Faculty Profile
Dr. Shriful Islam
Contact Information
Dr. Islam has completed his PhD with specialisation in Civil-Geotechnical Engineering from The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. He obtained MESc in Civil and Environmental Engineering from The University of Western Ontario, Canada. Before that, he received BSc from Shahjalal Univerisity of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. He started his professional career in academia in 2009.
Dr. Islam prefers to state, "The more I am ignorant of, the more I am happier, which drives me to explore the unknowns and leads me to be highly ambitious about my research and teaching". He is working with from soil particles, even wastewater, to a large body of materials and is happy to see their microstructure and phenomena through extensive, cutting-edge research and modelling approaches. His research works aim at the enhancement of geotechnical thoughts for sustainable development of building infrastructure. He wants his students to think about geomaterials to ensure sustainable development and to use waste materials as resources. He is always enthusiastic in collaborative research within and out of his domain to broaden and apply his skills in cross-boundary research. He is also happy to discuss any scientific research and industrial project with academics, industrial representatives and prospective students. Dr. Islam also enjoys the role of a professional geotechnical consultant for many infrastructure and development projects, notably the Expansion of Osmani International Airport, Sylhet (1st Phase). Finally, Dr. Islam begs for critical feedback and innovative ideas from his beloved students and co-workers on his work as he firmly believes "YOUR CRITICISM IS A GIFT TO HIM" and "IDEAS ARE THE CURRENCY OF HIS NEXT RESEARCH".
PhD in Civil-Geotechnical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2020.
MESc in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnical and Geo-environment), The University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2014.
BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2009.
Research Interests
Soil stabilization for infrastructure and subgrade development
Soft-soil, mine tailings and dredge mud improvement
Consolidation, settling and evaporation of soft soil, mine tailings and dredge mud
Electrokinetic remediation of tailings, soil and wastewater
Subsoil investigation, assessment and remediation of contaminated soil
Sustainable construction materials
Waste utilization
Active Research Project
1. Islam, S and Alam, J.B.A. Assessing fiber-reinforcement and chemical additive for reduction of desiccation-induced cracking of embankment soil. SUST Research Centre Project (AS/2023/1/17), 2023-2024.
Previous Research Project
1. Islam, S and Alam, J.B.A. Partial replacement of sand with crushed waste glass for geotechnical applications in pavement with further improvement using chemical additive. SUST Research Centre Project (AS/2022/1/10), 2022-2023.
2. Ara, S. and Islam, S. Utilization of ladle refined furnace (LRF) slag in improving clay soil properties for potential uses as foundation materials. SUST Research Centre Project (AS/2021/1/18), 2021-2022.
3. Islam, S. Slope stability analysis of different hillocks at SUST along with their geotechnical property determination. SUST Research Centre Project (AS/2020/1/17), 2020-2021.
4. Stabilization of soil collected from different points of SUST Campus using cement, lime and fly ash. Students Research Project, 2014-2016.
External Affiliations
Member: (1) Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), (2) AusIMM
Reviewer: (1) Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, (2) Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavement, ASCE, (3) Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier, (4) Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Springer, (5) Environmental Geotechnics, ICE, (6) Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, SUST, (7) Applied Sciences, MDPI, (8) Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Springer, (9) International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Springer, (10) Ground Improvement, ICE, (11) Acta Geotechnica, Springer, (12) Scientific Reports, Springer.
Journal Publications
1. Islam, S.*, Ara, S. and Islam. J. 2024. An experimental investigation on utilization of ladle refined furnace (LRF) slag in stabilizing clayey soil. Heliyon (Elsevier), 10(4): e26004.
2. Munna, G.M., Hasan, M.M., Alam, M.J.B., Uddin, M.M., Rahman, M.S., Nury, A.H. and Islam. S. 2024. Modelling flow of the major canals of Sylhet city using the EPA SWMM runoff model. Water Practice and Technology (IWA Publishing), 19(3): 887–899.
3. Chowdhury, T.N., Hasan, M.M., Munna, G.M., Alam, M.J.B., Nury, A.H., Islam. S. and Naher, T. 2024. Hazard-mapping and health risk analysis of iron and arsenic contamination in the groundwater of Sylhet district. Journal of Water and Health (IWA Publishing), 22(4): 757–772.
