Faculty Profile
Dr Md Ariful Islam
Contact Information
Dr. Md. Ariful Islam is working as a Professor (Grade-1) in the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. In the recent past, he successfully completed his tenure as the 'Dean' of the School of Applied Sciences and Technology, SUST. He played his active role as a 'Syndicate Member' about two years working for the betterment of SUST. As a Dean, he was also a member of 'Planning and Development Committee' as well as a member of 'Finance Committee' for the time being. Earlier, he successfully completed his duty as the Head of Industrial and Production Engineering Department for three years (from Nov 2016 to Nov 2019) and as the Head (founding) of Mechanical Engineering Department for three years (from Sep 2015 to Sep 2018), SUST. Assuming the statutory posts as a Dean of the largest School of SUST and as Head of two Engineering Disciplines, Dr. Islam involved in decision making, policy formulation and implementation in addition to academic responsibilities where Dr. Islam showed extreme amount of initiative, sincerity and dedication to the community interest in his works, to the University at large. Working in the the statutory posts, Professor Islam has gained some practical knowledge and experience in university governance and management system of a Public University that would help him to carry on advance research works related to the development of higher education system. Upholding the work ethics and honesty, he works with innovative and creatives approaches wherever he discharges his duties in his career. He has been working as a team member of a committee formed for developing University Ranking of SUST in the international level. He joined the department of IPE, SUST in 1998. Dr. Islam received his PhD Mechanical Engineering (specializing on Engineering Management) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. As a Research Scholar, he earned his Master of Engineering (by Research) degree in Manufacturing Engineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. He received another Master of Engineering degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in Industrial and Production Engineering. Apart from his teaching, research and administrative commitment, he kept himself involved in different projects and advisory tasks that solved real life industrial problems in different times. In addition to academic research on Engineering Management, SME Development, Manufacturing Engineering and Quality Management, he successfully performed some funded projects in both home and abroad. The following enterprises are notable to be mentioned where Prof. Islam worked for as a researcher, consultant and/or advisor: Criterion- Furniture Manufacturing Company, New Zealand; Akarana Timbers Limited, New Zealand; Metalcraft Structural, New Zealand; Metalcraft Roofing, New Zealand; Phillips International, Singapore; Land Transport Authority, Singapore; Innovision Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Bangladesh. He enriched his professional career working as a 'Research Engineer' in the department of Industrial and System Engineering of NUS, Singapore and working as an Academic Staff (Senior Tutor) in the department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He actively participated in different initiatives to develop some industrial sectors in Bangladesh. Socio-economic development of the country through entrepreneurial process development is his professional vision. He possesses widespread knowledge and expertise in SME Development, Entrepreneurship Development, Productivity Improvement, Operations Management, TQM, Risk and Safety Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Manufacturing System Development, Industrial Management, Energy Management and Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. He leads a research team named 'Industrial Management and Manufacturing Technology Research Team' in IPE department, SUST, which broadly focuses on the advanced and applied research works and expertise professional service in developing solutions against real life industrial problems in Bangladesh. Prof. Islam has published a good number of research articles in various national and international referred Journals.
PhD in Engineering Management (Mechanical Engineering), University of Auckland (UoA), New Zealand, 2008.
Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering (by Research), Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore.
Master of Engineering in Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka.
