Faculty Profile

Dr. Mizanur Rahman


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Forestry & Environmental Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711153231
  • Email: mizan-for@sust.edu, mizanfes@yahoo.com


Mizanur Rahman is a tropical plant ecologist, broadly interested in understanding plant response and adaptation to global environmental changes. He performed postdoc research at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA in collaboration with NASA in the US Department of Energy (DOE) funded project "Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment, Tropics" spanned over the Rain forests of Brazilian Amazon, Panama, Malaysia and Australia. He has a PhD in Global Change Ecology from Friedrich-Alexander University, Germany and a MSc in dendroecology from Wageningen University Netherlands. He used to apply a combination of modelling and Experimental (MODEX) approach and use several research tools including but not limited to tree-ring analysis, wood and leaf anatomy, stable isotope analysis, and modelling to investigate the ecological and physiological mechanisms associated with the functioning of tropical forests in a global change context. Mizanur is also interested in understanding the role of tropical forests in the global carbon and hydrological cycles.


  • Postdoc at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, Washington, USA
  • PhD in Natural Science, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
  • MSc in Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University, Netherlands
  • MSc in Forestry, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Chattogram
  • BSc (Honours) in Forestry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Research Interests

  • Global Change Ecology, Tree Physiology, Forest Ecology and Management, Dendroecology, Stable isotpes in plant ecology, Wood anatomy, Functional Traits

Active Research Project

  • 1. 2020-2023: CResTBAN: Climate smart trees for Bangladesh. Funded by BANBEIS, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.
  • 2. 2020-2021: Tree growth and hydraulic response to climate. Funded by SUST Research Center.
  • 3. 2022-2024: Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Tropics (NGEE Tropics), funded by the US Department of Energy, USA.
  • 4. 2024-2027: Canopy Water content dynamics across the tropics

Previous Research Project

  • 1. 2019-2020: Drought tolerance of Bangladeshi moist forest trees. Funded by British Ecological Society (BES), UK.
  • 2. 2019-2020: Functional traits as drivers of tree growth and hydraulic behaviour. Funded by SUST Research Center.

External Affiliations

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Ecology (https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/13652745/editorial-board/associate-editors#R)
  • Member of Ecological Society of America (ESA)
  • Member of Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)
  • Member of British Ecological Society (BES)
  • Member of Tree-Ring Society (TRS)
  • Member of Association for Tree Ring Research (ATR)
  • Member of Institution of Foresters Bangladesh (IFB)