4. Islam, S.*, Islam, J., Alam, M.J.B., Chowdhury, A.S. and Hasnat, N. 2024. Partial replacement of sand by fine-grained crushed waste glass along with fly ash stabilization for geotechnical applications in pavement. Heliyon (Elsevier), 10(19): e38754.
5. Islam, S*. 2023. A study on the mechanical behaviour of three different fine-grained mine tailings. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (Elsevier), 35(5): 335-341.
6. Islam, S.*, Williams, D.J. and Bhuyan, M.H. 2023. Consolidation testing of tailings in a slurry consolidometer using constant rate and accelerated loading. Geotechnical Engineering - Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 176(3): 295-305.
7. Islam, S.*, Islam, J., Hoque, N.M.R. and Hasan, K. 2023. Improving geotechnical properties of soil of hillock slope using crushed recycled concrete aggregates. Journal of Engineering Research (Elsevier), 11(4): 293-300.
8. Gifari, A., Ahmed, M., Islam, S.* and Sojib, M.M.H. 2023. Soil liquefaction vulnerability assessment of Sylhet city based on SPT value. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (STM), 10(3): 13-28.
9. Islam, S.*, Islam, J. and Hoque, N.M.R. 2022. Improvement of consolidation properties of clay soil using fine-grained construction and demolition waste. Heliyon (Elsevier), 8(10): e11029.
10. Islam, S.*, Williams, D.J., Zhang, C. and Llano-Serna, M. 2021. Geotechnical characterisation of coal tailings down the beach and constant rate of loading consolidation in a slurry consolidometer. Mining Technology (Tailor & Francis), 130(2):67-80.
11. Alam, M.J.B., Islam, S.*, Hoque, N.M.R., Basak, S.R., Shuvo, A.I. and Das, S.K. 2021. Assessment of liquefaction potential index for Sylhet City considering maximum and average amplification factor. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (STM), 8(2): 1-12.
12. Islam, S.*, Williams, D.J. and Zhang, C. 2021. Effect of initial specimen height and solids concentration on the consolidation parameters of fine-grained coal tailings. Mining Technology (Tailor & Francis), 130(4): 244-256.
13. Ray, S., Haque, M., Auni, M.M. and Islam, S. 2021. Analysing properties of concrete made with stone dust and jute fibre using response surface methodology. International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems (Inderscience), 5(3): 206-224.
14. Islam, S.*, Williams, D.J., Zhang, C. and Llano-Serna, M. 2020. Settling, consolidation and shear strength behaviour of coal tailings slurry. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology (Elsevier), 30(6):849-857.
15. Bhuyan, M.H.*, Islam, S., Grobler, J., Lee, J. and Scheuermann, A. 2020. Application of time domain reflectometry method in monitoring state parameters of subgrade soil in pavement. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements (ASCE), 146(2):040220021.
16. Haque, M.A., Chowdhury, R.A., Islam, S., Bhuiyan, M.S. and Ragib, A.B. 2020. Sustainability assessment of arsenic-iron bearing groundwater treatment soil mixed mortar in developing countries, Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 261:110257.
17. Islam, S.* and Shang, J.Q. 2019. Coagulation enhanced electrokinetic settling of mature fine tailings. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology (Elsevier), 29(2):199-208.
18. Haque, M.A., Chowdhury, R.A., Islam, S., Islam, M.F. and Rahman, H. 2019. Evaluating the conventional mixing grades of demolished tiles aggregate concrete and mortar for sustainable use. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 213:1414-1427.
19. Haque, M.A., Chowdhury, R.A., Chowdhury, W.A., Baralaskar, A.H., Bhowmic, S. and Islam, S. 2019. Immobilization possibility of tannery wastewater contaminants in the tiles fixing mortars for eco-friendly land disposal. Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 242:298-308.
20. Islam, S.*, Hoque, N.M.R., Hoque, M.A., Mishra, P.N., Mamun, M.M.H. and Dey, S. 2019. Strength development in fine-grained paddy field soil by lime addition. Journal of Building Engineering (Elsevier), 26:100857.
