Faculty Profile

Professor Dr. Mohammed Sujaul Haque Chowdhury


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711392244
  • Email: s.chowdhury-phy@sust.edu, schowdhuryphy@yahoo.com


CV of Dr Md Sujaul Haque Chowdhury (pdf)
Recent publications (pdf)

Books-published-in-2024 (pdf)

Books published in 2023 (pdf)

I have authored 40 books in the last 20 years. These include 1 with American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2 with Institute of Physics (IOP, UK), 5 with Springer, 1 with CRC, 1 with Nova Science Pub, 2 with Narosa (India), 12 with American Academic Press. Some of these books are aimed at research while others are aimed at teaching. These include 10 books on different topics on Computational Physics to serve as course books with which to conduct the theory and Lab of the course for students of Physics major.


  • Post-Ph.D- Humboldt Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Ph.D (Glasgow, UK, 2001)
  • M.Sc. (SUST, 1996)
  • B.Sc. (Honours) (SUST, 1994)

Journal Publications


Book/ Book Chapter