Faculty Profile

Dr Syed Shamsul Alam


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801718350953
  • Email: ssa-che@sust.edu, ssa1997@yahoo.com


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics and Chemistry Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences SSR, USSR, Government Scholarship, selection of Ministry of Education, Bangladesh,1991
  • M.Sc. (Thesis), Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh,1986
  • B.Sc. (Honors), Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1984
  • Higher Secondary School Certificate (H.S.C), Dhaka, Board, Bangladesh, 1979
  • Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) Dhaka Board, Bangladesh, 1977

Research Interests

  • Molecular transition metal clusters
  • Sensors for environmental applications
  • Lanthanide complexes

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Completed 12 research projects as Team Leader/ Principal Investigator/Consultant financed by UGC, SUST, Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology.
  • 2. DSPM (HEQEP), World bank Project 2014-2016, SUST, Sylhet.

External Affiliations

  • Life and regular members of 10 National, International Associations & Societies.
  • Vice-President-1, Central Executive Committee, Bangladesh Chemical Society (BCS), 2017-2018
  • Convener, Executive Committee 2015. gnvb মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনায় উদ্বুদ্ধ শিক্ষক বৃন্দের ‡dvivg শাবিপ্রবি|
  • Founder President,‘বঙ্গবন্ধু পরিষদ’ SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Since 12 October 2012 to date
  • Member, Bangladesh Awami league, Shippur Upazila, Narsingdi, 1991
  • Vice President-1, The Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers Association (2017-2018), Treasurer (2011-12)

Journal Publications

  • 1. Md Shahadat Hussain Chowdhury, Mohebul Ahsan, Md Humayun Kabir, Syed Shamsul Alam, Mohammad Abul Hasnat, Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide using Chemical and Catalytic Methods: A Reactor-based Approach. Asian Journal of Chemistry
  • 2. Nahida Tanjila, Mohebul Ahsan, Sami Ben Aoun, IA Siddiquey, Syed Shamsul Alam, Mohammad Abul Hasnat, An Electrochemical Approach to As(V) Determination via an Interaction with Alizarin Red S in Aqueous Medium. Journal of Analytical Chemistry
  • 3. Studies on the Quality parameters of some textile Effluents and the removal of Dye and metal Iron Using some natural Bio-Adsobents
  • 4. Development of an efficient in vitro Regeneration System for Endangered Wild Orange Citrus Chrysocarpa L
  • 5. Synthesis of Some Chitosan Derivatives and Ttheir Iron(II) Adsorption Behavior- a Class of Pharmaceutically Important Biosorbents
  • 6. Studies on adsorption efficiency and kinetics of dye removal from textile effluent using some natural bio-adsorbent.
  • 7. Effect of Temperature on the Synthesis of Nono-Nikel Particles.
  • 8. Synthesis and characterization of aggregated nano-cobalt particles by bottom up approach
  • 9. Synthesis of nano-cobalt by a wet chemical reduction method in the presence of surfactant (SDS) and a polymer(PVP)
  • 10. Characterization of Polyethylenetarepthalate (PET) based Proton Exchange Membranes Prepared by UV Radiation Induced Graft Copolymerization of Styrene
  • 11. Preparation of poly(ethylene terephthalate)-based proton-exchange membranes through the ultraviolet-induced graft copolymerization of allyl methacrylate for applications in fuel cells
  • 12. Synthesis of nano-nickel by wet chemical reduction method in the presence of surfactant (SDS) and a polymer (PVP)
  • 13. Characterization of Polyethylenetarepthalate (PET) based Proton Exchange Membranes Prepared by UV Radiation Induced Graft Copolymerization
  • 14. Synthesis of nano-nickel by a wet chemical reduction method in the presence of surfactant(SDS) and a polymer (PVP).
  • 15. estimation and comparison of night-time OH levels in the UK urban atmosphere using to defferent analysis methods
  • 16. Adsorption and photocatalytic decolorization of a synthetic dye erythrosine on anatase TiO2 and ZnO surfaces.
  • 17. Verification of the detection efficiency of arcenic field test kits by laboratory methods.
  • 18. Study on determination of pollutants in plastic wastes and its management- a case study.
  • 19. Management of butachlor bearing water by sorption on waste tire rubber granules.
  • 20. Reactivity of [(μ-H)OS3(CO)7(μ-2,3-η2-C=NCH=CH)( η1-CH=NCH=CHNCH=CH2){ μ3- η3-PPhCH2-PPh(C6H4)}] and [OS3(CO)8-( μ -2,3- η2-C=NCH=CHNCH=CH2)( η1-CH=NCH=CHNCH=CH2)( μ3- η3-PPh-CH2PPh2)] with P(OMe)3
  • 21. Mineralization of a water soluble organic pollutant.
  • 22. Charaterization of some hilly areas rock sample using X-ray powder diffraction method.
  • 23. Proton and metal Ligand formation constant of salicylic acid with some biologically important metal ions.
  • 24. Reaction of Benzyloxybenzoyl hydrazine with butyraldehude, crotonaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde and preparation of their Ni(II) complexes
  • 25. Reaction of 2-aminophenol with Cu (II), Ni (II), Co (II), Fe (III), Mn (II), Cr (III), Zn (II) Cd (II) ions in the presence of cinnamaldehyde and study of antibacterial activity of the synthesized complexes.
  • 26. Reactionof 4-Benzyloxybenzoylhydrazine with cupper (II) acetate in the presence of some aldehydesReactionof 4-Benzyloxybenzoylhydrazine with cupper (II) acetate in the presence of some aldehydes
  • 27. A study of the macronutrientfor tree plantation in some selected samples.
  • 28. Statistical aspect of the stability of the complexes of lanthanides with substituted 4-hydroxy- 3- cinnamoyl-6-methyl-2-pyrone.
  • 29. Investigation of the luminescence extraction properties of biologically active β-diketones with lanthanides.
  • 30. The lanthanide complexes with cyclic polyketones, their spectral properties and applications. Sbornik. “The method of separation and determination of rare earth metals.”
  • 31. The stability of the complexes of rare earth elements with dimedone and their 2-acetyldeivate.
  • 32. Synthesis of carbine complexes of iron from gem-Diclorocyclalkanes.
  • 33. Reaction of Disodiumtetracarbonylferrate with alylbromide


