Faculty Profile
Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Associate Professor
Contact Information
I am Dr. Tanvir Ahmed, an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Currently on leave from SUST, now, I am working as a Research Scientist at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-TRO) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. My research focus on understanding extreme weather events in present and near-future climate scenarios, utilizing high-resolution numerical models such as WRF and ICON.
In addition, I have been appointed as a visiting research associate at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, from 2023 to 2028. During this tenure, I am collaborating with the Earth System Physics (ESP) group, with a particular focus on Regional Climate Modeling (RCM). Previously, I served as a PGD Fellow in the ESP group at ICTP. I earned my Ph.D. from Seoul National University in 2021 and hold both a B.Sc. (Honors) and an M.S. in Physics from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.
Research Scientist at Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMKTRO), KIT, Germany
P.hD. in Computational Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Seoul,South Korea.
Pre- PhD. in Earth System Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
Master of Science (M. S): Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc) : Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Research Interests
Atmospheric Physics
Climate dynamics
Cloud Microphysics
Mesoscale and convective processes
South Asian Monsoon System
High resolution modelling of extreme events
Active Research Project
1. Extreme weather events under recent and near future climate conditions
2. Assessment of Heat Wave (HW) Events in Bangladesh and Enhanced Understanding of Underlying Mechanisms
Previous Research Project
1. Evaluations of different cloud microphysics parameterization schemes for extremely heavy precipitation event in the northeastern region of Bangladesh and Meghalaya Plateau region.
2. Prediction of extreme precipitation in Bangladesh using Machine Learning techniques.
3. A comprehensive study on the 2022 monsoonal flood over Bangladesh and the surrounding region
External Affiliations
Research Scientist at IMKTRO, KIT, Germany, website: https://www.imk-tro.kit.edu/english/14_12746.php
Visiting Research Associate at ICTP, Trieste , Italy, Website: https://www.ictp.it/
Journal Publications
1. Ahmed, T., H.-G. Jin., