Faculty Profile
Dr. Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan
Contact Information
Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan is a professor and former head of the Industrial and Production Engineering Department, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh. He held key administrative rules, including Director of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at SUST and Associate Editor of the SUST Journal of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Advanced Manufacturing Technology from the University of Pisa, Italy. He possesses wide knowledge and expertise in Production Technology and Management, Process Design and Development, Process and Quality Control, Production Process Optimization, Production Loss Reduction, Environment Conscious Manufacturing, Human Factors in Manufacturing, and Energy Management in particular. He is actively involved in various research and development activities. He has published articles in various national and international journals, e.g., Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Optics and Laser Technology, CIRP Annals—Manufacturing Technology, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Int. Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, Energy efficiency, Int. Journal of Industrial and System Engineering, Int. Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, etc.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Department of Mechanical, Nuclear and Production Engineering, University of Pisa (UniPi), Italy
M.Sc. in Industrial and Production Engineering, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Research Interests
Sustainability Issues in Manufacturing Processes
Circular Economy Practices in Manufacturing Organization
Industry 4.0 Adaptation in Manufacturing Sector
Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Manufacturing
Productivity Measurement and Enhancement Issues
Occupational Injuries and Risk Assessment
Process Design and Optimization
Active Research Project
1. Identifying critical barriers to implementing circular economy practices in manufacturing organizations and their mitigation strategies
2. Investigating and mitigating productivity and sustainability issues of manufacturing and service industries
3. Exploring and managing key factors affecting Industry 5.0 implementation in industrial sectors of Bangladesh.
4. Developing Circular Business Model for Manufacturing Sector in Bangladesh
Previous Research Project
1. Laser Beam Welding of Stainless Steels.
2. Design, Development and Optimization of a Nano-stereolithography (NSTL) System: X-Y-Z stages Motion System.
3. Effects of Minimum Quantity Lubrication by Vegetable Oil-based Cutting Fluid on Machinability of Steel.
4. Effects of Cryogenic Cooling by Liquid Nitrogen Jet on Tool Wear, Surface Finish and Dimensional Deviation in Turning Different Steels.
5. Design and Construction of MQL Facilities and Process Parameter Optimization for Turning Stainless Steel under MQL Environment.
6. Development of CAD Based Part Program Generation Software.
7. Development in the Gas-flow Control Knob of Usual Household Kitchen Burner by Zone Optimization and Recalibration.
8. Design of an Absorption Type Solar Fluid Heater.
9. Design and Development of a Low Cost Domestic Natural Convection Based Solar Passive Dryer: an Effective Tool for Fruit and/or Vegetable Preservation.
10. Developing Technology for a Conventional Mud-oven Used in the Rural Bangladesh: A Highly Cost Reducing and Environmentally Friendly Technology for the Poor Village Folks.
11. Performance Assessment and Improvement of a Printing Press in Effectiveness and Efficiency Terms.
12. Productivity Assessment and its Improvement Strategies for Small Metal Workshops.
13. Productivity Assessment and Its Improvement Strategies for Export Oriented Button Manufacturing Organizations.
14. Productivity Factor Analysis in Cement Industries of Bangladesh.
15. Workplace Productivity: An Exploratory Study in Private and Public Banks.
16. Status of Teaching and Learning in Public Universities: A Case Study.
17. Attributes of Occupational Injury among the Workers of Chemical Industry and Safety Issues.
18. Impact of Psychosocial Job Characteristics, Office Physical Environment and Office Furniture Mismatch on Job Satisfaction.
19. Job Satisfaction among the Administrative Staffs in the Public Universities of Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study
20. Rear End Collision: Rear Light Configurations and Their Impact on Drivers’ Reaction Time.
21. Optimization of Energy Utilization in Steam Generation Unit Used in Textile and Apparel Industry
22. Laser Surface Treatment Mediated Adhesively Bonded Joining Process
23. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) regarding Personal Protective Measures: A Concern among Labor-oriented Unorganized Small Industries
24. Grey-Taguchi Approach to Optimize the Non-conventional Manufacturing Processes
25. Energy Consumption and Production Rate in Machining: Prediction, Optimization and Environmental Impact analysis
26. The Emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) in the industrial section of Bangladesh: exploring and managing key success factors
27. Developing Circular Business Model for End-of-Life Electric Vehicles in Bangladesh
28. Sustainable Manufacturing of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Model Development and Strategy Formulation for Performance Enhancement
External Affiliations
Member of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)
Member of Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineers (BSME)
Member of Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (JERIE)
Editorial Board Member, Digital Manufacturing Technology
Journal Publications
1. Khan, M. M. A., Sayem, Ahmed, & Biswas, P.K., ‘Workplace productivity of service industry: evidence from public and private Banks of Bangladesh’, International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 47/4(2024), 423-448.
