Faculty Profile
Dr Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes
Contact Information
Dr. Mukaddes is currently a professor in the Department of Industrial and Production engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh. He obtained his undergraduate degree (B.Sc. in Mechanical engineering) from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna. He obtained Master of Engineering from Kyushu University, Japan in 2003 and Doctor of Engineering from Kyushu University, Japan, in 2006. He was awarded Japanese government scholarship to study in Japan for 2001-2006. He was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by Japan Science and Technology (JST) in Toyo University, Japan for 2012-2013. Dr. Mukaddes was a research fellow and visiting consultant in Sultan Qaboos University, Oman in 2010. At present, his research is focused on the system simulation and optimization, finite element analysis of engineering problems. During his academic carrier, he has published few international journals and conference papers. A book titled 'Short Cases of Industrial System Simulation' has been prepared for undergraduate students. He served the School of Applied Science and Technology as a Dean in 2019-2020 and the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE) as Head in 2013-2016.
Postdoctoral Fellow , Toyo University, Japan, 2012-13 Field: High Performance Comuting
Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) , Kyushu University, Japan, 2006 Field: computational engineering
Master of Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan, 2003 Field: computational mechanics
B.Sc. Engineering, KUET, Bangladesh, 1998 Field: mechanical, First Class First, Prime Minister Gold Medalist
Higher Secondary School Certificate, First Class, 1992, Notre Dame College, Dhaka
Secondary School Certificate, First Class, 1990, Mymensingh Zila School, Mymensingh
Research Interests
System Modeling and Simulation
Finite Element Analysis of Engineering Problems: Heat transfer, Bio heat transfer
Parallel Computing and Information Systems
Active Research Project
1. 2023-24, Bio-heat Transfer Analysis through the Human Body in an Air-conditioned Space and Thereafter in
Outdoor Conditions. Funded by University Research Center, SUST
Previous Research Project
1. 2018-2020:3D Finite Element Analysis of Bio-heat Transfer through Human Skin during Burns and Their Treatments, Funded by University Research Center, SUST
2. 2016-17:Study of Skin Burn Injuries and Develop a Two Dimensional Finite Element Model for Analysis of Heat Transfer in Human Skin Layers, Funded by University Research Center, SUST
3. 2020-21: Develop a Computational Model for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in Bangladesh with Facts and Measures, Funded by University Research Center, SUST
4. 2022-23- First aid Treatments for Burn and Scald Injury from the Heat Transfer Aspects, Funded by University Research Center, SUST
External Affiliations
Members: Open Source Software, ADVENTURE System, University of Tokyo, Japan http://adventure.sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Guest Researchers: Centre of Computational Mechanics Research (CCMR, Toyo University, Japan)
Members: Development of a numerical library based on hierarchical domain decomposition method for post peta scale simulation, Japan
Convenor: International Conferenence of Vice Chancellors (ICVC, 2019), SUST, Sylhet
Conference Chair: International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 2019, SUST, Sylhet
Conference Secretary: International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 2017, SUST, Sylhet
Editor-in-chief: Journal of Engineering Research and Education (JERIE) 2019-2021
Editorial Member: Journal of Engineering Advancement (https://scienpg.com/jea/index.php/jea)
Journal Publications
1. Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes, Mohammad Junaid, Running water as first aid for burn and early hypothermia: A numerical investigation on human skin, Burns Open, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 105-111, ISSN 2468-9122, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.burnso.2024.02.006.
2. (Book) A M M Mukaddes, "Short Cases of Industrial System Simulation", Published in 2024
3. Mohammad Junaid, Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes and Md. Mahmud-Or-Rashid, "Physical activities aid in tumor prevention: A finite element study of bio-heat transfer in healthy and malignant breast tissues", Volume 10, Issue 14, 30 July 2024, e34650, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34650
4. Sannyal M, Mukaddes AMM. Transmission parameters of coronavirus disease 2019 in South Asian countries. Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2022;13(3):191-202.
5. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes , Ryuji Shioya , Masao Ogino , Dipon Roy and Rezwan Jaher,
6. Mridul Sannyal and Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes, Numerical Investigation of Tissue-Temperature Controlled System in Thermal Ablation: A Finite Element Approach, J. Appl. Comput. Mech., 7(3), 2021, 1826–1835. https://doi.org/10.22055/JACM.2021.36020.2819
7. Mridul Sannyal* and Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, "The Effect of Various Types of Constant and Time Dependent Heating on Human Tissue: A Finite Element Approach", Journal of Engineering Advancements Vol. 01(02) 2020, pp 61-69
8. Mridul Sannyal, Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes, Md. Matiar Rahman , and M. A. H. Mithu, "Analysis of the effect of external heating in the human tissue: A finite element approach", Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering, Vol. 26: Issue 4, (2020), DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/pjmpe-2020-0030
9. Mridul Sannyal and Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, "Automatic controlling the tissue temperature during treatment of deep tumor: A numerical study using finite element method ", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2121, Issue 1 (2019), id.050012
10. Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes, Md. Rezwan Jaher, Dipon Roy, and Ryuji Shioya " A simulation study of bio-heat transfer in human skin under different burning conditions, AIP Conference Proceedings 1980, 050002 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5044338
11. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, Ryuji Shioya, Masao Ogino and Hiroshi Kanayama, T reatment of Block-Based Sparse M atrices in Domain D ecomposition M ethod" International Journal of System Modeling and Simulation, Vol 2 (1), (2017), DOI: 10.24178/ijsms.2017.2.1.01
12. Md. Ashrafuzzaman , Abdullah Al-Maruf , I.M. Mahbubul , A.B.M. Abdul Malek and A.M.M. Mukaddes, Quality function deployment approach to measure supply chain performance: a case study on garments accessories industries, 22(1), 96-120
13. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, M. Ogino, and R. Shioya, Performance study of domain decomposition method with sparse matrix storage schemes in modern supercomputer, International Journal of Computational Method , 11, 1344007 (2014) [14 pages] DOI: 10.1142/S0219876213440076
14. AMM Mukaddes, Masao Ogino, Ryuji Shioya,The study of thermal-solid coupling problems using open source CAE software, 2014, 90, 147-153
15. A M M Mukaddes, CAD and Simulation Laboratory in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh, 計算工学, 18(2), 46-47
16. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, Nasima Bagum, Md Anisul Islam and Mohammad Muhshin Axiz Khan, “The application of quality function deployment to improve the teaching techniques in higher education”, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 11, Nos. ½, pp. 97-109, 2012. DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2012.046657
17. Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes; Nazi Faisal Ahmed Chowdhury; Md. Moin Uddin, “Developing a model for preventive maintenance management system and application database software”, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 11, Nos. ½, pp. 66-80, 2012.
18. Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes, Mohammed Khadem, Ahad Ali and Sheikh K. Shah, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 22 – 24, 2011 Developing a Human Resource Information System for Information Management in a Garment Industry, IEOM Proceedings
19. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed and A.B. M. Abdul Malek “Study on CNG filling station distribution in intercity network” Asian Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 11, No. 2. pp. 142-150 (2010).
20. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed, A.B.M. Malek and Javed Kaiser “Developing an Information Model for Supply Chain Information Flow and Its Management, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 226-231. (2010 ):A publication by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology).
21. S Ahmad, AM M Mukaddes, CA Rashed, MA Samad, Implementation of motivation-Theory in apparel industry, International Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain, 13(1), 103-108
22. Abul Mukid MD. Mukaddes and Ryuji Shioya, "LARGE SCALE THERMAL-SOLID COUPLING ANALYSIS USING INEXACT BALANCING DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION", BRAC University Journal, vol. VI1, no. 1 & 2, 2010, pp. 1-7
23. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes and Md. Mahbubul Islam, Performance studies of finite element software for Linear Elasticity Analysis, Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Science, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 95-103. (2006) (An international journal published by Pakistan Academy of Science)
24. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, Ryuji Shioya and Masao Ogino, "Parallel finite element analysis of a non-steady heat conductive problem", International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, India, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 51-61. (2006)
25. Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, Masao Ogino, Hiroshi Kanayama and Ryuji Shioya, "A Scalable Balancing Domain Decomposition Based Preconditioner for Large Scale Heat Transfer Problems", JSME International Journal, 49, No. 2, p. 533-540.(2006)
26. Hiroshi Kanayama, Masao Ogino, N. Takesue and Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes, "Finite Element Analysis for Stationary Incompressible Viscous Flows Using Balancing Domain Decomposition", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 54, pp.211-219. (2005), DOI:ttps://doi.org/10.11345/nctam.54.211
27. Hiroshi KANAYAMA, AMM Mukaddes, Masao OGINO, Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, A domain decomposition preconditioner for large scale 3-D magnetostatic analysis, 電気学会静止器研究会資料, 65, 21-26
28. Ryuji Shioya, Hiroshi Kanayama, Abul Mukid Md. Mukaddes and Masao Ogino, "Heat Conductive Analysis with Balancing Domain Decomposition", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 52. pp.43-53, 2003.
Book/ Book Chapter
Operations Research
Numerical Analysis
System Modeling and Simulation
Quantitative Techniques
Awards & Recognition
B.Sc. Engineering (Mechanical): Prime Minister Gold Medal, KUET, Khulna
Japanese Government Scholarship