Faculty Profile
Md Rashed Talukder, PhD
Contact Information
Name : Md. Rashed Talukder
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Corresponding Address : Department of Mathematics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 3114, BANGLADESH.
Present Address : 47/5 Prantik, Mia Fazil Chist, Subid Bazar, Sylhet 3100.
Permanent Address : Vill: Yousufdia, Post: Tugoldia, Upzila: Shaltha, Dist: Faridpur
Email : rashed_math@yahoo.com, r.talukder-mat@sust.edu
Phone : Office: +88-0821-714479 Ext 264
Mobile : +88-01712239309
Present Positions:
o Professor, Department of Mathematics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (07.10.2007-)
Previous Positions:
o Dean, School of Physical Sciences (15.02.2021-14.02.2023).
o Director, Student Counseling and Guidance (24.06.2015-02.03.2021)
o President, Shahjalal University Teachers Association (SUTA) (2020)
o Head of the Department (01.10.2012-30/09/2015), Department of Mathematics, SUST.
o Head of the Department (28.07.2017-27/07/2020), Department of Oceanography, SUST.
• Proctor (14.02.2016—08.12.2016), SUST
• Provost (12.03.2009—04.07.2010), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall, SUST
Ph.D. in Mathematics (2002), La Trobe University, Australia
M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics (1989), Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics (1988), Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
H.S.C. (1984), Dhaka City College, Dhaka.
S.S.C. (1982), Bilnalia Moyzuddin High School, Nagarkanda, Faridpur.
Research Interests
Lattice Theory, Semilattice Theory, Natural dualities of lattice based algebras, Ordered Sets.
Active Research Project
1. Title of the Project: Fuzziness in Heyting Algebras (2022-23)
Previous Research Project
1. Principal Investigator of a project funded by University Research Centre for the year 2014-15.
2. Principal Investigator of a project received from Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, for the year 2013.
3. Principal Investigator of a project funded by University Research Centre for the year 2012-13.
4. Principal Investigator of a project received from Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, for the year 2011.
5. Translating Ocean into Economics: Modelling marine spatial planning scenarios for Blue Economy development in the northern Bay of Bengal, funded by University Research Centre, SUST for the year 2018-21.
External Affiliations
Editorial Member, Ganit, the Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society
Editorial Member, the SUST Journal, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Reviewer, American Mathematical Society
Affiliated Member, American Mathematical Society (2012-uptodate)
Life Member, Bangladesh Mathematical Society
General Member, Australian Mathematical Society (1999-2002)
General Member, Victorian Algebra Group (1999-2001)
Journal Publications
1. M.R. Talukder, H.S. Chakraborty and S.N. Begum, -ideals of a 0-distributive semilattice. Afrika Matematika, Springer Nature, 32 (2021) 419–429.
2. M.R. Talukder and R.C. Gope, 0-distributive Normal Join Semilattices, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 45 (2021), 263–272.
3. S. U. Mohammad and M. R. Talukder, Interpretations of Kronecker Product and Ordinal Product of Poset Matrix, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 16 (2021), no. 4, 1665–1681.
4. 4. S. U. Mohammad and M. R. Talukder, Poset matrix and recognition of series-parallel posets, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science,15 (2020), no. 1, 107-125.
5. C. Nag, S.N. Begum and M.R. Talukder, Epimorphic Image of P-ideals of P-algebras, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 1, (2020), 1--4.
6. 5. C. Nag, S.N. Begum and M.R. Talukder, Annihilator Ideals in 0-distributive Lattices, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, (2019), 48--51.
7. C. Nag, S.N. Begum and M.R. Talukder, P-ideals and p-filters of a p-algebras, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 42 (2018), 411–424.
8. S.N. Begum, C. Nag and M.R. Talukder, Kernel ideals and cokernel filters of a p-algebra, Acta Math. Hung. 154 Issue 2 (2018), 279-288.
9. C. Nag, S.N. Begum and M.R. Talukder, Some Characterizations of subclasses of p-algebras, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 41 (2017), 535–546.
10. S.M. Omar Faruk and M.R. Talukder, A natural duality for the variety generated by a Boolean algebra: An application of the multi-carried piggyback duality theory, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 27, No. 1, (2017), 39-48..
11. C. Nag, S.N. Begum and M.R. Talukder, A note on Normal and Comaximal Lattices, Thamasat International Journal of Science and Technology, 21 (1), (2016), 1-5.
12. Chakraborty, H.S., Talukder M.R., Some Characterizations of 0-Distributive Semilattices. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society, 37 (4), (2014) 1103-1110.
13. Begum, S. N., Noor, A.S.A. and Talukder, M.R., Kernel Ideals of a Stone JP-semilattice Acta Math. Hung., 140, (1-2), (2013), 1-11.
14. C. Nag, S.N. Begum, and M.R. Talukder, Separation Theorem for p-ideals of a p-algebra. SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 16, No.2, (2012), 57-61.
