Office Address:
Department of Chemistry,
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Phone: +8801733542585
PhD, Dept. of Materials Science Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science Technology, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
MSc, Dept. of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
BSc (Honours), Dept. of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Supramolecular Chemistry
Organic Synthesis
Natural Product Chemistry
Previous Research Project
1. • Principal Investigator, Project Code: PS/2017/09 from SUST Research Centre, Sylhet, for the year 2017-2018.
2. • Co-investigator, Project Code: PS/2016/03 from SUST Research Centre, Sylhet, for the year 2016-2017.
3. • Member, Sub-Project Management Team, UGC-HEQEP Project, CP-3665 from July 2014 to September 2016.
4. • Deputy Manager, Sub-Project Management Team, UGC-HEQEP Project, CPSF-3665 from April 2017 to September 2018.
Journal Publications
1. Mustari Rahman and Dipen Debnath*, Enhancement of the Bioavailability of Benzaldehyde-1,3,4-Thiadiazoline as Anticancer Agent by Water Solubilizing through Supramolecular Complexation using -Cyclodextrin as Host, Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2022, 34(1), 23.
2. Dipen Debnath, Yeonju Lee, and Kurt E. Geckeler, Biocompatible Polymers as a Tool for the Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles: Size Tuning and in vitro Cytotoxicity Studies, Polymer International, 2017, 66, 512.
3. Okhil K. Nag, Kazi M. Ani-Ul-Haque, Dipen Debnath, Rockshana Begum, Muhammad Younus, Nazia Chawdhury, Gabriel Kociok- Khn, and Paul R. Raithby, Synthesis and optical properties of biphenylene ethynylene co-polymers and their model compounds, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2015, 1273, 365.
4. M. Jalilur Rahman, Rehana Pervin, Rahidul Hasan, and Dipen Debnath, IronIII Catalyzed Coupling of Aryl Halides: Synthesis of Terphenyl and Biphenyl Derivatives, Journal of Scientific Research, 2013, 51, 127.
5. Sung H. Kim, Dipen Debnath, Woosuk Lee, and Kurt E. Geckeler, Polyvinylpyrrolidone as a Tool: Aqueous Dispersion of Nanodiamonds by Wrapping in the Solid State, Polymer International, 2012, 61, 1228.
6. Kurt E. Geckeler, Dipen Debnath, Chorong Kim, and Sung H. Kim, “Solid State Synthesis Method of Silver Nanoparticles, and Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized Thereby”, Korean Patent No.: 10-1117177, Registration Date: 09.02.2012. International Patent Application No. (WIPO): PCT/KR2010/007887, Publication No.: WO2011/059215, Publication Date: 19.05.2011.
7. M. Ismail Hossain, Dipen Debnath, Muhammad Younus, M. Abdul Bari, and M. A. Jalil Miah, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaryleneethynylenes and Their Corresponding Platinum-Linked Polymers, Journal of Scientific Research, 2011, 33, 587.
8. Sung H. Kim, Dipen Debnath, and Kurt E. Geckeler, Nano-Pumpkins and a Sunscreen Agent: The Inclusion Complex of Cucurbituril and Tinosorb S, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2011, 23, 337.
9. Dipen Debnath, Chorong Kim, Sung H. Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler, Solid-State Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles at Room Temperature: Polyvinyl pyrrolidone as a Tool, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2010, 31, 549.
10. Sung H. Kim, Kurt E. Geckeler, Dipen Debnath, and Woo S. Lee, “A Method for the Synthesis of Size-Tuned Gold Nanoparticles”, Korean Patent No.: 010-0969479, Registration Date: 02.07.2010.
11. Dipen Debnath, Sung H. Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler, The First Solid-Phase Route to Fabricate and Size-Tune Gold Nanoparticles at Room Temperature, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 8810.
12. Kurt E. Geckeler, Sung H. Kim, and Dipen Debnath, “A Method for the Synthesis of Water Dispersible UV-Protector through Supramolecular Complexation”, Korean Patent No.: 010-0922990, Registration Date: 14.10.2009.
