Faculty Profile
Dr. Md. Jahir Bin Alam
Contact Information
Md. Jahir Bin Alam is working as a Professor in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department at the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. He completed his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India on Environmental Engineering. He obtained his B.Sc in Engineering and MSc in Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka. Sylhet, Bangladesh under the Department of Civil Engineering. He has published four book chapters, 50 international journal papers, 21 national journal papers and 13 international proceedings.
PhD (2002), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
MSc (1996), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
BSc (1993), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Environmental System Analysis
Risk Assessment
GIS and Remote Sensing
Air Pollution
Environmental Pollution Control
Waste Water Management
Wetland Management
Environmental Modeling
Soil Mechanics
Transportation Modeling
Coastal Sedimentation Modelling..
Active Research Project
1. Coastal Sedimentation, Storm water management modelling and Water treatment plant design and planning
Previous Research Project
1. Work with Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) as a Team Leader for Development of Arsenic Removal House Hold Filter from Dec 2001 to October 2002
2. Work with Holcim Cement Ltd., Bangladesh as a Team Leader for finding out the quality of Black Cement Product of Holcim Cement from June 2001 December 2001
3. Work with World Health Organization as a Team Leader for Base Line Study of HobiganjPourashava from March 2002 to June 2003
4. Work with ITN as a member for Study and Development of Sanitation Condition of Sylhet City from 2005 to 2006
5. Work with Prof. J. R. Chowdhuary and Dr. M. Ansary for Earthquake Assessment Project
6. Work on Building Sustainable for the Rural and Urban Poor in Bangladesh with Loughborough University, UK with Dr. M. Rahman, BUET and Dr. M. J. B. Alam, BUET.
7. Work on removal of NOx from air by bio-filter under University Grand Commission as Director
8. Work on removal of zinc and Chromium from soil by electro-kinematics method under University Grand Commission as Co-director
9. Project Minor Irrigation Development Project as member
10. Project of base line data collection of roads and cannals in North-Western part of Bangladesh from 2005 tp 2006
11. Work with ShahjalalJameaDeeniaMadrash Complex, Jagannathpur, Sylhet for their urban plan and design as Team Leader from January 2008 to August 2008
12. Selected for training in Linkage Project “Appropriate Technology for Waste Water Treatment” between Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) and Staffordshire University of UK financed by ODA (UK) from November 1996 to December 1997.
13. Project co-ordinator of the work “Seismic hazard and vulnerability mapping in three cities in Bangladesh under CDMP (especially Sylhet city)” with Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Thailand and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand funded by EU (2008-2009)
14. Local Coordinator of project “Creating regional centers of excellence in disaster engineering education in Sylhet and Chittagong”, With University of Kessel, Germany under DAAD-Germany (from 2008 to 2011
15. Member of project on study of Surma river quality, treatment and its modeling under Professor A. Islam, Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science, SUST, Sylhet from 2008 to 2010.
16. Environmental Impact assessment of Gazaria Bridge Project”, Govt of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Communication, Roads and Highway’s Department--- prepared by Engineering Planning Consultancy Team, Sylhet
17. Environmental Impact assessment of BARKUTTULAH POWER PLANT LTD (50MW) FENCHUGANJ, SYLHET”, Govt of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Power and Mineral Resources--- prepared by Naksa Consultancy and Construction Ltd., Sylhet
18. Environmental Impact assessment of Funchuganj-Banibazar Bypass Road”, Govt of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Communication, Roads and Highway’s Department--- prepared by Naksa Consultancy and Construction Ltd., Sylhet
19. Environmental Impact assessment of Royal City Housing Ltd, Sylhet as a team leader
20. Environmental Impact assessment of Burranuddin Housing Ltd., as a team leader
External Affiliations
Assistant Provost of Shahparan Hall from 1996 to 1998.
Co-ordinator of CRTC from 2003 to 2004.
Co-ordinator of International Training Network (ITN) from 2003 to 2004.
Member of Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) for Pandal committee-2007
Co-ordinator of BEEN, Local corresponding of BNUS
Convener of establishing MOU with DhakaUniversity for establishing earthquake instrument
Member of pandal committee-2007
Expert of Department of Forestry and Environmental Science selected by Academic council
Conducting the examinations of undergraduate students as the Chairman of Examination Committee, Chief Invigilator and Invigilator of CEE Department etc.
