Faculty Profile
Dr. Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed
Contact Information
Dr. Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed is a Professor in the Department of IPE, SUST. His research interests include Manufacturing (Conventional and Advanced), Management of Technology, and Supply Chain Management. He has completed a post-doc at the Malaysia University of Science and Technology, specializing in Industry 4.0. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (Advanced Manufacturing Technology, specifically Laser-Based Processes in Modern Production Systems). He earned his M.Sc. Engineering in IPE from BUET, Bangladesh, specializing in Supply Chain Management. During his Ph.D., he worked with Continental Automotive S.p.A., Italy, as a Ph.D. Researcher. His publications have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, e.g., Journal of Cleaner Production; CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology; CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology; The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; Optics & Laser Technology; Precision Engineering; Journal of Manufacturing Processes; International Polymer Processing; International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning; Review of General Management; Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, etc. His research has been presented at several international conferences, such as proceedings of the CIRP ICME conference; International Conference on Dynamic Innovation; International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation & Education; Machine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies; Embracing Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Business Growth, etc.
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3539-8840;
Scopus ID: 55819193100;
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zWFVHScAAAAJ
Post-Doctoral (Are Malaysian logistics companies ready to implement Industry 4.0?, Malaysia University of Science & Technology)
PhD (Advanced Manufacturing Technology, University of Pisa, Italy)
M.Sc. Engineering (Industrial and Production Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh)
B.Sc. Engineering (Industrial and Production Engineering, SUST, Bangladesh)
Research Interests
Manufacturing Engineering (Conventional and Advanced)
Industrial Engineering (Management of Technology, Supply Chain Management)
Active Research Project
1. Effects of Interconnectivity and Information Sharing on Cyber-Physical System Implementation, funded by the SUST Research Centre. [2023-24].
Previous Research Project
1. Switch to CNG- an authentic and environment friendly vehicle fuel at Department of IPE, SUST. [2004-05]
2. Effect of Some Selected Factors on Job Satisfaction in Public Banking at Department of IPE, SUST. [2007-08]
3. Development of model on factory information system at Department of IPE, SUST. [2009-10]
4. The effect of information and knowledge sharing on supply chain performance through supplier-buyer relationship, funded by BUET, Bangladesh. [2009-2010]
5. Designing an Automated Wheel Chair with Stair Crossing Facility at Department of IPE, SUST. [2009-10]
6. Location Selection by AHP for Special Economic Zone at Department of IPE, SUST. [2011-12]
7. Laser based processes in Modern Production System, funded by University of Pisa, Italy. [2012-2015]
8. Service Time reduction through facility re-location of existing Hospital Facilities, funded by SUST Research Centre. [2017-18]
9. Are Malaysian logistics companies ready to implement Industry 4.0? at Malaysia University of Science & Technology, Malaysia. [2017-18]
10. Factors affecting logistics park development in Tripoli, Libya, at Malaysia University of Science & Technology. [2017-18]
11. Service time reduction of a Health Care facility through application of Lean Tools, funded by SUST Research Centre. [2019-20]
12. Challenges and prospects of adapting technology and innovation in manufacturing sector of Bangladesh, funded by SUST Research Centre. [2020-21]
13. Technology adaption and its challenges in selected Industrial Sector, funded by SUST Research Centre.[2021-22]
14. Implementation of Industry 4.0 in the selected Industrial Sector and its Relevance with Supply Chain Components, funded by SUST Research Centre. [2022-23]
External Affiliations
Organizing Committee Member of 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2023)
Associate Editor, Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (JERIE)
Reviewer for Scopus-indexed journals, including the Journal of Cleaner Production, the International Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing, the International Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering, and the Jordan Journal of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. and peer-reviewed journals.
