Faculty Profile

Dr. Md. Anowarul Islam

Associate Professor & Head

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Geography and Environment, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801709109665
  • Email: anowar-gee@sust.edu


  • B.Sc(Hons) and MS(Thesis), Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • MS (2019, Hokkaido University, Japan); PhD (2022, Hokkaido University, Japan)

Research Interests

  • Extreme Climate, Sea Level Rise, Environmental Vulnerability, Disaster Management, Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategy

Active Research Project

  • 1. Study on Climate Change Impacts in South Asia and Options for Adaptation.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Agricultural Vulnerability to Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise and Options for Adaptation in Coastal Bangladesh

External Affiliations

  • Research Fellow, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Japan

Journal Publications

  • 1. Influence of Terrestrial Precipitation on the Variability of Extreme Sea Levels along the Coast of Bangladesh, 1 Influence of Terrestrial Precipitation on the Variability of Extreme Sea Levels along the Coast of Bangladesh, Water, 2021, 13(20), 2915.
  • 2. 2 Impact of Salinity Intrusion on Coastal Agriculture and Farmer’s Livelihoods in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Environment and Ecology, 2021, 16 (3): 52-60.
  • 3. Exploring public opinion on the climate change issues in Bangladesh
  • 4. Effectiveness of indigenous adaptations for agricultural sustainability to the impacts of climate change: case of a coastal district of Bangladesh
  • 5. People’s perception on agricultural vulnerabilities to climate change and SLR in Bangladesh: adaptation strategies and explanatory variables
  • 6. Islam, M.A and Shemul, S., 2016. "Vulnerability of agriculture to natural disasters of Haor area's in Bangladesh: A study on Nikli Upazila of Kishoreganj District". First Conference on Research for Sustainable Development, FCRSD2016-PS-008, Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet--3114, Bangladesh, 12-13 April 2016.
  • 7. Islam, M.A., Paul, S.k., and Hasan, M.Z., (2015). Agricultural vulnerability in Bangladesh to Climate change induces sea level rise and options for adamtation: a study of a coastal Upazila. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 109(1): 19-39


  • 1. Influence of terrestrial precipitation to the variability of extreme sea levels along the coast of Bangladesh
  • 2. Impacts of precipitation to the variability of extreme sea levels along the coast of Bangladesh
  • 3. Islam, M.A and Chowdhury, T.R., 2016. Socio-economic vulnerability and coping strategies of Haor's Fishermen in Bangladesh: a study of tanguar Haor". First Conference on Research for sustainable development, FCRSD2016-PS-007, Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 12-13 April 2016
  • 4. Islam, M.A., 2016. "Impacts of Sea Level Rise to Agricultural Vulnerabilities in Bangladesh and Option for Adaptations. A Case from Coast". AE-53, Poster abstract of the 3rd National Conference on Natural Science and Technology (NCNST'16) Asian University for Women (AUW), Chittagong, Bangladesh, 15-16 April 2016.
  • 5. Climate change impact on agriculture in coastal area of Bangladesh and options for adaptation: A study of a coastal Upazila

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Physical and Human Environment

Awards & Recognition

  • MEXT(Monbukagakusho) Scholar