Faculty Profile

Dr. Mustafizur Rahman

Distinguished Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone:
  • Email: mustafizur.rahman23@gmail.com


Prof. Mustafizur Rahman, born in January 1949, completed his Bachelors’ degree from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 1969, followed by his Masters’ and Doctoral from Tokyo Institute of Technology in the years 1976 and 1979, respectively.

From 1979-1981, Prof. Rahman Joined Makino Milling Machine Co. as a Post-Doctoral Fellow under JICA (Japan International Co-operation Agency) and subsequently took on a full-time role in the same company to gain industrial experience.

In December 1982, Prof. Rahman started his teaching career as a Lecturer in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor in 1985, 1995 and 2003 respectively until his retirement in 2018. Professor Rahman spent a substantial amount of time at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and Florida University, USA, as a Visiting Professor from 1989 to 2014. Currently he is a Visiting Professor at the IIITDM Jabalpur, India, and is the Managing Director of Mikrotools Pte. Ltd., Singapore.

Prof. Rahman’s areas of research include Metal Cutting, micro/nano machining covering both conventional (turning, milling, etc.) and non-conventional EDM, ECM, wire-EDM, etc.) processes and Design and Development of machine Tools and Systems for Micro/Nano Machining. He has guided 28 PhD students in his areas of research. He is the first researchers in the world to propose compound machining processes using both conventional and non-conventional simultaneously and/or sequentially, especially in the areas of micro and nano machining. He is the first researcher in the world to develop a first of its kind machine to carry out this compound machining to perform multiple machining processes in one setup thus, removing error due to setup. This new-concept machine has made a paradigm shift in the domain of micro and nano machining. He has the credit of establishing “simultaneous EDM and ECM process” for first time in the world. He has successfully established two new machining zones termed as “extrusion-like mechanism” and “burnishing” zones in addition to the usually known “shearing and ploughing zones”. These concepts have clearly explained the “ductile mode machining” of even brittle materials and enabled mirror finish surfaces without the application of any further processing, like grinding and/or polishing. He has three patents and two of them are already commercialised. He has received research grants of over 10 million Singapore dollars.

Prof. Rahman is the (a) Joint-Editor of the International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, China, (b) Regional Editor (for Asia) of the Int. J. of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, UK, and serves as the Editorial Board member of the (c) Journal of Engineering Design, UK; (d) Journal of Machine Engineering, Poland; (e) Journal of Manufacturing Technology, India; (f) International Journal of Automation Technology, Japan; (g) International Journal of Precision Engineering, USA; (h) International Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, France; (i) International Journal of Materials Processing Science and Technology, China; (j) International Journal of Precision Technology, UK; (k) International Journal of Precision Engineering and Micro Systems Design, KSA.

He has authored more than 550 journals and conference papers, and these are published in very reputed international journals, like, IJMTM UK, CIRP France, ASME USA, JSPE Japan, etc. He has presented 82 papers as Keynote, Plenary and Invited addresses in very reputed international conferences, like, ICOMM USA, 4M Europe, JSME Japan, AIMTDR India, etc.

In a recent review paper on the trends in the μ- and η-manufacturing technologies (MNMT) with Title: Bibliometric analysis of micro-nano manufacturing technologies, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, vol. 2 (2019) 61–70, the authors have concluded that National University of Singapore, Indian Institute of Technology and Harbin Institute of Technology are the most published, cited and cooperative organisations in the MNMT field. Among the top influential μ-η technologist, Prof. Rahman is ranked in the first position. Prof. Rahman has the highest index(INI) and number of citations in relation to MNMT (μ- and η-manufacturing technologies). In fact, the total number of citations (13,400) and i10-index (250) of this author are three times higher than those of the next authors in the ranking.

His most significant contribution in the areas of micro and nano machining is reflected through the book “Advanced Machining Processes” (Volume 11 of Comprehensive Materials Processing) which has been compiled by him and published by Elsevier. It is most likely the first book on fundamentals of micro/nano machining.


  •  Dr. Eng., 1979, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  •  M. Eng., 1976, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  •  B.Eng., 1969, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology.