Technical Committee Member of International Conference on Embracing Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Business Growth (EISBG 2024) organized by, Faculty of Business Studies, Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU)
Journal Publications
1. M. N. Bagum, M. A. Habib, C. A. A. Rashed*, M. M. H. Kibria and S. K. Nahar. (2024) Optimizing laser-based micro-cutting for PMMA microfluidic device fabrication: thermal analysis and parameter optimization. International Polymer Processing, 39(2), 220-236. https://doi.org/10.1515/ipp-2023-4408
2. M. N. Bagum, C. A. A. Rashed, R. Barman, M. A. Islam, M.H. Kibria. (2024) Impact of Interconnectivity and Information Sharing on Cyber-Physical System Implementation. International Journal of Industrial and System Engineering (In Press) https://doi.org/10.1504/IJISE.2023.10060663
3. C. A. A. Rashed, S.H. Sakib, M. S. Islam, M. N. Bagum. (2024) Streamlining Service Time: Integrating VSM and Simulation Modeling in the Service Sector. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, 31(1), 472-485.
4. C. A. A. Rashed, M. N. Bagum, M. M. H. Kibria, R. A. Chowdhury, M. A. Islam (2024). Integrating Supply Chain Partners through Implementing Industry 4.0 Technologies to Enhance Competitiveness. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 18(2), 351-363. https://doi.org/10.59038/jjmie/180208
5. M. H. Kibria, M. A. Islam, J. Hasan, C. A. A. Rashed. (2024) Productivity Improvement Applying 'Theory of Constraints' Approach- An in-depth case study in an Agro-Processing Organization in Bangladesh. Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 4(2), 28-38.
6. C.A.A. Rashed, S.K. Nahar, A.P. Pritom (2023). Service Time Reduction Through the Development of a Simulation Model in a Selected Bank. Asian Journal of Managerial Science, 12(1), 43-50. https://doi.org/10.51983/ajms-2023.12.1.3488
7. C.A.A. Rashed, M.N. Bagum, M. Haque. (2023) Readiness Towards Industry 4.0 of Selected Industrial Sector, Machine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies. MIET 2022. (Book Chapter) Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 491, 659-673.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34622-4_52
8. C.A.A. Rashed, M.N. Bagum, R.A. Noshin. (2023) Causes and consequences of bullwhip effect on the boutique industry of Dhaka city. Accounting, vol 9 (4), 203-214.https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ac.2023.8.001
9. M. N. Bagum, S. K. Nahar, M. A. Islam, M. M. H. Kibria, C. A. A. Rashed. (2023) Academic withdrawal in engineering: an investigation of scenarios and root causes. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, 30(2), 89-116.
10. C. A. A. Rashed, S. K. Nahar, S. Tamjid (2022). Technology Adaptation and Its Challenges in Banking Sector, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Its Application, 7(3), 96-108
11. C.A.A. Rashed, M. N. Bagum, M. Haque (2022). Adoption of Technology and Innovation in Manufacturing Sector- Current Scenario, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Its Application, 7(1): 1-17
12. C. A. A. Rashed, S. K. Nahar, M. G. Rahman (2022). Effects of customer satisfaction on Customer Loyalty through Service Quality and Features in a Selected Bank, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 32(2), 51-63
13. M. R. Hasan, C. A. A. Rashed (2021). Economic Feasibility and Environmental Aspects of an Electric Vehicle by using Standalone Photovoltaic Energy, 12(2): 207-212
14. M. N. Bagum, C. A. A. Rashed, A. S. Dip, J. Hasan (2021). Service time reduction of a selected Hospital through the application of lean tools, Review of General Management, 33(1): 5-32
15. C. A. A. Rashed, S. Islam, G. Azam (2020). Solid Waste Management – Current Scenario and Remedy for Sylhet City Corporation, Journal of Remote Sensing, Environmental Science & Geotechnical Engineering, 5(1): 1-22
16. M.A. Islam, C.A.A. Rashed, J. Hasan (2019). Raw materials shortage and their impact on the manufacturing business – an empirical study in the pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh. Review of General Management, 30(2): 128-144.
