Faculty Profile
Dr. Md. Faruque Miah
Contact Information
Professor Dr. Md. Faruque Miah is a founder faculty of the Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He has born in Gochapara, Chunarughat, Habiganj, Bangladesh on 10th October. He is the youngest son of Late Md. Mir Hossain and Late Sayeda Begum. Academically he secured first division/class in all the public examinations from primary to higher one. He completed a one year post-doctoral research in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Tissue Histology of Fish) in 2023 from the Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He awarded his PhD in Zoology (Fish Molecular Genetics) in 2016 (14 February) from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He earned MS in aquaculture (Shrimp Molecular Genetics) in 2010 in the Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia reference Center from Ghent University, Belgium through VLIR-UOS Scholarship. He also awarded M. Phil. degree in Zoology (Crab Fisheries) in 2007 from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He secured first class first position in both the examinations of B. Sc. Honours in Zoology and M. Sc. in Zoology from National University of Bangladesh. He is doing research in Biotechnology related to Zoology, Fisheries, Marine biology and Biomedical Science considering molecular genetics, biomolecules, cellular and tissue biology, culture, breeding, eco-toxicology etc. in respect to human, aquatic animals, model animals, microalgae, seaweed etc., through several research projects. Till now, he is published around 65 national and international research articles as well as he has written 6 text books (in Bengali) such as Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Environmental Biology and Radiation Biology, Higher Practical Zoology (Part-1) and Higher Practical Zoology (Part-2) for graduate students. Dr. Miah is also supervising Post-Doc, PhD, M.Phil. MS and under graduate research students. He acts as an editor and reviewer of several national and international journals. He visited several countries such as USA, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherland, Switzerland, Qatar and India.
Additionally, Dr. Miah is involved in several social activities through an organization, “The Glorious PDM” where Dr. Miah is founder and chairman of this organization.
The PDM Lab
Team Leader: Professor Dr. Md. Faruque Miah
A. The PDM Lab Facilities
1. Molecular Genetics Unit
2. Hematology Research Unit
3. Histopathology Research Unit
4. Live Feed Culture Unit
5. RAS System and Model Fish Culture Unit
6. Micro and Macro Algae Culture Unit
7. Drosophila Culture Unit
B. Current Research
Post-Doc 1
1. Lipid and carbohydrate extract from freshwater microalgae.
PhD 5
1. Blood indices and globin genes of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha
2. Expression and characterization of major osmoregulatory genes of hilsa shad, T. ilisha
3. Expression and characterization of selected homeostatic genes of hilsa shad, T. ilisha
4. Morpho-genetic evaluation of seaweed extracts on diabetes using Drosophila model
5. Fish genetic resource’s contribution to ecosystem services of the major wetlands
M. Phil. 1
1. Synovial fluid assay in relation to osteoarthritis
MS 2
1. Newborn screening through cord blood assay
2. Genetic signature and nucleotide polymorphism of ornamental fishes
B.Sc. (Hon’s) 2
1. Mining of seaweed-based nutritional ingredients
2. Genotyping of eco-toxicological model, Daphnia sp. exposure to environmental stress
3. Molecular based sexual confirmation of commercial birds
III. Alumni
a. MS 22
b. Undergraduate 54
c. M.Phil. 01
2. Research Interests
I. Molecular Eco-Bio Physiology and Biotechnology of Aquatic Life
II. Biotechnology related to Biomedical Science
Academic Carrier (>20 Years)
• Professor (Grade 2), Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, from 03 April 2021 to till date.
* Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, from 03 April 2017 to 02 April 2021.
• Associate Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, from 28 February 2014 to 02 April 2017.
• Assistant Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, from 14 September 2007 to 27 February 2014.
• Lecturer, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, from 01 December 2004 to 13 September 2007.