Research Interests

  • Prof. Rahman’s areas of research include Metal Cutting, micro/nano machining covering both conventional (turning, milling, etc.) and non-conventional EDM, ECM, wire-EDM, etc.) processes and Design and Development of machine Tools and Systems for Micro/Nano Machining. He has guided 30 PhD students in his areas of research.
  • He is the first researchers in the world to propose compound machining processes using both conventional and non-conventional simultaneously and/or sequentially, especially in the areas of micro and nano machining.
  • He is the first researcher in the world to develop a first of its kind machine to carry out this compound machining to perform multiple machining processes in one setup thus, removing error due to setup. This new-concept machine has made a paradigm shift in the domain of micro and nano machining.
  • He has the credit of establishing “simultaneous EDM and ECM process” for first time in the world.
  • He has successfully established two new machining zones termed as “extrusion-like mechanism” and “burnishing” zones in addition to the usually known “shearing and ploughing zones”. These concepts have clearly explained the “ductile mode machining” of even brittle materials and enabled mirror finish surfaces without the application of any further processing, like grinding and/or polishing.
  • He has three patents and two of them are already commercialised. He has received research grants of over 10 million Singapore dollars.

Active Research Project

  • 1. Online Chatter Detection and Control in Turning Process
  • 2. Development of High-Speed Micro EDM Machine for Micro Holes Machining
  • 3. Hybrid Ultraprecision Machining of 3-D Printed Products

Previous Research Project

  • 1. The optimization of parameters in tool and die and machinability studies, Ministry of Science and Technology, Singapore, RDAS Project No. C/81/18, 1982-86, $1,042,000.
  • 2. Stability analysis of machine tools, National University of Singapore, RP No. 840034, 1984-1990, $226,750.
  • 3. Stability analysis of lathes, Makino Asia Pte Ltd, 1985-1987, received a donation of a lathe worth $30,000.
  • 4. Integrated machinability data base system, National University of Singapore, RP No. 860603, 1986-1991, $176,450.
  • 5. Tool conditions monitoring, National University of Singapore, RP No. 860603, 1994-1998, $311,900.
  • 6. Investigation for manufacturing culture-related specification of Asian-oriented machine tools, International Scientific Research Program, Ministry of Education, Japan, 1997-1999, Yen 28,000,000.
  • 7. Design, development and fabrication of a miniature machine tool for micro machining, National University of Singapore, 2000 -, RP No. R265-000-041-112, $215,000.
  • 8. Diamond turning of electroless nickel-plated molding dies, National Science and Technology Board, Singapore, 2001 -, RP WBS No. 265-000-076-112/303/592, $1,400,000.
  • 9. Development of an advanced, integrated and intelligent ELID grinding system for micro fabrication, 2003 – 2005, R265-000-076-138-112, $250,000.
  • 10. Design, development and fabrication of an ultra-precision machine for nano machining, 2003 – 2006, R265-000-076-156-112, $89,500.
  • 11. Development of hybrid CMP-ELID grinding system for nano surface generation on silicon, 2003 – 2007, $396,350
  • 12. Design, development and fabrication of an ultra-precision Machine for nano machining, 2005 – 2008, $124,000
  • 13. Development of an on-machine measuring device, Mitutoyo, Japan, 2005 – 2008, $36,000.
  • 14. Joint-lab on Large Format Machining, SIMTech Singapore, 2014 – 2019, $1,250,000.
  • 15. Large Format Machining, A*Star, Singapore, 2015 – 2018, S4,730,000
  • 16. Development of a digital pico-resolution laser interferometer, A*Star, Singapore, 2022, $128,000

External Affiliations

  • Visiting Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, December 1989 – July 1990
  • Distinguished Visiting Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Changsha National University, China, June 2011
  • Visiting Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Tokyo University of Agriculture and Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, June 2003
  • Visiting Professor, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, University of Malay, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2009 – April 2010
  • Visiting Professor: Indian Institute of Information & Design Technology, Jabalpur, India, July 2018 – ongoing.

