Faculty Profile

Dr. S. M. Nizam Uddin

Associate Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801712013266
  • Email: sohel-che@sust.edu, ontic.sohel@gmail.com


  • Ph.D. in Materials Science (2017), Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Japan
  • M.Sc. in Chemistry (2012; Exam held in 2014), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
  • B.Sc. in Chemistry (2010; Exam held in 2011), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh

Research Interests

  • Carbon-based electrocatalyst development for sensing and energy related application
  • Organometallic electrocatalyst development for sensing and energy related application
  • Nanomaterials aided electrochemical dye degradation and biosensing
  • Nanofabrication of organic polymer

Active Research Project

  • 1. UGC research grant 2021-22 (01Year): Utilization of waste rust to fabricate Pd+-OCNT@GO-Magnetite nanocomposite for degradation of organic dye through oxygen reduction reaction. [Principal-Investigator; On going]
  • 2. SUST Promotional research grant 2023-2024 (01 Year): Study of the biochemical behavior of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and their modified derivatives using the quantum mechanical approach. [Principal-Investigator; On going]

Previous Research Project

  • 1. SUST Advanced research grant 2018-2021 (03 Years): [Co-Investigator]
  • 2. SUST Promotional research grant 2019-2020 (01 Year): [Principal-Investigator]
  • 3. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Research grant 2019-2020 (01 Year): [Co-Investigator]
  • 4. SUST Promotional research grant 2020-2021(01 Year): [Principal-Investigator]
  • 5. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Research grant 2021-2022 (01 Year): [Co-Investigator]
  • 6. SUST Advanced research grant 2021-2023(02 Years): [Co-Investigator]

Journal Publications

  • 1. Sulfur adlayer on gold surface for attaining H2O2 reduction in alkaline medium: Catalysis, Kinetics, and Sensing activities, M. Ahsan, A. Dutta, M. Akermi, M. M. Alam, S. M. Nizam Uddin, N. Khatun, M. A. Hasnat,* J. Electroanal. Chem. 2023, 934, 117281 (IF: 4.6; Publisher: Elsevier)
  • 2. Cu-electrodeposited gold electrode for the sensitive electrokinetic investigations of nitrate reduction and detection of the nitrate ion in acidic medium, A.Y. Abir, S.M. Nizam Uddin*, M. Hasan, Md. A. Aziz, S. Shah, J. Ahmed, M. A. Hasnat*, Results Chem. 2023, 5, 100702. (IF: 2.3; Publisher: Elsevier)
  • 3. Fabrication of IrOx immobilized glassy carbon surface for attaining electrocatalytic ascorbic acid oxidation reactions, M.A. Hasnat, M. Siddika, S.M. Nizam Uddin, K.A. Alamry, M.M. Rahman, Electrochim. Acta. 2021, 392, 138999. (Impact Factor: 6.901, Publisher: Elsevier)
  • 4. Ion transportation by Prussian blue nanoparticles embedded in a giant liposome, S. M. Nizam Uddin, Salinthip Laokroekkiat, Md. A. Rashed, Shino Mizuno, Kenta Ono, Manabu Ishizaki, Katsuhiko Kanaizuka, Masato Kurihara, Yuki Nagao, Tsutomu Hamada, Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 1046−1049. (Impact Factor: 6.222; Publisher: RSC)
  • 5. Multilayer Growth of Porphyrin-Based Polyurea Thin Film Using Solution-Based Molecular Layer Deposition Technique, S. M. Nizam Uddin, Yuki Nagao, Langmuir 2017, 33, 12777-12784. (Impact Factor: 3.935; Publisher: ACS)
  • 6. Nitrate Detection Activity of Cu Particles Deposited on Pencil Graphite by Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry, M. M. Alam, M. A. Hasnat, M. A. Rashed, S. M. Nizam Uddin, Mohammed M. Rahman, S. Amertharaj, N. Ahmed, N. Mohamed, J. Anal. Chem. 2015, 70, 60-66. (Impact Factor: 0.812; Publisher: Springer)
  • 7. Copper-immobilized platinum electrocatalyst for the effective reduction of nitrate in a low conductive medium: Mechanism, adsorption thermodynamics and stability, M. A. Hasnat, S. Ben Aoun, S. M. Nizam Uddin, M. M. Alam, P. P. Koay, S. Amertharaj, M.A. Rashed, Mohammed M. Rahman, N. Mohamed, Appl. Catal. A: General, 2014, 478, 259-266. (Impact Factor: 4.18; Publisher: Elsevier)
  • 8. Dissimilar catalytic trails of nitrate reduction on Cu-modified Pt surface immobilized on H+ conducting solid polymer, M. A. Hasnat, M. A. Rashed, S. Ben Aoun, S. M. Nizam Uddin, M. Saiful Alam, S. Amertharaj, R. K. Majumder, N. Mohamed, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2014, 383-384, 243-248. (Impact Factor: 4.03; Publisher: Elsevier)
  • 9. Silver modified platinum surface/H conducting Nafion membrane for cathodic reduction of nitrate ions, M. A. Hasnat, N. Ahamad, S. M. Nizam Uddin, N. Mohamed, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2012, 258, 3309-3314. (Impact Factor: 2.1; Publisher: Elsevier)