Resource Person
1. Teachers Training Program, College Education Development Project (CEDP), 6th Batch 2019, Subject: Zoology, Lecture 1: Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh, Lecture 2: Fishery Management, and Lecture 3: Fish Breeding, Natural Spawning with Reference to Halda, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
2. Teachers Training Program, College Education Development Project (CEDP), 11th Batch 2019, Subject: Zoology, Lecture 1: Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh, Lecture 2: Fishery Management, and Lecture 3: Fish Breeding, Natural Spawning with Reference to Halda, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
3. Teachers Training Program, College Education Development Project (CEDP), 11th Batch, 2020, Subject: Zoology, Lecture 1: Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh, Lecture 2: Fishery Management, and Lecture 3: Fish Breeding, Natural Spawning with Reference to Halda, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
4. Teachers Training Program, College Education Development Project (CEDP), 11th Batch 2022, Subject: Zoology, Lecture 1: Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh, Lecture 2: Fishery Management, and Lecture 3: Fish Breeding, Natural Spawning with Reference to Halda, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
5. Teachers Training Program, College Education Development Project (CEDP), 25th Batch (Online-13th Batch) 2022. Subject: Zoology, Lecture: Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh, Lecture 2: Fishery Management, and Lecture 3: Fish Breeding, Natural Spawning with Reference to Halda. National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
6. Resource Person, Teachers Training Program, College Education Development Project (CEDP), 31st Batch (Online-19th Batch) 2023. Subject: Zoology, Lecture 1: Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh, Lecture 2: Fishery Management, and Lecture 3: Fish Breeding, Natural Spawning with Reference to Halda. National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
7. Resource Person, Teachers Training Program, College Education Development Project (CEDP), 36th Batch (Online-24th Batch) 2024, Subject: Zoology, Lecture 1: Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh, Lecture 2: Fishery Management, and Lecture 3: Fish Breeding, Natural Spawning with Reference to Halda. National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
International and National
a. Workshop: “Everything Disperses to Miami (EDM): The Role of Movement and Dispersal in Spatial Ecology, Epidemiology and Environment Science” at the Coral Gables campus of the University of Miami, December 14-16, 2012, USA.
b. Training: Aquaculture training in Ireland, Organized by Artemia Reference Center (ARC), Ghent University, Belgium (April, 06-16, 2009).
c. Symposium: Larvae 2009, Organized by Artemia Reference Center (ARC), Ghent University, Belgium (9-13 September, 2009).
d. Training: Post academic and permanent training on “Low Countries Studies”, Organized by The Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium (January to June, 2009).
e. Others: National and international seminars in Bangladesh
Visited Country
USA, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherland, Switzerland, Qatar and India.
Post Doc in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Research on Tissue Histology of Fish). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, Completed in 2023.
PhD in Zoology (Research on Molecular Genetics of Fish), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Awarded in 2016.
MS in Aquaculture (Research on Molecular Genetics Shrimp), Ghent University, Belgium, Awarded in 2010.
M. Phil. in Zoology (Research on Aquaculture), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Awarded in 2007.
M. Sc. in Zoology (Fisheries) University: National University of Bangladesh, Gazipur, Bangladesh, First Class First (1998, Held in 2001).
B. Sc. Honours in Zoology University: National University of Bangladesh, Gazipur, Bangladesh, First Class First (1997, Held in 1999).
Research Interests
I. Fisheries Biotechnology: Molecular Eco-Bio-Physiology and Biotechnology of Freshwater Fish and Shellfish; Breeding and Developmental Biology of Animals.
II. Marine Biotechnology: Molecular Taxonomy, Molecular Eco-Bio-Physiology and Biotechnology related to Marine Fish, Shellfish, Microalgae and Seaweed etc.
III. Medical Biotechnology: Cord Blood Screening, Haematology, Histology, Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics etc. in respects to Human and Model Animals.
IV. Zoology and Eco-Health: Toxicant Study using Animal Model; Molecular Parasitology; Epidemiology. etc.
Active Research Project
1. Molecular and Genetic Characterization of Hilsha Shad, Tenualosa ilisha
2. Fruit Fly Model for biomedical and environmental Research
3. Tissue histology of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha
4. Hematological profile of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha
Previous Research Project
1. 1. Assessment of anti-diabetic potential of seaweed extracts using Drosophila model.