Journal Publications

  • 1. Afzaal Ahmed, M.T. Lew, P. Diwakar, A. Senthil Kumar, Mrahman " A novel approach in high performance deep hole drilling of Inconel 718" Precision Engineering, 2019.
  • 2. M. Azizur Rahman, M. Rahman and A. Senthil Kumar. Influence of cutting edge radius on small scale material removal at ultra-precise level, Procedia CIRP, 77, pp. 658-661, 2018.
  • 3. M. A. Rahman, K.S. Woon, V.C. Venkatesh and M. Rahman. Modelling of the Combined Microstructural and Cutting Edge Effects in Ultraprecision Machining. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67 (1), pp. 129-132, 2018.
  • 4. M. Azizur Rahman, M. Rahman and A.S. Kumar. Modelling of Flow Stress by Correlating the Material Grain Size and Chip Thickness in Ultra-Precision Machining. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 123, pp. 57-75. 2017.
  • 5. M. Azizur Rahman, M.R. Amrun, M. Rahman and A.S. Kumar. Variation of Surface Generation Mechanisms in Ultra-Precision Machining Due to Relative Tool Sharpness (RTS) and Material Properties. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 115, pp.15–28. 2017.
  • 6. D.W.K. Neo, A.S. Kumar and M. Rahman, ‘CAx technologies for hybrid fast tool/slow slide servo diamond turning of freeform surface’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, J. Engineering Manufacture, 2016, 230(8):1465-1479
  • 7. HUANG, R, X.Q Zhang, M Rahman*, A Senthil Kumar and Kui Liu, "Ultraprecision machining of radial Fresnel lens on roller moulds". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, (2015). (Switzerland).
  • 8. CHAUDHARI, A, K.S Woon, M Rahman, S Wan and A Senthil Kumar, "The effects of tool edge radius on drill deflection and hole misalignment in deep hole gundrilling of Inconel 718". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 63, no. 1 (2014).
  • 9. ZHANG, X, M ARIF, Kui Liu Kui Liu, A Senthil Kumar and M Rahman, "A model to predict the critical undeformed chip thickness in vibration assisted machining of brittle materials". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, (2013).
  • 10. NEO, W K, A Senthil Kumar and M Rahman, "A novel method for layered tool path generation in the fast tool servo diamond turning of noncircular microstructural surfaces". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 227, no. 2 (2013): 210 219
  • 11. ARIF, M, M Rahman, Y S Wong and A Senthil Kumar, "An empirical study on the characterization of machined surface integrity by chip morphology in dry end milling of Titanium alloy". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, (2013).
  • 12. NGUYEN, M D, Y S Wong and M Rahman, "Transitions of micro EDM/SEDCM/micro ECM milling in low resistivity deionized water". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, (2013).
  • 13. ARIF, M, X ZHANG and M Rahman, "A Model to Determine the Effect of Tool Diameter on the Critical Feed Rate for Ductile Brittle Transition in Milling Process of Brittle Material". Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Transactions of the ASME, (2012).
  • 14. NGUYEN, M D, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "Enhanced surface integrity and dimensional accuracy by simultaneous micro ED/EC milling". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 61 (2012).
  • 15. NGUYEN, M D, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "Simultaneous micro EDM and micro ECM in low resistivity deionized water". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 55/56 (2012): 55 65.
  • 16. MUHAMMAD, P J, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "A review on the conventional and micro electro discharge machining of tungsten carbide". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 51, no. 12 (2011):
  • 17. NATH, C, M Rahman and K S Neo, "Modeling of the Effect of Machining Parameters on Maximum Thickness of Cut in Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Cutting". Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Transactions of the ASME, 133, no. (2011): art. No. 011007.
  • 18. ARIF, M, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "Analytical model to determine the critical feed per edge for ductile brittle transition in milling process of brittle materials". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 51, no. 3 (2011): 170 181.
  • 19. MUHAMMAD, P J, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "Modeling and experimental investigation on the effect of nano powder mixed dielectrics in fine finish micro EDM of tungsten carbide". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (2010).
  • 20. NATH, C, S TANVEER, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "Development, Modeling, and Experimental Investigation of Low Frequency Workpiece Vibration Assisted Micro EDM of Tungsten Carbide". Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Transactions of the ASME, 132, no. 5 (2010).