Research Interests
Industrial and Operations Management
Total Quality Control and Management
Entrepreneurship Development
Supply Chain Management
Risk and Safety Management,
Technology Management
Product Design and Development
Plant Location and Layout
Productivity Improvement
Manufacturing System and Management
Engineering Management at large
Energy management
Higher Education Management
Active Research Project
1. Risk management in Manufacturing Organizations
2. Involvement of customer voice in product design and development.
3. Quality Management System in Manufacturing Organizations.
4. Occupational Health and Safety Management in RMG Sector
5. Productivity Improvement reducing Non-value adding Time in RMG Sector
6. Implementation of TQM in Bangladesh Railways
7. Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh
8. Energy Management in Industrial Sector in Bangladesh
9. Lead time reduction in RMG Sector
10. Green Manufacturing
11. Wastes Management
12. Higher Education Governance and Management
Previous Research Project
1. Identification Causes and consequences of operational disturbances in manufacturing Enterprises in Bangladesh and Development of Remedial Actions
2. Application of Fixed Period Inventory Model in a Pharmaceutical Company
3. Application of QFD approach in improving Agro-machineries
4. Process performance measurement and its improvement in Beverage Industry.
5. Productivity Improvement through line Balancing in RMG sector
6. Identification of uncertainties in supply chain network and their impact in RMG sector
7. Implementation of TQM in manufacturing Industries in Bangladesh
8. Application of lean manufacturing tool (VSM in particular) in RMG sector for productivity improvement
9. Improvement of service quality thorough the enhancement of cross-functional coordination and cooperation in health care system
10. Improvement of productivity through the minimization of production deficiencies
11. Improvement of productivity through the minimization of production deficiencies
12. Assessment of job satisfaction level of employees working in RMG sector
13. Application of Fixed order Quantity Model in Ceramic Industry
14. Applicability of Demand Forecasting Models in Consumer Electronics
15. Furniture Manufacturing Industry in Bangladesh: Scenario Building and Productivity Improvement
16. Demand forecasting of Industrial Products
17. Impact of Training on Productivity in manufacturing Industries
18. Production interruptions- causes and consequences in different manufacturing Industries
19. Material shortage in Pharmaceutical Industry- Causes and Impacts
20. Application of lean tools for productivity improvements in manufacturing industry in Bangladesh
21. Occupational health and safety management in RMG Sector
22. Safety and risk management in Light Engineering Sector
23. Capacity building of furniture sector
24. Energy management in industrial sector of Bangladesh: scenario building and strategic framework development, Funded by Research Center, SUST, Project code: AS/2021/1/33, Session: 2021-22
External Affiliations
Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)
Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, AU
Editorial Board Member of FOUR International Journals
Expert Member of Teachers' Selection Board of a reputed Public University
Member, Program Evaluation Committee of Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education, IEB Dhaka
External Member, Academic Committee,Department of Mechatronics Engineering, IPE, RUET
Subject Expert, External Peer Review Team (EPRT) for IPE program, Appointed by IQAC of BUET, RUET, DUET
External Member, MSc Engg Thesis, IPE department, BUET
Journal Publications
1. Mst. Nasima Bagum, Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed, Ratul Barman, Md. Ariful Islam, M.H. Kibria. (2024) Impact of Interconnectivity and Information Sharing on Cyber-Physical System Implementation. International Journal of Industrial and System Engineering (In Press) https://doi.org/10.1504/IJISE.2023.10060663
2. Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed, Mst. Nasima Bagum, Md. Mehedi Hasan Kibria, Rafid Ahmed Chowdhury, Md. Ariful Islam (2024). Integrating Supply Chain Partners through Implementing Industry 4.0 Technologies to Enhance Competitiveness. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 18(2), 351-363. https://doi.org/10.59038/jjmie/180208
3. Mst. Nasima Bagum, Syeda Kumrun Nahar, M. A. Islam, M. M. H. Kibria, C. A. A. Rashed. (2023) Academic withdrawal in engineering: an investigation of scenarios and root causes. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, 30(2), 89-116.
4. Islam, M. A.* and Kibria, M. H. (2022), Prospects and Barriers in Entrepreneurship Development in Greater Sylhet of Bangladesh- A Framework, International Journal of SME Development, Issue 5, pp-57-80, June 2022, ISSN: 2305-7750
5. M.A. Islam, C.A.A. Rashed, J. Hasan (2019). Raw materials shortage and their impact on the manufacturing business – an empirical study in the pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh. Review of General Management, 30(2): 128-144.
6. Khan MMA, Rashed CAA, Saha S, Islam MA (2017) What makes employees satisfied with their job. Review of General Management, 26(2): 46-62.
