Faculty Profile

Khadizatul Kobra Urmy

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801765548329
  • Email: urmykk-eng@sust.edu, urmykk2469@gmail.com


Khadizatul Kobra Urmy is Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. She did her M.A. in English Literature and B.A. (Honours) in English from the Department of English, University of Dhaka. The areas she is interested in include Literature, Film & Culture, Environment & Gender Studies, South Asian Literature, and Diaspora Literature. She may be communicated at urmykk2469@gmail.com or urmykk-eng@sust.edu.


  • M.A. in English Literature, University of Dhaka, 2017 (exam held in January 2018)
  • B.A. (Honours) in English, University of Dhaka, 2016 (exam held in January 2017)

Research Interests

  • Literature, Film & Culture
  • Environment & Gender Studies
  • South Asian Literature
  • Diaspora Literature

External Affiliations

  • Seminar-in-charge, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet since June 2022

Journal Publications

  • 1. Urmy, K.K. (2022). Of all the mothers at stake: Ecofeminism and Bangladeshi films. Spectrum, Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka, vol.17, pp.75-88
  • 2. Urmy, K.K. (2021). The Paris Library: An impassioned tale of life and hope in the time of death and despair. Litwrite Bangladesh, 1(1).
  • 3. Suchona, I.J. and Urmy, K.K. (2019). Exploring reading strategies and difficulties among Bangladeshi undergraduates. Shanlax International Journal of English, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 42–53.


  • 1. Chowdhury, T.M. & Urmy, K.K. (2022, November 18-19). Collaborative approaches of learning ESL/EFL using online platforms [Paper Presentation]. 10th BELTA International Conference, in partnership with the Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 2. Urmy, K.K. (2022, February 25-26). River, women, and endangered human civilization in Haldaa: An ecofeminist approach [Paper Presentation]. ULAB Multicultural Conclave 2022 on “A Dialogic ImagiNation of Bangladesh: Literary-Linguistics-Cultural Representations, Non-representations and Misrepresentations,” Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Book/ Book Chapter

Awards & Recognition

  • Recipient of the Dean's Award 2022 (Dean's Merit List of Academic Recognition for securing the highest CGPA in M.A. examination, 2017), Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka
  • Selected for A. Samad (M.A. Leeds) Gold medal, 2019 for securing the highest CGPA in M.A. examination