  • 21. MUHAMMAD, P J, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "On machine fabrication of high aspect ratio microelectrodes and application in vibration assisted micro EDM drilling of tungsten carbide". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (2010).
  • 22. Rahman, M, B M A A ABU, T Masaki, T Saleh, Y S Wong and A Senthil Kumar, "A Multi-process Machine tool for compound micromachining". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 50, no. 4 (2010): 334 356.
  • 23. WOON, K S, M Rahman and K Liu, "Numerical and experimental study of contact behaviour in tool based micromachining of steel". International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, (2010).
  • 24. WOON, K S and M Rahman, "Extrusion like chip formation mechanism and its role in suppressing void nucleation". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, (2010).
  • 25. Rahman, M, B M A A ABU, T Masaki, S TANVEER, Y S Wong and H S Lim, "Multi process machine tool for compound micromachining". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 50, no. 4 (2009): 344 356.
  • 26. MUHAMMAD, P J, M Rahman, Y S Wong and F LEE, "On machine fabrication of high aspect ratio microelectrodes and application in vibration assisted micro EDM drilling of tungsten carbide". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224, no. 5 (2009): 795 814.
  • 27. CHANDRA, N, M Rahman and K S Neo, "Machinability study of tungsten carbide using PCD tools under ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 49, no. 14 (2009): 1089–1095.
  • 28. MUHAMMAD, P J, M A MOHAMMED, Y S Wong and M Rahman*, "Nano finishing of hard materials using micro electro discharge machining". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 223, no. 9 (2009): 1127 1142.
  • 29. WOON, K S, M Rahman, K S Neo and K Liu, "The effect of tool edge radius on the contact phenomenon of tool based micromachining". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 48, no. 12 13 (2008): 1395 1407.
  • 30. MOHAMMAD, S R, S TANVEER, S M Son, H S Lim and M Rahman, "Development of an on machine profile measurement system in ELID grinding for machining aspheric surface with software compensation". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 48, no. 7 8 (2008): 887 895.
  • 31. Lim, H S, S M SON, Y S Wong and M Rahman, "Development and evaluation of an on machine optical measurement device". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 47, no. 10 (2007): 1556 1562.
  • 32. GAN, S.W., H S Lim, M Rahman and F Watt, "A fine tool servo system for global position error compensation for a miniature ultra precision lathe". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 47, no. 7 8 (2007): 1302 1310.
  • 33. GAN, S.W., H S Lim, M Rahman and F Watt, "A fine tool servo system for global position error compensation for a miniature ultra precision lathe". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 47, no. 7 8 (2007): 1302 1310.
  • 34. Cai, M.B., X P Li and M Rahman, "Study of the mechanism of groove wear of the diamond tool in nanoscale ductile mode cutting of monocrystalline silicon". Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Transactions of the ASME, 129, no. 2 (2007): 281 286
  • 35. Cai, M B, X P Li, M Rahman and A A O Tay, "Crack initiation in relation to the tool edge radius and cutting conditions in nanoscale cutting of silicon". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 47, no. 3 4 (2007): 562 569.
  • 36. Lim, H S, K FATHIMA, M Rahman and A Senthil Kumar, "Modeling of ultra precision ELID grinding". Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Transactions of the ASME, 129, no. 2 (2006): 296 302.
  • 37. Cai, M B, X P Li and M Rahman, "Study of the mechanism of nanoscale ductile mode cutting of silicon using molecular dynamics simulation". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 47 (2006): 75 80.
  • 38. Lim, C.S, MH Hong, A Senthil Kumar, M Rahman and X.D Liu, "Fabrication of concave micro lens array using laser patterning and isotropic etching". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 46, no. 5 (2006): 552 558.
  • 39. Tauhiduzzaman, M, A Senthil Kumar, M Rahman and S Sreeram, "A three dimensional analytical cutting force model for micro end milling operation". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 46, no. 3 4 (2006): 353 366.
  • 40. Sun, J, G S Hong, Y S Wong, M Rahman and Z Wang, "Effective Training Data Selection in Tool Condition Monitoring System". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 46, no. 2 (2006): 218 226.
  • 41. Ng, C.K, S Melkote, M Rahman and A Senthil Kumar, "Experimental study of nano micro scale cutting of aluminium 7075 T6". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 46, no. 9 (2006): 929–936.
