Faculty Profile

Dr Iftekhar Ahmad


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Food Engineering & Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801712226642
  • Email: iftekhar-ttc@sust.edu


  • Ph D (2003) in Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Raishahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Title: Virus free stock plant production and evaluation of some tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) varieties through meristum culture.
  • Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) (1996) in Sericulture, BSRTI, Rajshahi University (Life & Earth Science Faculty), Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Bachelor of Education (1997) in Education, RTTC, National University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Master of Science (1991) in Botany ( Major in Plant tissue culture and Bio-material genetics) Dept. of Botany, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons.) (1990) in Botany Dept. of Botany, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Advance Training course (2011) on Tea Plantation Management ( Major in Tea Agronomy, Tea Manufacturing & Processing, Tea Tasting), KAMC,UPASI, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
  • International Training on Cultivation Techniques of Fruit Trees (2016): Horticulture Research Institute of Jiangxi, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangxi, China
  • International Training on Science and Technology Policies and Management (2018): China Science and Technology Exchange Center, Beijing, China

Research Interests

  • Product development of Food and Tea
  • Tea bio-chemistry
  • Micro-biology of Food and Tea
  • Food and Tea Bio-technology
  • Tea Tasting, blending and Quality Assurance

Active Research Project

  • 1. 1. Ultrasound and Microwave assisted Extraction of Essential Oil and Caffeine: An Approach towards the Valorization of Tea Waste: 2023-24, SUST Research Center, SUST, Sylhet 2. Foliage disease detection and identification of tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.) using image processing technique vis Python: 2021-22 (2023-24), UGC, Dhaka

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Recent Information Iron Filing and Its Impact on Qualitative Traits of Black Tea in Different Tea Estates of Bangladesh: 2021-2022, MOST, Dhaka
  • 2. Assessing the Adoption of HACCP Metasystem in Tea Industries of Bangladesh: Perspective of Food Safety and Quality: 2016-2017, MOST, Dhaka
  • 3. Characterization and optimization of rice noodles of different rice cultivars: Perspectives of food product development: 2017-2018, SUST Research Center, SUST, Sylhet
  • 4. Development of Tea Based Carbonated Soft Drinks and Study of it’s Nutritive value, Physico-chemical Constituent and Sensory Characteristics: 2019-2021, SUST Research Center, SUST, Sylhet
  • 5. Biochemical Profiling and Sensory Evaluation of Tea Concentrate: Perspective of Production of Instant Tea: 2021-2022, SUST Research Center, SUST, Sylhet

External Affiliations

  • Life Member, Bangladesh Botanical Society, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Life Member, Bangladesh Genetical Society, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Life Member, Bangladesh Association of Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • NITUB, Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Journal Publications

