Faculty Profile

Dr Mohammad Mizanur Rahman Khan


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801712185663
  • Email: mmrkhan-che@sust.edu, mizan_su@yahoo.com


Dr. Mohammad Mizanur Rahman Khan is the Professor of the Department of Chemistry at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He obtained Ph.D. from the University of Torino, Italy in 2010. He completed B.Sc. (Honours) and M. Sc. in Chemistry from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. Worked as TWAS-USM Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, and as a Visiting Researcher at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan.

Experienced with a demonstrated history of working in higher education institutions. Skilled in Materials Science and Nano Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nanomaterials, and Polymeric materials. Research professional with a Ph.D. specialization in Science and Technology of Materials and Nanosystems from the University of Torino, Turin, Italy.

Gained research experiences in Chemistry and Materials Science focusing on Nanosystems and conducting polymers and composite nanofibers through working at my home university in Bangladesh and in universities of Italy, France, Malaysia, and Japan.

Also experienced in the design and synthesis of nanomaterials, conducting polymer nanocomposites for photocatalytic and supercapacitor (energy storage device) applications.
Besides, I am also working on the characterization of nanomaterials using characterizing tools such as XRD, SEM/EDS, TGA, DSC, TEM, FTIR, UV-Visible, Photoluminescence spectroscopy etc.

Dr. Khan received several awards at home and abroad for his contribution to his professional field. He received the prestigious Bangladesh University Grants Commission Award 2012 for his outstanding contribution to research in the category of Chemical Science. He also received TWAS young Scientist award 2015, the TWAS-USM Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 2010 and 2013, Grants from the EUCAS 2009 Congress-Dresden-Germany, and the Italian Ministry of Education Scholarship for the Ph.D. program. Shahjalal University Merit Scholarship, Bangladesh Education Board Scholarship. During his Ph.D. work, he received the "Best Student Award" in a summer school named "2nd School and Workshop on X-ray Micro and Nanoprobes (XMNP 2009)"-Palinuro, Italy. Recently, he received the “Travel Award for Chemists from Under-represented Countries” from the IUPAC-2015 Congress, Busan, South Korea. Dr. Khan has contributed to 44 oral and poster presentations including a Keynote talk, the Invited talk in congress, the editorial board member of an open-access journal, and 43 publications in reputed national and international journals.


  • Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.), Brahmondi K. K. M. Govt. High School, Narsingdi, Bangladesh, Year: 1991
  • Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.), Narsingdi Govt. College, Narsingdi, Bangladesh, Year: 1993
  • B. Sc. (Honours) in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, Year: 1997
  • M. Sc. in Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, Year: 1998
  • Ph.D. specialization: Science and Technology of Materials and Nanosystems, University of Torino, Italy

Research Interests

  • Conducting polymers, Organic synthesis, Polymer nanocomposites, Photocatalysis, Supercapacitors (energy storage device), Organic-Inorganic hybrid materials, Materials for Organic pollutant removal, Nanomaterials, Biomaterials, Materials for biosensors and chemical sensors
  • Design and synthesis of nanomaterials, pi-conjugated conducting polymer nanocomposites for photocatalytic, supercapacitor (energy storage device), and sensor applications, Synthetic materials chemistry and characterization of nanoscale materials using TEM, SEM/EDX, XRD, TGA, DSC, FTIR, UV-visible, NMR spectroscopy, etc.
  • To develops new polymeric materials with multi functionality developed from morphology, structural and thermal properties for great communal impact
  • Microplastics in food chain

Active Research Project

  • 1. Polymer and copolymer-based nanocomposites materials for photocatalytic and supercapacitor applications
  • 2. Polymeric nanomaterials for water purification
  • 3. Conducting polymer-based composites for sensor applications

Previous Research Project

  • 1. - Obtained a research grant from the Ministry of Education, Bangladesh (2013-2015). Status: Completed - Obtained a research grant from the SUST Research Center, Bangladesh (2016-2017; 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022), Status: Completed - Obtained a research grant from the SUST Research Center, Bangladesh (2022-2023); In progress - Obtained a research grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh (2016-2018, 2021-2022), Status: Completed - Obtained a research grant from the UGC Bangladesh under the project of HEQEP (Financed by World Bank), Project ID: CP-2425, Status: Completed

