Faculty Profile

Dr. Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous Chowdhury


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801912702643
  • Email: ashraf-ban@sust.edu, ashraful_ferdous@yahoo.com


Dr. Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous Chowdhury is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh. He was the Research Fellow at the IRC for Finance & Digital Economy at KFUPM Business School (AACSB accredited), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia. He holds Ph.D and MSc. degree in Islamic Finance from INCEIF University (AACSB accredited), Malaysia. He is also the Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Int. J. of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management.


  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow (KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
  • PhD (INCEIF, Malaysia)
  • MSc in Islamic Finance (INCEIF, Malaysia)
  • MBA in Finance & Banking (SUST)
  • BBA in Finance (SUST)

Research Interests

  • Sustainable investment
  • Corporate Finance
  • Capital Market
  • Banking
  • Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Investment

Active Research Project

  • 1. Determinants of capital market development of Bangladesh: Does financial literacy matter? funded by SUST research Grant 2020-2021 (Main Investigator)
  • 2. Sustainable Halal Tourism composite index using machine learning and sentiment technique funded by FRGS, Malaysian Ministry of Education (co-investigator).

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Performed as an active Mamber of Self Assessment Project ofHigher Education Quality Enhancement Project funded by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh withthe assistance of the World Bank ( Reference number: CP-2519)
  • 2. Conducted a research work titled “Social Accounting Reporting practice in South Asia” funded by University Grants Commissions (UGC), Bangladesh amounted to BDT 92 thousand.
  • 3. Conducted a research work as a Prime Investigator titled “The Effect of Conventional Bank’s Interest Rate and Islamic Bank’s Profit Rate on Investment Opportunity Utilization of Islamic Banks” funded by University Grants Commissions of Bangladesh.
  • 4. “Bank Competition and Financial stability” funded by SUST research Grant 2019-2020 ( completed)
  • 5. “Foreign aid, institutional quality and foreign direct investment: A study on OIC countries” UM –INCEIF Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Malaysia, May, 2017- May 2018, RM 47,370 (Research Assistant) (with Prof. Datuk Dr. Ariff and Datin Dr Izlin Ismail and Professor Dr. Mansur Masih).
  • 6. Worked as a Research Assistant under the project of “Sustainable Benefits scheme for the hardcore poor using Zakat, Waqf and Infaq.” with Prof. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Alhabshi, the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) of INCEIF and Dr. Shaikh Hamzah, INCEIF, Malaysia.(completed)

External Affiliations

  • Editorial Advisory Board Member: I J of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Emerald (SCOPUS & SSCI indexed)