  • 1. Hafijur Rahman 1, Iftekhar Ahmad 1*, Parvej Hasan Jon 1, Abdus Salam 1 & Md. Forhad Rabbi 2: Automated detection of selected tea leaf diseases in Bangladesh with convolutional neural network
  • 2. Md. Abdus Salam1, Parvej Hasan Jon1, Iftekhar Ahmad1, Mahbub Alam1, Mohammed Taj Uddin2, Hafijur Rahman1, Md Ismail Haque1, Md. Zahidul Islam1 and Mitu Samadder1:EVALUATION OF THE CURRENT SITUATION OF TEA PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN BANGLADESH THROUGH DIFFERENT STATISTICAL MODELS
  • 3. Biochemical investigation of Bangladeshi black tea and their correlation to organoleptic quality evaluation Md Rashedul Munim Khan a , Md Atiqual Islam a , Rayhan Uddin a , Md Abul Kalam a,b , Nabil Nawrose Baishakh a , Pranti Barua a , Md Habibur Rahman Talukder c , Iftekhar Ahmad a,*
  • 4. ABUL KALAM AZAD*, IFTEKHAR AHMAD, GM RABIUL ISLAM AND A MAINUDDIN1: Application of Statistical Model To Determine The Effectiveness of Plant Extract on The Mortality of Tea Thrips
  • 5. Nabil Nawrose Baishak1, Md. Rashedul Islam1, Md. Shakir Moazzem1, Iftekhar Ahmad1* and Wahidu Zzaman1: Quality Evaluation of Nutritious Fish Crackers Developed from Three Carp Fish Species
  • 6. I. Ahmad1*, R. S. Chowdhury1, Rayhan Uddin1, A. Shakawat1, W. U. Rahman1 and Wahidu Zzaman1: HACCP Plan and Adoption of HACCP Metasystem in the Tea Industries of Bangladesh
  • 7. Y.N. Jolly, Shahriar Iqbal, M.S. Rahman , J. Kabir, S. Akter, Iftekhar Ahmad. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence detection of heavy metals in Bangladesh cows’ milk. J.heliyon.2017.e00403 2405-8440
  • 8. Iftekhar Ahmad, Tomal Toru Das, Md. Yasin, Mohammad Afzal Hossain (2016). Study on Biochemical Compounds, Antioxidant Activity and Organoleptic Taste of Some Spice Tea. Agriculture and Food Sciences Research, 3(1):558
  • 9. Dr. Mohd. Amirul Islam and Dr. Iftekhar Ahmad (2016). Evaluation of the cytotoxic effect of Malic acid Butane 1,4-diol Copolyester in Albino Rats. International Journal of Chemical Studies 2016; 4(6): 38-43
  • 10. Raisul Abedin Ananda, Dr. Mohd. Amirul Islam, Dr. Razia Sultana Chowdhury and Dr. Iftekhar Ahmad (2016). Study on the alimental value, physicochemical constituents and sensory evaluation of chocolate tea. International Journal of Applied Research. 2(11): 155-158
  • 11. Ahmad, I., S.,Yadav, B.,Sah, P.P.,Alam,J., & Zzaman, W. (2016). Study on microbial, physicochemical and Sensory characteristics of alcoholic beverage produced by indigenous method. International Food Research Journal,(Accepted Manuscript IFRJ16399.R2)
  • 12. M. S. Islam1*, I. Ahmad2 and M. Ahmed1: Present status of the black rot disease of tea in Bangladesh
  • 13. Ahmad I., Yasin M and et. al. (2015). Study on Socio-Economic and Educational condition of Tea Worker at Sylhet in Bangladesh. Journal of Tea Science Research. 5 ( 5): 1-8
  • 14. Iftekhar Ahmad*, Imran Fuad, Zobada Kanak Khan (2015). Mycelia Growth of Pink Oyster (Pleurotus Djmour) Mushroom in Different Culture Media & Environmental Factors. Agriculture and Food Sciences Research, 2(1): 6-11
  • 15. I. Ahmad, M. Ali, M. S. Islam, L. Miah and K. A. Rahman. (2015). Studies on the effect of BecAno 500 SC (a pre-emergent herbicide) on soil borne fungi, nutritional status and weed control in tea soil. Two and a Bud, 62(1):11-16
  • 16. M. A. Islam, I Ahmad, S. Ahmed and A. Sarker (2014). Biochemical composition and self life study of mixed fruit juice from orange and pineapple. J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 7(1): 227 - 232
  • 17. M.S.A. Mamun, M.Ahmad, I. Ahmad, M.S. Uddin. S.K.. Pal. (2014). Comparative study on the performance of some plant cakes and synthetic chemicals against Nematodes in Tea in Bangladesh. World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2(1): 1-4
  • 18. Iftekhar Ahmad, T. Parveen A. Yousuf and B. H. Sikder (2013). Extraction of caffeine from tea and development of caffeinated fruit juice. J. Food Chem. Nutr. 01(01):01-05
  • 19. Parveen, S., Das S., A Begum, N Sultana, MM Hoque, I. Ahmad (2013). Microbiological quality assessment of three selected spices in Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal 21 (4), 1327-1330.