15. Talukder, M. R., Mamun, M.A. and Kadir M.S., Natural dualy for quasi-variety generated by three element residuated chain, SUST Studies, Bangladesh, 12 (2010), no. 1, 1--6.
16. M.R. Talukder and M.H.B. Arif, Characterization of Modular join-semilattices, Ganit, The journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 29 (2009), 43-49.
17. Noor, A.S.A. and Talukder, M.R., Isomorphism Theorem for Standard Ideals of a Join Semilattice Directed Bellow, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 32 (2008), 489-495.
18. Mamun, M.A. and Talukder, M.R., Natural Dualities for Boolean Algebras with a unary operation, Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 32 (2008), 707-719.
19. Davey, B. A., Jackson M., Pitkethly, J. and Talukder, M.R., Natural dualities for semilattice-based algebras, Algebra Universalis 57, (2007), 463—490.
20. Davey, B.A. and Talukder, M.R., Dual categories for endodualisable Heyting algebras: optimization and axiomatization, Algebra Universalis, 53 (2005), 331-355.
21. Clark, D.M., Davey, B.A., Haviar, M., Pitkethley, J.G. and Talukder, M.R., Standard topological quasi-varieties, Houston J. Math, 29(2003), no 4, 869--887.
22. Davey, B.A. and Talukder, M.R., Functor category dualities for varieties of Heyting algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 178 (2003), 49-71.
23. Talukder, M. R., Neutral ideals of a join semilattice directed below, SUST Studies, Bangladesh, 3 (2000), no. 1, 1--4.
24. Talukder, M.R. and Noor, A.S.A., Modular ideals of a join semilattice directed below, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 22 (1998), no. 2, 215--218.
25. Talukder, M.R. and Noor, A.S.A., Standard ideals of a join semilattice directed below, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 21 (1997), no. 4, 435--438.
1. Some Characterizations of subclasses of p-algebras, International Congress of Mathematics 2014, Seoul, Korea.
2. Some characterizations of modular and distributive ordered sets, 17th Mathematics Conference, Bangladesh Mathematical Society, December, 2011.
3. Natural dualities for modal algebras, 14th Internation Conference, ICMP-04, SUST Sylhet, December, 2005.
4. Natural Dualities for varieties of Residuated lattices, 14th Mathematics Conference, Bangladesh Mathematical Society, December, 2003.
5. Standard topological quasi-variety for Heyting chain, M. Bel. University, Slovakia, September, 2001.
6. Natural Dualities for Varieties of Heyting Algebras – a functor category interpretation, Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets, Slovakia, September, 2001.
7. Natural dualities for varieties of Heyting algebras – a functor category interpretation, 18th Victorian Algebra Conference, La Trobe University, Australia, November, 2000.
8. Neutral ideals of a join semilattice directed Bellow, 11th Mathematics Conference, Bangladesh Mathematical Society, November, 1997.
Book/ Book Chapter
Professor (from 07 October 2007 to date), Department of Mathematics, SUST
Associate Professor (form 01.07.2004 to 06.10.2007), Department of Mathematics, SUST.
Assistant Professor (form 19.03.1997 to 30.06.2004), Department of Mathematics, SUST.
Lecturer (form 19.03.1994 to 18.03.1997), Department of Mathematics, SUST.
Casual Teacher: Department of Mathematical Science, La Trobe University, Australia. (28.02.1999 - 15.11.2002),
Guest Teacher, Metropolitan University, Leading University, North East University Bangladesh, Sylhet.
Awards & Recognition
Research Fellowship, Salerno University, Italy, 23 Dec 2006--6 Jan 2007.
Research Fellowship, ICTP, Italy, 23 Nov 2006--22 Dec 2006.
OPRS/IPRS Scholarships for Ph.D. program in the department of Mathematics at La Trobe University, Australia, July 1998 – December 2001.
Small ARC Project, as a research associate with Brian’s research group in the department of Mathematics at La Trobe University, Australia, 2002.
Agrani Bank Gold Medal, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. For first place in the Faculty of Science at B. Sc. (Hons.)
University Prize, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. For First class first position in the Department of Mathematics at B.Sc.(Hons.)
Graduate Supervision
1. PhD: Dr Chandrani Nag
Thesis Title: A study of P-algebras and its underlying lattices.
Status: Completed (2017)
2. PhD: Dr. Mohammad Salah Uddin (2022)
Thesis Title: A Study of Recognition and Enumeration for Decomposable Ordered Sets.
Status: Completed (2022)
3. PhD: Md Mohiuddin
Thesis Title: A Study on 0-modular and 0-distributive JP-semilattices
Status: Thesis Submitted.
4. PhD: Mohammad Mizanur Rahman Department: Oceanography Status: Current.
5. M.Phil Student: Rathindra Chandra Gope Thesis Title: Pseudocomplemented Join Semilatticess Status: Completed (2023).
6. M.S. (Thesis): There are many M.S. thesis students completed their theses under my supervision.