Journal Publications

  • 1. The threshold effect of institutional quality on sovereign debt and economic stability at Journal of Policy Modeling (Q1, Elsevier)
  • 2. Explainable Deep Learning Model for Stock Price Forecasting Using Textual Analysis at Expert Systems with Applications (Q1, Elsevier)
  • 3. Constructing sustainable halal tourism composite performance index for the global halal tourism industry at Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (Q1, Taylor & Francis)
  • 4. Analyzing public sentiment toward economic stimulus using natural language processing at Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (Emerald)
  • 5. Nonlinear and threshold effect of corporate social responsibility on bank performance at Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment (Q1,Taylor & Francis)
  • 6. NFTs, DeFi, and other assets efficiency and volatility dynamics: An asymmetric multifractality analysis at International Review of Financial Analysis (Q1, Elsevier)
  • 7. Heterogeneous impact of Covid-19 on the US banking sector at The North American Journal of Economics & Finance (Elsevier)
  • 8. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating prediction using machine learning approaches at Annals of Operations Research (Springer)
  • 9. Forecasting nonperforming loans using machine learning at J of Forecasting (Wiley)
  • 10. Asymmetric efficiency and connectedness among green stocks, halal tourism stocks, cryptocurrencies, and commodities: Portfolio hedging implications at Resource Policy (Elsevier)
  • 11. Nexus between institutional quality and corporate sustainable performance: European evidence at J of Cleaner Production (Q1, Elsevier)
  • 12. Volatility spillover and connectedness among REITs, NFTs, cryptocurrencies and other assets: Portfolio implications at Investment Analysts Journal (Taylor & Francis, Scopus)
  • 13. COVID-19 government interventions and cryptocurrency market: Is there any optimum portfolio diversification? at Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (Q1, Elsevier)
  • 14. The asymmetric effect of COVID-19 government interventions on global stock markets: New evidence from QARDL and threshold regression approaches at Investments Analysts Journal (Taylor & Francis)
  • 15. Role of solar energy in reducing ecological footprints: An empirical analysis" at Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier; ABDC-A; ABS-2*, IF: 9.297)
  • 16. "How world uncertainties and global pandemics destabilized food, energy and stock markets? Fresh evidence from quantile on quantile regressions" at International Review of Financial Analysis ( Elsevier, ABDC-A, ABS-3*, IF: 5.373)
  • 17. Asymmetric Effect of Energy Price on Commodity Price: New Evidence from NARDL and Time Frequency Wavelet Approaches at ENERGY (Elsevier, Q1, IF: 7.147)
  • 18. Stock market reactions of maritime shipping industry in the time of COVID-19 pandemic crisis: an empirical investigation at Maritime Policy and Management (Taylor and Francis, Q1, ABS 2, IF: 3.778)
  • 19. How do banks’ capital regulation and risk-taking respond to COVID-19? Empirical insights of ownership structure at International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (Emerald, IF: 2.27)
  • 20. Shadow banking: a bibliometric and content analysis at Financial Innovation Journal (Springer Open, Q1, IF: 3.985)
  • 21. Middle-income customers and their perception of Islamic banking in Sylhet: one of Bangladesh’s most pious cities" at International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (Emerald; IF:2.27)
  • 22. Revisiting the impact of institutional quality on post-GFC bank risk-taking: Evidence from emerging countries" at Emerging Markets Review (Elsevier; ABDC-A; ABS-2*, IF:4.073)
  • 23. "The role of financial development on economic growth in the emerging market countries of the sub-Saharan African (SSA) region" at International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald; IF: 2.488)
  • 24. "Does foreign aid help or hinder the institutional quality of the recipient country? new evidence from the oic countries" at Singapore Economic Review(World Scientific; IF: 1.18)
  • 25. Infrastructure-FDI nexus in Nigeria: insights from nonlinear threshold regression model at Afro-Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting (Inderscience, Scopus)
  • 26. "Size, correlations, and diversification: New evidence from an application of wavelet approach to the emerging Islamic mutual fund industry" at Borsa Istanbul Review (Elsevier; IF: 3.348)
  • 27. Cross-country evidence of Islamic portfolio diversification: are there opportunities in Saudi Arabia? at Managerial Finance (Emerald)
  • 28. "Asymmetric impact of oil prices, exchange rate, and inflation on tourism demand in Pakistan: new evidence from nonlinear ARDL" at Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (Taylor & Francis; ABDC-A; IF: 3.677)
  • 29. Who drives whom-sukuk or bond? A new evidence from granger causality and wavelet approach at Review of Financial Economics(Wiley)
  • 30. Does Poverty Lead to Crime? Evidence from the United States of America at International Journal of Social Economics(Emerald)
  • 31. Nexus between risk sharing vs non-risk sharing financing and economic growth of Bangladesh: ARDL bound testing and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) approach at Managerial Finance (Emerald)
  • 32. "Resiliency between Islamic and conventional banks in Bangladesh: Dynamic GMM and quantile regression approaches" at International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (Emerald; IF: 2.27)
  • 33. "Re-Examining the Determinants of Islamic Bank Performance: New Evidence from Dynamic GMM, Quantile Regression, and Wavelet Coherence Approaches" at Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (Taylor & Francis; ABS-2*, IF: 2.02)


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Finance and Accounting Courses in graduate and post graduate level

Awards & Recognition

  • Received Best paper award on 13th Asian Business Conference 2015 in Dhaka.
  • Received Best paper award on 1st Independent Global Conference on business and Economics 2016 at Independent University Dhaka
  • Awarded Malaysian International Scholarship (MIS) for the year 2014-2015.
  • Regular Merit Scholarship from Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet,
  • Merit Scholarship from UGC, The highest body of university regulations, Bangladesh
  • Ranked 1st in both BBA and MBA program with distinction.

Graduate Supervision

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