  • 42. Wang, Z.G., M Rahman, Y S Wong and J Sun, "Optimization of multi pass milling using parallel genetic algorithm and parallel genetic simulated annealing". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 45, no. 15 (2005): 1726 1734.
  • 43. Zareena, A, M Rahman and Y S Wong, "Binderless CBN Tools, a Breakthrough for Machining Titanium Alloys". Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Transactions of the ASME, 127, no. 1 (2005).
  • 44. Wang, Z, M Rahman, Y S Wong and X P Li, "A Hybrid Cutting Force Model for High speed Milling of Titanium Alloys". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 54, no. 1 (2005): 71 74.
  • 45. Wang, Z.G., Y S Wong and M Rahman, "High Speed Milling of Titanium Alloys using Binderless CBN Tools". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 45 (2005): 105 114.
  • 46. Rahman, M. AZIZUR, M Rahman, A Senthil Kumar and H S Lim, "CNC microturning: an application to miniaturization". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 45 (2004): 631 639.
  • 47. Sun, J, M Rahman, Y S Wong and G S Hong, "Multiclassification of tool wear with support vector machine by manufacturing loss consideration". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 44, no. 11 (2004): 1133 1245.
  • 48. Lim, H S, K Fathima, A Senthil Kumar and M Rahman, "A fundamental study on the mechanism of electrolytic in process dressing (ELID) grinding". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 42, no. 8 (2002): 935 943.
  • 49. Rahman, M, M A Mansur, L K Lee and J K Lum, "Development of a polymer impregnated concrete damping carriage for linear guideways for machine tools". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 41 (2001): 431 441.
  • 50. Rahman, M, A Senthil Kumar and M R Choudhury, "Identification of effective zones for high pressure coolant in milling". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 48, no. 1 (2000): 47 52.
  • 51. Seah, K H W, M Rahman, X P Li and X D Zhang, "A three-dimensional model of chip flow, chip curl and chip breaking for oblique cutting". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 36, no. 12 (1996): 1385 1400.
  • 52. Hong, G S, M Rahman and Q Zhou, "Using neural Network for tool condition monitoring based on wavelet decomposition". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 36, no. 5 (1996): 551 556.
  • 53. Rahman, M, K H W Seah, X P Li and X D Zhang, "A three-dimensional model of chip flow, chip curl and chip breaking under the concept of equivalent parameters". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 35, no. no .7 (1995): 1015 1031.
  • 54. Rahman, M and M A Mansur, "Evaluation of a lathe with ferrocement bed". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 42, no. 1 (1993): 437 440.
  • 55. Chua, M S, M Rahman, Y S Wong and H T Loh, "Determination of optimal cutting conditions using design of experiments and optimization techniques". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 33, no. 2 (1993): 297 305.
  • 56. Rahman, M, M A Matin and K H W Seah, "A study of the vibrational dynamics of an endrill clamped by side locking". ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry. (ser.B), 115, no. 4 (1993): 438 443.
  • 57. Rahman, M, "A study on the deviation of a shape of turned workpiece clamped by multiple jaws". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 38/1 (1989): 385 388.
  • 58. Matin, M A and M Rahman, "Analysis of the cutting process of a cylindrical workpiece clamped by a three jaw chuck". ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry. (ser.B), 110 (1988): 326 332.
  • 59. Rahman, M, M A Mansur and K H Chua, "Evaluation of advanced cementitious composites for machine tool structures". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 37/1 (1988): 373 376
  • 60. Rahman, M, "In process detection of chatter threshold". ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry. (ser.B), 110 (1988): 44 50.
  • 61. Rahman, M, M A Mansur, W D Ambrose and K H Chua, "Design, fabrication and performance of a ferrocement machine tool bed". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 27, no. 1 (1987): 431 442.
  • 62. Rahman, M and V Narayanan, "Optimization of error of roundness in turning processes". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 35/ (1986): 377 380.
  • 63. Rahman, M, "Effect of clamping conditions on chatter stability in turning processes". CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 34/1 (1985): 339 342.
  • 64. Rahman, M and Y Ito, "Some necessary considerations for the dynamic performance test proposed by the MTIRA". International Journal of Machine Tool Design & Research, 21, no. 1 (1981): 1 10.


