Faculty Profile

Dr Shumsun Naher Begum


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711065187
  • Email: shumsun-phy@sust.edu, shumsun_phy@yahoo.com


  • Ph.D. in Physics, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanzawa University. Kanazawa-920-1192. Japan. Completed 2002.
  • M.S in Physics, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanzawa University. Kanazawa-920-1192. Japan. Completed 1999.
  • M.Sc in Physics, University of Dhaka. Dhaka. Bangladesh. Completed 1989.
  • B.Sc. Hons. in Physics, University of Dhaka. Dhaka. Bangladesh. Completed 1988.
  • H.S.C. Begum Badrunnessa Govt. Mahila College. Dhaka. Bangladesh. Completed 1985.
  • S.S.C. Khilgaon Govt. High School. Dhaka. Bangladesh. Completed 1983.

Research Interests

  • Founder of Low Temperature Physics Laboratory and Material Science Laboratory in the Department of physics. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. X-ray diffractometer: Name of the apparatus, Smart Lab-II, Rigaku Company, Diffractometer with Cu-Kα radiation, it operate from the 4K up to 1873K. Impedance Analyzer: Name of apparatus Wayne Kerr 6500B it operate from the room temperature up to 1273K.

Active Research Project

  • 1. “Study of activation energy, grain boundary and frequency dependence phase transition of dielectric constant of Perovskite Cobalt Oxides PrCoO3”
  • 2. “Dielectric Properties of Samarium Cobalt Oxides SmCoO3 Across the Insulator-Metal Transition.”

Previous Research Project

  • 1. “Effect of temperature on electrical and structural properties in Dy2Ti2O7.” Research Grant-2020-2021, SUST.
  • 2. “Effect of Yttrium (Y) substitution on electrical and structural properties in La1-XYXCoO3.” Research Grant-2019-2020. SUST.
  • 3. “Elongated dependence of the c axis on the critical concentration of x in NixZn1-xCr2O4”. Research Grant-2017-2018. SUST.

External Affiliations

  • International Conference: Low Temperature Physics held in Hiroshima Japan, August 20-27,2002
  • Visiting Researcher: Kanazawa University, Japan, Duration from 15 September up to 14th November 2008. I have done experiment on high TC Superconductor.
  • Visiting Researcher: Kanazawa University, Japan, Duration from 8th June up to 5th August, 2009 . I have done experiment on high TC Superconductor.
  • Traning on Smart Lab X-ray Diffractometer : June 2019, at Matsubara-cho, Akishima, Japan