2. Expression and characterization of homeostasis gene/s of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha in diverse habitats of Bangladesh.
3. Newborn screening through umbilical cord blood for common chromosomal disorders in Bangladesh.
4. Molecular ecology to compare salinity adaptation of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha for control production in Bangladesh.
5. Development of molecular based system and stock characterization of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha for sustainable production and management in the natural environments of Bangladesh.
6. Enhancement of molecular based system and characterization of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha for natural stock management in Bangladesh.
7. Seaweed seedling production through Biotechnology: Hatchery to Field Assessment.
8. Biochemical and molecular characterization of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha for natural stock management in Bangladesh.
9. Genetic improvement of two catfish-Shing (Heteropneustes fossilis) and Magur (Clarias batrachus) with their production performance in the GEB experimental fish pond, SUST through cage system.
10. Screening of Indigenous Drugs from Medicinal Plants of Northeast Part of Bangladesh and Possible Pharmacological Evaluation for Anti-Arthritis Agents.
11. Isolation and Pharmacological Evaluation of Tridax procumbens Extracts against Inflammatory Disease,
12. Apple snail (Pila spp): Molecular identification and population genetics for conservation and management in Bangladesh.
13. Development of Artificial Breeding (Induced Breeding and Selective Breeding) and Production Techniques of Freshwater Mud Eel, Monopterus cuchia in Bangladesh.
14. Screening for novel environmental friendly anti-biofilm compounds from aquatic organisms.
15. Breeding biotechnology of freshwater eel fish, Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton, 1822).
2. Consultancy (Completed) 1. “Export potential and alternative use of seaweed” under PACE project of PKSF, Bangladesh (2017).
External Affiliations
Founder and Chairman, The Glorious PDM- A Social and Educational Organization, Bangladesh.
Ghent Aquaculture Alumni, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Dhaka University Zoology Alumni Association (DUZAA), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Life member, Zoological Society of Bangladesh (ZSB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Life member, Nature Conservation Society, Bangladesh.
Life Member, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Life member, Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology (BAPTC & B).
Life member, Habiganj Society Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Life member, Chunarughat Society Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Member, Jalalabad Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Journal Publications
1. Atiqur Rahman Sunny, Md. Arifur Rahman, Md. Nazmul Hasan, Jeba Faizah Rahman, Sharif Ahmed Sazzad, Md. Faruque Miah, Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Shamsul Haque Prodhan (2024). Linking Wetland Ecosystem Services to Fish Genetic Resources with Special Reference to Hilsa Shad (Tenualosa ilisha): A Novel Study from Northeastern Bangladesh, Preprints.org, p1-22.
2. Mahmud, M. G. R., Aunkor, M. T. H., Rahman, F., Hasin, D., Noor, J. and Miah, M. F. (2023). Analysis of different risk factors of hospitalized COVID-19 patients from North-Eastern Bangladesh, J. Clin. Exp. Investigations, 14(3):em00818.
3. Md. Hazrat Ali, Riyan Al Islam Reshad, Md Muhibur Rahman and Md. Faruque Miah (2023). Antimicrobial resistance: Understanding the mechanism and strategies for prevention and control. J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther., 6(2): 468-482
4. Abu Tayab Moin, Md. Asad Ullah, Rajesh B. Patil, Nairita Ahsan Faruqui, Yusha Araf, Sowmen Das, Khaza Md. Kapil Uddin, Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Md. Faruque Miah, Mohammad Ali Moni, Dil Umme Salma Chowdhury and Saiful Islam (2023). A computational approach to design a polyvalent vaccine against human respiratory syncytial virus. Scientific Reports, 13:9702
5. Sayedatun Nesa Sumaia, Riyan Al Islam Reshad, Fawzia Tabassum, Sabrina Khan Mim, Mohammad Golam Rob Mahmud, Chowdhury Muhammad Omar Faruque, Gokul Chandra Biswas, Md. Faruque Miah (2023). Assessing newborn screening practices in Bangladesh: Perspectives of healthcare professionals and implications for improved infant health. J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther., 6(3): 564-574
6. Md Royhanur Islam, Atiqur Rahman Sunny, Sharif Ahmed Sazzad, Amith Dutta, Moniruzzaman, Nazmul Hasan, Md. Faruque Miah, Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Shamsul Haque Prodhan (2023). Environmental Jeopardy and Coping Strategies of the Small-Scale Fishers in the Bangladesh Sundarbans: The Precedent of the World’s Largest Mangrove. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 27(6): 759 – 773.