2. Moin, C.J., Iqbal, M., Abdul Malek, ABM, Khan, M M A, & Haque, R., 'Unleashing the power of manufacturing flexibility: enhancing performance in Bangladesh's ready-made garment industry'. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 35/3(2024), 434-457.
3. Moin, C.J., Iqbal, M., Malek, A.B.M., and Khan, M.M.A., 'Exploring the Manufacturing Flexibility Issues to Build a Framework to Implement the Manufacturing Flexibility of a Supply Chain: A Review', International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 46/3(2024), 295-322.
4. Khan, M.M.A., Saha, S. & Sayem, A., 'Parametric optimization for enhancing process sustainability: evidence from fused deposition modeling process'. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing. 18/2(2024), 801-814.
5. Khan, M.M.A., Alam, M., Saha, S., & Sayem, A., ‘Critical barriers to adopt sustainable manufacturing practices in medium-sized ready-made garment manufacturing enterprises and their mitigation strategies’, Heliyon, 10/20(2024), e39195
6. Syed, M. A. B., Rahman, Q., Shahriar, H. M., & Khan, M. M. A., 'Grey-Taguchi Approach to Optimize Fused Deposition Modeling Process in Terms of Mechanical Properties and Dimensional Accuracy', Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 4/1 (2023), 38-52.
7. Islam, S., Biswas, P. K., Saha, S., Sayem, A., & Khan, M. M. A., 'Occupational injuries and risk assessment among stone crushing industry workers: a cross-sectional study', International archives of occupational and environmental health, 96 (2023), 903–917.
8. Sadat, M., Albab, N., Chowdhury, F., & Khan, M.M.A., ‘Numerical Simulation Approach to Investigate the Effects of External Modifications in Reducing Aerodynamic Drag on Passenger Vehicles’, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 19/1(2022):9563-9576
9. Moin, C.J., Iqbal, M., Abdul Malek, ABM, Khan, M M A, & Haque, R., 'Prioritization of Environmental Uncertainty and Manufacturing Flexibility for Labor-Intensive Industry: A Case Study on Ready-Made Garment Industries in Bangladesh', Systems. 10/3 (2022): 67.
10. Sayem, A., Biswas, P.K., Khan, M.M.A., Romoli, L., & Mura, M.D., 'Critical Barriers to Industry 4.0 Adoption in Manufacturing Organizations and Their Mitigation Strategies', Journal of Manufacturing and Material Processing. 6/6(2022), 136.
11. Khan, M. M. A., Sayem, A & Hasan, M. M, 'Experimental Investigations of a Simple and Cheap Passive Solar Dryer for Preserving Agricultural Products', International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 12/4 (2022), 2101-2110.
12. Saha, S., Sayem, N. A., Khan, M. M. A., & Biswas, P. K., ‘Overall performance of steam system used in garment industries in Bangladesh: a case study–based approach,’ Energy Efficiency, 14/2 (2021): 1-18
13. Uddin, M.M., Sakaline, G., & Khan, M.M.A., 'Enhancing OEE as a Key Metric of TPM Approach-A Practical Analysis in Garments Industries', European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 6/2 (2021):142-147.
14. Khan, M. M. A., Saha, S., Romoli, L., & Kibria, M. H., ‘Optimization of Laser Engraving of Acrylic Plastics from the Perspective of Energy Consumption, CO2 Emission and Removal Rate’, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 5/3(2021):78
15. Islam, S., Biswas, P. K., Saha, S., Sayem, A., & Khan, M. M. A., 'Assessment of Occupational Injuries, Health, and Risk Faced by the Workers in the Engineering Workshops: A Survey Based Approach', SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 31/1(2021): 10 - 18.
16. Biswas, P.K., Kibria, M.H., Hasan, J., & Khan, M.M.A., 'Productivity determinants of cement industries and their impacts assessment: a survey-based approach,' Journal of Production Systems and Manufacturing Science, 1/2(2020).
