Faculty Profile

Sahelee Parveen Dipa

Associate Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801717896188
  • Email: sahelee912-eng@sust.edu


  • MA in Gender Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS), University of London;
  • MA in English (SUST)

Research Interests

  • Gender, literature, and historiography

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Worked as a co-investigator on a project titled, “Rizia Rahman’s Surjo Sabuj Rokto (Sun Green Blood): A Literary Perspective on the Human Rights Crisis of the Tea Garden Workers and their Real-time Status” funded by the SUST Research Centre in 2020-21.
  • 2. Worked as a co-investigator on a project titled “Socio-economic Effects of Micro-credit on Women in Bangladesh: A study on Sylhet” in funded by the SUST Research Centre in 2017-18.

External Affiliations

  • Commonwealth Scholarships Alumni Association
  • SOAS, University of London alumni network

Journal Publications

  • 1. Dipa, Sahelee P. “Subversion of Colonial Masculinity and Manifestation of Gendered Nationalism in Letters of 1971 (Ekattorer Chithi)” Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, vol 13, no.4, 2022, pp. 27–41.
  • 2. Dipa, Sahelee P. “Using Students' Answer Scripts in Developing Writing Skills at Tertiary Level: A Bangladeshi Perspective.” Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, vol. 10, 2019, pp.133–142.
  • 3. Dipa, Sahelee P. “In unmaking the myth of othering and its aftermath: A comparative study between Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.” Harvest: Jahangirnagar University Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 32, 2017, pp.29–43.


  • 1. Dipa, Sahelee P. (2022, November 13-14). An eco-critical reading of Rizia Rahman’s Sun Green Blood (Surjo Shobuj Rokto) [Paper Presentation] 2 nd International Conference, “Issues and Discourses around Liberal Arts and Humanities”, Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
  • 2. Dipa, Sahelee P. (2022, September 17) Questioning the Global Sisterhood Project and Prospect for feminist solidarity across borders: A study on Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko and Rizia Rahman’s Sun Green Blood (Surjo Shobuj Rokto) [Paper Presentation] under sub-theme titled (Gender Issues in South Asia).1st International conference of Social Sciences on Bangladesh at 50: Achievements, Prospects and Challenges, Faculty of Social Sciences, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, SUST, Sylhet.
  • 3. Dipa, Sahelee P. (2022, January 7). Reclaiming Bengali Masculinity and negotiating the concept of Gendered Nationalism in Letters of 1971(Ekattorer Chithi). [Paper Presentation]. International conference on Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, SUST, Sylhet.
  • 4. Dipa, Sahelee P. (2021, October 30). Afghan Women in Syed Mujtaba Ali’s Deshe Bideshe and the question of Agency and Intersectionality [Paper Presentation]. International virtual colloquium on “From Kabuliwala to the Fall of Kabul: Afghanistan in Popular Imagination”, Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka.
  • 5. Dipa, Sahelee P. (2017, December 27) Negotiating Spatial and Psychological belonging in a class-entangled transnational state in Zia Haider Rahman’s In the Light of what We Know [Paper Presentation] International Conference titled “Refugees in the Public Imagination: Discourse of (Dis) location and (Dis) placement”, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka.
  • 6. Dipa, Sahelee P. (2017, November 24) Reuse of students’ script in Developing Writing Skill [Paper Presentation]. International Conference titled “Language: Teaching and Learning” arranged by Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 7. Dipa, Sahelee P. (2016, May 27-28) Magic Realism: Politics of Naming and Locating [Paper Presentation] International Conference titled “Magic and Literature”, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Associate Professor, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, 19 June 2023–present
  • Assistant Professor, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, April 2015 –present
  • Lecturer, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, November 2013 –April 2015
  • Lecturer, Department of English, Sylhet International University, April 2012 to November 2013

Awards & Recognition

  • Recipient of Commonwealth Scholarship (CSC) 2018, UK