Faculty Profile
Nazmunnessa Bakth
Contact Information
Nazmunnessa Bakth is a Professor of Economics at the Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen and
MSc from the University of Glasgow. With over 15 years' experience in academia, Dr. Bakth has authored several peer-reviewed articles and carried out active parts in different research
projects in association with institutions like the World Bank and World Fish Centre. Her current
work focuses on the study and remedy of inequalities, especially related to employment,
occupation and education. She often engages in field experiments to produce convincing
evidence for her research theme.
PhD in Economics, University of Aberdeen, UK.
MSc. in Economic Development, University of Glasgow, UK.
MSS from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
BSS from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Education Economics
Labour Economics
Pollution Control
Women Empowerment
Wildlife Preservation
Development issues
Previous Research Project
1. Investment Climate for the Women Entrepreneurs in Sylhet: An Examination of Cost Functional Efficiency, UGC project.
2. A Study on Nature Based Tourism in Bangladesh (2007 – 08), IUCN
Journal Publications
1. How are Bangladeshi migrants adapting to Scottish schooling? A case study in the city of Aberdeen.
2. “Temporary environmental migration and child truancy: An investigation among hard-to-reach families in Bangladesh.” Journal of Social and Economic Development, 1-18.
3. Recovering Slackness in Diffusion of ICS: A Clean Cooking Technology in Bangladesh. – International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics.
4. Policy Impact on Food Price in South Asian Countries. SUST Studies.
5. Labor Market Responses to Job Vulnerability: A Micro Study in Sylhet. Development Review.
6. “Awareness and Capacity Building in Fisheries Management: An Impact Analysis of CBFM Training in Sunamganj” Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, Special Issue 2007, pp 125-135.
7. “Exploring the role of Child Labor in Family Income in an Urban area of Bangladesh, Journal of Social Science, Begum Rokeya University,Rongpur,Bangladesh.
Book/ Book Chapter
Labour Economics
Environmental and Energy Economics
Mathematics for Economics
Awards & Recognition
Awards and Recognition: Received Vice Chancellor’s Medal for highest talent and greatest achievement among all graduates of the School of Social Science in MSS.exam. 2002.
Awarded with Prime Minister Gold Medal Award of 2005 for B.S.S. result of the faculty of School of Social Sciences,SUST, organized by U.G.C. of Bangladesh
Received Vice Chancellor’s Medal for highest talent and greatest achievement among all graduates of the School of Social Science in BSS.exam. 2001.
Received Commonwealth Scholarship for Masters in Economics in United kingdom, 2013-14.
Received Commonwealth Scholarship for PhD in United kingdom, 2019-20.