  • 1. Md. Azharul Arafath, Syed Shamsul Alam, Md.Masudur Rahman, Mohammad Obaidul Haque , Mubarak Hossain, Studies on the quality parameters of some textile and tannery effluents and the removal of dye and heavy metals using natural bio-adsorbents, Bangladesh Chemicals Congress 2012, 07-09-December 2012, Dhaka Bangladesh pp-12, P-93, 2012
  • 2. A. A. Khan, J. M. M. Islam, M. F. Rahman, M. R. Bhuiyan, S. S. Alam and Mubarak A. Khan, Detoxification of Textile Sludge by Gamma Radiation and Application as Bio-Fertilizer, Nuclear Conference on Physics for Technology Development, 27-28 December, 2012
  • 3. A. A. Khan, J. M. M. Islam, M. F. Rahman, M. R. Bhuiyan, S. S. Alam and Mubarak A. Khan, Detoxification of Textile Sludge by Gamma Radiation and Application as Bio-Fertilizer, Nuclear Conference on Physics for Technology Development, 27-28 December, 2012
  • 4. M. M. Rahman, J. M. M. Islam, M.R. Bhuiyan, S. S. Alam and Mubarak A. Khan, Urea Treated Unsaturated Polystyrene Resin/ Textile Sludge Composite: A Novel Eco-friendly Approach to Reduce Environmental Pollution, Nuclear Conference on Physics for Technology Development, 27-28 December, 2012
  • 5. M.Ahmed, M. B. Khan, M. A. Khan, N, Rahman, S. S. Alam, H. T. Imam, Characterization of Polyethlenetarepthalate (PET) based Proton Exchange Membranes Prepared by UV Radiation Induced Graft Copolymerization, 3rd International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures (MFMS-2010), Jeonju, Korea, P-1323
  • 6. S.S.Alam, K.Sarker, A comparative study of lead contamination in roadside leaf and soil caused by automobile exhaust in some parts of Sylhet city, Bangladesh Chemical Congress,p79,9-11March,2007.
  • 7. A. J. F. Samed, S. S. Alam, K. Elahi and E Nobi, Comparative Study on some water quality parameters by characterizing underground and surface water samples collected from in and around Sylhet city. Silver jubilee Conference, Bangladesh Chemical Society, p. 69, 11-13 January, 2003
  • 8. B. Ahmmad, M. N. Islam and S. S. Alam, Proton-Ligand and metal-Ligand formation constant of salicylic acid with some biologically important metal ion. . Silver jubilee Conference, Bangladesh Chemical Society, p. 123, 11-13 january, 2003
  • 9. Syed S. Alam, Shah Banu, A. Ali, Antony J. Deening, Graeme Hogarth, Jonathan Wsteed, Hydrogen Atom transfer involving Amido ligand in triruthenium and triosmium clusters. 34th International Conference of Coordination Chemistry. The Royal Society of Chemistry. The University Edinburgh, Scotland. P-0834, 9-14 July 2000
  • 10. S. S. Alam, B. B. Md. Sadi and M. A. H. Shafique, A study on the macro nutrient of some selected soil samples, 21th Annual Conference Bangladesh Chemical Society, A. E. C-3, 22-24 Oct 1998
  • 11. S. S. Alam, B. B. Md. Sadi, Analysis of specific types of locally available mineral, 20th Annual Conference, Bangladesh Chemical Society, p.8, March14-16, 1997
  • 12. E. T. Denysenko, S. S. Alam, I. I. Zheltvai, Potentiometric, estimation of the stability constant of the complexes of metals with4-hydroxy-3-cinnomolyl-6-methyl-2-pyrone, Ozghorad, Ukraine, p. 130, 1992
  • 13. S. S. Alam, A. H. Molla, G. I. Gerasimenko, M. A. Tishchenko, “Some lanthanide complexes with biologically active organic ligands and useful to analysis of pure compounds.” 33rd IUPAC Congress, Budapest, Hungary, p. 187, 17-22 August 1991
  • 14. Marlena Tischenko, A. Hashem Molla, S. Shamsul Alam, Vladimir Tishchenko and Galina Gerasimenko, “Synthesis, properties and application of coordination compounds of europium with dibenzylmetane and macrocyclic ligands.” Sixteenth International symposium on macrocyclic Chemistry, Sheffield, United Kingdom, p. 166, September 1-6,1991