7. Md. Faruque Miah (2023). Histological architecture for observing tissue physiology of hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha in diverse habitats of Bangladesh. Post-Doc 2023, Dept. of GEB, SUST and UGC, Bangladesh.
8. Abu Tayab Moin, Md. Asad Ullah, Rajesh B. Patil, Nairita Ahsan Faruqui, Bishajit Sarkar, Yusha Araf, Sowmen Das, Khaza Md. Kapil Uddin, Md Shakhawat Hossain, Md. Faruque Miah, Mohammad Ali Moni, Dil Umme Salma Chowdhury and Saiful Islam (2022). Exploring different virulent proteins of human respiratory syncytial virus for designing a novel epitope-based polyvalent vaccine: Immunoinformatics and molecular dynamics approaches. BioRxiv- The preprint server for biology, p1-84
9. Chowdhury Nusaiba Binte Sayed Prapty, Riyan Al Islam Reshad, Sabrina Khan Mim, Yusha Araf and Md. Faruque Miah (2022). COVID-19 second bloom and comfortable lockdown in Bangladesh. Electronic Journal of Medical and Educational Technologies, 15(2): em2203
10. Riyan Al Islam Reshad, Asir Newaz Khan, Tawfiq Alam Jishan, Mowaz Mohammed Abdul Karim and Md. Faruque Miah (2022).Public perception on quarantine during the COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh: A community survey-based study. Journal of clinical and experimental investigations, 13(1): em00792
11. Fariha Khan Laura, Md. Faruque Miah, Sanjana Fatema Chowdhury, Saeed Anwar, Riyan Al Islam Reshad, Mohammad Golam Rob Mahmud and Chowdhury Muhammad Omar Faruque (2022).Inheritance of B hemoglobin gene mutation: potential method of newborn screening of sickle cell anemia in Bangladesh. Journal of clinical and experimental investigations, 13(2):em000795
12. Md. Faruque Miah, Shahena Aktar Shipa, Sahara Khatun and Ekhtiar Jinnat (2022). Occurrence of planktonic blooms in freshwater ponds at SUST campus, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Brindaban Government College Journal, 1:1, 17-30
13. Aniqua Tasnim Chowdhury, Sanjana Fatema Chowdhury, Syed Muktadir Al Sium, Riyan Al Islam Reshad, Sabrina Khan Mim, Md. Faruque Miah (2022). Nationwide restrictions to combat consecutive COVID-19 waves: Lessons learnt from a developing country like Bangladesh. J. Clin. Exp. Invest., 13 (3), em00799: 1-6
14. Mohammad Khairul Alam Sobuj, Md. Faruque Miah, Md. Shabab Mehebub, Shafiqur Rahman and Md. Mohidul Islam (2022). Seaweed (Ulva lactuca) seedling production through the application of fragment regeneration method. 9th Biennial Fisheries Conference and Research Fair 2022. p136
15. Md. Faruque Miah, Shad Ebna Rahaman, Sanjana Fatema Chowdhury and Mohammad Golam Rob Mahmud (2021). Genetic variability of umbilical cord blood of human subjects using RAPD assay. Accepted in the Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 4: 848-854
16. Yeasmin Akter Moonnee, Md Javed Foysal, Abu Hashem and Md Faruque Miah (2021). Keratinolytic protease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa for leather skin processing. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 19:53; 1-9
17. Mohammad Jakir Hosen, Saeed Anwar, Jarin Taslem Mourosi, Sourav Chakraborty, Md. Faruque Miah and Olivier M. Vanakker (2021). Genetic counseling in the context of Bangladesh: current scenario, challenges, and a framework for genetic service implementation. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:168
18. Riyan Al Islam Reshad, Sumaiya Hafiz Riana, Mohammad Al baruni Chowdhury, Abu Tayab Moin, Faruque Miah, Bishajit Sarkar and Nurnabi Azad Jewel (2021). Diabetes in COVID-19 patients: challenges and possible management strategies. Egypt. J. Bronchol. 15 (53): 1-13