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Manufacturing - Metal Cutting
  • Tool Engineering – Jigs and Fixture Design
  • Modelling of Machining Processes

Awards & Recognition

  • IES (Institute of Engineers Singapore) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award, 2004 for 'Development of a Miniature Machine Tool for Micro Machining'.
  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, LEM21 Leading Edge Manufacturing Achievements Award, 2005 .
  • William Jonson Gold Medal for Life Time Achievement in Advancement of Material and Processing Technology, 2009 .
  • A M Strickland Prize 2009 by the Manufacturing Industries Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK .
  • Excellence in Innovation award from A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Govt. of Singapore, 2020.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Sanjay Sharma, Online Chatter Detection and Control in Turning, Ongoing PhD
  • 2. Shamsul Arefin, A Study of Material Removal Mechanism in Vibration Assisted Machining, PhD awarded in 2020.
  • 3. Lew Maan Tarng, A Study on the Improvement of Hole Straightness in Gun Drilling of Inconel 718, PhD awarded in 2018
  • 4. Muhammad Azizur Rahman, Material Perspective and Cutting-Edge Radius Effect on Ultra-Precision Machining Process, PhD awarded in 2017
  • 5. Malarvizhi Sankaranarayanasamy, A Study on Burnishing and Self-Piloting Mechanism for High Precision Deep Hole Drilling of Inconel 718, PhD awarded in 2017
  • 6. Huang Rui, Ultra-Precision Machining of Radial Fresnel Lens on Roller Moulds Using Rotating-Tool Diamond Turning, PhD awarded in 2016
  • 7. Akshay Chaudhuri, A Study on Straightness Control in Deep Hole Drilling of Inconel-718, PhD awarded in 2016
  • 8. Afzaal Ahmed, A Study on the Compound EDM-Arcing and Deep Hole Drilling of Inconel 718, PhD awarded in 2016
  • 9. Neo Wee Keong, Dennis Ultraprecision Machining of Hybrid Freeform Surfaces Using Multiple-axis Diamond Turning, PhD awarded in 2015
  • 10. Nguyen Minh Dang, Simultaneous Micro-EDM and Micro-ECM in Low-Resistivity Deionized Water, PhD awarded in 2013
  • 11. Asma Parveen, Study of Micro-Grinding of Glass Using On-machine Fabricated PCD by Micro-EDM, PhD awarded in 2012
  • 12. Abu Bakar Md. Ali Asad, Micro-EDM Process for Tool-based Compound Micromachining, PhD awarded in 2012
  • 13. Zhang Xin Quan, A Study of Elliptical Vibration Cutting in Ultra Precision Machining, PhD awarded in 2012
  • 14. Muhammad Arif, Modelling of ductile-mode machining of brittle materials for end milling, PhD awarded in 2011
  • 15. Indraneel Biswas, Fundamental Studies on Wheel Wear in ELID Grinding, PhD awarded in 2010
  • 16. Mohammad Ahsan Habib, Development of Localized Electro-Chemical Deposition Process for the Fabrication of On-machine Micro-EDM Electrode, PhD awarded in 2010
  • 17. Tanveer Saleh, Development of an Intelligent Electrolytic In-process Dressing (ELID) Grinding System, PhD awarded in 2009
  • 18. Md. Kamruzzaman, Effects of High-Pressure Coolant on Machinability of Steels, PhD awarded in 2009
  • 19. Muhammad Pervej Jahan, Micro-EDM-Based Multi-Process Machining of Tungsten Carbide, PhD awarded in 2009
  • 20. Gan Sze Wei, Development of Hybrid Fine Tool Servo System for Nanomachining, PhD awarded in 2009
  • 21. Cai Minbo, Study of Nanoscale Ductile Mode Cutting of Silicon Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation, PhD awarded in 2008
  • 22. Chandra Nath, A Study on Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting of Difficult-to-Cut Materials, PhD awarded in 2008
  • 23. Lim Chin Seong, Micro Lens Arrays Fabrication Technique and Its application in Surface Nano Patterning, PhD awarded in 2008
  • 24. Kader Mohideen Fathima Patham, Modelling and Analysis of Electrolytic In-Process Dressing (ELID) and Grinding, PhD awarded in 2005
  • 25. Wang Zhigang, High-speed milling of titanium alloys: Modelling and optimization, PhD awarded in 2005
  • 26. Sun Jie, Approaches for Efficient Tool condition Monitoring Based on Support Vector Machine, PhD awarded in 2005
  • 27. Mohammad Rabiul Alam, Computer Aided Process Planning for the Manufacture of Injection Moulds, PhD awarded in 2001
  • 28. Zhou Qiang, An Integrated Fault Diagnosis System for Machining, PhD awarded in 1996
  • 29. Zhang Xu Dong, Developing a Chip Control and Management System, PhD awarded in 1995
  • 30. Yeo Swee Hock, An Integrated Knowledge-based Machining System for Rotationally Symmetric Parts, PhD awarded in 1992