Journal Publications

  • 1. The role of tree size, wood anatomical and leaf stomatal traits in shaping tree hydraulic efficiency and safety in a South Asian tropical moist forest
  • 2. Long-term growth and xylem hydraulic responses of Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. to climate in a moist tropical forest of Bangladesh
  • 3. Rahman AAS, Rahman M, Shimanto MH, Kibria MG, Islam M (2022) Stomatal size and density trade-off varies with leaf phenology and species shade tolerance in a South Asian moist tropical forest. Functional Plant Biology. 49(3) 307-318. (Impact Factor 2.81)
  • 4. Zuidema PA, ….. Rahman M,….et al. (2022) Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability. Nature Geoscience. 15: 269-276. (Impact Factor: 21.53).
  • 5. Rahman M, Billah M, Rahman MO, Datta D, Ahsanuzzaman M, Islam M (2021) Disentangling the role of competition, light interception, and functional traits in tree growth rate variation in South Asian tropical moist forests. Forest Ecology and Management (Impact Factor: 4.38).
  • 6. Rahman M, Islam M, Masood M, Gebrekirstos A, Bräuning A (2021) Flood signals in tree-ring δ18O and wood anatomical parameters in Lagerstoremia speciosa: Implications for developing flood management strategies in Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment. (Impact Factor: 10.75)
  • 7. Zuidema PA, Heinrich I, Rahman M, Vlam M, Zwartsenberg SA, van der Sleen P (2020) Recent CO2 rise has modified the sensitivity of tropical tree growth to rainfall and temperature. Global Change Biology. 26: 4028-4041 (IF: 10.86)
  • 8. Rahman M, Islam M, Gebrekirstos A, Bräuning A (2020) Disentangling the effects of atmospheric CO2 and climate on intrinsic water-use efficiency in South Asian tropical moist forest trees. Tree Physiology. 40: 623–640 (Impact Factor: 4.56)
  • 9. Rahman M, Islam M, Shimanto MH, Ferdous J, Rahman AAS, Sagor PS, Chowdhury T (2020) A global analysis on the effect of temperature, socio‑economic and environmental factors on the spread and mortality rate of the COVID‑19 pandemic. Environment, Development and Sustainability (Impact Factor: 4.08)
  • 10. Islam M, Rahman M, Gebrekirstos A, Bräuning A (2020) Tree-ring δ18O climate signals vary among tree functional types in South Asian tropical moist forests. Science of the Total Environment. 143939. (Impact Factor: 10.75)
  • 11. Islam M, Rahman M & Bräuning A (2019) Impact of extreme drought on tree-ring width and vessel anatomical features of Chukrasia tabularis. Dendrochronologia, 63: 63-72. (Impact Factor: 3.07)
  • 12. Islam M, Rahman M & Bräuning A (2019) Long-term wood anatomical time series of two ecologically contrasting tropical tree species reveal differential hydraulic adjustment to climatic stress. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 265: 412-423. (Impact Factor: 6.42)
  • 13. Rahman M, Islam M, Bräuning A (2019) Species-specific growth resilience to drought in a mixed semi-deciduous tropical moist forest in South Asia. Forest Ecology and Management, 433: 487–496. (Impact Factor: 4.38)
  • 14. Rahman M, Islam M, Gebrekirstos A, Bräuning A (2019) Trends in tree growth and intrinsic water use efficiency in the tropics under elevated CO2 and climate change. Trees: Structure and Function. 33: 623–640 (Impact Factor: 2.89)
  • 15. Islam M, Rahman M & Bräuning A (2018) Growth-ring boundary anatomy and dendrochronologiccal potential in a moist tropical forests in Northeastern Bangladesh. Tree-Ring Research, 74(1): 76-93. (Impact Factor: 1.63)
  • 16. Islam M, Rahman M & Bräuning A (2018) Xylem anatomical responses of diffuse porous Chukrasia tabularis to climate in a South Asian moist tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 412: 9-20. (Impact Factor: 4.38)
  • 17. Rahman M, Islam M & Bräuning A (2018) Tree radial growth is projected to decline in South Asian moist forest trees under climate change. Global and Planetary Change, 170: 106-119. (Impact Factor: 4.96)
  • 18. Islam M, Rahman M & Bräuning A (2018) Long-term hydraulic adjustment of three tropical moist forest tree species to changing climate. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9: 1761. (Impact Factor: 6.62)
  • 19. Rahman M, Islam M, Wernicke J, Bräuning A (2018) Changes in Sensitivity of Tree-Ring Widths to Climate in a Tropical Moist Forest Tree in Bangladesh. Forests, 9(12), 761. (Impact Factor: 3.28)
  • 20. Rahman M, Islam R, Islam, M (2017) Long-term growth decline in Toona ciliata in a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh: Impact of global warming. Acta Oecologica. 80: 8-17. (Impact Factor: 1.93)
  • 21. Islam M, Dey G, Rahman M (2017), Forest fragmentation reduced carbon storage in a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh: Implications for policy development. Land Use Policy, 65: 15-25. (Impact Factor: 6.19)
  • 22. Rahman M, Islam M, Islam R, Sobuj NA (2017) Towards sustainability of tropical forests: Implications for enhanced carbon stock and climate change mitigation. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science, 33(4): 281-294.
  • 23. Rahman M, Islam M & Bräuning A (2017) Local and regional climatic signals in tree-rings of Chukrasia tabularis in Bangladesh. Dendrochronologia, 45: 1-11. (Impact Factor: 3.07)
  • 24. Islam M, Salim SH, Kaosar MH & Rahman M (2016) The effect of soil moisture content and forest canopy openness on the regeneration of Garjan Dipterocarpus turbinatus C.F. Gaertn. (Dipterocarpaceae) in a protected forest area of Bangladesh. Tropical Ecology. 57(3): 455-464. (Impact Factor: 1.33)
  • 25. Rahman M, Nath NM, Sarker S, Adnan M & Islam M (2015) Management and economic aspects of growing Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. in Bangladesh. Small- Scale Forestry. 14(4): 459-478. (Impact Factor: 1.33)
  • 26. Sohel MSI, Alamgir M, Akter S & Rahman M (2015) Carbon storage in a bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) Plantation in the degraded tropical forests: Implications for policy development. Land use policy. 49: 142-151. (Impact Factor: 6.19)
  • 27. Islam M, Dey A & Rahman M (2014) Effect of tree diversity on soil organic carbon content in the homegarden agroforestry system of North-Eastern Bangladesh. Small Scale Forestry. 14(1): 91–101. (Impact Factor: 1.33)
  • 28. Rahman H, Rahman M, Islam M and Reza S (2012) The Importance of Forests to Protect Medicinal Plants: a Case Study of Khadimnagar National Park, Bangladesh. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 7(4):283–294.
  • 29. Sobuj NA and Rahman M (2011) Assessment of plant diversity in Khadimnagar National Park of Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2(1): 79-91.
  • 30. Islam M, Saha N and Rahman M (2011) Economic activities decrease biodiversity in Hakaluki haor, the largest inland fresh-water ecosystem in Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2(2): 946-956.
  • 31. Sobuj NA and Rahman M (2011) Comparison of Plant Diversity of Natural Forest and Plantations of Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh. Journal of Forest Science. 27(3): 127-134.
  • 32. Rahman M, Islam J, Islam M, Alam M and Rana P (2010) Species composition and indigenous management of home garden of Manipuri community in Sylhet, Bangladesh. International Journal of Forest Usufructs Management. 11(1):37-51.
  • 33. Rahman M, Das NC, Saha N and Islam M (2010) Nature, profitability and sustainability of murta (Schumannianthus dichotoma (Sal.) Willd.) based small-scale enterprises in north eastern Bangladesh. Small-Scale Forestry. 9 (3): 369–378. (Impact Factor: 1.33)
  • 34. Rahman M, Rahman MM and Islam M (2009) Financial Viability and Conservation Role of Betel Leaf Based Agroforestry: An Indigenous Hill Farming System of Khasia Community in Bangladesh. Journal of Forestry Research. 20(2): 131-136. (Impact Factor: 2.36)


Book/ Book Chapter

Awards & Recognition

  • NFP fellowship (Netherland Fellowship Program) for doing MSc in Netherlands. (2011-2013)
  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for PhD degree in Germany. (2015-2019)