Faculty Profile
Abu Yousuf
Contact Information
ABU YOUSUF holds PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. His primary research interests include Biorefinery, Bioenergy, Bioremediation and Waste-to-energy. He published more than 50 papers in reputed ISI and Scopus indexed journals and 11 book chapters. He is the Editor of three books “Lignocellulosic biomass to Liquid biofuels” , “Microalgae Cultivation for Biofuels Production” and “Bioreactors: Sustainable Design and Industrial Applications in Mitigation of GHG Emissions”, published by Elsevier. He also has been serving as an editorial board member of several reputed Journals. He won UNESCO Prize on E-learning course of ‘Energy for sustainable development in Asia’, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2011. He attended the ‘BIOVISION.Next Fellowship Programme 2013’ at Lyon, France, after a selection based on scientific excellence, mobility, involvement in civil society. He successfully accomplished 10 research projects including the grants provided by The World Academy of Science (TWAS), Italy; Global Challenge Research Fund, UK; Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. Dr. Yousuf was the member of IChemE, American Chemical Society (ACS), and American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT). He has 12 years’ experience of teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate levels having very good remarks from the student. Currently, Dr. Yousuf is serving as a Professor in Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. Previously he held the position of Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. He presented his research work in Germany, France, Italy, India, Vietnam and Malaysia.
PhD (2010) Chemical Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Dissertation: Conversion of Agro-industrial Wastes into Lipids Suitable for Biodiesel Production
MSc. (2002) Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh Dissertation: Physico- chemical characteristics and suitability of ground water at Mirzapur area of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. Result: First Class
B Sc.(2001) Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh Minor: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Basic Electronics Result: First Class
Research Interests
Renewable Bioenergy
Bio-conversion process of lignocellulosic biomass into fuel
Fermentation technology
Catalyst synthesis for energy production
Management of agricultural wastes in terms of energy
Lipid/ microbial oil production by oleaginous microbes to use as substitute of vegetable oil
Heterogeneous catalysis/Photocatalysis
Active Research Project
1. Biogas production by dry fermentation
2. Pathogenic Waste Treatment by Electroporation Technique
3. Gasification of non-woody biomass for synthesis gas production by fluidized bed gasifier
4. Pulp production from non-woody cellulosic biomass
5. Protonic ceramic fuel cell and flow battery
Previous Research Project
1. Production of Recombinant Cellulase and Protease of Bacterial Isolates Using Municipal Solid Wastes, Fund granted USD $24000 by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Italy. Aug 2013- Feb 2015. (CoI)
2. Biogas generation from food waste co-digesting with cow manure and sewerage sludge: A solution to potential alternative energy source, Fund granted BDT 86,000 by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2012. (PI )
3. Treatment of dye-containing wastewater by photocatalysis in batch and CSTR, Fund granted BDT 800,000 by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 2012. (CoI)
4. Generation of green-electricity from organic-acid-rich biomass, Fund granted BDT 100,000 by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2012. (PI )
5. Production of Bio-electricity and Bio-fertilizer from Municipal Solid Wastes, Fund granted BDT 40,000 by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2011. (PI)
6. Biogas Generation from municipal waste available in Sylhet, Fund granted BDT 100,000 by University Grant Commission (UGC), Bangladesh, 2007. (CoI)
7. Mechanism of electroporation effect on deformation of lignocellulosic biomass to enhance fermentation process, Fund granted RM 61,500 by Ministry Of Higher Education, Malaysia, 2016. (PI)
8. Evaluation of microwave-assisted extraction of agarwood oil to replace the traditional distillation process, Fund granted £29,998 by Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) through University of York, UK, 2020. (CoI)
External Affiliations
Research Associate, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, USA
Journal Publications
1. Monir, M. U., Abd Aziz, A., Khatun, F., & Yousuf, A. (2020). Bioethanol production through syngas fermentation in a tar free bioreactor using Clostridium butyricum. Renewable Energy, 157, 1116-1123.
2. Huei Ruey Ong, Md. Maksudur Rahman Khan, Abu Yousuf, Nor Amalina Hussain and Chin Kui Cheng, Synthesis and characterization of CaFe2O4 catalyst for oleic acid esterification, RSC Advances, 5, 100362-100368, 2015. (IF-3.84, RSC)
3. Domenico Pirozzi, Giuseppe Toscano, Gerardo Caputo, Ciro Florio, Felicia Rugari, Giuseppe Travaglini, Abu Yousuf, Gaetano Zuccaro, Effect of nickel contamination on the growth of oleaginous yeasts in hydrolisates of Arundo donax, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.14, No. 7,1683-1690, 2015.
4. M. Rahim Uddin, Maksudur R. Khan, M. Wasikur Rahman, Abu Yousuf, Chin Kui Cheng, Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 into methanol over CuFe2O4/TiO2 under visible light irradiation, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 116 (2), 589-604, 2015. (IF- 1.170, Springer)
5. Maksudur R Khan, Tan Wooi Chuan, Abu Yousuf, M. N.K. Chowdhury, Cheng C. Kui, Schottky barrier and surface plasmonic resonance phenomena towards the photocatalytic reaction: Study of their mechanisms to enhance the photocatalytic activity, Catalysis Science and Technology, 5, 2522-2531, 2015. (IF- 4.76, RSC)
6. Pirozzi, Domenico; Fiorentino, Nunzio; Impagliazzo, Adriana; Sannino, Filomena; Yousuf, Abu; Gaetano Zuccaro Fagnano, Massimo, Lipid production from Arundo donax grown under different agronomical conditions, Renewable Energy , 77, 456–462, 2015. (IF-2.906, Elsevier)
7. Huei Ruey Ong, Maksudur R. Khan, Abu Yousuf, Nitthiyah Jeyaratnam, D.M. Reddy Prasad; Effect of waste rubber powder as filler for plywood application, Pol. J. Chem. Tech., 17 (1), 41 — 47, 2015. (IF- 0.536, ISI & Scopus indexed)
8. Baranitharan. E, Maksudur R Khan, Abu Yousuf , Vijayakumar Mayakrishnan Wee Fei Aaron Teo and Geok Yuan Annie Tan, Enhanced power generation using controlled inoculum from palm oil mill effluent fed microbial fuel cell, Fuel, 143,72-79, 2015. (IF-3.357, Elsevier)
9. Pirozzi, D., Fiorentino, N., Impagliazzo, A., Sannino, F., Yousuf, A., Zuccaro, G., & Fagnano, M. (2015). Lipid production from Arundo donax grown under different agronomical conditions. Renewable Energy, 77, 456-462.
10. Salma A. Iqbal, Shahinur Rahaman, Abu Yousuf, Anaerobic Digestion of Kitchen Waste to Produce Biogas, Procedia Engineering, 90, 657 – 662, 2014. (Elsevier, Scopus indexed)
11. Domenico Pirozzi, Angelo Ausiello, Abu Yousuf , Gaetano Zuccaro, Giuseppe Toscano, Exploitation of Oleaginous Yeasts for the Production of Microbial Oils from Agricultural Biomass, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 37, 469-474, 2014. (Scopus indexed)
12. S Das, A Yousuf, MR Khan, SA Iqbal, MN Uddin Assessment of organic acid-rich bio-sap to generate electricity, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 1-11, 2014. (Taylors and Francis, Scopus indexed
13. Huei Ruey Ong, Maksudur R. Khan, M.N.K. Chowdhury, Abu Yousuf, Chin Kui Cheng, Synthesis and characterization of CuO/C catalyst for the esterification of free fatty acid in rubber seed oil, Fuel, 120, 195–201, 2014. (IF-3.357, Elsevier)
14. Azad AK, Yousuf A, Ferdoush A, Mahbub Hasan Md, Rezaul Karim Md, Production of Microbial Lipids from Rice Straw Hydrolysates by Lipomyces starkeyi for Biodiesel Synthesis. J Microb Biochem Technol S8: 00, 2014. (IF- 2.16)
15. Abu Yousuf, Domenico Pirozzi, Filomena Sannino, Production of microbial lipids from tomato waste to be used as feedstock for biodiesel, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2014 (In press). (IF-1.065, ISI & Scopus indexed)
16. Sreejon Das, Abu Yousuf, Md. Nasir Uddin, Maksudur Rahman Khan, Ahmed Nazmus Sakib, Generation of electricity from whey: An electrochemical process, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 4 (3), 784-790, 2014. (Scopus indexed)
17. Iftekhar Ahmad, Tahmina Parveen, Abu Yousuf, Belal H Sikder, Extraction of caffeine from tea and development of caffeinated fruit juice, Journal of Food Chemistry and Nutrition, 1, 01-05, 2013.