17. Kibria, M.H., Khan, M.M.A., Malek, A.B.M.A., Biswas, P.K., 'Inventory Cost Minimization Through Item Categorization and Demand Forecasting: A Case Study-based Approach', International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 8/12(2019): 823 – 827
18. Biswas, P.K., Saha, S., Das, S., Sourov, S.R., Khan, M.M.A., 'User Satisfaction of Electric Vehicles (EVs) as an Alternative Form of Public Road Transport System: A Survey-based Approach', SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 29/1(2019): 33 – 38.
19. Moroni, F., Romoli, L., & Khan, M.M.A., 'Design of laser-textured surfaces to enhance the strength of adhesively bonded joints', International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 85(2018): 208-218
20. Romoli, L., Khan, M. M. A., & Valentini, M., 'Through-the-thickness selective laser ablation of ceramic coatings on soda-lime glass, Optics and Laser Technology, 90 (2017): 113 – 121.
21. Romoli, L., Moroni, F., & Khan, M. M. A., 'A study on the influence of surface laser texturing on the adhesive strength of bonded joints', CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 66/1 (2017): 237 - 240.
22. Khan, M. M. A., Rashed, C. A. A., Saha, S., & Islam, A., 'What Makes Employees Satisfied with Their Jobs', Review of General Management, 26/2(2017): 46 – 62
23. Khan, M.M.A., & Islam, M.A., ‘Scenario of Productivity Measures and Their Applications in Improving Operational Performance of Manufacturing SMEs’, International Journal of SME Development, 1/2(2016): 79 – 100.
24. Nahar, S.K., Islam, M.A., Hasan, J., Saha, S., Morshed, N., & Khan, M.M.A., ‘Production Interruptions and Their Impact in Manufacturing Industry’, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4 /11 (2015): 221 – 230.
25. Saha, S., Sayem, A., Sipon, T.I., Hasan, J., Nahar, S.K., Khan, M.M.A.,Halim, Z., Islam, M.A., ‘Application and Benefits of Activity Based Costing over Traditional Costing Approach: A Case Study on an Export Oriented Ceramics (Tiles) Manufacturing Industry’, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4 /11 (2015): 70 – 84.
26. Hasan, J., Khan, M.M.A., Saha, S., Nahar, S.K., Halim, Z., Islam, M.A., ‘Rear End Collision: Status, Drivers’ Perception and Impact of Rear Light Configuration of Driver Reaction Time’, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4 /11 (2015): 215 – 220.
27. Salahuddin, M. A. F., Khan, M. M. A., Ullah, M. O., & Jahan, N., ‘Job Satisfaction and University Administrative Staffs: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 10/4 (2015): 27 – 39.
28. Sayem, A., Islam, M. A., & Khan, M. M. A., ‘Productvity Enhancement through Reduction of Changeover Time by Implementing SMED Technique in Furniture Industry’, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 17/1(2014):15 – 33.
29. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., & Dini, G., ‘Laser beam welding of dissimilar stainless steels in a butt joint configuration’, Optics and Laser Technology, 49(2013): 125-136.
30. Mithu, M. A. H., Sayem, A., & Khan, M. M. A., ‘Assessment of factors affecting employee appeal and retention of nurses in Bangladesh’, International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics, 3/4(2012):326-340.
31. Mukaddes, A. M. M., Bagum, N., Islam, M. A., & Khan, M. M. A., ‘The application of quality function deployment to improve the teaching techniques in higher education’, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11/1-2 (2012): 97-109.
32. Khan, M. M. A., Mithu, M. A. H., Halim, Z., & Sayem, A., ‘Statistical design approach to process parameter optimisation for turning AISI 9310 alloy steel under minimum quantity lubrication environment’, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Material, 11/2(2012): 154-181.
33. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., Fiaschi, M., Dini, G., & Sarri, F., ‘Multi-response Optimization of Laser Welding of Stainless Steels in a Constrained Fillet Joint Configuration Using RSM’, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 62(2012):587-603.
34. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., Ishak, R., Fiaschi, M., Dini, G., & De Sanctis, M., ‘Experimental Investigation on Seam Geometry, Microstructure Evolution, and Microhardness Profile of Laser Welded Martensitic Stainless Steels’, Optics and Laser Technology, 44(2012):1611-1619.
35. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., Fiaschi, M., Dini, G., & Sarri, F., ‘Laser beam welding of dissimilar stainless steels in a fillet joint configuration’, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212/4(2012): 856-867.
36. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., Fiaschi, M., Dini, G., & Sarri, F., ‘Experimental design approach to the process parameter optimization for laser welding of martensitic stainless steels in a constrained overlap configuration’, Optics & Laser Technology, 43 (2011):158–172.
37. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., Dini, G., & Fiaschi, M., A simplified energy-based model for laser welding of ferritic stainless steels in overlap configurations, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 60/1(2011):215-218.
38. Khan, M. M. A., Abdul Malek, A. B. M., Mithu, M. A. H., & Das, D. K., ‘Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of natural circulation rectangular box-type solar domestic Water heating system’, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 29/3(2010):164-177.
39. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., Fiaschi, M., Sarri, F., & Dini, G., ‘Experimental investigation on laser beam welding of martensitic stainless steels in a constrained overlap joint configuration’, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210 (2010):1340–1353.
40. Khan, M. M. A., Mithu, M. A. H., & Dhar, N. R., ‘Effects of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) by vegetable oil-based cutting fluid on turning AISI-9310 alloy steel’, Journal of Material Processing Technology, 209(2009):5573–5583.
41. Mithu, M. A. H., Khan, M. M. A., & Dhar, N. R., ‘Effects of Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) on Chip Formation Mode, Tool Wear, and Surface Roughness in Turning AISI-1040 Steel with Uncoated Carbide Tool’, International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production, 9/1-2(2008):107-118.
42. Khan, M.M.A., Iqbal, M. and Halim, Z.I., ‘Attributes Of Occupational Injury among the Workers of Chemical Industry and Safety Issues’, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 12/3(2006):327-341.
43. Khan, M.M.A., Khan, G.M. and Chowdhury, S., (2006) 'A Development in the Gas-Flow Control Knob of Usual Household Kitchen Burner by Zone Optimization and Recalibration', Journal of Energy and Environment: an International Journal, 5(2006):16-30.
44. Dhar, N.R., and Khan, M.M.A., ‘An Experimental Study of Cryogenic Cooling Effects in Machining AISI-4140 Steel’, the Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5/1(2006):21-35.
45. Dhar, N.R., Kamruzzaman, M., Khan, M.M.A. and Chattopadhyay, A.B., ‘Effects of cryogenic cooling by liquid nitrogen jets on tool wear, surface finish and dimensional deviation in turning different steels’, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 1/1(2006):115-131.
46. Khan, M.M.A., and Dhar, N.R., ‘Performance Evaluation of Minimum Quantity Lubrication by Vegetable Oil in terms of Cutting Force, Cutting Zone Temperature, Tool Wear, Job Dimension and Surface Finish in Turning AISI-1060 Steel’, International Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE: A, Springer-Verlag GmbH, 7/11(2006):1790-1799.
1. Paul, S., Khan, M. M. A., Khan, M. S. I., & Rahman, Q. Attributes of safety culture discrepancy among various workgroup in manufacturing industry: an empirical case study. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2023), 12-14 January, 2023, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
2. Khan, M. M. A., Saha, S., Tousif, A. M., Islam, M. R., & Islam, M. A., Performance Assessment and Improvement of a Printing Press in Terms of Effectiveness and Efficiency. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2017 (ICMIME2017), 28-30 December, 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
3. Islam, M. A., Khan, M. M. A., & Nahar, S. K., Demand Forecasting Techniques Applicable to the Supplier of Industrial Products in Bangladesh (An Exploratory Study). Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2017 (ICMIME 2017), December 28 - 30, 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
4. Islam, M.A., Khan, M.M.A. & Saha, S., Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Goal Programming for Supplier Selection Applicable to RMG Sector in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Industrial & Energy Engineering, KUET, December 2015, Khulna, Bangladesh.
5. Khan, M. M. A., Romoli, L., Fiaschi, M., & Dini, G., Optimization of Laser Beam Welding of Stainless Steel in Overlap Configuration. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011 (ICME2011) 18-20 December 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Dhar, N.R., and Khan, M.M.A., Performance Evaluation of Vegetable Oil as Cutting Fluid in Turning Steel. Proceedings of the 5th International Mechanical Engineering Conference & 10th Annual Paper Meet, Paper No. 34, pp. 13-20, Sept 30- Oct 02, 2005.
