Faculty Profile
Mrs Jobayda Gulshan Ara
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Jobayda Gulshan Ara completed a Master of Social Science (MSS) with the highest CGPA (3.74 out of 4.00) and a Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) with the second highest CGPA (3.68 out of 4.00) in Public Administration from the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh in 2011 and 2013, respectively. She did a thesis at the Master's level, and two articles from the thesis were published in reputed international journals. After completing her MSS, she joined as a Lecturer of Public Administration at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh in May 2017. Since then, she has been teaching in the Department of Public Administration at the same university to date. In 2019, she has been promoted to Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the same institution. At present, she has been serving as an Assistant Professor of Public Administration. Along with this, she has been serving as an Assistant Provost in the First Ladies Hall of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology from May 2018 to date. She has so far participated in and presented papers in national and international conferences and published around 05 articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals and a book. Her research interest lies in Local Government, Political Economy, Public Service and Management, Public Health, and Environment. She has successfully completed 04 research projects on different issues sponsored by the Research Centre of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology. She is currently engaged in two research projects. Additionally, she also works as a reviewer in some international journals. She supervises seminars, term papers and research monographs of undergraduate and graduate students.
Researcher ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3337-5063
Master of Social Science in Public Administration from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.Passing Year : 2013 (Exam Held in 2015) , Result : CGPA 3.74 (on the scale of 4.00) , Letter Grade : A- , Merit Position : First
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Public Administration from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh . Passing Year : 2011 (Result published in 2012) , Result : CGPA 3.68 (on the scale of 4.00) , Letter Grade : A- , Merit Position : Second
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) from Rangpur Government College. Passing Year : 2007, Group : Science , Result : CGPA 4.80 (on the scale of 5.00) , Letter Grade : A .
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) from Rangpur Government Girls’ High School , Passing Year : 2005 , Group : Science , Result : CGPA 5.00 (on the scale of 5.00) , Letter Grade : A+
Research Interests
Local Government
Public Service and Management
Political Economy
Public Health
Peoples Participation
Active Research Project
1. Project Title: Field Administration Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sylhet
Position in the Project: Co-investigator; Awarded By: SUST Research Centre; Grant Awarded Year: 2021; Duration: 1 year
2. Project Title: Exploring the Relationships of Women Empowerment and Diets, Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Urban and Peri-urban Settings
Position in the project: Co-investigator; Awarded by: Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS); Grand Awarded Year: 2021; Duration: 2 years
Previous Research Project
1. Project Title: Improving the e-Health Service Delivery through Community Clinic at Rural Level in Bangladesh. Position in the Project: Principal investigator; Awarded By: SUST University Research Centre; Grant Awarded Year:2018; Duration: 1 year
2. Project title: Upazila Parishad in Bangladesh: Challenges of Devolutionary Administration. Position in the Project: Principal investigator; Awarded By: SUST Research Centre; Grant Awarded Year:2017; Duration: 1 year
3. Project Title: Political Economy of Local Level Budgeting in Bangladesh: Procedure, Actors and Participation. Position in the Project: Co-investigator; Awarded By: SUST Research Centre; Grant Awarded Year:2019; Duration: 1 year
4. Project Title: Challenges for Embracing Online Education at the Universities in Bangladesh: Lesson from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak Position in the Project: Co-investigator; Awarded By: SUST Research Centre; Grant Awarded Year: 2020; Duration: 1 year
5. Project Title: Field Administration Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sylhet
Position in the Project: Co-investigator; Awarded By: SUST Research Centre; Grant Awarded Year: 2021; Duration: 1 year
6. Project Title: Exploring the Relationships of Women Empowerment and Diets, Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Urban and Peri-urban Settings
Position in the project: Co-investigator; Awarded by: Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS); Grand Awarded Year: 2021; Duration: 2 years
External Affiliations
Member, subcommittee of “Sankskritik Onushthan Ayojon Committee,Pohela Boishak-1426(Cultural Program Arranging Committee for Bangla New Year Celebration -2019)”
Member, “Mohan Shadinota o Jatio Dibosh-2019 Upolokkhe Schooler Shikkhatrider jonno Onushthan Ayojon upocommittee (Subcommittee for arranging program for school level children for celebrating Independence and National Day-2019)”
