Faculty Profile

Dr. Belal Ahmed

Associate Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801714609507
  • Email: belal-che@sust.edu, bahmed2021@gmail.com


Dr. Belal Ahmed is acting as Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh. He got his Ph.D. degree from the Chung Ang University, Republic of Korea directed by Professor Kang Min Ok in 2020. He completed B. Sc. (Honors) in Chemistry and M. S. in Inorganic Chemistry from the Department of Chemistry, SUST in 2006 and 2008, respectively. After completing the graduation, he joined in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU) as a Lecturer in 2009 and then moved to the Department of Chemistry, SUST in 2011 with holding the same position. He promoted to the Assistant Professor in 2012. During his Ph. D. research, he received Chung-Ang University Young Scientist Scholarship (CAYSS), BK-21 (Brain Korea) Plus Scholarship for graduate study and Research Assistant Scholarship, Department of Chemistry, Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea. He also got the Best poster presentation award in several times from the conferences arranged by The Korean Chemical Society. Dr. Belal was born in the Sylhet district of Bangladesh.


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea.
  • M.S. in Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • B. Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

Research Interests

  • Solid-state materials with noncentrosymmetric structures
  • Nonlinear optical materials
  • Functional coordination polymers
  • Growth of single crystals
  • Crystallography

Active Research Project

  • 1. Non-linear optical (NLO) materials of transition metal oxyfluorides containing chiral organic ligands: Synthesis, crystal structures, characterization, and properties. SUST Research grant FY 2022-2023, Project Code: PS/2022/1/06
  • 2. Synthesis, crystal structures, characterization, and properties of Non-linear optical (NLO) materials of transition metal oxyfluorides containing chiral organic ligands. Ministry of Science and Technology grant 2022-2023, Project Code: SRG-226680
  • 3. Design and synthesis of novel hybrid perovskite materials containing planar π-conjugated ligands with large birefringence. SUST Research centre grant, FY: 2023-24, Project ID: PS/2023/1/01

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Design, green-route synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and antimicrobial property study of Schiff’s bases and their transition metal complexes, Project Code: PS/2020/1/08, SUST Research Centre.
  • 2. Hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structures, and properties of novel hetero-metallic porous crystalline oxyfluoride materials. Project Code: PS/2021/1/08, SUST Research Centre.
  • 3. Novel porous crystalline oxyfluoride compounds consisting of transition metal cations and organic linkers: Synthesis, characterization and properties. Gr. SL. 638 Phy’s (2021-2022), MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

External Affiliations

  • Member, Bangladesh Chemical Society
  • Ex. Member, Korean Chemical Society

Journal Publications

  • 1. Air-Stable 2D van der Waals MgTeMoO6 Exhibits Strong In-plane Optical Anisotropy, Advanced Optical Materials,
  • 2. Deep-Ultraviolet Bialkali–Rare Earth Metal Anhydrous Sulfate Birefringent Crystal, Inorganic Chemistry, ACS
  • 3. A highly birefringent metal-free crystal assembled by cooperative non-covalent interactions
  • 4. A hybrid halide lead-free pseudo-perovskite with large birefringence, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
  • 5. A Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Material Consisting of Two π-Conjugated Groups, ChemPlusChem
  • 6. A UV solar-blind nonlinear optical crystal with confined π-conjugated groups. Inorg. Chem. Front.
  • 7. Novel layered heterobimetallic fluorides with large optical band gaps. J. Solid State Chem.
  • 8. Hydrothermal synthesis of a Novel Transition Metal Oxyfluoride complex containing 2-Methylimidazole: Crystal Structure, and Characterization
  • 9. Cytotoxic Activity of Ruthenium-Pyridyl Triazole Complexes against Human Cancer Cell.
  • 10. Influence of structure-directing polyhedra and heterocyclic ligands on the chain structures and O/F ordering in a series of zinc vanadium oxyfluorides, CrystEngComm
  • 11. Variable chains found in mixed transition metal oxyfluorides with heterocyclic ligands, Crystal Growth and dessign
  • 12. Mixed transition metal (oxy)fluoride paramagnet chains: Synthesis, structure, and characterization, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
  • 13. Variable asymmetric chains in transition metal oxyfluorides: Structure-second-harmonic-generation property relationships, Inorganic Chemistry
  • 14. A series of oxyfluoride chains containing asymmetric basic building units of both early- and late transition metal cations. Journal of Solid state Chemistry
  • 15. Antibacterial activity and DNA interaction of the Pd(bpy)(ONO2)2 coordination complex.
  • 16. Spectroscopic characterization of croconate bridging complex: Conversion of rhodizonate (C6O62-) to croconate bridging ligand in a pyridine modified large macrocyclic metal arrangements.
  • 17. Physicochemical and microbial water quality of Sylhet city corporation, Bangladesh
  • 18. Preparation and characterization of artificial skin using chitosan and gelatin composites for potential biomedical application.
  • 19. Light induced kinetic studies of oxidative degradation of malachite green. Asian Journal of Chemistry
  • 20. DNA extraction from plant sources and study of its inter-actions with metal complexes/salts. Pakistan Academy of Science


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Advanced Chemical Bonding (CHE 236)
  • Coordination Chemistry-II (CHE 431)
  • Bio-inorganic Chemistry (CHE 432)
  • Inorganic Materials Chemistry (CHE 531)
  • Inorganic Spectroscopic Methods (CHE 532)
  • Inorganic Chemistry Lab (CHE 530)
  • Inorganic Chemistry practical (Qualitative) (CHE 134)
  • Inorganic Chemistry practical (Quantitative) (CHE 232)

Awards & Recognition

  • Chung-Ang University Young Scientist Scholarship (CAYSS), Republic of Korea.
  • BK21 (Brain Korea) Plus Scholarship for graduate study in Republic of Korea.
  • Research Assistant Scholarship, Department of Chemistry, Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea.
  • Best poster presentation award, The Korean Chemical Society.
  • Best poster presentation award, Inorganic Chemistry Symposium, The Korean Chemical Society.
  • Special Merit award for first position at undergraduate level.
  • University Scholarship, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • “Ismail Memorial trust” scholarship, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.