Faculty Profile
Md. Ferdous Alam
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Md Ferdous Alam joined Mechanical Engineering Department of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) in March, 2016. After graduating from BUET in Mechanical Engineering he wants pursue a research oriented career. He has done a couple of projects and a research work during his undergraduate study. He has active interest in a variety of fields. He is keenly interested in interdisciplinary research. If you have any new idea about a project or you are interested in participating in research feel free contact him via e-mail.
or you can visit my website "ferdousalam.weebly.com "
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Research Interests
Computational Engineering
Molecular Dynamics
Active Research Project
1. Currently research projects on computational fluid and heat transfer are going on
Previous Research Project
1. Robotics- Multipurpose military robot with removable turret mechanism.
2. Heat transfer- Design & performance evaluation of evaporative cooling system in Bangladesh using different indigenous materials. Supervisor – Dr. Md. Ashiqur Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET.
Journal Publications
1. U-type wavy tubes: CFD analysis 4th International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), 2017, SUST
2. An Experimental Study on the Design, Performance and Suitability of Evaporative Cooling System using Different Indigenous Materials, 7th BSME ICTE, BUET
Book/ Book Chapter
ME-121 - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
MEE - 127 - Industrial Sociology
MEE - 124 - Mechanical Engineering Drawing II
Awards & Recognition
Dean’s List Scholarship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, 2009-10 & 20011-12