7. Md. Ariful Islam, Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed, Jahid Hasan, Productivity Improvement Through The Application Of Systematic Layout Planning Technique, Review of General Management, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 38-53.
8. M. Muhshin Aziz Khan, Md. Ariful Islam*, Scenario of Productivity Measures and Their Applications in Improving Operational performance of Manufacturing SMEs, International Journal of SME Development, Issue 2, December 2016, pp. 77-100, ISSN: 2305-7750
9. S.K. Nahar , M.A. Islam*, J. Hasan, S. Saha, N. Morshed, M.M.A. Khan,, Production Interruptions and their Impact in Manufacturing Industry, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 11, 2015: 221-230.
10. J. Hasan, M.M.A. Khan, S. Saha, S.K. Nahar, Z. Halim, M.A. Islam, ‘Rear end collision: status, drivers’ perception, and impact of rear light configuration on driver reaction time’, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4/11(2015):215 – 220.
11. S. Saha, A. Sayem, T.I. Sipon, J. Hasan, S.K. Nahar, M.M.A. Khan, M. A. Islam, Application And Benefits Of Activity Based Costing Over Traditional Costing Approach: A Case Study On An Export Oriented Ceramic (Tiles) Manufacturing Industry, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4/11(2015): 75 – 84.
12. Md. Ariful Islam, and A. F.M. Anwarul Haque, Key aspects of TQM implementation in manufacturing organization- an empirical investigation, IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249—9563, Vol. 2 No 3, pp. 268-277, June, l 2012.
13. Md. Ariful Islam, and Des Tedford, Implementation of Risk Management in Manufacturing Industry An Emperical Investigation, IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249—9563, Vol. 2 No 3, pp. 258-267, June, l 2012.
14. Md. Ariful Islam, and A. F.M. Anwarul Haque, Pillars of TQM Implementation in Manufacturing Organization- An Empirical Study, Journal of Research in International Business and Management (ISSN: 2251-0028), Vol. 2 (5), pp. 121-134, May, 2012.
15. Md. Ariful Islam*, Mst. Nasima Bagum, Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed, (2012), “Operational Disturbances and Their Impact on the Manufacturing Business- An Empirical Study in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh”, IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ), ISSN: 2249—9563, Vol. 2 No.2, pp. 184- 191, April 2012.
16. Islam, Md. Ariful, and Tedford, J.D , "Risk determinants of small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises: An exploratory study in New Zealand, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 8:12, doi:10.1186/2251-712X-8-12, SpringerOpen, 2012.
17. Islam, A. (2011), "Managing operational risks in small and medium manufacturing enterprises - a strategic approach", in Engemann, K.J. (ed.), Business Continuity and Risk Management, The Marketing & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online at http://hstalks.com/?t=MM1382958-Islam
18. Islam, A. (2011), "Managing operational risks in small and medium manufacturing enterprises - a strategic approach", in Engemann, K.J. (ed.), Business Continuity and Risk Management, The Marketing & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online at http://hstalks.com/?t=MM1382958-Islam).
19. Islam, Md. Ariful, Tedford, J. D. and Haemmerle E. Managing Operational Risks in small and medium-sized manufacturing organizations (SMEs)—an integrated approach, International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM), Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 420-441, 2008.
20. M. M. A. Khan, M. A. Islam, A.F.M. Salauddin and M. Iqbal, Productivity Assessment and Its Improvement Strategies For Small Metal Workshops, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME 39, No. 1, June 2008.
21. J. Des Tedford, Rainer H.A. Seidel & Md. A. Islam, Team-based learning in engineering design courses, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, Vol.5, No.2, pp. 303-306, 2006.