21. Islam, S.*, Hoque, N.M.R., Uddin, M.K. and Cowdhury, M.A.I. 2018. Strength development in clay soil stabilized with fly ash. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 12(2):188-201.
22. Alam, R.*, Shang, J.Q. and Islam, S. 2017. Electrophoresis and its application in oil sands tailings management. International Journal of Mineral Processing (Elsevier), 161:41-49.
23. Islam, S.* and Shang, J.Q. 2017. Electrokinetic thickening of mature fine oil sands tailings. Environmental Geotechnics (ICE), 4(1):40-55.
24. Islam, S., Nasir, F.B.*, Hoque, M.A. and Munna, G.M. 2017. Chromium removal from water using Spirodela polyrhiza. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(3):145-150.
25. Nasir, F.B., Islam, S.*, Munna, G.M., Ray, S. and Awal, R. 2016. Effectiveness of Amaranthus gangeticus in arsenic extraction from soil. Journal of Scientific Research, 8(1):71-79.
26. Ray, S., Islam, S., Tumpa, D.R., Kayum, M.A. and Shuvro, D. 2015. A study on arsenic and copper extraction capacity of Spirodela polyrhiza from water. Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, 6(1):1-9.
27. Munna, G.M., Kibriya, N.A., Nury, A.H., Islam, S. and Rahman, H. 2015. Spatial distribution analysis and mapping of groundwater quality parameters for the Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) area using GIS. Hydrology, 3(1):1-10.
28. Munna, G.M., Islam, S., Hoque, N.M.R., Bhattacharya, K. and Nath, S.D. 2015. A Study on water quality parameters of water supply in Sylhet City Corporation Area. Hydrology, 3(6):66-71.
29. Islam, M.A., Rahman, M.S., Islam, S.*, Zakaria, A.N.M. and Islam, K.M.R. 2012. A study on arsenic uptaking capacity of Water hyacinth. Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution (IOS), 9(1):25-29.
30. Islam, S.*, Rasul, M.T., Alam, M.J.B. and Haque, M.A. 2011. Evaluation of water quality of the Titas River using NSF water quality index. Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1):151-159.
31. Islam, S.*, Rahman, M.S. and Das, R.K. 2011. A comparative study on dispersivity of arsenic among Surma, Sari and Volaganj Sand. BRAC University Journal, 8(1&2):23-30.
32. Islam, M.A., Rahman, M.S., Islam, S.*, Rahman, M.A. and Ahmed, M.N. 2010. Relation of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) with chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids (SS) and dissolved solids (DS) of municipal wastewater of Sylhet. Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, 3(2), 95-97.
33. Islam, M.A., Rahman, M.S., Islam, S.*, Sarder, M.A.I., Irfan, M. and Rashid, M.N. 2010. Effectiveness measure of oxidation ditch with the function of aerator and mixer for reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD). Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, 3(2):103-106.
1. Islam, S.*, Alam, J.B.A., Islam, J., Chowdhury, A.S., Hasnat, N., Rafe, M.T.A. and Jubair, S.A.A. 2024. Partial replacement of sand with glass waste for geotechnical applications. In: 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), p. 0018:1-8, Feb 7-9, KUET- Khulna, Bangladesh.
2. Rahman, M., Saha, P.*, Hasan, M., Islam, S., Paul, I.K. and Khadem, M.P. 2024. Solidification of loose sand using rice husk ash (RHA) base geopolymer. In: 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), p. 0598:1-9, Feb 7-9, KUET- Khulna, Bangladesh.
3. Ullah, A.*, Shohag, M.M.R.I., Islam, S., Shadin, M.M.H. and Hossen, M.R. 2023. A study on the strength improvement in clay soil in presence of fly ash and cement. In: 7th International Conference on Engineering research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), Jan 12-14, SUST- Sylhet, Bangladesh.
4. Rafi, M.N.I., Begum, A., Islam, S. and Rahman, M.S. 2023. An experimental study on the relationship between compressive and tensile strength of clay soil. In: 7th International Conference on Engineering research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), Jan 12-14, SUST- Sylhet, Bangladesh.
