Faculty Profile

Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Hoque


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801972638938
  • Email: shahidul-ban@sust.edu


Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Hoque is a professor at the Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. His research is situated in the field of Accounting and Information Systems, with a special focus on Corporate Governance & Earnings Management. He was born in Rajbari District of Dhaka Division in the year 1976. He Passed SSC in 1993 and HSC in 1995 under the Dhaka Education Board. He received his Bachelor in Accounting and MBA also in Accounting under the Department of Accounting and Information Systems from University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He received his Ph.D in Corporate Governance & Earnings Management under the Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS) from University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Dr. Hoque joined as a Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration of SUST in 2004. Now he is serving as a Professor of the Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh. He has over 16 years of teaching experience in higher education. Dr. Hoque has gained very good knowledge in Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Business Statistics, and Business Mathematics etc. He has published many research papers in reputed National and International Journals and also presented papers in different Conferences.


  • PhD (2015 ) in Corporate Governance and Earnings Management
  • MBA (2000) in Accounting
  • BBS (Hon’s) (1998) in Accounting

Research Interests

  • Behavioral Research in Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance
  • Earnings Management and Management Accounting
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Auditing and Assurance
  • Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • Banking and Insurance

Active Research Project

  • 1. Hoque, M.S. (2022-23); Impacts of COVID - 19 on Socio-Economic Changes and overcoming the challenges of SDGs on the Economy, Education, and Employment through Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. (Funded by UGC through SUST Research Centre)

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Rahman, M.Z. and Hoque, M.S. (2021) An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Covid -19 Pandemic on Foreign Remittance Beneficiaries: A study on Sylhet Region (Funded by UGC through SUST Research Centre). Status: completed.
  • 2. Rahaman, M.M. and Hoque, M.S. (2019), “An Investigation into Attitudes towards Small Enterprises (SME) Financing of Technopreneurs in Bangladesh” funded by UGC through SUST Research Center. Status: completed
  • 3. Rahaman, M.M. and Hoque, M.S. (2018), “Impact of friendly environment management on sustainable development and organizational success: A study on SMEs sector in Bangladesh”, funded by UGC through SUST Research Center. (Project of 2018; Status: Completed)
  • 4. Islam, M.M. and Hoque, M.S. (2017 ), "Why Firms' should use Green Supply Chain Management?" Funded by UGC through SUST Research Center. (Project of 2018; Status: Completed)
  • 5. Rahaman, M.M. and Hoque, M.S. (2016), “Impact of green banking implementation on sustainability, profitability and customer satisfaction: an empirical study”, funded by UGC through SUST Research Center. (Project of 2016; Status: Completed)
  • 6. Rahaman, M.M. and Hoque, M.S. (2015), “The impact of Labour-management relations on organizational performance: a study on tea industry in Bangladesh”, (Project of 2015; Status: Completed)

External Affiliations

  • Examiner - Rajshahi University, Rajshahi
  • Examiner - Chittagong University, Chattogram
  • Examiner - Jatiyo Kobi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Mymensingh
  • Member – IBS Alumni Association, Rajshahi University.
  • Member - RU Accounting Alumni Association
  • Examiner - Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur
  • Examiner - Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
  • Examiner - Cumilla University
  • Examiner - Patuakhali Science and Technology University
  • Examiner – National University, Gazipur