Active participation in conducting admission tests for undergraduate courses of SUST as the Member of the Admission Committee and Coordinator of Examination Hall;
Journal Publications
1. Sh. Ahmed?, M. Tul Urmi, M. Rafiqul Islam, Md. Jahir Bin Alam and Gulam Md. Munna” Earthquake vulnerability assessments of roads at Sylhet city in Bangladesh”, Asian J. of Civil Engineering 16(6), 2015
2. Osmani, S. A. and Alam,M. J. B. “Seismic analysis of Siri Dam using pseudo-statistic approach”, International J. of Science and research (IJSR), 4(11), 2015
3. Nury, A. H.; Koch, M. and Alam, M. J. B. “ Analysis and prediction of time series variations of rainfall in North-Eastern Bangladesh”, British J. of Applied Science and Technology, 4(11), 2014, pp 1644-1656
4. Misbah U. and Alam, M. J. B “Two dimensional Hydrodynamic modeling of Northern Bay of Bengal Coastal Waters”, Computational Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering, 3, 2014
5. Misbah and Alam, M. J. B “Two dimensional Hydrodynamic modeling of Northern Bay of Bengal Coastal Waters”, Computational Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering, 3, 2014
6. J. B. Alam et al “Energy demand and economic consequencs of transport policy”, Intern. J. Environ. Sci. Tech. 2013.
7. Ahmed, M. Y.; Alam, M. J. B. et al “Evaluation of geotechnical properties and structural strength enhancing road pavement failure along Sylhet-Sunamganj Highway, Bangladesh”, J. of Soil Science and Environmental Management 3(5), 2012.
8. M. J. Alam et al “ Simulation of NOx concentration of Dhaka City by regional air model”, J. of Environmental Science and Natural Resources 2(2), 2009
9. T. Ahmed and M. J. B. Ala oadsm “ Poverty and Environmental Sustaiability: the case of Hill cutting in Sylhet”, J. of Environmental Science and Natural Resources 2(2), 2009.M. M. Y. Ahmed and M. J. B. Alam et al “ A study on visual assessment of Sylhet-S
10. Md. Jahir Bin Alam, Rezaul Kabir Chowdhury*, I. Reza” Adsorption dynamics of cobalt [co (ii)] on rubber granules” International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 3(4), 2009(accepted) (ISSN 1478-9876).
11. J. B. Alam et al “ Removal of Herbicide 2,4-D by different method”, South Asian J. of Agriculture 3(1-2),2008
12. J. B. Alam et al “Study on Land use pattern change and its causes“International Journal of Environmental Research 2(2), 2008(ISSN 1735-6865).
13. J. B. Alam et al “Behavior of critical infrastructures (school and hospital buildings) due to a probable earthquake in Sylhet City”, Stamford Journal of Civil Engineering 1(1), 2008 (ISSN 1997-0714).
14. J. B. Alam et al “Evaluation of National Highway by Geographical Information System”, Int. J. Environmental Res. 2(4), Atutum, 2008( ISSN 1735-6865).
15. J. B. Alam et al “Regression Analysis of Ground Water Quality Data of Sunamganj District, Bangladesh”, International Journal of Environmental Research 2(3), 2008 (ISSN 1735-6865). J. B. ALAM et al “Application of pollution prevention program in Banglade
16. Md. J. B. Alam et al “Fly-ash admixture in manufacturing of cement---a case study”, Malaysian Journal of Science 27(1), 2008(ISSN 1394-3065).
17. J. B. Alam et al “Study of Morphological change of river Kushiyara and Monu by remote sensing”, International Journal of Sediment Research 22(2), 2007 (ISSN--1001-6279 ).
18. Md. J. B. Alam “Life Cycle assessment of jute stck”, Journal of University of Metropolitan, 1(1), 2007 (ISSN-1995-5545).
19. J. B. Alam” Removal of 2,4-D from water environment”, Journal of Environmental Science (Dhaka), 5, June, 2007 (ISSN- 1813-9566).
20. J. B. Alam et al “Sustainable approach of solid waste management of small urban area: case for Habiganj Municipality in Bangladesh”, Iran J. of Environmental Health 4(3), 2007. (ISSN-1735-1979).