19. Md. Faruque Miah, Toufiqur Rahman, Shahena Aktar Shipa and Anindita Chakrabarty. RAPD-based genotyping walking catfish, Clarias batrachus in a population of Bangladesh (2020). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(1): 885-888
20. Debnath A, Salim M, Miah MF, Karim MR, Alam MJ. Evaluation of Invertase Inhibition Activities and Cytotoxicity of Ethanol and Acetone Extracts of Swietenia macrophyllia Leaves, Syzygium cumini and Trigonella foenum-graecum Seeds (2020). Trad Integr Med, 5(2): 59-69
21. Saeed Anwar, Jarin Taslem Mourosi, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Mohammad Jakir Hosen and Md. Faruque Miah. Umbilical Cord Blood Screening for the Detection of Common Deletional Mutations of α-Thalassemia in Bangladesh (2020), Hemoglobin, 44:3, 201-210
22. Abdullah-Al-Amin, Shahena Aktar Shipa, M. Niamul Naser, Md. Faruque Miah. Surveillance of Vibrio spp in Penaeus monodon Collected from Shrimp Pond of Satkhira, Bangladesh (2020). Journal of Zoological Research, 2(3): 1-8
23. Maria Zaman, Smrity Kona Debnath, Md. Faruque Miah and M. Niamul Naser. RAPD Assay to Evaluate the Cost of Migration in Two Carps, Labeo rohita and Catla catla (2020). World J. Fish & Marine Sci., 12 (3): 67-73
24. Rizoneul Haq Reza, Shahena Aktar Shipa, M. Niamul Naser and Md. Faruque Miah (2020). Surveillance of Escherichia coli in a fish farm of Sylhet, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 48(2): 335-346
25. Najmun Nahar Begum, Md. Faruque Miah, Touhida Khanom Tania, Shahena Akter Shipa, Mohsin Rana and Aisf Iqbal (2018). "Effects of dietary iron on phenotypic characteristics of fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)". Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(1): 1126-1133
26. M. F. Miah and A. Chakrabarty. Enhancement of Genetic Diversity through Cross Breeding of Two Catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis and Clarias batrachus) in Bangladesh (2018). International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 12(6)
27. Md. Faruque Miah, Saeed Anwar, Md. Hazrat Ali, M Niamul Naser and Kawser Ahmed. Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Freshwater Mud Eel (Monopterus cuchia) Using RAPD and RFLP Markers (2018). J Aquac Res Development, 9(7): 1000543
28. Shahena Aktar Shipa, Md. Mohosin Rana, Md. Faruque Miah, Md. Jahangir Alam, Mohammad Golam Rob Mahmud (2017). Effect of Intensity of Cigarette Smoking on Leukocytes among Adult Men and Women Smokers in Bangladesh. Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology, 6(1): 9-14
29. Md Faruque Miah, Rizoneul Haq Reza, Toufiqur Rahman and M. Niamul Naser (2017). Observation of embryogenesis of stringing catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) in intensive condition along with DNA polymorphism. Journal of Global Biosciences, 6(3): 4849-4862
30. Sheikh Anika Rahman, Md. Shad Ebna Rahaman, Shahena Aktar Shipa, Md. Mohosin Rana, Rukshana Khan, Mohammad Golam Rob Mahmud, Jilwatun Noor, Firuza Sultana and Md. Faruque Miah (2017). Detection of β-Hemoglobin Gene and Sickle Cell Disorder from Umbilical Cord Blood. The Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 5(10): 51-63
31. Md. Faruque Miah, Kazi Mohammad Ali Zinnah, Md. Jahir Raihan, Hafij Ali and M. Niamul Naser. (2016). Genetic diversity based population study of freshwater mud eel Monopterus cuchia in Bangladesh. International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering,10(6): 240-244