External Affiliations

  • Ph. D., University of Torino, Italy
  • TWAS-USM Post-Doctoral Fellow; Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
  • Visiting researcher, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan

Journal Publications

  • 1. Simplistic fabrication of aniline and pyrrole-based poly(Ani-co-Py) for efficient photocatalytic performance and supercapacitors
  • 2. Synthesis, structure and photophysical properties of mono- and di-nuclearplatinum(II) acetylide complexes
  • 3. Improvement of Capacitive Performance of Polyaniline based Hybrid Supercapacitor
  • 4. Simple synthesis of Poly (1,4-bis(dodecyloxy)-2,5-diethynylbenzene)/Pd composites with catalytic activity in Sonogashira coupling reaction
  • 5. Synthesis of PVA-urea, PVA-thiourea, PVA-benzamide composite films for photocatalytic application
  • 6. Simple fabrication of PVA–ZnS composite films with superior photocatalytic performance: Enhanced luminescence property, morphology, and thermal Stability
  • 7. Role of reaction time on the electrical conductivity, thermal stability and photoluminescence property of polyanilne nanofibers
  • 8. A new series of conjugated platinum-co-poly(pphenylenebutadiynylene)s polymers: Syntheses and photophysical properties
  • 9. Fabrication of polyaniline–La2O3 composite nanofibers showing effective control of morphology, electrical conductivity, and thermal Stability
  • 10. Synthesis, luminescence and thermal properties of PVA-ZnO-Al2O3 composites films: Towards fabrication of sunlight-induced catalyst for organic dye removal
  • 11. Acceptor and donor substituted alkoxy(phenyleneethynylenes) (Alkoxy-PEs): Synthesis, thermal, linear and nonlinear optical properties
  • 12. Effects of CaO on the yield and thermal stability of PANI nanofibers
  • 13. Preparation and Characterization of Iminodiacetate Group Containing Nonwoven Polyethylene Fabrics and Its Application in Chromium Adsorption
  • 14. M. M. Rahman Khan, W. A. K. Mahmood Polyaniline Nanofibers: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications. Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials, Taylor and Francis. (Invited from Int. J. Polym. Mater. and Polym. Biomater). 2016, DOI: 10.1081/E-EBPP-120050552.
  • 15. M. M. Bhuyan, N. C. Dafader, K. Hara, H. Okabe, Y. Hidaka, M. M. Rahman, M. M. Rahman Khan, N. Rahman, Synthesis of Potato Starch-Acrylic Acid Hydrogels by Gamma Radiation and Their Application in Dye Adsorption, International Journal of Polymer Science 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/9867859.
  • 16. M. M. Huq, M. R. Rahman, M. Naher, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. K. Masud, G. M. G. Hossain, N. Zhu, Y. H. Lo, M. Younus, Wai-Yeung Wong, Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activities of Palladium(II) Nitroaryl Complexes, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10904-016-0434-3.
  • 17. R. K. Paul, M. F. Ahmad, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. Younus, Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Sugar Containing Platinum Ethynyl Complexes, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 2016, 40 (1) (In press).
  • 18. M. M. Rahman Khan, Y. K. Wee, W. A. K. Mahmood, Synthesis of PANI-CaO composite nanofibers with controllable diameter and electrical conductivity, Polymer Composites, 2015, 36(2), 359-366.
  • 19. S. C. Sutradhar, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. M. Rahman, N. C. Dafader, Synthesis of superabsorbent polymer from carboxymethylcellulose/acrylic acid blend using gamma radiation and its application in agriculture, Journal of Physical Science, 2015, 26(2), 2339.
  • 20. M. M. Rahman Khan, W. A. K. Mahmood, Y. K. Wee, H. B. Azizan, A comparative study of the effects of metal oxides (CaO, CuO and CaO/CuO) on the morphology and thermal stability of PANI nanofibers, Materials Science Forum, 2015, 819, 262-267.
  • 21. M. Naher, S. S. Mehdi, M K. Ahmed, M. M. Rahman, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. Younus, Conjugated platinum poly-ynes with extended arylene ethynylenes, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 2015, 39(2), 195-202.
  • 22. W. A. K. Mahmood, M. M. Rahman Khan, C. Y. Teow, Effects of reaction temperature on the synthesis and thermal properties of carrageenan ester, Journal of Physical Science, 2014, 25(1), 123138.
  • 23. M. M. Rahman Khan, W. A. K. Mahmood, Y. K. Wee, Effect of CuO on the thermal stability of polyaniline nanofibers, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2014, 12 (1), 1-7.