18. Domenico Pirozzi, Angelo Ausiello, Gaetano Zuccaro, Filomena Sannino, Abu Yousuf, Culture of Oleaginous Yeasts in Dairy Industry Wastewaters to Obtain Lipids Suitable for the Production of II-Generation Biodiesel, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 76, 57-61, 2013. (Scopus indexed)
19. Abu Yousuf, Biodiesel from lignocellulosic biomass- prospects and challenges, Waste Management, 32, 2061–2067, 2012. (IF-2.485, Elsevier) Ranked in
20. Domenico Pirozzi, Abu Yousuf, Gaetano Zuccaro, Rosaria Aruta, Filomena Sannino, Synthesis of biodiesel from hydrolysates of Arundo donax, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 11(10), 1797-1801, 2012. (IF-1.065, ISI & Scopus indexed)
21. Abu Yousuf, Mozammel Hoque, M. Asraful Jahan, Domenico Pirozzi , Technology and Engineering of Biodiesel Production: a Comparative Study between Microalgae and other Non-Photosynthetic Oleaginous Microbes, International Review of Chemical Engineering , 4(6), 624-628, 2012.
22. Abu Yousuf, Salma Akhter Iqbal, Niloy Chandra Sarker, Md. Nazmul Hasan, Mohammad Shahadat Hussain Sarker, Optimization and fabrication of a portable biogas reactor, Journal of Chemical Engineering, IEB, ChE 27(2), 6-10, 2012
23. Abu Yousuf, Filomena Sannino, Veria Addorisio, Domenico Pirozzi, Microbial conversion of olive mill wastewaters into lipids suitable for biodiesel production, J. Agric. Food Chem., 58 (15), 8630–8635, 2010. (IF-2.906, American Chemical Society)
24. Filomena Sannino, Domenico Pirozzi, Antonio Aronne, Esther Fanelli, Riccardo Spaccini, Abu Yousuf, Pasquale Pernice, Remediation of Waters Contaminated with MCPA by the Yeasts Lipomyces starkeyi Entrapped in a Sol–Gel Zirconia Matrix, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44 (24), 9476–9481, 2010. (IF-5.257, American Chemical Society)
25. D. Pirozzi, A. Yousuf, M. Fagnano, M. Mori, N. Fiorentino, A. Impagliazzo, Lipids production by yeast grown on giant reed biomass, Journal of Biotechnology, 150 (1), 167, 2010. (IF-3.183, Elsevier)
26. R Kader, A Yousuf, M M Hoq; Optimization of lipase production by a Rhizopus MR12 in shake culture; J. Appl. Sci. 7(6), 855-860, 2007. (ISI & Scopus indexed)
27. M. J. Islam, M. R. Hossain, A. Yousuf and M. A. Subhan , Removal of arsenic from drinking water using bio-adsorbents; Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 44(3), 157-164.2007.
28. M. R. Zaman, R. A. Banu, A. Yousuf; A comparative study of the determination of Fe in ground water by different methods; Pakistan J. Sci. Ind. Res. 48 (6), 393-396, 2005.
29. M. R. Zaman, R. A. Banu, A. Yousuf; Quality and suitability of the ground water at Mirzapur area of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh; Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 20(2), p 317-323 ; 2004. (ISI & Scopus indexed)
Book/ Book Chapter
Air pollution Control Technology
Computer Aided Design
Biochemical Engineering
Renewable Energy and Resources
Chemical process technology
Electrochemical Engineering
General Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Instrumentation
Polymer Characterizations
Awards & Recognition
Dean’s Award for Research Excellence 2019 &2021, SUST, Bangladesh.
Silver medal, CO2 to methanol, CITRIX-2015, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Silver medal, Light induced biodiesel production, CITRIX-2015, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Silver medal, CSTR design for a visible light active catalyst CuFe2O4 for removal of organic dye, CITREX-2014, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
BIOVISION.Next fellowship, France, 2013
UNESCO Prize on Energy for sustainable development in Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2011
2nd Prize Award, Technical paper Based on Doctoral Research Study, ICETCESD 2011, Bangladesh, 2011
PhD fellowship, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy, 2008
‘Motihar Hall gold medal-2002’ for academic excellence in B.Sc. Hons. Examinations, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Gold medal, Irreversible Electroporation in biofuel production; Creation, Innovation, Technology & Research Exposition(CITREX-2017), University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Graduate Supervision
1. PhD (Students: 2)
2. Master (Students: 4)
3. Undergraduate (Students: 35)