32. Razia Sultana Chowdhury, Irin Siddiqua Moly, Mainuddin Ahmed, Mohammad Shameem Al Mamun, Md. Mozammel Hoque and Md. Faruque Miah (2016). Impact of the mosquito bug (Helopeltis theivora) infestation on the quality of tea (Camellia sinensis). Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 44 (2): 197-207
33. Population genetic structure of freshwater mud eel, Monopterus cuchia in Bangladesh, PhD Thesis (2016), Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
34. Md. Faruque Miah, Hafij Ali, Enaya Zannath, Tanmoy Modok Shuvra, M. Niamul Naser and Md. Kawser Ahmed (2015). Breeding biology and induced breeding status of freshwater mud eel, Monopterus cuchia. International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering (WASET), 9(6): 633-637
35. M. Sahabuddin, H. Ali, Md. Faruque Miah, E. Zannath, M. S. Akhter, M. Billah, Z. Hassan and L. Ali (2015). Association of vitamin D receptor gene Apa1 (G>T) and Taq1 (T>C) polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of impaired glucose tolerance in subjects of Bangladeshi origin. IJGHC, 4(3): 357-369
36. Md. Faruque Miah, Hafij Ali, Enaya Jannat, M. Niamul Naser and Md. Kawser Ahmed (2015). Rearing and production performance of freshwater mud eel, Monopterus cuchia in different culture regimes. Advances in Zoology and Botany 3(3): 42-49
37. Md. Faruque Miah, M. Niamul Naser and Md. Kawser Ahmed (2015). The freshwater mud eel, Monopterus cuchia-a review. Journal of Global Biosciences, 4(3): 1780-1794
38. Mitu Deb, Md. Faruque Miah, Mohibur Rahman and Zobada Kanak Khan (2015). Trichodinid parasites on the gills of Channa punctatus from wild and cultured environments in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Advances in Zoology , Article ID 161562, 4 pages
39. Md. Faruque Miah (2015). Genetic diversity of freshwater mud eel Monoptoras cuchia in Bangladesh. Abstract, 4th International Conference on Biodiversity on June 15-17, 2015, Las Vegas, USA
40. Md. Faruque Miah, M. J. Alam, N. G. Roy and P. Deb (2015). Cell and Molecular Biology, Mullik Brothers Publications, 42, Bangla Bazer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, , P-312, ISBN-984-8272-76-3
41. Md. Kawser Ahmed, Md. Faruque Miah, Miah Mohammad Abdul Quddus, Md. Abul Kashem and Seema Rani (2015). Coastal and estuarine crabs of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Journal of Earth end Environmental Sciences, 3(1): 37-45
42. Satish Kumar Yadav, Md. Faruque Miah, Athar Ali Makin, Zobada Kanak Khan (2014). Small-Scale Compost Production through Vermiculture Biotechnology. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 1 (2): 7-12
43. A.K.M.Al-Amin Leamon, Shad Ebna Rahaman, Shamita Mahzabin, Abdullah Maruf Rahman Shovo and Md. Faruque Miah (2014). Molecular identification and genetic diversity of apple snail Pila globosa by RAPD assay. J. of Bio. Pharma. and Chemical Research, 1(1): 207-217
44. Athar Ali Makin, Md. Faruque Miah, Satish Kumar Yadav, Mitu Deb and Zobada Kanak Khan (2014). Ecological Diversity and Abundance of Earthworms in Sylhet Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 2(4): 63-68
45. A.K.M.Al-Amin Leamon, Shamita Mahzabin, Shad Ebna Rahaman, Md. Faruque Miah (2014). RAPD based genetic diversity of freshwater snail, Pila polita in Bangladesh. The Journal of Zoology Studies, 1(5): 24-29
46. Shamita Mahzabin, Pinak Guswami, A.K.M.Al-Amin Leamon, Shad Ebna Rahaman and Md. Faruque Miah (2014). RAPD Based Genetic Diversity of Freshwater Snail, Pila gracilis in Bangladesh. American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences, 7(1), June-August, 2014, pp. 91-96