  • 15. S. S. Alam, G. I. Gerasimenko, M. A. Tishchenko, β- diketone lanthanides, their structure and spectroscopicalcharacterristices. “All Unoin Association of theoretical organic chemistry.”Volgograd USSR, p.284, 1991
  • 16. S. S. Alam, I. I. Zheltvai, The coordination action among the molecules in the solution of the complexes of rare earth elements with triketone, Volgograd, USSR, 1991, p.379
  • 17. M. A. Tishchenko, G. I. Gerasimenko, S. S. Alam, A. H. Molla, The spectral properties and application of cyclic polyketone of lanthanides. Chemistry of North Kavkaz National Economy, Nalcheek, USSR, p.12,1991
  • 18. M. A. Tishchenko, G. I. Gerasimenko, V.V. Tishchenko, S. S. Alam, A. H. Molla., The spectral luminescence properties of the lanthanide complexes including in quality of biologically active β,β - tricarbonyl ligand. Isdvo. Bel GU in KN: Thesis Dokl. All Union. Chugaevsk, Information on the complex compound. Minsk, USSR, p.672, 1990
  • 19. M. A. Tishchenko, A. H. Molla, S. S. Alam, V. V. Tishchenko, G. I. Gerasimenko, Triketone, as organic ligands for the luminescence determination of microamount of europium and terbium. Isd- Vo Tashgu GU in KN, 3rd region, inform. Republic Middle Asia and Kazakhastan on chemical reagents, Tashkent USSR, V2, p 61, 1990
  • 20. S. S. Alam, G. I. Gerasimenko, V. V. Tishchenko, A. H. Molla, The luminescence complexes of lanthanides with cyclic ketones and their analytical utilsation. Isd-vo, Latv. UG in KN.; Thesis Dokl. Nauchn. Conference on chemistry. Prebaltic Republic, Riga, Latvia, p77, 1990
  • 21. M. A. Tishchenko, G. I. Gerasimenko, V. V. Tishchenko, A. H. Molla, S. S. Alam,The luminescence complexes of lanthanides with cyclic ketones and their analytical utilisation. Isd-vo Latv. UG in KN. Thesis Dokl. Nauchn. Conference on chemistry. Prebaltic Republic, Riga, Latvia, p130, 1990
  • 22. M.A.Tishchenko, G.I. Gerasimenko, S. S. Alam,A. H. Molla, V.V. Tishchenko, Extraction- spectroscopic study of the complex formation properties of cyclic polyketones and their application as an analytical reagents, Proceedings of the International Organic Substances Solvent Extraction Conference, Voronezh, Russia, ISECOS
  • 23. M. A. Islam2*,R. Sourav, S. S. Alam, S. M. Hossain, K. Naher, Determination of Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water, Herbs and Waste Leathers of Hazaribagh Tannery Industrial Area Using Neutron Activation Analysis, Bangladesh Physical Society, Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka,Bangladesh

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Jan.1987- Dec.1987: Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Mar.1994-Dec. 1997: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, SUST, Sylhet.
  • Dec.1997-Feb.2007: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, SUST, Sylhet.
  • Feb.2007-to date: Professor, Department of Chemistry, SUST, Sylhet.

Awards & Recognition

  • 2000: Commonwealth Post-Doctoral Staff Fellowship, Department of Chemistry, University College London (UCL), London, UK
  • 1988: USSR Government Scholarship for PhD by the selection of Ministry of Education, Bangladesh
  • 1984: Jahangirnagar University Post-graduate Scholarship, Bangladesh
  • 1979: Board of Secondary and higher secondary Education Scholarship Dhaka
  • 1975: Junior Scholarship, Dhaka District, Bangladesh
  • 1972: Primary Scholarship, Dhaka District, Bangladesh