Faculty Profile

Md Hammadul Hoque

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801717999459
  • Email: hammadul-geb@sust.edu


Mr. Hoque is currently working as an 'Assistant Professor' of the Dept. of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology since June 15, 2017, under the School of Life Sciences in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh. He joined as a 'Lecturer' on June 14, 2015. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in the year 2009 and 2011 respectively from the same program and institution where he is serving now.


  • MS (2011) in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • B.Sc. (Honours) (2009) in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh

Research Interests

  • Cancer Biology
  • Molecular Biology of Diseases/Genetic Diseases
  • Signal Transduction
  • Immunology
  • Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Agriculture Biotechnology

Active Research Project

  • 1. Project Title: Molecular identification and exploring the plant growth promoting attributes of isolated endophytic bacteria associated with Pogamia pinnata (2023-24); Role: Principal Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Project Title: Study the toxicological effect of heavy metals (Arsenic and Lead) on early embryonic development using a zebrafish model (2016-17); Role: Co-Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
  • 2. Project Title: Improvement of native Citrus sp. of Sylhet region through biotechnological approaches (2016-17); Role: Co-Investigator; Funding Authority: Ministry of Science and Technology, The People's Republic of Bangladesh.
  • 3. Project Title: Establishment of Regeneration and Protoplast Isolation Techniques for Citrus sp. (2017-18); Role: Principal Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
  • 4. Project Title: Improvement of submerge tolerant rice of haor areas of Sunamgonj district through genetic engineering approaches to bring food security in Bangladesh (2018-19); Role: Co-Investigator; Funding Authority: Ministry of Science and Technology, The People's Republic of Bangladesh.
  • 5. Project Title: Genetic Diversity Analysis of Native Orange (Citrus reticulata) of sylhet region through molecular markers (2018-19); Role: Principal Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
  • 6. Project Title: Morphological Evaluation of Some Rice Landraces of Coastal Areas and Expression Analysis of already Reported Salt Tolerant Genes under Salinity Stress (2019-20); Role: Co-Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
  • 7. Project Title: Whole genome sequencing, genomic variation and demographic data analysis of SARS COV-2 strains isolated from Sylhet Division of Bangladesh (2020-21); Role: Principal Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 8. Project Title: Cloning of TaWRKY2 gene from Wheat (T. aestivum) and Transformation in Rice (O. sativa L.) to enhance drought tolerance to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change (2020-21); Role: Co-Investigator; Funding Authority: Ministry of Science and Technology, The People's Republic of Bangladesh.
  • 9. Project Title: In silico identification of deleterious missense mutations in Hemoglobin genes associated with Thalassemia and study of their prevalence in Bangladeshi population through molecular approaches (2021-22); Role: Principal Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 10. Project Title: Computational analysis of high-risk functional missense mutations in human von Hippel-Lindau gene associated with tumor formation (2022-23); Role: Principal Investigator; Funding Authority: SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

External Affiliations

  • Life member: Bangladesh Biosafety and Biosecurity Society
  • Member: Bangladesh Society for Microbiology
  • Member: Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture
  • Member: Young Biotechnologists of Bangladesh
  • Member: Bangladesh Association of Biotechnology Graduates

