Faculty Profile
Zannat Ara Dilshad Shangi
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Born in Dhaka, Bangladesh and an Architect. Zannat Ara Dilshad Shangi completed her S.S.C. and H.S.C. under Dhaka board. She received her B.Arch. degree in 2016 from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet obtaining the first position in her class. Later she had worked as an architect at ‘SILT’. Currently, she is engaged in active teaching at the Department of Architecture in SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh portraying the role of assistant professor.
B. Arch (2016): Department of Architecture, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
HSC (2011): Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
SSC (2009): Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Sustainable Design and Construction
Smart and Adaptive Urban Environment
Health and Well-being in the Built Environment
Housing and Social Equity
Heritage and Cultural Conservation
Environmental Psychology
Active Research Project
1. Sylhet as a Sustainable City: An Environmental Approach to Low-Carbon Practice. Funded by SUST Research Center. Role: Principal Investigator.
Previous Research Project
1. Planning for the New Normal: Design Strategies for a Post-Pandemic (COVID-19) Emerging Lifestyle and Built Form. Funded by SUST Research Center. Role: Co-Investigator.
2. Planning for Green-Blue Infrastructure: An Assessment of Urban Landscape of Sylhet City. Funded by SUST Research Center. Role: Co-Investigator.
External Affiliations
Associate Member, Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB)
Member, Center for Research, Testing, and Consultancy (CRTC- Architecture, SUST)
Associate Member, ICOMOS Bangladesh
Journal Publications
1. Zannat Ara Dilshad Shangi, Mohammad Tanvir Hasan, Md. Imtiaz Ahmad (2020) Rethinking Urban Waterfront as a Potential Public Open Space: Interpretative Framework of Surma Waterfront. Architecture Research 2020, 10(3): 69-74; DOI:10.5923/j.arch.20201003.01
2. Zannat Ara Dilshad Shangi, Md. Imtiaz Ahmad, Sazdik Ahmed (2020) Adaptive Design of the Built Environment to Mitigate the Transmission Risk of COVID-19. American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 4, 146-153; DOI:10.12691/ajcea-8-4-3
1. Shangi, Z.A.D., Hasan, M.T., (2019) Rethinking Urban Waterfront as A Potential Public Open Space: A Case Study of Sylhet, Bangladesh, International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
2. Anik, M.N.H. & Shangi, Z.A.D., (2023) Rethinking Pedestrian Movement of the Kamalapur Railway Station in Dhaka, International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
3. Muhammad, M.B. & Shangi, Z.A.D., (2023) Thandachori Eco Resort: A Case Study to Maintain Cultural Landscape and Natural Environment with Tourism Economy, International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
Book/ Book Chapter
1. III Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano MAD de la Madera en la Construcción (CIMAD 24) : Libro de Actas de Resúmenes Extendidos
Landscape Design
Design Studio III
Design Studio V
Design Studio VIII
Architectural Graphics I
Architectural Graphics II
Computer Application
Interior Design Studio
Art & Architecture V: Contemporary Architecture
Awards & Recognition
Junior School Scholarship
University Merit Scholarship
Student delegate from Bangladesh, ARCASIA Student Jamboree 2016, Hong Kong
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship
Graduate Supervision
1. Supervised four students in B.Arch Thesis Projects
Social Media