47. Md. Hazrat Ali, Md. Faruque Miah, Shamsul H. Prodhan, Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Jahir Raihan, Kazi Mohammad Ali Zinnah, Md. Toasin Hossain Aunkor, Md. Julhasur Rahman, Fatema Begum Ruma and Md. Al Nayem Chowdhury (2014). Putative virulence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Aeromonas spp. isolated from marketed fish intended for human consumption in Bangladesh. Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc., 16(3): 485-495
48. Md. Hazrat Ali, Md. Faruque Miah, Suma Bala Dabi, Abdullah-Al-Amin, Md. Mahbubur Rahman and Md. Shamsul Haque Prodhan (2013). Studies on actinomycetes collected from pond sediment inhibiting fish pathogenic and human clinical bacterial isolates. American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development, 3(2): 95-105
49. Md. Faruque Miah, Somit Roy, Ekhtiar Jinnat and Zobada Kanak Khan (2013). Assessment of Daphnia, Moina and Cylops in Freshwater Ecosystems and the Evaluation of Mixed Culture in Laboratory. American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences, 4(1): 01-07
50. Md. Faruque Miah, Tawhida Khanom Tania, Najmun Nahar Begum, Zobada Kanak Khan (2013). Effects of Formalin Contaminated Food on Reproductive Cycle and Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. The Journal of Advances in Zoology and Botany, 1(3):65-70
51. Md. Faruque Miah, Fahmida Haque, Mohammad Robin Mia, Enaya Jannat, Hafij Ali, M. M. A. Quddus and Kawser Ahmed (2013). Molecular Identification and Sexual Differentiation of Freshwater Mud Eel,Monopterus cuchia. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research,1(3):54 58
52. Md. Faruque Miah, Pinak Guswami, Remon Al Rafi, Arfan Ali, Shahidul Islam, M. M. A. Quddus and Md. Kawser Ahmed (2013). Assessment of Genetic Variability among Individuals of Freshwater Mud Eel, Monopterus cuchia in a Population of Bangladesh. American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 3(2): 176-181
53. Md. Faruque Miah, Mitu Deb, Hazrat Ali, M. M. A. Quddus and Kawser Ahmed (2013). Comparative Surveillance of Parasitic Infestation in Channa punctatus (Osteichthys: Channidae) Collected from Open and Closed Water in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 1(1): 17-23
54. Megerssa Endebu, Faruque Miah, Nico Boon, Francesco Catania, Peter Bossier and Gilbert Van Stappen (2013). Historic occurrence of parthenogenetic Artemia in Great Salt Lake, USA, as demonstrated by molecular analysis of field samples. Journal of Great Lakes Research (ELSEVIER), 39:47-55
55. Md. Shariful Islam, Md. Akkas Ali, Pinak Guswami, S. M. Sarid Ullah, Md. Musharaf Hossain, Md. Faruque Miah and Shamsul H. Prodhan (2013). Assessment of genetic diversity among moderately drought tolerant landraces of rice using RAPD markers. Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology, 2 (3): 207-213
56. Md. Javed Foysal, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Muhammad Fazle Rabbee, Md. Nazmul Hossain, Raihan Mahmud, Md. Julhasur Rahman, Md. Faruque Miah, Kamrul Islam (2013). Identification and assay of putative virulence properties of Eschericha coli gyrase subunit A and B among hospitalized UTI patients in Bangladesh. IPP, 1(1): 54-59
57. Rehnuma Sharmeen,., Md. Najmul Hossain, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Jabed Foysal and Md. Faruque Miah (2012). In-vitro antibacterial activity of herbal aqueous extract against multi-drug resistant Klebsiella sp. isolated from human clinical samples. International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, 1(6): 133-137
58. S. Sultana, M. F. Miah, M. K. Ahmed and M. M. A. Quddus (2011). Study of crabs and socio-economic condition of crab fishermen in Satkhira, Bangladesh. The Journal of NOAMI, 28(2): 73-88