Journal Publications

  • 1. Rahman, J. F., Hoque, H., Al Jubayer, A., Jewel, N. A., Hasan, M. N., Chowdhury, A. T., & Prodhan, S. H.(2024). Alfin-like (AL) transcription factor family in Oryza sativa L.: genome-wide analysis and expression profiling under different stresses
  • 2. Chowdhury, A. T., Hasan, M. N., Bhuiyan, F. H., Islam, M. Q., Nayon, M. R. W., Rahaman, M. M., Hoque, H., Jewel, N. A., Ashrafuzzaman, M., & Prodhan, S. H. (2023). Identification, characterization of Apyrase (APY) gene family in rice (Oryza sativa) and analysis of the expression pattern under various stress conditions. PloS one, 18(5), e0273592
  • 3. Sarker, P., Mitro, A., Hoque, H., Hasan, M. N., & Jewel, G. N. A. (2023). Identification of potential novel therapeutic drug target against Elizabethkingia anophelis by integrative pan and subtractive genomic analysis: An in silico approach. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 107436.
  • 4. Hasan, M. N., Bhuiyan, F. H., Hoque, H., Jewel, N. A., Ashrafuzzaman, M., & Prodhan, S. H. (2022). Ectopic expression of Vigna radiata's vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene (VrNHX1) in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biotechnology Reports, e00740.
  • 5. Hoque, H., Hasan, M., Rahaman, M. M., Jewel, G. N. A., & Prodhan, S. H. (2022). Immunoinformatics guided design of a next generation epitope-based vaccine against Kaposi Sarcoma. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 100986.
  • 6. Hasan, M. N., Islam, S., Buiyan, F. H., Emon, S., Hoque, H., Jewel, N. A., Ghosh, A., & Prodhan, S. H. (2022). Genome wide analysis of the heavy-metal-associated (HMA) gene family in tomato and expression profiles under different stresses. Gene, 146664.
  • 7. Islam, J., Sarkar, H., Hoque, H., Hasan, M. N., & Jewel, G. N. A. (2022). In-silico approach of identifying novel therapeutic targets against Yersinia pestis using pan and subtractive genomic analysis. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 107784.
  • 8. Sinha, B., Islam, M. M., Bhuiyan, F. H., Hasan, M. N., Kibria, M. G., Sultana, R., Prodhan, S. H., Hoque, H. (2022). Determination of Genetic Diversity among Local Mandarin Oranges (Citrus reticulata) Using Mature Seed Derived Calli through RAPD Markers. SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 32 (1), 43-53.
  • 9. Hoque, H., Islam, R., Ghosh, S., Rahaman, M. M., Jewel, N. A., & Miah, M. A. (2021). Implementation of in silico methods to predict common epitopes for vaccine development against Chikungunya and Mayaro viruses. Heliyon, 7(3), e06396.
  • 10. Rahaman, M. M., Islam, R., Jewel, G. N. A., & Hoque, H. (2021). Implementation of computational approaches to explore the deleterious effects of non-synonymous SNPs on pRB protein. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-18.
  • 11. Hasan, M. N., Bhuiyan, F. H., Hoque, H., Jewel, N. A., Ashrafuzzaman, M., & Prodhan, S. H. (2021). The Effect of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) on Efficient Regeneration of 12 Recalcitrant Indica Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 17(2), 148-159.
  • 12. Arefin, S., Bhuiyan, M. F. H., Akther, J., Prodhan, S. H., & Hoque, H. (2021). The dynamics of cis-regulatory elements in promoter regions of tomato sucrose transporter genes. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 27(2), 167-186.