Member, “Antorjatik Matrivasha o Mohan Shohid Dibosh-2019 upolokkhe Shishu Kishorder jonno Chitrankon Protijogita Upocommittee, (Subcommittee for arranging art competition for children for celebrating International Mother Language and Martyr Day-2019)”
Member, “Orientation Program 2018-19 Arranging Committee” and anchoring in this program
Member, “Mohan Buddijibi Dibosh-2018 upolokkhe Mombati Projjolon Upocommittee (Subcommitte for arranging Candle Enlighten for Martyred Intellectuals Day -2018) ”
Member, “Mohan Bijoy Dibosh-2017 Upolokkhe Shishu Kishorder jonno Chitrankon Protijogita Upocommittee (Subcommittee for arranging art competition for children for celebrating Victory Day-2017)”
Advisor, “Shanchalon”- a voluntary organization for humanity (April’2019-ongoing)
Member, Bondhusava, the ProthomAlo, a Daily Newspaper of Bangladesh
Cultural and Sports Secretary, Public Administration Alumni Association, SUST
Treasurer (In-Charge), Public Administration Alumni Association, SUST
Anchorperson, Different University Programmes
Member, Event Management Sub-Committee of ICSS2022
Manager and coordinator , Women Handball team of Department of Public Administration and Different Football teams of Public Administration
Member, HELP (Hands for Essential Life Protocols), Charity Organization
Executive Member , FSR (Friends Society of Rangpur), Charity Organization to raise and distribute fund and scholarship for vulnerable students
Advisor, Rangpur Association, SUST, Sylhet
Journal Publications
1. Hasan, M. M. ., & Ara, J. G. . (2022). Political Economy of Local Level Budgeting in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis . Space and Culture, India, 10(2), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v10i2.1281
2. Ara, J. G.;Amin, R. and Sheuly, K. J. (2020). Providing Community-Based Effective e-Health Services in Bangladesh: An Analysis on SylhetSadarUpazila, Journal of Public Administration and Governance, DOI: 10.5296/jpag.v10i1.16103
3. Ara J. G., Ahmed, T. and Alam, J. (2019). Opportunities and Challenges of e-Health System in Bangladesh: A Study on Union Sub-centers of SylhetSadarUpazila, Journal of Politics and Administration, Vol.4, No.1, Department of Political Studies, SUST, Sylhet, ISSN: 2307-1036
4. Ara, J. G.and Islam, F. (2019). Ethical Implications and Techniques of Promoting Better Governance in Bangladesh Public Service, Arts and Social sciences Journal, 10: 435. doi: 10.4172/2151-6200.1000435 available at: https://www.hilarispublisher.com/abstract/ethical-implications-and-techniques-of-promoting-better-governance-in-bangladesh-public-service-44346.html
5. Book: Ara, J. G. and Khatun, F. (2018). Role of Devolution in Local Development: A Study on SylhetSadarUpazila, Dhaka: Osder Publications
6. Khatun, F. and Ara, J. G. (2016). People’s Participation and Local Area Development at Sub-District Level in Bangladesh: an Analysis on SylhetSadarUpazila, Sylhet. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, India, Vol. No. 6, Issue No. I, Jan-Mar, e-ISSN:2249-4642, p-ISSN: 2454-4671,
1. Ara, J. G and Hasan, M. (2022), Challenges for Embracing Online Education at the Universities in Bangladesh: Lesson from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak, 9th Annual Conference of SUST Research Centre, 28-29 May, 2022, SUST research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
2. Ara J. G. and Hasan, M (2022), Motivation of the Government Employees during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Lesson Learnt From the Field Administration, International Conference on Bangladesh at 50: Achievements, Prospects and Challenges, 16-17 September, 2022, School of Social Sciences, Shahjalal Uniuversity of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
3. Ara, J. G and Hasan, M (2021), Digital Communications to Deal with the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Lessons Learnt, NASPAA South Asia Virtual Conference 2021, 12-14 November, 2021, South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance, North South University, Bangladesh
4. Ara, J. G., Fatema, K. and Basit, A. (2021), Managing the Crises and Challenges of Covid-19 at Lowest Tier of Local Government: Evidence from Sylhet, 7th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment, 18-19 December, 2021, BARD, Comilla, Bangladesh
5. Ara, J. G. and Hasan, M. (2020). Political Economy of Local Level Budgeting in Bangladesh: Procedure, Actors and Participation, 8th Annual Conference on Research Findings-2020, 30-31 May, 2021, SUST research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
6. Ara, J. G. and Islam, F. (2019).Improving the e-Health Service Delivery through Community Clinic at Rural Level in Bangladesh, 7th Annual Conference of SUST Research Centre, 26th -28th September, 2019, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
7. Ara, J. G. and Banik, A. K. (2018).People’s Participation and the Question of Real Autonomy of UpazilaParishad in Bangladesh: Challenges of Devolutionary Administration, 6th Annual Conference of SUST Research Centre, 27th -30th September, 2018, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Book/ Book Chapter
Research Epistemology (Masters Level)
Public Management (Bachelor Level)
Project Management (Bachelor Level)
Social Research-I (Bachelor Level)
Public Financial Management (Bachelor Level)
Bangladesh Studies (Bachelor Level)
History of Emergence of Independent Bangladesh (Bachelor Level)
Social Research Methodology (Bachelor Level)
Beyond Government: Public Private Partnership (Bachelor Level)
Bangladesh Studies (Bachelor Level)
Awards & Recognition
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Merit Grants 2008 and 2013 for excellent CGPA