Journal Publications

  • 1. Muhammad Omar Faruk , Shahadat Hossain , Shumsun Naher BegumiD , Sarwat Binte Rafiq, Alauddin Khan, Haruhiko Suzuki, Hiroshi Kaneko, and Masashi Ohashi “Study of LaCoO3 Across Insulator–Metallic Phase Transition” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92, 044706 (2023), https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSJ.92.044706, Corresponding author: Shumsun Naher BegumiD
  • 2. Electricity and Magnetism. Basic principles and methods, Author: Dr. Alauddin Khan and Prof. Dr. shumsun Naher Begum Textbook, 2020, 541 Pages, Grade: 4.00 (very good). Catalog Number V975554, ISBN (eBook), 9783346332486, ISBN (Book) 9783346332493, Language: English, https://www.grin.com/document/975554
  • 3. Solid State Physics. Structure and Properties of Materials, Author: Dr. Alauddin Khan and Dr. Shumsun Naher Begum, Textbook, 2020, 887 Pages, Grade: 4.00 (very good) Catalog Number V967087, ISBN (eBook), 9783346318336, ISBN (Book) 9783346318343. Language: English, https://www.grin.com/document/967087
  • 4. A. Khan, H. Kaneko, M. O. Faruk, M. K. Alam, C. Kim, S. Naher, and H. Suzuki. “Geometric Spin Frustration in NixZn1-xCr2O4 System”, IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 807 (2017) 042004 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/807/4/042004
  • 5. A. Khan, H. Kaneko, H. Suzuki, S. Naher, M. H. Ahsan, M. A. Islam, M.A. Basith, H. M. B. Alam and D. K. Shah. “Magneto-structural Coupling in NixZn1-xCr2O4”, Springer Plus. e-ISSN 2193-1801,Volume- 4, Number-1, DOI 10.1186/s40064-015-1224-z, 2015, Corresponding author: S. Naher
  • 6. A. Khan, A. Rahaman, S. Naher, H. kaneko, Y. Yun, A. savinkov, H.suzuki, Y.K. Li, Q. Tao,G.H.Cao and Z.A.Xu. “ The Effect of Cobalt Doping in structural Phase Transition of SmFe(1-x)CoxAsO Measured by Low-temperature X-ray Diffraction”.J.Sci.Res 4930, 541-550(2012), Corresponding author: S. Naher
  • 7. H. Suzuki, H. Kaneko, Y. Yun, S. Naher, A. Savinkov, H. Xing, Z.A. Xu, S. Zhang, and Y. Isikawa, “Low Terperature X-ray Diffraction study on Phase Transitions” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 400(2012) 022118.
  • 8. H. Kaneko, Y. Yun, S. Naher, A. Savinkov, H. Suzuki, Y.K. Li, Q. Tao, G.H. Cao, and Z.A. Xu “Quantum Criticality and Superconductivity in SmFe(1-x)CoxAsO” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 400(2012)022047
  • 9. Y. Xue, S. Naher, F. Hata, H. Kaneko, H. Suzuki and Y. Kino “Low Temperature X-ray Diffraction Study of ZnCr2O4 and Zn0.5Ni0.5Cr2O4” J low Temperature Phys (2008) 151: 1193-1204
  • 10. Akiko Hosomichi, Yun Xue, S. Naher, Fumiaki Hata, Hiroshi Kaneko, Haruhiko Suzuki. “Negative thermal expansion in correlated electron system and Fermi liquid theory”. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66 (2005) 1583-1586.
  • 11. Y. Xue, S. Asada, A. Hosomichi, S. Naher, J. Xue, H. Kaneko, H. Suzuki, T. Muranaka and J. Akimitsu. “X-ray Diffraction Study of MgB2 at low temperatures”. Journal of low Temperature Physics, Vol. 138, Nos. 5/6, March 2005.
  • 12. H. Suzuki, Y. Xue , S. Naher, R. Yamauchi, S. Asada, M. Mizuno, S.Abe, S. Kunii, M. Kasaya. “ Phase transitions studied by ultra-low temperature X-ray diffraction” Physica B345(2004) 239-242.
  • 13. Satoshi Abe, Daisuke Takahashi, Hitoshi Mizuno, Ayumi Ryu, Seiji Asada, S. Naher, Koichi Matsumoto, Haruhiko Suzuki, Tetsuo Kitai. “Hyperfine-enhanced nuclear spin order of PrPb3.” Physica B 329-333(2003) 637-638.
  • 14. S. Naher, H. Suzuki, M. Mizuno, Y. Xue , M. Kasaya, S. Kunii, T. Kitai. “X-ray measurement for the orbital ordering materials.” Physica B 329-333(2003) 631-632. Corresponding author: S. Naher
  • 15. S. Naher, H. Suzuki, M. Mizuno, Y. Xue, H. Fujishita “X-ray diffraction measurement at 0.20 K”. Physica B 329-333(2003) 1612-1613. Corresponding author: S. Naher
  • 16. H. Suzuki, S. Naher, T. Shimoguchi, M. Mizuno, A. Ryu & H. Fujishita. “X-ray Diffraction Measurement below 1K.” Journal of low Temperature Physics, Vol. 128, Nos.1/2, July 2002.
  • 17. Satoshi Abe, Daisuke Takahashi, Shingekazu Shiratori, Hajime Yamamoto, S. Naher, Haruhiko Suzuki & Yoshichika Onuki. “Magnetization Measurements of CeRu2Si2 at Millikelvin Temperatures.” Journal of low Temperature Physics, Vol. 113, Nos.5/6, 1998.


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Classical Mechanics.
  • Quantum Mechanics.
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Solid State Physics - I
  • Solid State Physics - II
  • Mechanics
  • Low Temperature Physics
  • Heat & Thermodynamics.
  • Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics.
  • Laboratory (First Year)
  • Laboratory (Fourth Year)

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Supervised more than 20 students for undergraduate, Master’s Thesis involving experimental and theoretical works in the field of Low Temperature Physics and Condense Matter Physics.
  • 2. Currently one Ph.D.