21. J. B. Alam et al “Study on thickness of two-way slab by Artificial neural network”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), 8(5), 2007 (ISSN 1563-0854).
22. J. B. Alam et al “Short duration rainfall estimation of Sylhet: IMD and USWB method”, Journal of Indian Water Works Association, October-December, 2007, XXXIX (4), 2007 ISBN 0970-275X).
23. J. B. Alam et al. “Water Quality along the rivers”, International Journal Science and Technology, 4(1), 2007 (ISSN 1735-1472).
24. J. B. Alam et al. “Kinetic study of sorption of 2, 4-D and atrazine by rubber granules”, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 28 (4), 2007, 511-517 (ISSN 0193-2691).
25. Alam, J.B. et al.” Deterioration of water quality of Surma River”, Environ. Moni. Assessment, 2007 (ISSN 1573-2959).
26. J. B. Alam et al “Multiple regression analysis of traffic noise level of urban city for prediction of environmental degradation”, Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria Geografie, TomXVI, 2006.
27. Md.J .B. Alam et al**”Assessment of vulnerability of critical infrastructures due to earthquake in Sylhet city and management” Proc. Pakistan Acad. Science 44(3), 2006 (ISSN 0377-2969).
28. Alam, R.; Alam, J. B. et al. ”Study of water quality of Sylhet city and its restaurants: Health associated risk assessment”, Iran. J. of Environ. Health Sci. Eng. 3(1), 2006, 9-18(ISSN-1735-1979).
29. Alam, J.B. et al.”Study on traffic noise level of Sylhet by Multiple Regression Analysis Associated with health hazards”, Iran. J. of Environ. Health Sci. Eng. 3(2), 2006, 71-78 (ISSN-1735-1979).
30. Md. J. B. Alam; S. K. Khan, G. M. Munna, Dr. J. B. Alam and M. H. Rahman “Unplanned urbanization: Application of environmental degradation indexes as an indicator” International Journal Science and Technology, 3(2), 2006 (ISSN-1735-1472).
31. M. J. B. Alam and G. M. R. Islam “NOX removal from air by nitrosomonas Europaea”, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Science 43(4), 2006 (ISSN 0377-2969)
32. A. J. F. Samed and J. B. Alam et al “Removal of Co(II) by micro-fungi”, Journal of Bangladesh Environmental Science, 12(2), 2006 (ISSN 1561-9206).
33. M.J.B. Alam, Dikshit, A. K.; Baneerjee, M., Reza, I; Rahman, A. M. “Study of sorption of 2,4-D on outer peristaltic part of waste tyre granules”, J. of Dispersion Science and Technology, 27, 2006 (ISSN 0193-2691).
34. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Study of simulation of sorption of Atrazine on waste rubber granules”, J. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UAP, 2(1), 2006 (ISSN 1813-1093)
35. Md. J.B. Alam, R. K. Chowdhuary, M.M. Hasan, A, Huda and S. Sobhan “Study and simulation of competitive sorption of 2,4-D and phenol on waste tyre rubber granules”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1(3), 2006 (ISSN 1819-6608).
36. J. B. Alam; A. S. M. Awal et al “Study of utilization of fly-ash generated from Barapukaria power Plant as admixture in manufacturing of cement”, Asian J. of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing) Vol 7 (3) (2006) (ISSN 1563-0854).
37. J.B. Alam et al “Assessment of population exposure risk and risk zones due to surface water quality by GIS- A case study on Sylhet”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 2006 (ISSN 1819-6608).
38. J.B. Alam et al. “Environmental Impact assessment of Rural electrification in hill tracts”, International Journal Science and Technology, 3(4), 2006 (ISSN 1735-1472).
39. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and S. K. Khan “Traffic induced noise pollution in Sylhet city, Bangladesh”, Journal of Environmental Protection 25(2), 2005 (ISSN 0253-7141). • Alam, J.B. et al.”Study
40. M. Ansery, Md. J. B. Alam, G. M. Munna, F. Jewel and S. Ullah “Earthquake vulnerability and liquefication map for Sylhet, Bangladesh”, Journal of Bangladesh Environmental Science, 11(2), 2005 (ISSN 1561-9206).
41. J. B. Alam et al “Environmental auditing of a road project using remote sensing- a case study”, J. of the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh-Multidisciplinary; 30(1), December, 2005 (ISSN 0379-4318).
42. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Evaluation of thermodynamics properties of sorption of 2,4-D and atrazine by tire rubber granules” J. of Separation and Purification Technology 42(2005), 85-90 (ISSN1383-5866).J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Effect of different organic and inorganic elements on removal of 2, 4-D and atrazine”, Int. J. of Environmental Health and Science –Part (B), 37(6), 541-560, USA.
43. J. B. Alam and Prof. M. Abdul Matin, “Study of Plotting Position Formulae for Surma basin in Bangladesh”, J. of IEB, Bangladesh, 33(1), 2005, (ISSN- 0379-4318)
44. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Sorption and desorption of 2, 4-D and atrazine from water environment by waste tyre granules and its management”, J. of Int. –Global Nest, 6(2), 2004 (ISSN 1108-4006).
45. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “ Effect Of Agro-activities On Drinking Water Quality In Bangladesh” Int. J. of Water 1(2), 2001 (ISSN-1465-6620).
46. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Efficacy of Adsorbents for 2, 4-D and Atrazine Removal from Water Environment”, J. of Int. –Global Nest, 2(2), 139-150, 2000 (ISSN-1108-4006).
47. Habibur Rahman and J. B. Alam “Risk Assessment of Pesticides Used in Bangladesh”, J. of Civil Engineering, IEB, 25(1), 1997 (ISSN- 0379-4318).
48. Alam, J. B. et al. “Study of removal of chromium and zinc from contaminated soil by washing method”, South Asian Journal of Agriculture (ISSN 1991-0037)
49. J. B. Alam et al “Assessment of ground water quality in Sunamganj of Bangladesh”, Iranian J. of Environ. Health Sci. and Engineering (accepted) (ISSN – 1735-1979).
50. Nury, H. A. J. B. Alam, Maruf, D, and Hasan, K. “ Drought assessment using standardized precipitation evaporation index and its association with southern oscillation index in north-western Bangladesh”, International J. of Water (interscience)
51. Ahmed, H. N,, Hasan, K. J. B. Alam and M. Hasan “Analysis of the time series variations of temperature and its for-cast in the north-eastern Bangladesh”, J. of Global Warming (interscience
52. J. B. Alam, et al “Sanitation Condition of slum area of Sylhet City” Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution (ISSN-0972-9860).
53. Hasan, K. ; M. J. B. Alam et al “ Comparative study of wavelet-ARIMA and Wavelet –ANN models to “ J. of King Saud University (Science) (accepted).
54. J. B. Alam et al “Evolution of building’s vulnerability to earthquake in old part of Sylhet”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology.
55. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Banerjee “Management of 2,4-D bearing water by outer peristatic part waste tire rubber granules” Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution (communicated).
56. S.S. Alam; Md. J. B. Alam; M. S. Karim and M. A. Hanif “Study on determination of pollutants in plastic waste and its management- a case study” Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society (ISSN 1022-016X).
57. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Effect of different organic and inorganic elements on removal of 2, 4-D and atrazine”, Int. J. of Environmental Health and Science –Part (B), 37(6), 541-560, USA.
58. Md. J. B. Alam and R. K. Chowdhuary “Comparative study of treat ability of atrazine using treated and untreated wood charcoal”, Asian J. of Water, Environment and Pollution 2(2), pp-39-43. (ISSN-0972-9860)
1. A H Nury , Prof Kock and J. B. Alam “Time series analysis and forecasting of Temperatures in the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh”, conference paper in Japan, 2013
2. Alam, J. B. et al “Evaluation of Sanitation Hygiene: A Case Study of Slums in Sylhet”, Conference on Appropriate Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Solution for Informal Settlements and Marginalized Communities, Kathmundu, Nepal, May 19-21, 2010.
3. M. J. B. Alam et al (2008) “Possible uses of municipal solid waste of Bangladesh”, proceeding of the National seminar on solid waste management ---Wastesafe 2008, holds from 9th to 10th February, Khulna, Bangladesh (984-300-001500-8).
4. M. J. B. Alam et al (2008) “Solid waste management system of Habiganj pourashavas”, proceeding of the National seminar on solid waste management ---Wastesafe 2008, holds from 9th to 10th February, Khulna, Bangladesh (984-300-001500-8).
