Faculty Profile

Shareefa Yasmeen


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801912973288
  • Email: yasmeens-eng@sust.edu


Currently designated as Professor in English, I joined Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in December 31, 1995. Since then I have been a part of various extra-curricular activities of the Department and various organizations. I had been the beginner counsellors of Photographers' Association, Chokh Film Society and Ahona Parshad, and one of the active counsellors of Theatre SUST. I presided in more than twenty-five programs of Debating Society, SUST, and took part in all kinds of student activities. I had always been involved in Department programs and activities and had been the manager cum coach of Department Handball and Football team for a long time.


  • Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines 1989-1991 Master of Arts (Specialized in American literature)
  • University of Rajshahi 1981 1985 .B.A.. (Honours) in English Literature Results published in September 1988

Research Interests

  • American Literature, Local Communities

Active Research Project

  • 1. N/A

Previous Research Project

  • 1. 1. Manipuri Rituals: A Case Study of Sylhet Division by Shareefa Yasmeen and Md. Mizanur Raahman.

External Affiliations

  • a. Took Open University Lectures through October 1997 to December 2000.
  • b. Attended Computer courses and workshop arranged by Commonwealth Science Council (CSC), London through 26-31 July 1997, held in University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka.
  • c. Acted as the presentator in the Seminar and attended the Workshop jointly arranged by USAID, The Ministry of Agriculture, and Sylhet Chamber of Commerce on 22 November 1999.
  • d. Did Article Reviews and Proof Reading for SUST Journal for many years (lease check attachment no. 4).

Journal Publications

  • 1. 5. Yasmeen, Shareefa. “The Psychology of the Handicapped: The Story of Joy-Hulga”. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. September 2017. pp. 43-45.
  • 2. 4. Yasmeen, Shareefa. “The Theme of Light and Darkness in JhumpaLahiri’s ‘A Temporary Matter’”. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. April 2016. pp. 93-96.
  • 3. 1. Ismail, ibneIshrat and yasmeen, Shareefa. “A Passage to India and Heart of Darkness: A Comparative Study of Anti-Colonialism”. SUST Jurnal of Scial Sciences.June 2014. Pp. 8-11.
  • 4. 3. Yasmeen, Shareefa and Rahman, Md. Mizanur. “Nikolai Gogol’s’ The Nose’: An Abstract Satire. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. June 2014. pp. 71-74.
  • 5. 2. Rahman Md. Mizanur and yasmeen, Shareefa. “Hemingway’s Santiago”. SUST Journal of Social Sciences.December 2012. pp. 51-54.


  • 1. Yasmeen, Shareefa. Jhumpa Lahiri and Diaspora. International Conference, Department of English, SUST.

Book/ Book Chapter


  • American Poetry, Drama and Fiction, Arabian Persian Literature, Existentialism.
  • British Novel and Poetry, Continental Literature

Awards & Recognition

  • Served as Head of the Department from 2009-2011
  • Served as the provost of Begum Sirajunnesa Chowdhury Hall from September 2015 to October 2019

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. N/A