)