Faculty Profile
Dr. Syed Mohammad Khaled Rahman
Contact Information
Dr. Syed Mohammad Khaled Rahman is professor of Finance & Banking in the department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He has completed his under-graduation in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA major in International Business) and graduation in Master of Business Administration (MBA major in Finance & Banking) degree from the same university and obtained distinction marks in both the programs. He was awarded with Chancellor’s gold medal and Vice- Chancellor’s medal for his outstanding result in MBA and BBA programs respectively. He has obtained his doctoral in Business Administration from the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. His research articles were published in different national and international peer-reviewed reputed journals. He presented research papers in different national and international conferences as well.
Ph.D (IBS, University of Rajshahi) M.B.A. (Finance & Banking, SUST) B.B.A. (International Business, SUST)
Research Interests
Leverage & capital structure, firm efficiency, corporate finance, Islamic finance & banking, Investment management, Financial disclosure
Previous Research Project
1. Nexus among Bank Competition, Efficiency, and Financial Stability:
A Comprehensive Study in Bangladesh.Project period: Year 2019-20
2. An Investigation on Profitability and Efficiency of Leasing Companies-A Study on Selected Firms through Data Envelopment Analysis Project period: Year 2018-19
3. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Practices in Bangladesh. Project period: Year 2016-17
4. Effect of Interest Rate on Islamic Bank’s Profit Rate and Investment. Project period: Year 2012-13
5. Real Estate Financing in Sylhet: Problems and Prospects. Project period: Year 2011-12
6. Role of Remittance in Reduction of Poverty in Bangladesh. Project period: Year 2010-11
7. Determinants of Capital Market development in Bangladesh: Does financial literacy matters? Project period: Year 2020-21
8. Level of Shariah Compliance and Effect of Shariah Supervisory Board’s Attributes on Financial Performance: A Study on Islamic Banks of Bangladesh. Project period: Year 2021-22
Journal Publications
1. Determinants of efficiency of non-bank financial institutions: an empirical evidence from Bangladesh
2. Effect of International Trade, Foreign Investment, Remittances, and exchange rate on Economic Growth of Bangladesh
3. Economic & Social Impact of Microfinance: An Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh.
4. Manufacturing Firms’ Capital Structure in Bangladesh: Comparison between Listed MNCs and Local Companies
5. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Practices in Bangladesh: A study on selected listed manufacturing companies of Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd.
6. Nexus among Bank Competition, Efficiency and Financial Stability: A Comprehensive Study in Bangladesh
7. Impacts of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A Comparative Study on Cement and Tannery Industry of Bangladesh
8. Testing The Validity of Arbitrage Pricing Theory: A Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange Bangladesh
9. Effect of Liquidity, Profitability and Financial Leverage on Dividend Policy: Comparison between Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Firms in Bangladesh.
10. An Evaluation of Leasing Companies' Efficiency through Data Envelopment Analysis: A Study on Selected Firms of Bangladesh
11. Effect of Capital Structure on Firm’s Cost of Capital: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies in Bangladesh
12. An Analysis to Evaluate Efficiency of Leasing Companies in Bangladesh through Data Envelopment Analysis: Constant Return to Scale Approach.
13. Degree of Indebtedness and Short Term Solvency-A Study on Manufacturing Companies of Bangladesh.
14. Impact of Financial Leverage on Debt Servicing Capability of Firms: A Comparative Study between MNCs and Domestic Companies in Bangladesh.
15. Present Scenario of Agent Banking in Bangladesh.
16. Evaluation of Relationship between Lease and Debt: A Study on 50 Domestic Firms of Bangladesh
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18. An Investigation into the Relationship between Degree of Financial Leverage and Financial Risk of Firms: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies of Bangladesh.
19. Impact of Firm’s Financial Leverage on Earnings and Price: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies of Bangladesh.
20. Effect of Financial Leverage on Firm’s Market Value Creation in Bangladesh: A Comparison between MNCs and Domestic Firms.
21. Impact of Financial Leverage on Firm’s Sustainable Growth Rate: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies of Bangladesh.
22. Impact of Firm’s Financial Structure on Investors’ Return: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies of Bangladesh.
23. Impact of Financial Leverage on Firm’s Profitability: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies of Bangladesh.
24. Impact of Debt Financing on Financial Leverage Risk of Firms: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies of Bangladesh.
25. Impact of Financial Leverage on Firm’s Value: A Comparative Study between Listed MNCs and Domestic Companies of Bangladesh.
26. Impact of Financial Leverage on Cash Flow Ratio: A Comparative Study Between MNCs and Domestic Companies Listed on DSE
27. Expectancy Disconfirmation of Customers towards the Services Rendered by Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Banks.
28. Real Estate Financing in Bangladesh: A Study on Sylhet Metropolitan City.
29. Usage Pattern of Foreign Remittance in Alleviating Poverty in Bangladesh: A Study on Sylhet Region.
30. An Investigation on the Problems & Challenges of Operating Lease in Bangladesh.
31. The Effect of Conventional Bank’s Interest Rate and Islamic Bank’s Profit Rate on Investment & Return: An Empirical Investigation in Bangladesh.
32. Salt Industry in Bangladesh: A Study in the Cox’s Bazar.
33. Overview of Service Marketing Strategy of the Insurance companies, Mutual Fund companies and Investment companies: Problems & Prospects.
34. Small and Medium Enterprise Business in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges.
35. An Investigation on the Problems and Prospects of Lease Financing in Bangladesh
Book/ Book Chapter
Business Mathematics, Principles of Finance, Cost & Managerial Accounting, Corporate Finance, Bank Fund Management, Islamic Finance & Banking, International Financial Management, Managerial Finance, Financial Management, Business Research Methodology,Project Management, Working Capital Management,Portfolio Management,Public Finance
Awards & Recognition
Chancellor's Gold Medal (For being first in University in masters program during 2002-03 academic session) in 3rd convocation of SUST (held in 2020)
Vice-Chancellor's award (For being first in MBA program in School of Management & Business Administration) in 3rd convocation of SUST (held in 2020)
Vice-Chancellor's Medal (For being first in BBA program in School of Management & Business Administration) in 2nd convocation of SUST (held in 2007)
Book prize (For being first in BBA program in Department of Business Administration) in 2nd convocation of SUST (held in 2007)