Faculty Profile

Gourpada Dey

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Architecture, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801717362528
  • Email: gourpadadey-arc@sust.edu, ar.robindey@gmail.com


Gourpada Dey is a teacher and researcher in the Department of Architecture, Shahjalal
University of Science and Technology (SUST), a renowned public university in
Bangladesh. His research areas include ecology, landscape design, waterscape planning,
disaster resilience and sustainability, transportation and facility design, community
development and heritage conservation. He developed an early interest in ecological
studies and biodiversity conservation, works with local environmentalist organizations and
teaches ecology and landscape in the academy. As a professional architect, he was
involved in planning and designing large-scale projects, including university campus
design, bus terminal design, and community development. Currently, he is working on
waterscape development and urban design projects.


  • B. Arch – Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. (2010)
  • H.S.C : K.B. Intermediate College, Mymensingh. (2004)
  • S.S.C : Janata High School, Dharampasha, Sunamgonj. (2002)
  • B.Arch (Thesis: Final Project): Thesis title: Faculty of Creative Arts, JKKNIU, Mymensingh
  • Internship/ Professional training ENVISION architects. Ar.Qazi M. Arif,CEO Lalmatia,Dhaka.(2009)
  • Professional Experience SYSTEM ARCHITECTS Ar.Enamul Karim Nirjhar,CEO Banani,Dhaka. (Nov’2011-Jul’2012)

Research Interests

  • Disaster Resilience and Planning
  • Sustainable Architecture and Landscape design
  • Environment and Ecology
  • History and Conservation

Active Research Project

  • 1. - Infrastructure and functional effectiveness evaluation for Bangladesh bus transportation [with Ziaur Rahman Ovi]
  • 2. - Documentation and conservation of Bithangal Akhra Complex, Habigonj [with Ayon Deb]

Previous Research Project

  • 1. - Assessing the Publicness of urban open spaces in developing country: a GIS-based study on Sylhet city, Bangladesh (2022-23) [with Subrata Das] - Regenerating urban water-front as water-sensitive landscape: Planning and design framework for integrating Green-blue infrastructure in Sylhet city (2020-21) [with Hossain Mohammad Nahyan] - Campus Morphology and Landscape Ecology: A Case Study for future physical development of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (2018-19) [with Md. Tanvir Hasan]

External Affiliations

  • Coordinator, CRTC-Architecture, SUST (2020-ongoing)
  • Associate member, IAB
  • Founder member and cartoonist, CARTOON FACTORY, SUST, SYLHET.
  • Former executive member, SHIKORH cultural organization, SUST, SYLHET.
  • Member ,founder committee, MOVIYANA FILM SOCIETY, SYLHET.
  • Advisor and consultant, ZRS Architects

Journal Publications

  • 1. Inviting Nature into Academic Learning: Exploring the Possibility to Activate the Introvert Courts inside the University Buildings
  • 2. Integrating Landscape Ecology in Campus Planning: Recommendation for the future Physical development of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
  • 3. Documentation and Architectural Interpretation of the Panishail Temple Complex, Maulvibazar, Bangladesh


  • 1. Reprocessing leftover spaces into campus asset: a proposal towards functional regeneration of the building courtyards of SUST.

Book/ Book Chapter


  • 2013- Ongoing

Awards & Recognition

  • Best paper award, ICERIE 2017, SUST
  • Scholarship holder for excellence on 4/2 level of Graduation from SUST, Sylhet.
  • Scholarship holder on primary school level.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. -18 Undergraduate thesis work (5th year /2nd semester :Thesis design studio) -17 Design studio in different academic year