5. J. B. Alam et al “Implementation of transport policy on energy demand and economy of Bangladesh” Proceedings of International conference organized by Bureau of Transportation Research, USA, 2008 (paper no 08-0304) .
6. M. J. B. Alam et al (2007) “Study on land use pattern change of Sylhet district and its causes”, paper presented in international conference organized by BAPA-BEN, held on 17-18th December’07 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
7. M. J. B. Alam; A. K. Dikshit and M. Banerjee “ Removal of atrazine from aqueous phase”, ISEM –2006, paper presented in ISEM (International Symposium on Environmental Sustainability-ISEM –2006, organized by CERM, BUET, ITN, British Council and WEDC.
8. M. J. Alam et al (2006) “A study on water quality parameters on Surma river”, International conference on management of water, wastewater and environment: challenges for the developing countries, September 13-15, 2006, Kathmandu, Nepal.
9. Alam, M. J. B.; Ansary, M. A.; Islam, R.; Jewel, F. and Ullah, S. “Generation of liquefaction potential map for Sylhet City”, Proceedings of 1st Bangladesh earthquake Symposium, Dhaka, Dec 14-15, 2005 (ISSN- 984-32-2855-3).
10. M. J. B. Alam, M. Iqbal, S. R. Chowdhuary, R. Sharmin and R. K. Chowdhuary “ Evaluation of present manufacturing process of cement in chattak cement industry and its consequence on surrounding river and suggestion”, Proceeding of 5th international Mechanical Engineering Conference and 10th annual paper meet”, 30 Sept-2 Oct., 2005.
11. M. Ali and Md. J. B. Alam “Environmental Pollution from Oil Refinery Industry”, National Conference in Kolkatta on 7-8th Feb.’2004
12. Md. J. B. Alam; N. Ahmed and Z. H. Khan “ A Case Study of water Quality of Surma River”, International Conference of Environment and Development in Kolkatta on 4-5th Feb.’2004.
13. J. B. Alam and M. Habibur Rahman “In Situ Evaluation of wood charcoal for the Removal of Arsenic from Drinking Water in field”, Proceeding of 2nd Annual paper meeting and International Conference on Civil Engineering Dhaka, June 17-18, 2003, page 497(ISBN-984-32-0771).
14. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Simulation of Sorption of 2,4-D on Waste Rubber Granules”, Proceeding of I. Conference organized by Mathematical Society, 03, Bangladesh – ICAMMP-2003, January 06-09, 03.
15. J. B. Alam and M. Azmi “Application of GIS in Risk Assessment”, paper presented in International Conference organized by Mathematical Society, 03, Bangladesh – January 06-09, 2003- ICAMMP-2003.
16. M. Ahmed; M. T. Rahman; M.S. K. A. Sarkar; M. A. Hoque and M. J. B. Alam “Improvement of the sanitation condition of slum areas of Sylhet City: An evaluation”, 10th Asia Conference on Diarrhea Diseases and Nitrification (ASCODD)-2003.
17. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Determination of thermodynamic parameters of removal of herbicides by waste tyre granules”, Proceeding of 2nd International Conference –ICBEN’ 2002, pp. 690 (ISBN 984-32-0443-3).
18. A. Hossain, M. A. I. Chowdhuary, J. B. Alam, M. Z. Islam, and K. M. A. Sohel, “ Current status of water quality of the river Surma”, Proceeding of 2nd International Conference –ICBEN’ 2002, pp. 883 (ISBN 984-32-0443-3).
19. J. B. Alam and et al. “Design of column adsorption system for removing of 2,4-D from Drinking water”, Proceeding of International Conference, WADDEC, Dec. 11-13, 2002, New Delhi, India (ISBN-1-84339-500-2).
20. J. B. Alam and M. H. Rahman “Bio-filter for removal of ammonia from air”, Seminar organized by BAPA, 2002
21. J. B. Alam and M. M. Rahman “Necessity of pollution prevention program in Industries of Bangladesh”, Seminar organized by BAPA, Feb 19-20, 2002
22. J. B. Alam “Vulnerability of Building to earthquake in Sylhet”, Seminar organized by SDF and OXFAM-GB on 19th January 2002.