59. Md. Faruque Miah, Kawser Ahmed and Miah Muhammed Abdul Quddus (2010). Use of live food and artificial diet supply for the growth and survival of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae, World Journal of Zoology, 5(2):82-89
60. Md. Faruque Miah, Kawser Ahmed and Miah Muhammed Abdul Quddus (2010). Characterization and functional role of heat shock protein 26 in Artemia, World Jouenal of Zoology, 5(4): 282-294
61. Diversity of Heat Shock Protein 26 (HSP26) in Artemia. MS thesis (2010), Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center, Ghent University, Belgium
62. Md. Faruque Miah, M. J. Alam, M, M. Rahman, N. G. Roy and P. Deb (2008). Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Mullik Brothers Publications, 42, Bangla Bazer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P-308, ISBN-984-8272-33-X
63. Md. Faruque Miah, Kawser Ahmed and Miah Muhammed Abdul Quddus (2007). A comparative Study on the growth and Production of Mud Crab, Scylla serrata in Polders Under Natural Stocking and Culture Regime. The Journal of NOAMI, 24:45-54
64. Md. Faruque Miah, S. M. A. Sayem, M. J. Alam, N. G. Roy and P. Deb (2007). Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Mullik Brothers Publications, 42, Bangla Bazer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P-327, ISBN: 984-8272-30-5
65. Md. Faruque Miah, Tazmunnahar, M. A. H. Mural, N. G. Roy and P. Deb (2007). Environmental Biology and Radiation Biology, Mullik Brothers Publications, 42, Bangla Bazer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P-232, ISBN-984-8272-27-5
66. Polder (Bhery) Fishery of Crabs in Bangladesh. M. Phil. Thesis (2007), Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
67. Parimal Deb, Md. Faruque Miah and A. N. Chowdhury (2005). Higher Practical Zoology, Part-2, Mullik Brothers Publications, 42, Bangla Bazer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P-292, ISBN-8272-14-3
68. Parimal Deb, Md. Faruque Miah and A. N. Chowdhury (2003). Higher Practical Zoology, Part-1, Mullik Brothers Publications, 42, Bangla Bazer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P-656, ISBN-984-8164-62-6
1. Md. Imran Kabir, Md. Faruque Miah, Sumaiya Nusrat Chaitee and Rudra Protap Biswas (2021). Removal of Excessive Nitrogen and Phosphorus Content from Urban Wastewater Using Local Microalgal Bloom. 6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet, ICERIE- 26-28 February 2021-136: 438-446
2. Tamnna Rahman, Dr Razia Sultana Chowdhury and Prof. Dr Md. Faruque Miah (2021). Numerical Investigation of Blood Cells of Reserved Freshwater Mud Eel (Monopterus cuchia) in Bangladesh. 6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet. ICERIE- 26-28 February2021-208: 1093-1099
Book/ Book Chapter
Introduction to Animal Science
Introduction to Genetics
Animal and Human Reproduction
Animal and Human Physiology
Aquaculture and Fish Genetics
Animal Cell Technology
Stem Cell Technology
Fisheries Biotechnology
Protein and Enzyme technology
Advanced Animal Biotechnology
Marine Biotechnology
Awards & Recognition
VLIR-UOS Scholarship for a two year MS program in Aquaculture, Ghent University, Belgium (2008-2010)
Best poster award (2016). Application of genetic biotechnology for the improvement and conservation of fisheries resources of Bangladesh. Seventh BFRF Biennial Conference & Research Fair 2016 in 29 October.
UGC Post Doctoral Fellowship for one year in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2023 (2021-2022)
Graduate Supervision
1. Post-Doc, PhD, M. Phil., MS, B.Sc. (Hon's)