Faculty Profile
Jawata Afnan
Contact Information
Jawata Afnan received her B. Sc Engg. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2013. Since October 2014, she has been with the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of SUST as a Lecturer. However, she started her career as a Lecturer in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Leading University, Sylhet in August 2013.
B. Sc Engg. (2013) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Biomedical Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
Journal Publications
1. Real time Hand Gesture Recognition using different algorithms based on American Sign Language. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/ICIVPR.2017.7890854
1. Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition for Bangla Sign Language. Proceeding of the International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE). Sylhet
Book/ Book Chapter
Biomedical Instrumentation
Basic Communication Engineeringn (Theory and lab)
Electrical Properties of Materials
Electronics I (Theory and lab)
Electronics II (Theory and lab)
Electrical & Electronic Circuits (Theory and lab)
Awards & Recognition
Dean’s Award in BUET
HSC Board Scholarship
SSC Board Scholarship