  • 24. W. A. K. Mahmood, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. H. Azarian, Synthesis, morphology and thermal properties of Epoxidized natural rubber/zirconia hybrid films, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, 378, 152157.
  • 25. L. Calore, M. M. Rahman Khan, S. Cagliero, A. Agostino, C. Plapcianu, M. Truccato, Al doping influence on crystal growth, structure and superconducting properties of Y(Ca)Ba2Cu3O7-y whiskers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 551, 1923.
  • 26. W. A. K. Mahmood, M. M. Rahman Khan, Y. K. Wee, Effects f preparation approachoes and oxidizing agents on polyaniline nanoparticles, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2012, 10, A87.
  • 27. P. Badica, A. Agostino, M. M. Rahman Khan, S. Cagliero, C. Plapcianu, L Pastero, M. Truccato, Y. Hayasaka, G. Jakob, Bi-2212 and Y123 highly curved single-crystal-like objects: whiskers, bows and ring-like structures, Supercond. Sci. Technol, 2012, 25, 105003.
  • 28. M. M. Rahman Khan, Y. K. Wee, W. A. K. Mahmood, Effects of CuO on the morphology and conducting properties of PANI nanofibers, Synthetic Metals, 2012, 162, 1065-1072.
  • 29. S. Cagliero, A. Agostino, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. Truccato, F. Orsini, M. Marinone, G. Poletti, A. Lascialfari, Crystalline instability of Bi-2212 superconducting whiskers near room temperature, Appl. Phy. A-Mater. Sci. Process, 2009, 95(2), 479-484.
  • 30. M. M. Rahman Khan, S. Cagliero, A. Agostino, M. Beagum, C Plapcianu, M. Truccato, Control of the oxygen doping in Bi-2212 whiskers by means of their synthesis process, Supercond. Sci. Technol, 2009, 22, 085011.
  • 31. S. Cagliero, A. Piovano, C. Lamberti, M. M. Rahman Khan, A. Agostino, G. Agostini, D. Gianolio, L. Mino, C. Prestipino, J. A. Sans, C. Manfredotti, M. Truccato, Synchrotron study of oxygen depletion in a Bi-2212 whisker annealed at 90C, J. Synchrotron Radiat. 2009, 16, 813-817.
  • 32. S. S. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, M. M. Rahman Khan, S. A. Begum, B. Roy and S. M. Fakruddin Shahed, Ethanolic extract of melgota (Macaranga postulate) for repellency, insecticidal activity against rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae), Afr. J. Biotechnol. 2007, 6(4), 379-383.
  • 33. E. Colombo, A. Agostino, S. Cagliero, A. Lo Giudice, C. Manfredotti, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. Truccato, L. Visca, E. Vittone, Micro-BS measurement of the variations of the oxygen content in BSCCO superconducting whiskers, Legnaro Annual Report 2007, Italy.
  • 34. M. M. Rahman, S. A. Begum, M. M. Rahman Khan, M. F. Ahmed, M. M. Hosain and M. A. Muttakin, Effect of storage period and cooking temperature on vitamin C content of some selected green leafy vegetables of Bangladesh, J. Bangladesh Chem. Soc., 2007, 20(2) (in press).
  • 35. M. M. Rahman, M. M. Rahman Khan and M. M. Islam, Analysis of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) contents in various fruits and vegetables by uv-Spectrophotometry, Banglaedesh J. Sci. and Ind. Res. 2007, 42(2), 417-424.
  • 36. S. S. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, S. A. Begum, M. M. Rahman Khan and M. M. Hossain Bhuiyan, Investigation of Sapindus Mukorossi extracts for repellency, insecticidal activity and plant growth regulatory effects, J. Appl. Sci. Res. 2007, 3(2), 95-101.
  • 37. M. F. Ahmed, M. M. Rahman and M. M. Rahman Khan, Quantitative determination of citric and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in commercially available powdered drink mixes and juices at local market in Sylhet, SUST Studies, 2007, 8 (2) 74-76.
  • 38. M. M. Rahman Khan, M. M. Rahman, M. S. Islam and S. A. Begum, A simple UV-spectroscopic method for the determination of vitamin C contents in various in various fruits and vegetables at Sylhet area in Bangladesh, J. Biol. Sci., 2006, 6(2), 388-392.
  • 39. M. M. Rahman, D. Parvin, F. Z. Farhana, M. M. Rahman Khan and S. A. Begum, Extraction and characterization of caffeine available in black tea and organic tea and coffee using 1-propanol as a solvent, J. of Sci. & Tech., 2006, 4, 6-9.
  • 40. M. M. Rahman, M. M. Rahman Khan, A.T.M. Murad and S. A. Begum, Determination of vitamin C content in various fruits and vegetables by UV-spectroscopic method at sylhet area, Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 2005, 11(1), 190-193.
  • 41. M. R. Islam, A. M. S. Khan, D. Debnath, and M. M. Rahman Khan, Synthesis of Some Aldehyde-2-1, 3, 4-Thiadiazoline Heterocycles, J. Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2003, 16(2), 124-132