  • 1. Fabrication of IrOx Immobilized Glassy Carbon Surface for Attaining Electrocatalytic Ascorbic Acid Oxidation Reactions, S. M. Nizam Uddin, M. Siddika, M. A. Hasnat*, 1st International Conference on Nano-bio and Advanced Materials Engineering (NAME), 7-8 January 2023, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. (Oral Presentation)
  • 2. An Electrochemical Approach to As (V) Determination via an Interaction with Alizarin Red S in Aqueous Medium, M. Ahsan, M. A. Hasnat, S. S. Alam, S. M. Nizam Uddin*, 1st International Conference of Physical Sciences (ICPS), 21-23 October 2022, SUST, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh. (Oral Presentation)
  • 3. Fabrication of IrOx immobilized glassy carbon surface for attaining electrocatalytic ascorbic acid oxidation reactions, M. Siddika, T. A. Oyshi, S. M. Nizam Uddin, M. A. Hasnat*, 1st International Conference of Physical Sciences (ICPS), 21-23 October 2022, SUST, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
  • 4. Fabrication of Porphyrin-Based Polyurea Networks by Solution-Based Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD) Technique, S. M. Nizam Uddin, Yuki Nagao, The 66th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 29-31 May 2017, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Japan.
  • 5. Synthesis and Characterization of Porphyrin-Based Polyurea Thin Films by Molecular Layer Deposition Technique, S. M. Nizam Uddin, Yuki Nagao, JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science, 6-7 March 2017, Ishikawa, JAIST, Japan.
  • 6. Positive effect of heat treatment on the electrocatalytic activity of Porphyrin-based nanostructure, S. M. Nizam Uddin, BanjongsakLamlua, Takahiro Ohyama, LaokroekkiatSalinthip, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao, IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials, 7 March 2016, Ishikawa, JAIST, Japan.
  • 7. Effect of Heat Treatment on Co (II) TAPP-Based Surface Nanostructure for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, S. M. Nizam Uddin, BanjongsakLamlua, Takahiro Ohyama, SalinthipLaokroekkiat, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao, The 96th CSJ Annual Meeting, 24-26 March 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 8. Fabrication of Covalent-Based Co(II)TAPP Nanostructure by Using Solution-Based Layer-by-layer Technique for ORR Electrocatalyst, S. M. Nizam Uddin, BanjongsakLamlua, Takahiro Ohyama, SalinthipLaokroekkiat, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao, FY2010 Hokuriku district lecture and research presentation, 27 November 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.

Book/ Book Chapter


  • ##Teaching Experience:
  • Assistant Professor(28th March 2019 - Present), Department of Chemistry, SUST, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
  • Lecturer (28th March 2018 - 27th March 2019), Department of Chemistry, SUST, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
  • ##Course Taken:
  • Advanced Electrochemistry
  • Electrochemistry
  • Chemical Kinetics & Photochemistry
  • Phase Equilibria, Colloids & Surface Chemistry
  • Nuclear Chemistry
  • Computational Chemistry (Practical)
  • Physical Chemistry (Practical)
  • General Chemistry (Theory & Practical)

Awards & Recognition

  • Merit Grant for academic result in B.Sc-2007, 2008, 2009, 2010; SUST, Bangladesh
  • Distinction for B.Sc. result-2010; SUST, Bangladesh
  • Merit Grant for academic result in MS-2011; SUST, Bangladesh
  • Distinction for MS result-2014; SUST, Bangladesh
  • Japan government scholarship: Monbukagakusho (MEXT)-2014; JAIST, Japan
  • India Science and Research fellowship (ISRF)-2023; NIT, Srinagar, India

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Anim Dutta; MS (Completed)
  • 2. Joyaria Hossain Rafa; B.Sc. (Completed)
  • 3. Mahmudul Hasan Palash; B.Sc. (Completed)
  • 4. Md. Mahfujul Alam; B. Sc. (Completed)
  • 5. Mahmudul Hasan Palash; MS (Completed)