7. Dhar, N.R., and Khan, M.M.A., On Effect of MQL by Vegetable Oil on Tool Wear and Job Dimension and Finish in Turning AISI-1060 Steel. Proceedings of All India Seminar on “Recent Advances in Manufacturing Technologies”, Paper No. 37, pp. 82-89, October 22-23, 2005, National Institute Technology, Rourkela, India.
8. Dhar, N.R., Khan, M.M.A. and Kamruzzaman, M., A Study of Effects of MQL by Vegetable Oil on Cutting Temperature, Chips and Cutting Forces in Turning AISI-1060 Steel. Proceedings of All India Seminar on “Recent Advances in Manufacturing Technologies”, Paper No. 38, pp. 90-97, October 22-23, 2005, National Institute Technology, Rourkela, India.
9. Rahman, M.M., Arifin, A.K., Nuraini, A.A. and Khan, M.M.A., Effects of Surface Treatments on the Fatigue Behaviour of Cylinder Block for a New Two Stroke Free Piston Engine. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Paper No. AT-02, pp. 1-6, December 28-30, 2005.
10. Iqbal M. and Khan M. M. A.,Virtual Manufacturing. Proceedings of BSME –ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Vol. Supplement, PP.S58-S64, 31st December 2001-2nd January, 2002, ISBN 984-32-0029-0.
11. Khan M. M. A. and Iqbal M., Air Pollution: Cause of Climate Change and Serious Health Hazards for all City Dwellers. Proceedings of BSME –ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Vol. Supplement, PP.S65-S72, 31st December 2001-2nd January, 2002, ISBN 984-32-0029-0.
12. Malek A.B.M., Khan M. M. A., and Rahman Md. Mustafizur, Green House Gas(GHG) Emission: Bangladesh Perspective. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference and 7th Annual Paper Meet of the Mechanical Engineering Division and IEB, Paper No.29, PP.227-236, October 25-27, 2001, ISBN 984-31-1526-0.
13. Rahman Md. Mustafizur and Khan M. M. A., A strategic Approach of Environmentally Clean Machining. Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3, PP.49-58, December 26-28, 2001, ISBN 984-32-0038-1.
14. Iqbal M. and Khan M. M. A., Development and Sustainability: Energy Environment Scenario in Asia. Proceedings of International Conference and Workshop on Critical Issues in Energy and Development-Challenges for the OIC Countries, Paper No. 29, PP. 304-313. Nov.20-23, 2000.
15. Khan M.M.A., Hasan A.B.M. Khalid, Das Dipak K, Design and Performance Test of a Rectangular Box Type Solar Water Heater. Proceedings of Second International Seminar on Renewable Energy for poverty alleviation, PP.206-212, Nov. 26-27, 1999, ISBN 984-32-0683-0.
Book/ Book Chapter
1. Malek, A. B. M. A., Khan, M. M. A., & Sayem, A., 'Supply chain flexibility issues for Industry 4.0. In Advanced Signal Processing for Industry 4.0,' Volume 2: Security issues, management and future opportunities, (p 5-1 to 5-22), 2023, Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing.
2. Khan, M. M. A., 'Laser Beam Welding of Stainless Steels: Experimentation, Modeling and optimization', 2013, ISBN: 978-3-639-70126-5, Saarbrucken, Germany: Scholar's Press, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co.
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing
Manufacturing Processes I
Manufacturing Processes II
Tool Engineering
Applied Engineering Statistics
Statistical Quality Control
Awards & Recognition
1986 : Bangladesh Government Merit Scholarship
1995 : Technical Scholarship, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
2003 : UGC Research Grant, University Grant Commission
2004 : RIB Research Grant , Research Initiative Bangladesh
2006 : UGC Research Grant, University Grant Commission
2007 : Brain Korea 21(BK 21) Research Grant, S. Korea
2009 : Research Grant for PhD, University of Pisa and Continental Automotive Italy Spa
2012 : SUST Research Grant, Bangladesh
2012 : UGC Research Grant, University Grant Commission
2016 : SUST Research Grant, Bangladesh
2018 : SUST Research Grant, Bangladesh
2019 : Dean's Award for Research Excellence
2020: SUST Research Grant, Bangladesh
2022: SUST Research Grant, Bangladesh
2022: Dean's Award for Research Excellence
2024: Dean's Award for Research Excellence
Graduate Supervision
1. B.Sc. Engineering Level
2. M.Sc. Engineering Level
3. PhD Level (Interested students may contact directly with me via email).
Social Media