5. Hoque, N.M.R., Islam, S.*, Islam, J., Hasan, K., Sarita, S.H. and Rumana, I.J. 2023. Investigating the slope stability of three hillocks along with their geotechnical properties. In: International Conference on Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICPACE), pp. 375-380, Oct 12-14, RUET-Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
6. Zaman, A.T., Hoque, N.M.R., Islam, S.* and Biswas, S.N. 2022. Developing a low-cost device for preliminary geotechnical site characterization using multi-channel analysis of surface wave. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2713: 030001. In: 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD) 2022, Feb 10-12, KUET- Khulna, Bangladesh.
7. Islam, S.*, Islam, J. and Ara, S. 2022. Improving the geotechnical behavior of clay soil using construction and demolition waste. In: 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE), pp. 337-343, Dec 21-23, CUET- Chattogram, Bangladesh.
8. Islam, S.*, Williams, D.J. and Llano-Serna, M. 2019. Experimental and numerical analysis of a slurry consolidation test on tailings. In: Tailings and Mine Waste Conference, pp. 1042-1052, Nov 17-20, Vancouver, Canada.
9. Islam, S.* and Williams, D.J. 2018. Consolidation and shear strength of coal tailings slurries. In: Mine Waste and Tailings Conference, pp. 62-71, July 23-24, Brisbane, Australia.
10. Islam, S.* and Williams, D.J. 2018. Optimisation of constant rate of loading slurry consolidometer testing of fine-grained coal tailings. In: Mine Waste and Tailings Conference, pp. 72-82, July 23-24, Brisbane, Australia.
11. Vangness, T.A.*, Williams, D.J., Islam, S., Smith, A. and Bergin, L. 2018. Consolidation and shear strength testing and stability analysis of coal mine spoil degraded to mud. In: Mine Waste and Tailings Conference, pp. 97-110, July 23-24, Brisbane, Australia.
12. Nasir, F.B. and Islam, S. 2015. Assessment of chromium uptaking capacity of Lemna aequinoctialis from water. In: International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, pp. 198-202, Dec 11-13, DUET- Gazipur, Bangladesh.
13. Alam, R.*, Shang, J.Q. and Islam, S. 2014. Electrokinetic sedimentation of mature oil sand mine tailings. In: 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, paper 213, Saskatchewan, Canada.
14. Islam, M.A., Rahman, M.S., Islam, S.*, Das, R.K. and Hasan, M.M. 2011. A study on dispersivity of arsenic through cohesionless soil. In: International Conference on Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering for Sustainable Development, pp. 507-516, Mar 10-12, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
15. Islam, S.*, Islam, M.M., Badsha, M.A.H., Alam, M.J.B. and Haque, M.A. 2011. Comparative study of hazards by floods and cyclones in Bangladesh. In: Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, pp. 1087-1090, Jan 11-13, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
16. Islam, S*. 2010. Analysis of pollution status of the Titas River. In: Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, pp. 221-224, Jan 11-13, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
17. Islam, S*., Chowdhury, A.S., Hasnat, N., Islam, J., Alam, J.B.A. and Saha, P. 2024. Assessing fiber-reinforcement for reduction of desiccation-induced cracking of embankment soil. In: 7th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE), pp. 1044-1251, Dec 12-14, CUET- Chattogram, Bangladesh.
Book/ Book Chapter
Engineering Mechanics
Solid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Geology and Geomorphology
Geotechnical Engineering (I, II, III)
Geo-environmental Engineering
Ground Improvement Techniques and Applications
Awards & Recognition
Declined offer: (a) Commonwealth PhD Scholarship, University of Glasgow from UK Government, (b) LARS PhD Scholarship, University of Leeds, UK, (c) USydIS PhD Scholarship, University of Sydney, Australia, (d) GUIPRS PhD Scholarship, Griffith University, Australia
Merit Scholarship during BSc (Eng), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
R.M. Quigley Award from Geotechnical Research Centre, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
WGRS Scholarship from The University of Western Ontario for MESc study, London, ON, Canada
RTP and IPRS sponsored by the Department of Education and Training, Australian Government for PhD study at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
APA living stipend sponsored by the Department of Education and Training, Australian Government for PhD study at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Civil Engineering School and Geotechnical Engineeering Centre Top-up PhD Scholarship at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Graduate Supervision
1. Assessment of groundwater vulnerability of Sylhet District by DRASTIC Method.
Social Media