17. C.A.A. Rashed, J. Rifath, R. Begum, M.S.H. Bhuiyea (2018). Investigation of Satisfaction level of customers and hidden factors for selected retail store shopping. Review of General Management, 27(1): 22-43.
18. M.A. Islam, C.A.A. Rashed, J. Hasan (2017). Productivity improvement through the application of systematic layout planning technique. Review of General Management, 25(1): 36-51.
19. M.M.A. Khan, C.A.A. Rashed, S. Saha, M.A. Islam (2017). What makes employees satisfied with their job. Review of General Management, 26(2): 46-62.
20. A. Franco, C. A. A. Rashed, L. Romoli (2016). Analysis of energy consumption in micro-drilling processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137: 1260-1269, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.07.188
21. L. Romoli, C.A.A. Rashed (2015). The influence of laser welding configuration on the properties of dissimilar stainless steel welds. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 81 (1-4): 563-576, DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7234-8
22. L. Romoli, C.A.A. Rashed, G. Lovicu, R. Ishak (2015). A study on the control of melting ratio to increase mechanical properties of laser welded joints between AISI 440C and AISI 430F. Optics & Laser Technology, 68: 96-104, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2014.11.015
23. F. Tantussi, D. Vella, M. Allegrini, F. Fuso, L. Romoli, C.A.A. Rashed (2015). Shear-force microscopy investigation of roughness and shape of micro-fabricated holes. Precision Engineering, 41: 32-39, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precisioneng.2015.01.003
24. L. Romoli, G. Lovicu, C.A.A. Rashed, G. Dini, M.D. Sanctis, M. Fiaschi (2015). Microstructural changes induced by ultrashort pulsed lasers in micro-drilling of fuel nozzles”, Procedia CIRP 33, pp. 509-514, doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.06.064 2015.
25. L. Romoli, C.A.A. Rashed, G. Lovicu, G. Dini, F. Tantussi, F. Fuso, M. Fiaschi (2014). Ultrashort pulsed laser drilling and surface structuring of microholes in stainless steels. CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology, 63(1): 229-232, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2014.03.053
26. L. Romoli, C.A.A. Rashed, M. Fiaschi (2014). Experimental characterization of inner surface in micro-drilling of spray holes: A comparison between ultrashort pulsed laser and EDM. Optics & Laser Technology, 56: 35-42, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2013.07.010
27. C.A.A. Rashed, L. Romoli, F. Tantussi, F. Fuso, L. Bertoncini, M. Fiachi, M. Allegrini, G. Dini (2014). Experimental optimization of micro-electrical discharge drilling process from the perspective of inner surface enhancement measured by shear-force microscopy. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 7(1): 11-19, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cirpj.2013.10.002
28. M. N. Bagum, C. A. A. Rashed (2014). Multi-Criteria Analysis for the Selection of Location for Distribution Center Using Analytical Hierarchy Process, Review of General Management, 19(1): 67-82
29. C.A.A. Rashed, L. Romoli, F. Tantussi, F. Fuso, M. Burgener, G. Cusanelli, M. Allegrini, G. Dini (2013). Water jet guided laser as an alternative to EDM for micro-drilling of fuel injector nozzles: A comparison of machined surfaces. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 15(4) 524-532, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2013.08.002
30. M.N. Bagum, C.A.A. Rashed, A. Rasel (2013). Location Selection by AHP for Special Economic Zone, Review of General Management, 17(1): 119-127
31. M. N. Bagum, A. Shaha, M. Ahmed, C. A. A. Rashed (2013). Finite Element Analysis of One Dimensional Bio-Heat Transfer in Human Tissue, International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering, 3(6): 43-49
32. M.A. Islam, M.N. Bagum, C.A.A. Rashed (2012). Operational Disturbances and Their Impact on the Manufacturing Business- An Empirical Study in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh. International Journal of Research in Management and Technology, 2(2):184-191.
33. S. Ahmad, A. B. Khalil , C. A. A .Rashed (2012). Impact of Efficiency in Apparel Supply Chain, Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences, 1(4): 36-45
34. S. Ahmad, Al-Amin B.Khalil ,C.A.A.Rashed, M.Iqbal ,N. Ferdoushi (2012). Effect of Some Selected Factors on Job Satisfaction in Public Banking, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 5(3): 41-46
35. M. N. Bagum, C.A. A. Rashed, A. K. M. Masud, M. Q. Islam (2012). Using Multi-Criteria Analysis In Decision Making Regarding The Adoption Of Wind Pump For Irrigation In Bangladesh, Review of General Management, 15 (1): 157-178
36. C.A.A. Rashed, M.N. Bagum, M.S. Khan, M.M. Hasan (2011). A Model on Factory Information System (FIS). Review of General Management, 14(2): 139-150.
37. C.A.A. Rashed, A. Azeem, Z. Haleem (2010). Effect of information and knowledge sharing on supply chain performance: a survey based approach. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3(2): 61–77, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12660/joscmv3n2p61-77
38. A.M.M. Mukaddes, C.A.A. Rashed, A.B.M.A. Malek, J. Kaiser (2010). Developing an information model for supply chain information flow and its management. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 1(2): 226-231, DOI: 10.7763/IJIMT.2010.V1.42
39. A.M.M. Mukaddes, C.A.A. Rashed, A.B.M.A. Malek (2010). Study on CNG filling station distribution in an inter-city network. Asian Journal of Energy and Environment, 11(2): 142-155.
40. M. N. Bagum, A. K. M. Masud, M. Q. Islam, C.A. A. Rashed (2010). An Investigation of Wind Power Utilization for Irrigation in Bangladesh, Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8(1): 1-12
41. S. Ahmad, A.M.M. Mukaddes, C.A.A. Rashed, M.A. Samad (2010). Implementation of Motivation-Theory in Apparel Industry, International Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 2(2): 103-108.
Book/ Book Chapter
Undergraduate Level: Manufacturing Processes (both conventional and advanced), Machine Tools, Entrepreneurship Development & Technology Management, Supply Chain Management, Product Design & Development at the Department of IPE, SUST.
Masters level: Technology Management, Statistical Quality Control, Micro Nano Manufacturing, Quality Planning & Management at the Department of IPE, SUST.
Masters level at Malaysia University of Science & Technology: Supply Chain Management, Research Methodology at the Department of Transportation and Logistics.
Awards & Recognition
Research Grant from Shahjalal University of Science & Technology Research Centre [2016-17, 2019-2024]
Postdoctoral from Malaysia University of Science & Technology [2017-18]
PhD Scholarship from University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy [2012-15]
Research Grant from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) in M.Sc. Engineering [2009-10]
Book Prize- as recognition of 1st position within the class in B.Sc. Engineering from Shahjalal University of Science & Technology [2007]
Technical Scholarship, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh [1999-2003]
Bangladesh Government Merit Scholarship [1993-98]
Graduate Supervision
1. Supervising the theses at M.Sc. Engineering and B.Sc. Engineering levels.
2. MSc Engineering Thesis titled 'Prospects and Challenges of Industry 4.0 Implementation in Selected Industrial Sectors of Bangladesh' at the Department of IPE, SUST, Completed.
3. Masters thesis Supervision titled 'Factors Affecting Logistics Park Development in Tripoli, Libya' at the Department of Transportation and Logistics, Malaysia University of Science & Technology, Completed.
4. Masters (General) project titled 'Adoption to Technology and Innovation Management in Selected Organizations' at the Department of IPE, SUST, Completed.
5. Masters (General) project titled 'Simulation of Laser Machining on Soda Lime Glass' at the Department of IPE, SUST, Completed.
6. I am available for PhD supervision.