1. Md. Ariful Islam, Tanmoy Dev and A.T.M. Kawsar Ahammad, Identification of Waste Time Applying ‘Value Stream Mapping’ technique - A case study in a ready-made garments industry, Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2010, CERIE 2010, pp. 545-550, 11-13 January, 2010, Sylhet, Bangladesh
2. Md. Ariful Islam, Md. M. Rahman, H. M. A. Haque and Jahid Hasan, Causes and Consequences of Internal and External Disturbances in Readymade Garment Industries of Bangladesh- An Exploratory Study, Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2010, CERIE 2010, pp. 505-509, 11-13 January, 2010, Sylhet, Bangladesh
3. J.D. Tedford, R.H.A. Seidel, Md. A. Islam , Teamwork and its Influence on Learning in Industry Based Projects, Proceedings of 10th UICEE (UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education) Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Reinforcing Partnerships in Engineering Education, Bangkok, 19-23 March 2007, ISBN 978-0-7326-2260-2, pages 203-206.
4. Md. Ariful Islam, J. D. Tedford and E. Haemmerle, Risk determinants of Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs)- An empirical investigation in New Zealand, 21st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference- Managing our Intellectual and social capital, Proceedings of ANZAM, ISBN: 1863081410, pp. 68-, 4-7 December, 2007, Sydney, Australia
5. Des Tedford, Rainer Siedel, Md. Ariful Islam, Project and Team Based Learning- An Integrated Approach, Proceedings of 2nd International CDIO Conference, Linkpoing, Sweden, 13-14 June, 2006, pp. 1-13, CD published by CDIO, MIT, USA.
6. Seidel, R.H.A, Tedford, J.D, Islam, M. A. ‘Assessment of the Effectiveness of Team and Project Based Learning in Engineering Education’ [Online]. In Australasian Association for Engineering Education. Conference (17th: 2006: Auckland University of Technology). Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education: Creativity, Change; Partnership in Engineering Education, Auckland, New Zealand: Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 2006: 572-581. Availability: ISBN: 9780473118815.
7. Md. Ariful Islam, J. D. Tedford and E. Haemmerle, Strategic Risk Management Approach for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs)—A Theoretical Framework, 2006 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, vol.2, ISBN:1-4244-0147-X, pp. 694-698, 21-23 June 2006, Singapore. IEEE Catalogue Number: 06EX1298, Library of Congress 2006920527, E-ISBN : 1-4244-0148-8, INSPEC Accession Number: 9165580.
8. Md. Ariful Islam & A.F.M Anwarul Haque, Improvement of Quality Management System in Large and Medium Scale Industries—Bangladesh perspective, Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing, ICM-2002, 9-11, August, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol.1, pp-210- 215
9. Md. Ariful Islam , A.F.M Anwarul Haque, A.N. Mustafizul Karim, Enhancement of Quality of Small and Cottage Industries in Bangladesh –Review, Analysis and Strategies, Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing, ICM-2002, 9-11, Agust,02, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol.1, pp-200-209
Book/ Book Chapter
Industrial Management
Project Management
Entrepreneurship Development and Technology Management
Industrial Simulation
Organizational Behavior
Operations Research
Engineering Statistics
Mechanical Equipment and Building Services
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Product Design and Development
Quality Control and Management
Energy Management
Awards & Recognition
2008: Special Doctoral Completion Award for Outstanding Performance in PhD
2004-2008: International Doctoral Scholarship for PhD Program
1999-2001: Research Scholarship for Masters Program from NUS as a Research Scholar
1996-1998: Teaching Assistant Ship from BUET throughout the Masters Program
1989-: Merit Scholarship throughout Undergraduate Program
Graduate Supervision
1. Accomplished the supervision of two MSc. Engineering Thesis (Degree awarded) in the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, SUST in two distinct areas; 'Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh' and 'Energy Management in Industrial Sector of Bangladesh'
2. PhD position is currently available. Interested students may contact directly with me via email
3. Interested candidates for MS or PhD from Mechanical Engineering or IPE can approach me for the degree program on Manufacturing (3D printing, Micro-nano machining, Hybrid Machine Tools and so on). Financial support or scholarship is available for competent candidates for the program here, or for collaborative or joint supervision program with foreign universities