Faculty Profile

Ayesha Ferdous Mita

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone:
  • Email: mita-cee@sust.edu, mita.sustcee@gmail.com


Ayesha Ferdous Mita has completed her BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology being 1st in merit position. After graduation, she joined as an adjunct faculty in Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet. At present, she is working as a faculty member in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. Besides teaching, Ms. Mita is also working as a Consultant at Center for Research, Testing and Consultancy (CRTC), CEE, SUST.


  • Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Saitama University, Japan (ongoing)
  • BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.

Research Interests

  • Green Construction Materials
  • Concrete Technology
  • Supplementary Cementitious Materials
  • Fiber Reinforced Concrete
  • Finite Element Modeling

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Mita, A.F. (PI), Haque, M. (CI), “Analysis and optimization of the properties of concrete incorporated with ceramic tile waste and stone dust as natural aggregates replacement.” SUST Research Center. Financial Year: 2022-23.
  • 2. Banik, B. K. (PI), Mita, A. F. (CI), Production of activated carbon from locally available materials for treating saline drinking water. University research center, SUST (2020-21).

Journal Publications

  • 1. Haque, M., Ray, S., Mita, A.F., Mozumder, A., Karmaker, T. and Akter, S., 2024. Prediction and optimization of hardened properties of concrete prepared with granite dust and scrapped copper wire using response surface methodology. Heliyon, p.e24705 (Cell Press- Elsevier)
  • 2. Mita, A. F., Ray, S., Haque, M., & Saikat, M. H., 2023. Prediction and optimization of properties of concrete containing crushed stone dust and nylon fiber using response surface methodology. Heliyon. Volume 9, Issue 3, e14436 (Elsevier).
  • 3. Ahmed, T., Mita, A.F., Ray, S. and Haque, M., 2023. Engineering properties of concrete incorporating waste glass as natural sand substitution with tin can fiber: experimental and ANN application. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 70(1), p.53 (Springer).
  • 4. Ray, S., Haque, M., Ahmed, T., Mita, A.F., Saikat, M.H. and Alom, M.M., 2022. Predicting the strength of concrete made with stone dust and nylon fiber using artificial neural network. Heliyon, p.e09129 (Cell Press- ScienceDirect ).
  • 5. Ahmed, T., Ray, S., Haque, M., Nahin, T.T. and Mita, A.F., 2022. Optimization of properties of concrete prepared with waste glass aggregate and condensed milk can fiber using response surface methodology. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, p.100478 (Elsevier).
  • 6. Mita, A. F., Ekra, N. J., Banik, B. K., Hoque, M. A., & Kabir, M. I., 2022. Application of laterite soil in removing chloride ion from drinking water, Water Practice & Technology, 17(8), 1570-1581 (IWA Publishing)
  • 7. Haque, M., Ray, S., Mita, A.F., Bhattacharjee, S. and Shams, M.J.B., 2021. Prediction and Optimization of the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash and Glass Fiber Using Response Surface Methodology. Case Studies in Construction Materials, p.e00505.
  • 8. Ray, S., Haque, M., Soumic, S.A., Mita, A.F., Rahman, M.M. and Tanmoy, B.B., 2021. Use of Ceramic Wastes as Aggregates in Concrete Production: A Review. Journal of Building Engineering, p.102567(Elsevier).
  • 9. Basak, S. R., Mita, A. F., & Alam, D. J. B. (2020). Solid Waste Management in the Leather Sector of Bangladesh. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 7(2), 124-130.
  • 10. Jami, A. A., Himel, M. U., Hasan, K., Basak, S. R., & Mita, A. F. (2020). NARX neural network approach for the monthly prediction of groundwater levels in Sylhet Sadar, Bangladesh. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 8(2), 118–126. https://doi.org/10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2020.02.003
  • 11. Basak, S. R., Mita, A. F., Ekra, N. J., & Alam, M. J. B. (2019). A study on hospital waste management of Sylhet city in Bangladesh. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 4, 36–40.


  • 1. Nahin, T. T., Ahmed, T., Ray, S., Haque, M., and Mita, A. F. (2021). Utilization of Waste in Concrete by Using Crushed Glass as Fine Aggregate and Tin-Can (Sn) as Fiber Reinforcement. In: Proceedings of 6th Proc. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 26-28 February 2021, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • 2. Mita, A. F., Ekra, N. J., and Banik, B. K. (2021). Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Locally Available Rice Husk for Treating Saline Drinking Water. In: Proceedings of 6th Proc. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 26-28 February 2021, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • 3. Ekra, N. J., Mita, A. F., and Banik, B. K. (2021). Salinity Removal from Synthetic Drinking Water Using Activated Carbon and Modified Laterite Soil. In: Proceedings of 6th Proc. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 26-28 February 2021, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Structural Analysis II & III
  • Structural Analysis and Design Sessional II
  • Reinforced Concrete Design I
  • Steel Structure
  • Details of Construction

Awards & Recognition

  • Sylhet Board Merit Scholarship, Higher Secondary and Secondary Education.
  • ADB Scholarship (for Master of Engineering degree), 2023-25