23. J. B. Alam “Environmental Pollution and Management-I”, in seminar organized by BSIC, Sylhet on 5th June’2002.
24. J. B. Alam “Evaluation of Rubber Granules as Adsorbent for removal kinetics of 2,4-D and atrazine”, Proceeding of I. Conference On Civil Engineering Dept, Banglore, 2001, page 641 (ISBN 81-2796-070-0).
25. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “ Thermodynamic properties of removal of 2,4-D and atrazine by waste tyre granules”, Proceeding of I. Conference On Civil Engineering Dept- Advances in Civil Engineering, KGP, Kharagpur, 2001, page 555 (ISBN-81-7784-243X).
26. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “Kinetic Study of Removal of the Herbicids 2,4-D and Atrazine by Rubber Granules”, Proceeding of IEAM National Conference, Feb 23-25, 2001, Banaras, India.
27. J. B. Alam “Environmental Audit—A Case Study of a Pesticide Formulation Plant”, J. of Civil Engineering Society, KGP, India, 2001.
28. A. K. Dikshit, K. Annad and J. B. Alam “ A Water Quality Simulation Model for River Systems”, Proceeding of Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development, ICIWRM-2000, page 383-392, India.
29. J. B. Alam, A. K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay “ Treatability of 2,4-D Herbicides Using Tea Powder”, Conference On Industry and Environment, Organized by National Foundation for Environment and Y. C. College of Science, Karad, India, Dec. 28-30, 1999.
30. J. B. Alam “Application of Remote Sensing in Environmental Engineering”, -J. of Civil Engineering Society, KGP, India, 1998 (2nd prize, among the papers).
31. Hasan M., Ali, M., Ahmed, N. and J. B. Alam “Rainwater Harvesting: Comparison between existing Techniques and its modification”, Proceeding o International seminar Architecture Overcoming Constraints, August 28-30, 03, page 234 (ISBN-984-32-0748-3).
32. J. B. Alam and R. Alam “Iron based ore for removal of Arsenic from Water”, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference of Civil Engineering, Organized by IEB, Dhaka (ISBN-984-32-2142-4).
33. J. B. Alam and R. K. Chowdhuary “ Management of Butachlor bearing water by Waste Tyre Granules”, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference of Civil Engineering, Organized by IEB, Dhaka (ISBN-984-32-2142-4).
34. Hasan, M. and J. B. Alam” Needs of Awareness Building for Sustainable Development
35. Ali, M. and J. B. Alam, “Guideline on Sustainable Healthcare Waste Management in Bangladesh”, Conference, Dec 8-9, 03, IIT-Bombay, India.
36. Mahmud, H; Ahmed, N., Kawser, A. K.; Rahman, R. J. and Alam, J. B. “Rainwater harvesting: comparison between existing techniques and its modifications”, Conference, Dec 8-9, 03, IIT-Bombay, India.
37. J. B. Alam “Environmental Pollution by pesticides formulation and fertilizer manufacturing industries in Bangladesh”, Paper presentation in January13-18, IEB Convention’96.
38. J. B. Alam and M. Habibur Rahman “Use and Management of Pesticides in Bangladesh”, Paper presentation in December 9-12, Annual IEB Convention’96.
39. J. B. Alam and M. Habibur Rahman “Assessment of Risk Associated with Pesticides Used in Rice-Field Eco-system”, Paper presentation in December 9-12, Annual IEB Convention’96.
40. Dr. M. A. Eusuf, J. B. Alam, M. A. I. Chowdhury “ Thermally Stated urban Environmental Sanitation”, Environmental Engineering –2, Special Issue, AEE, SUST.
41. M. A. I. Chowdhury; J. B. Alam “Environmental Education”, Environmental Engineering –2, Special Issue, AEE, SUST.
Book/ Book Chapter
Environmental System Analysis
Risk Assessment
GIS and Remote Sensing
Air Pollution
Environmental Pollution Control
Waste Water Management
Wetland Management
Environmental modeling
Soil Mechanics
Transportation Modeling
Coastal sedimentation modelling..
Awards & Recognition
Dhaka Board Scholarship-1986
2nd prize in Journal writing in IIT in 1999
Graduate Supervision
1. PhD (Current Student: 1)
2. MSc (Current Student: 6)
3. BSc (Current Student: 61)
4. Internship (Current Student: 3)