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Fundamental Organic Chemistry I (Course No. CHE 141)
  • Fundamental Organic Chemistry II (Course No. CHE 143)
  • Nanochemistry (Course No. CHE 562)
  • Organic Chemistry Practical (Course No. CHE 142, CHE 142, CHE 342)
  • Organic Chemistry Practical (Course No. CHE 540)
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Organic Reaction Mechanism, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Organic Reagents and Synthyesis, etc.
  • Biochemistry
  • General Chemistry

Awards & Recognition

  • TWAS Young Scientist Prize 2015
  • Travel Award for Chemists from Under-represented Countries IUPAC-2015, Busan, South Korea.
  • TWAS-USM Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award 2013
  • University Grant Commission (UGC, Bangladesh) Award (for research) 2012
  • TWAS-USM Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award 2010
  • Best student award in 2nd SCHOOL AND WORKSHOP ON X-RAY MICRO AND NANOPROBES (XMNP 2009)-Palinuro, Italy
  • Grants from EUCAS 2009 Congress, Dresden, Germany to participate in the conference
  • Italian Ministry of Education Scholarship for Ph.D. program January 2007- December 2009
  • Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh, Merit Scholarship, 1995-2000.
  • Bangladesh Education Board Scholarship 1986-1991.
  • MIF(Japan) Research Fellowship Award 2018
  • Best Oral Presenter in 38 Annual Chemical Conference, Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2017

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Mohammad Shahadat Hussain Chowdhury, Ph. D., in progress
  • 2. Md. Mobasher Ahmed, M. Phil., Completed
  • 3. Md. Lutfor Rahman, M. Phil., in progress
  • 4. Subrata Paul, M.S., Completed
  • 5. Nilave Chakraborty, M.S., Completed
  • 6. Mansura Akter, Synthesis and Investigation of PVA-Metal Oxides (ZnO-Al2O3), PVA-PANI and PVA-PANI-Metal Oxides (ZnO-Al2O3) Composite Films, M.S. Thesis, 2016, Completed
  • 7. Sujan Talukdar, M. Phil., In Progress
  • 8. Suzon Kumer Paul, M.S., Completed
  • 9. Samiur Rahman, M.S., Completed
  • 10. Beauty Deb, M.S., Completed
  • 11. Shohana Islam Dana, M.S., Completed
  • 12. Puja Paul, M.S., Completed
  • 13. Madina Begum, M. S. Thesis title: Synthesis, thermal and antibacterial properties of PVA-MnO2 and PVA-MnO2-ZnS composite films: Application as photocatalyst for drug removal from the waste water”. Completed
  • 14. Md. Rashedul Alam, M.S., Completed
  • 15. Md. Mainul Hoque, M.S., Completed
  • 16. Saif Uddin Ahmed, M.S., Completed
  • 17. Rehana Akter, M.S., Completed
  • 18. Riaz Hosen Shohagh, M.S., In Progress
  • 19. Azmeri Sultana Supta, M.S., In Progress
  • 20. Md. Abu Saleh Musa, M.S., In Progress
  • 21. Naznin Akter Runa, M.S., In Progress
  • 22. Farzana Akter Popy, B.Sc. (Honours) Research project, Completed
  • 23. Sanjoy Majumdar, B.Sc. (Honours) Research project, Completed