  • 13. Islam, R., Rahaman, M., Hoque, H., Hasan, N., Prodhan, S. H., Ruhama, A., & Jewel, N. A. (2021). Computational and structural based approach to identify malignant nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with CDK4 gene. PloS one, 16(11), e0259691.
  • 14. Islam, M., Hasan, M., Hoque, H., Jewel, N. A., Bhuiyan, M., Hossain, F., & Prodhan, S. H. (2021). Characterization of transcription factor MYB59 and expression profiling in response to low K+ and NO3− in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 19(1), 1-14.
  • 15. Mazumder, S. R., Hoque, H., Sinha, B., Chowdhury, W. R., Hasan, M. N., & Prodhan, S. H. (2020). Genetic variability analysis of partially salt tolerant local and inbred rice (Oryza sativa L.) through molecular markers. Heliyon, 6(8), e04333.
  • 16. Hasan, M. N., Hasan, M. R., Foysal, S. H., Hoque, H., Khan, M. F., Bhuiyan, M. F. H., & Prodhan, S. H. (2019). In-vitro regeneration of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck from mature seed derived embryogenic callus on different solid basal media. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 10(2), 285-297.
  • 17. Das, N., Hammadul, H., Hasan, M., & Prodhan, S. (2019). Effect of plant growth regulators and proline in efficient regeneration of recalcitrant indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Biological Sciences, 19(4), 290-299.
  • 18. Hasan, N., Kamruzzaman, M., Islam, S., Hoque, H., Bhuiyan, F. H., & Prodhan, S. H. (2019). Development of partial abiotic stress tolerant Citrus reticulata Blanco and Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 17(1), 1-9.
  • 19. Khan, M. F., Hoque, H., Islam, M. Q., Ashrafuzzaman, M., & Prodhan, S. H. (2019). An Efficient Regeneration System for Native Orange (Citrus reticulata) through In-Vitro Culture Technique. Agricultural Sciences, 10(07), 975.
  • 20. Chakraborty, A., Hoque, H., Hasan, M. N., Akter, F., Suhani, S., Joy, Z. F., & Akther, J. (2017). Effect of Different Concentrations of Plant Growth Hormones for in Vitro Regeneration of Rice Varieties BRRI Dhan 28 and BRRI Dhan 29. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 33(2), 26-33.
  • 21. Prodhan, S. H., Hasan, M. N., Hoque, H., Alam, S., Hasan, M. R., Gupta, A., . . . Joy, Z. F. (2016). Development of an efficient in vitro regeneration system for endangered wild orange citrus chrysocarpa L. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 30, 187-196.
  • 22. Foysal, M., Momtaz, F., Haque, M., Hossain, M., Rahman, M., & Prodhan, S. (2016). Detection of lipase and elastase in typhoid and UTI patients caused by salmonella typhimurium in the eastern part of Bangladesh. Asian Jr of Microbiol Biotech Env Sc, 18(4), 815-820.
  • 23. Bhuiyan, R., Miah, M. A., Shakil, S. K., Ikbal, M., Mosnaz, T., & Hoque, M. (2014). Comparison of callus initiation and regeneration frequency for two submerge tolerant rice (Oryza sativa). Int J Pharm Biol Sci, 9(1), 74-78.
  • 24. Hoque, H., Jamali, S., Akther, J., & Prodhan, S. H. (2012). Computational analysis of milk sources from different domestic animals as supplementary food source to protect Lathyrism. International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), 2(7), 74-82.