Journal Publications

  • 1. Faisal, FEM, Hoque, Mohammad Shahidul, and Islam, F “Opportunities and Challenges of SME Loan of Mercantile Bank Limited in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh.” Journal of Sustainable Learning and Development, Bangladesh Center for Research and Planning (BCRP), ISSN: 2791-0881, Volume 03, No. 1 & 2, 2023 (Peer-reviewed), pp: 60-68.
  • 2. Hoque, M, S., Anjum N. and Rahaman, M, S. (2022), Impact of Work environment and Workplace Flexibility on Academicians’ Well-being, Journal of Law and Human Rights, Vol. 2, No. 1. ISSN 1998-4278.
  • 3. Hoque, M. S. & Roy, D. (2021). Present status of anti-consumer rights practices in Bangladesh: a view of young customers. Journal of Law and Human Rights. 1(1), 11-19.
  • 4. Rahaman, M.M., Hoque M.S. and Tanim, G.M.S. (2020). “Technopreneurs’ Perceptions towards Barriers on Technology-Based Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh”, Journal of Business, Society, and Science, Vol. 8, Number 1 (Leading University Journal).
  • 5. Roy, Debashish and Hoque, Mohammad Shahidul,. "Scenario of Consumers' Trust in Online Shopping: Bangladesh Perspective" The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Special Issue, 2020, ISSN: 2230-4843, pp. 97-122.Journal of
  • 6. Haque, Md. Alaul., Atiq, Sobhana Tanzima and Hoque, Mohammad Shahidul. (2019), “Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Capital Structure Decision of Textile Companies in Bangladesh,” Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN 2222-1700, Vol.10, No.20, 2019
  • 7. Rahman, Mohammad Mizenur, Mohammad Shahidul Hoque and Mrinmay Roy, “Green Financing and Its Impact on Profitability of the Banks: An Empirical Study on Banking Sector of Bangladesh, Metropolitan University Journal, Volume 6, No. 1, (2018).
  • 8. Hoque, Mohammad Shahidul and Debashish Roy, “Role of TV Advertisement on Consumer Buying Decision: A Study on Sylhet Region”, Metropolitan University Journal, Volume 6, No. 1, (2018).
  • 9. Rana, Md. Masud, Mohammad Shahidul Hoque and Iehit Sharma, “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: A Study on listed Banks of Bangldesh”, Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, Volume 03 Issue 07, ISSN: 2395-0463, (June 2017).
  • 10. Rana, Md. Masud, Mohammad Shahidul Hoque and Manoj Roy, “Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Bangladesh: A Study on Commercial Banks”, Journal of Business, Society and Science, Vol-5, ISSN: 2072-5701, (December, 2017).
  • 11. Hoque, Mohammad Shahidul, Debashish Roy and Jannatul Ferdous, “ Bangladeshi Consumers’ Attitude toward Foreign Products – A Study on Consumers of Electronic Products in Sylhet”, Journal of Business, Society and Science, Vol – 4, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh, ISSN: 2072-5701, (2016).
  • 12. Rahman, Mohammad Mizenur, Mohammad Shahidul Hoque and Shamim Al Aziz Lalin, “Factors Affecting Students’ Dropout from Public Universities in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study”, Global Journal of Business Management and Social Science, Vol. 02, No. 02, ISSN: 2518-0673, (July-December’ 2016).
  • 13. Hoque, Mohammad Shahidul, Md. Zillur Rahman and Muhammad Fazlur Rabb, "Profitability Analysis of Indiscriminate Shopping Mall Buildings: A Study on Sylhet City," Metropolitan University Journal, Vol. 04, No. 01. ISSN 1995-5545
  • 14. M. N. ISLAM, M. B. SHEKH and M. S. HOQUE, “REAL ESTATE AND HOUSING BUSINESS IN SYLHET: PROBLEM AND PROSPECT”, published in J. Socio. Res. Dev., Volume 7, Issue 2. JSERD: ISSN 1813-0348. April 2010, pp. 797-803. website: www.gurpukur.com or www.gscience.ne
  • 15. Mohammad Shahidul Hoque, Md. Zillur Rahman and Md. Tanzilur Rahman, "The role of (Liquefied Petroleum) LP Gas in the changing pattern of living style in Bangladesh," published in Bangladesh Islami University Journal, Vol. 02. Issue 02. ISSN 1995-4182, Jul


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Principles of Accounting
  • Intermediate Accounting
  • Advanced Cost Accounting
  • Advanced Management Accounting
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Auditing and Assurance
  • Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • Banking and Insurance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Accounting for Strategic Decisions
  • Developments in Accounting
  • Advanced Financial Accounting
  • Taxation in Bangladesh

Awards & Recognition

  • Agrani Bank Gold Medal and Shaheed Shamsuzzoha Hall Gold Medal for obtaining 1st Position in the Business Studies Faculty, Rajshahi University (2003).

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. No. of PhD Student: 02
  • 2. No. of MPhil Student: 06