13. Ramkrishna Saha, Md Abdul Qaium, Dipen Debnath, Muhammad Younus, Nazia Chawdhury, Nasim Sultana, Gabriele Kociok-Khn, Li-Ling Ooi, Paul R Raithby, Masashi Kijima, A New Series of Luminescent Phosphine Stabilised Platinum Ethynyl Complexes, Dalton Transactions, 2005, 2760.
14. Md. Rabiul Islam, M. S. A. Khan, Dipen Debnath, M. M. R. Khan, Synthesis of Some Aldehyde-2-Thiadiazoline Heterocycles, Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2003, 162, 124.,
1. Mohammad Mizanur R. Khan, Sanjay K. Majumdar, Dipen Debnath, and Muhammad Younus Effect of Al2O3 as a Seed on the Synthesis of Conducting Polyaniline-Al2O3 Composite Crystals, 33rd Annual Conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society Bangladesh Chemical Congress, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 10-12, 2010 p 135.
2. Sung Ho Kim, Yeonju Lee, Dipen Debnath, Woo S. Lee, and Kurt E. Geckeler Dispersion and Cytotoxicity Nanodiamond-Polymer Composites in Water 20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides Athens, Greece, September 06-10, 2009 P1.3.02.
3. Sung Ho Kim, Dipen Debnath, and Kurt E. Geckeler Supramolecular Complexation of Cucurbituril and the Sunscreen Agent Tinosorb S The 101st National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Ilsan, Republic of Korea, April 17-18, 2008 p 522.
4. Woo S. Lee, Dipen Debnath, Sung Ho Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler Solid-State Preparation of Water-Soluble Polyaniline-Coated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes The 101st National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Ilsan, Republic of Korea, April 17-18, 2008 p 522.
5. Dipen Debnath, Chorong Kim, Sung Ho Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler Polymer-Supported Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles at Ambient Temperature Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium MAM-08, Dsseldorf, Germany, September 07-11, 2008 p 373.
6. Sung Ho Kim, Dipen Debnath, Woo S. Lee, and Kurt E. Geckeler Polymer-Composites of Carbon Nanoparticles: Dispersion in Water Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium MAM-08, Dsseldorf, Germany, September 07-11, 2008 p 374.
7. Dipen Debnath, Sung Ho Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler Solid-State Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles at Ambient Temperature The 102nd National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Jeju, Republic of Korea, October 16-17, 2008 IV36P148.
8. Dipen Debnath, Sung Ho Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler A Route to Fabricate and Size Tune Gold Nanoparticles The 99th National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 19-20, 2007 p 460.
9. Dipen Debnath, Chorong Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler A Novel Method for the Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles The 99th National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 19-20, 2007 p 461.
10. Dipen Debnath, Sung Ho Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler Size-Conrolled Gold Nanoparticles by Solid-State Synthesis The 100th National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Dague, Republic of Korea, October 18-19, 2007 p 570.
11. Sung Ho Kim, Dipen Debnath, and Kurt E. Geckeler Dispersion of Nanodiamond-Polymer Composites in Water The 100th National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Dague, Republic of Korea, October 18-19, 2007 p 574.
12. Ji Yong Shin, Dipen Debnath, Woo Suk Lee, Dhriti Nepal, and Kurt E. Geckeler Synthesis of Uniformly Shaped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Polypyrrole Nanocomposites Joint Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering for the 21st Century, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 21-24, 2007 p 54.
13. Dipen Debnath, Sung Ho Kim, and Kurt E. Geckeler Solid-State Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles at Ambient Temperature NAISTGIST Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Republic of Korea, November 22-23, 2007 p 47.
Book/ Book Chapter
Organic Chemistry
Supramolecular Chemistry
Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Awards & Recognition
Vice-Chancellor award for BSc Result
Bangladesh Govt. Scholarship for BSc Result
Korean Research Foundation Scholarship for PhD
Graduate Supervision
1. Eleven students already graduated who worked on organic synthesis, polymer synthesis, and supramolecular chemistry
2. Currently two student is working on supramolecular chemistry