  • 1. Chowdhury, A. T., Hasan, N., Hoque, H., Prodhan, S. H. Effect of EMS (Ethyl Methanesulfonate) Induced Mutation on some Partially Salt Tolerant Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Oral Presentation in The 9th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka. Abstract no. 118.
  • 2. Sinha, B., Hoque, H., Jewel, N. A., Sarker, J. C., Hasan, M. N., and Prodhan, S. H. Genetic variation analysis of Citrus reticulata grown in Sylhet region through RAPD and SSR markers. Poster presentation in the 9th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka. Abstract no. 40
  • 3. Arefin, S., Bhuiyan, M. F. H., Akther, J., Prodhan, S. H., and Hoque, H. The dynamics of Cis-regulatory elements in promoter regions of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) sucrose transporter genes in stress management. Poster presentation in the 9th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka. Abstract no. 45.
  • 4. Nayon, R. W., Deb, S., Mazumder, S. R., Jewel, N. A., Hasan, M. N., Prodhan, S. H., and Hoque, H. Observation of the effects of exogenous proline to improve salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Poster presentation in the 9th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka. Abstract no. 47.
  • 5. Islam, M. Q., Nayon, R. W., Hoque, H., and Prodhan, S. H. High Performance dual chambered compact bioelectrochemical solar cell using Rhodopseudomonas palustris (Molisch) van Niel. Poster presentation in the 9th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka. Abstract no. 105.
  • 6. Khan, M. F., Hasan, N., Hoque, H., Ashrafuzzaman, M., Prodhan, S. H. Agrobacterium Mediated PsCIPK, PsCBL Genes Transformation to Enhance the Salt and Submergence Tolerance of Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Bangladesh. Oral Presentation in International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences, MBSTU, Tangail, Bangladesh
  • 7. Sinha, B., Islam, M., Hoque, H., Mazumder, S., Hasan, M. N., and Prodhan, S. H. (2019). Development of an Efficient Callus Induction System and Observation of Genetic Diversity of Local Orange (Citrus reticulata). Poster in International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences 2019, MBSTU, Tangail, Bangladesh
  • 8. Ghosh, S., Hoque, H., Das, R. C. and Miah, M. A. N. An immunoinformatic approach in homology modelling and design of epitope based vaccine against Chikungunya Virus (CHIKV). As an abstract in the International Conference on Innovation in Plant and Food Sciences (IPFS) and International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA), Page 67, at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 9. Rahman, M. M., Foysal, M. J., Hoque, H., Paul, S. I., Sawabe, T., and Islam, M. T. Identification of virulence genes of Aeromonas veronii associated with motile Aeromonas septicaemia in carp fishes and prevention and control of the disease by application of native probiotics and medicinal plant extracts. As an abstract in the International Conference on Innovation in Plant and Food Sciences (IPFS) and International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA), Page 59, at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 10. Arefin, S., Bhuiyan, M. F. H. and Hoque, H. Comprehensive analysis of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) sucrose transporter genes: the dynamics of Cis-regulatory elements in promoter regions. As an abstract in the International Conference on Innovation in Plant and Food Sciences (IPFS) and International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA), Page 55, at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 11. Islam, M. Q., Nayan, R., W., Hoque, H. and Prodhan, S. H. High performance dual chamber photo microbial fuel cell (MFC) using Rhodopseudomonas palustris (Molisch) van niel. As an abstract in the International Conference on Innovation in Plant and Food Sciences (IPFS) and International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA), Page 63, at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 12. Sinha, B., Hoque, H. and Prodhan, S. H. Development of an efficient in vitro regeneration system and observation of genetic diversity of local orange (Citrus reticualta). A poster presented in International conference of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh
  • 13. Prodhan, S. H., Hasan, M. D., and Hoque, H. Transformation of two Citrus spp. (C. crysocarpa Lush. and C. sinensis L. Osbeck) using PsCBL and PsCIPK genes through Agrobacterium mediated transformation. As an abstract in the International Symposium on Eco-Efficiency in Agriculture and Allied Research, page 285, at Nadia, West Bengal, India
  • 14. Kabir, T., Hoque, H., Rabbane, M. D., Hossain, J., and Hosen, M. J. Exposure to arsenic (as) causes physiologically impaired early embryonic development in zebrafish (Danio rerio). As an abstract in the International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, Page 225, at School of Health and Life Science, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 15. Das, T. K., Hoque, H., Biswas, G. C., Hasan, M. N., and Prodhan, S. H. In vitro callus initiation and regeneration of barley (Hordeum vulgare) through plant tissue culture. As an abstract in the 1st National Congress of Bangladesh Association of Biotechnology Graduates (BABG), Page 58, at Dept. of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 16. Prodhan, S. H., Hasan, M. N., Hoque, H., and Shikdar S. U. Rice improvement under stress for food security through innovative genetic engineering approach. As an abstract in the International Symposium on Eco-Efficiency in Agriculture and Allied Research, page 283, at Nadia, West Bengal, India
  • 17. Prodhan, S. H., Hasan, Q. H, Joy, Z. F., Hoque, H. and Shikdar, S. U. Development of salt tolerant indica rice by over-expression of different stress resistant genes to attain food security. International Conference at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal, India, p-31
  • 18. Prodhan, S. H., Hasan, Q. H., Joy, Z. F., Hoque, H., Shikdar, S. U., Islam, M. S. and Ali, M. A. development of salt tolerant indica rice by introduction of stress resistant genes to attain food security in Bangladesh. As an abstract in the 8th International conference of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Page 54, at Dhaka, Bangladesh (
  • 19. Das, R. C., Hoque, H., Iqbal, A., Alam, M.M., Prodhan, S. H., Rahman, M. R. artificial breeding and production of mono sex female koi (Anabus testudineus). As an abstract in the 2nd conference on research for sustainable development, Page 15, at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Immunology
  • Oncology and Virology
  • Metabolism I
  • Metabolism II
  • Enzymology
  • Protein and Enzyme Technology
  • Cell Signaling
  • Microbial Genetics
  • Bioenergetics

Awards & Recognition

  • ‘National Hero’ for valiant service in mitigating COVID-19 Pandemic (2020), Honored by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
  • University merit scholarship for excellent academic performance (2008)

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Graduate Alumni (MS): 5 Beethi Sinha (2016421006), Shahrear Arefin (2017421001), Md. Mashiur Rahman (2018421015), Maliha Jahan (2019421009), Jeba Faizah Rahman (2020421002)
  • 2. Undergrad : 11