  • 20. M.S Islam, M. Ali and I. Ahmad (2013) In vitro study on the biocontrol activity of Trichoderma against Phompsis theae Patch, infecting Collar rot of tea plant. Int. Journal of Tea science. 9(1):28-31.
  • 21. Mohammad Ali, M.A.U. Mridha, M.S. Islama and I. Ahmad* (2013) Effects of pesticides on mycorrhizal symbiosis in tea. Int. Journal of Tea science. 9(4): 19-24
  • 22. M Ali, M.A.U. Mridha, M.S. Islam and Iftekhar Ahmad (2013). Interactive effect of Arbuscular Michorhizal (AM) fungi with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizers on growth of tea. Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science 78 (1/2):1-12
  • 23. T. Nawas, R.M. Mazumdar, S. Das, M.N. Nipa, S. Islam and I. Ahmad (2012). Microbiological quality and Antibiogram of E. coli, Salmonella and Vibrio of salad and water from restaurants of Chittagong.
  • 24. I. Ahmad, M.D. Alam, and M.S Islam (2012). Antifungal activities of some medicinal plan extracts against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (die-back) and Pestalotia theae (grey blight) of Tea. Int. Journal of Tea science. 8(4):10-17
  • 25. M.S. Islam M. Ali and I. Ahmad, (2012). Efficacy of sedomil 72WP and recozeb 80WP to control die-back (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) of tea in Bangladesh. The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 4(2): 25-31.
  • 26. Iftekhar Ahmad, Mizanur Rahman, M.M. Rahman & et.al. (2012). Effect of gamma radiation on the titrable acidity and vitamin c content of citrus fruits. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 2 (1): 1-6, 30, June, 2012.
  • 27. M.H. Rahman, I. Ahmad, M.A. Bari, M.Z. Rahman, M. Hossain and R. Islam (2007). Micropropagation of banana cv. Ranginsagar (AAA group), a commercial cultivar of northen region of Bangladesh. SUST Studies, 7(1): 19-24
  • 28. M.B. Ahmed, M.S. Akhter, M. Hossain, R. Islam, T.A. Choudhury, M.M. Hannan M.A. Razvy and I. Ahmad, (2007). An Efficient Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation Method of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) With an Aphidicidal Gene, Pta (Pinellia ternata Agglutinin). Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 2 (2): 155-160.
  • 29. M.H. Rahman, I. Ahmad, M.A. Bari, M.Z. Rahman, M. Hossain and R. Islam. Micropropagation of banana cv. Ranginsagar (AAA group), a commercial cultivar of northen region of Bangladesh. SUST Studies, 7(1): 19-24.
  • 30. M.J. Alam, M.H. Rahman and M.A. Mamun, I. Ahmad and K. Islam (2006). Enzyme activities in relation to sugar accumulation in tomato. Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 43(4): 241-248
  • 31. I. Ahmad, M. Hossain, G.M.R. Islam, S.K.M. Billah and Y. Kabir . Genetic variability and correlation studies in Potato (Solanun tuberosum L.).
  • 32. I. Ahmad, M. S. Rahman and M. A. S. Talukder : Effect of different cytokinine on in vitro propagation of Muberry (M. sp.) through meristem culture
  • 33. I. Ahmad, M. Hossain and M.S. Rahman. Callus culture and plant regeneration of tomato.
  • 34. I. Ahmad, M. Hossain, M. A. Bari and M. F. Alam . Plant Regeneration of Two Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) varieties through meristem culture.


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Introductory Food and Tea Science
  • Land Selectin and Fertility of Tea Estate
  • Agrotechnology of Tea
  • Pest Control and Management
  • Plant Pathology and Tea diseases management
  • Tea manufacturing and Machineries
  • Advanced Agronomy of Tea
  • Tea Crop Protection
  • Technology of Tea Processing
  • Genetics and Tea Breeding

Awards & Recognition

  • IBSC Doctoral Fellowship Program from Institute of Biological Sciences, Rajshshi University, Rajshahi
  • PGD Scholarship from BSRTI ( Under the Life & Earth Science Faculty, RU), Rajshahi
  • Undergraduate Scholarship from Dept. of Botany, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Undergraduate (B.Sc. level): more than: 60+
  • 2. Graduate ( M.Sc. level): 6+
  • 3. Ph.D.: 1