Faculty Profile

Md Aslam Hossain

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Economics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801717201312
  • Email: aslam-eco@sust.edu


Md. Aslam Hossain is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. Besides teaching, his keen interest is doing research on different economic issues. He conducted research on various macroeconomic issues i.e macroeconomic developments, capital market, microfinance for women, poverty and public services as well as budget analysis in the performance of the economy of Bangladesh. He obtained B.Sc and M.Sc in Economics from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  • Ph.D. (Economics and Econometrics stream), University of Manitoba (Fall 2021 to continue)
  • M.A., Economics, University of Manitoba
  • M.Sc., Economics, Jahangirnagar University

Research Interests

  • Labour Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Behavioural Economics

External Affiliations

  • Canadian Economic Association (CEA)
  • Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA)
  • Jahangirnagar University Economic Association

Journal Publications

  • 1. Hossain, Aslam.and Papia, M. Jahan, 2015 “A Dynamic Econometric Study of GDP, Market Capitalization and Inflation: Evidence from Bangladesh”, ASA University Review, Vol.9, No. 1, Pp. 93-102.
  • 2. Hossain, Aslam, Tishir, A. and Akther, T. 2015, “A Dynamic Econometric Study of Nominal Exchange Rate, Exports and Imports of Bangladesh.”, Stamford Journal of Economics, Vol.2, No. 1, Pp. 34-45.
  • 3. Titumir, R. A. M. and Hossain, Aslam, 2014, “Inflation and Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Bangladesh”, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol. 25, Pp. 1-12.
  • 4. Hossain, Aslam. 2014, “DECLINING GROWTH IN BANGLADESH: AN ENQUIRY in Titumir, R. A. M. (ed.) Dealing with Deceleration: State of Bangladesh Economy and Development 2014. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Pp. 25-48
  • 5. Hossain, Aslam, Kamal, Mustafa & Mahmud, Latif., 2014. “Declining Growth: Mismatches in Fiscal and Monetary Management”, ”, Bangladesh Economic Update, Volume 4, No.13, December 2013, http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/December%202013/Half-yearly%20assessment_Dec%202013.pdf
  • 6. Hossain, Aslam. 2013, “Macroeconomic Developments: Current Challenges.” in Titumir, Rashed Al Mahmud (ed.) Exigency of Expediency?: State of Bangladesh Economy and Development. Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh. pp.41-70, http://www.unnayan.org/reports/MACROECONOMIC%20DEVELOPMENTS%20CURRENT%20CHALLENGES.pdf
  • 7. Hossain, Aslam. 2013, “Capital Market and Confidence.” in Titumir, Rashed Al Mahmud (ed.) Exigency of Expediency?: State of Bangladesh Economy and Development. Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh. pp.71-102 http://www.unnayan.org/reports/CAPITAL%20MARKET%20AND%20CONFIDENCE.pdf
  • 8. Hossain, Aslam and Khatun, Mst. Morium, 2013, “Microfinance for Women” in Titumir, R. A. M. (ed.) INSTITUTIONS MATTER: State of Women in Bangladesh 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Shrabon Prokashani, Pp. 113-128.
  • 9. Hossain, Aslam, 2013 “Emerging Macroeconomic Challenges”, Bangladesh Economic Update, Volume 4, No.4, April 2013, http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/apr_13/MEU_APRIL%20%20_2013.pdf
  • 10. Hossain, Aslam, 2013. “Capital Market”, Bangladesh Economic Update, Volume 4, No.3, March 2013, http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/march_13/MEU_March_2013%20.pdf
  • 11. Roy, Nibedita & Hossain, Aslam, 2013. “Monetary Policy: Evidence Based?”, Bangladesh Economic Update, Volume 4, No. 1, January 2013, http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/jan_13/UO_MEU_Jan%202013.pdf
  • 12. Hossain, Aslam, 2012.”Social Security”. in Titumir, R. A. M. (ed.) Growth or Contraction? Dhaka, Bangladesh: Shrabon Prokashani. Pp. 235-272.
  • 13. Hossain, Aslam and Khan, Tauhid Hossain 2012, “Poverty and Public Services: Social Exclusion of Urban Poor” in Titumir, R. A. M. (ed.) Decelerated Decline: State of Poverty in Bangladesh , 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Shrabon Prokashani, Pp. 113-134.
  • 14. Khan, Tauhid Hossain and Hossain, Aslam, 2012, “Social Exclusion: Social Protection and Food Security” in Titumir, R. A. M. (ed.) Elusive Progress: State of Food Security in Bangladesh, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Shrabon Prokashani, Pp. 167-186.
  • 15. Roy, Nibedita, Hossain, Aslam & Saleh, A.Z.M, 2012. “Growth and Inflation Trajectory”, Bangladesh Economic Update, Volume 3, No. 8, August 2012, http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/Aug_12/MEU_Aug_2012.pdf
  • 16. Hossain, Aslam, 2011. “Debt and Deficit”, Bangladesh Economic Update, Volume 2, No.7, August 2011. http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/aug_11/meu_Aug_2011.pdf
  • 17. Hossain, Aslam, 2011. “Capital Market”, Bangladesh Economic Update, Volume 2, No.9, October 2011. http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/oct_11/meu_Oct_2011.pdf
  • 18. “Deficit financing increases per capita debt burden”, The Financial Express-6.10.2011 “????? ? ????????? ???????????, ???? ????? ???????? ? ???????????”, ???? ??????-??.??.????


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Econometrics
  • Macroeconomics

Awards & Recognition

  • RDC Graduate Fellowship, Canada, 2023
  • Fellowship for Education Purposes, University of Manitoba, Canada, 2021-2023
  • Nominated by the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings - Open Application for participation in the 7th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Economics, 2020
  • Manitoba Graduate Scholarship (MGS), University of Manitoba, Canada, 2018-2019
  • International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (IGSES), University of Manitoba, Canada, 2018-19
  • Graduate Merit Scholarship, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2009