Office Address:
Department of Physics,
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Phone: +8801710850528
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Journal Publications
1. 1. U. K. Mazumder, A. Somadder, E. Hoque, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and H. M. Sen Gupta, “Analysis of the normal optical, Michel and molecular potentials on the 40Ca(6Li,d)44Ti reaction”, Pramana Journal of Physics, Vol. 86, No. 6, p 1275-1286 (2016).
2. 2. E. Hoque, M. Das, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque, “Efffect of dipolar and quadrupolar contribution in first hyperpolarizability of dimethylaniline”, Journal of Optics, ODI: 10.1007/s12596-016-0323-8 (2016).
3. P. K. Das, M. K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque “Nolinear refractive index of 2, 5-Dimethylaniline in methanol by Z-scan technique”, Journal of Optics, Vol. 44, Issue 2, p 146-150 (2014).
4. E. Hoque, A. Somadder, U. K. Mazumder, Y. Haque and S. K. Das, “DWBA study of 60,62,64Ni(α,t)61,63,65Cu reactions using different optical potentials”, SUST Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 21, No. 1, p 37-46 (2014).
5. A. Somadder, E. Hoque, U. K. Mazumder, Y. Haque, and S. K. Das, “A DWBA study of the 48Ca(α,t)49Sc reaction using shallow (molecular), deep non-monotonic, Michel and normal optical potentials” The European Physical Journal A, Vol 49, Issue 6, 73 (2013).
6. E. Hoque, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque, “Nonlinear refractive index of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis by CW laser”, Journal of Optics, Vol. 42, Issue 3, p 286-290 (2013).
7. U. K. Mazumder, A. Somadder, E. Hoque, S. K. Das and H. M. Sen Gupta, “40Ca(6Li,d)44Ti Reaction and Effect of Three Potentials on the Spectroscopic Factors”, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 2, p 63-72 (2012).
1. M. K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque, “Single beam Z-scan for the calculation of n2 for poly dimethylaniline.”, International Conference on Advances in Physics 2013, SUST, Bangladesh
2. M. K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque, “Single beam Z-scan for the calculation of n2 for poly dimethylaniline.”, International Conference on Advances in Physics 2013, SUST, Bangladesh
3. P K Das, M. K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque, ‘’Measurement of nonlinear refractive index of 2,5 dimethyl aniline (DMA) by Z-scan technique using CW laser.’’, International Conference on Advances in Physics 2013, SUST, Bangladesh
4. M. R. Kader, E. Haque, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque, “Measurement of Nonlinear Refractive Index with the Self-Action Method
5. M. A. T. Khan, U. K. Chowdhury, P. D. Tithi, E. Haque, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque, “First Hyperpolarizability of 2, 5 dimethylaniline by Hyper Rayleigh Scattering Technique”, International Conference on Advances in Physics 2013, SUST, Bangladesh.
6. Z Abdullah, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, M. K. Biswas, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque, “Theoretical Investigation of Solvent Effect on the Hyperpolarizability of Monomer and Dimer” International Conference on Advances in Physics 2013, SUST, Bangladesh.
7. E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, M. K. Biswas, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K.Das and Y. Haque “Estimation of hyperpolarizability to the fundamental limit by Monte Carlo Simulation.”, National Conference on Advances in Physics 2012, SUST, Bangladesh
8. E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, M. K. Biswas, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque, “Non-linear optical properties of Roselle Hibiscus by Z-scan technique.”, National Conference on Advances in Physics 2012, SUST, Bangladesh.
Book/ Book Chapter
PHY-533: Laser Fundamentals
PHY-423: Digital Electronics
PHY-439: Computational Physics-I
PHY-455: Computational Physics-II
PHY-426: Physics Practical-8
PHY-209: General Physics
PHY-204: Physics II Lab
PHY-122A: Physics Practical-I
PHY-122B: Physics Practical-II
PHY-101Z: Physics for Engineers
PHY-103G: Physics for Geographers
PHY-101C: Mechanics, Properties of Matter and Waves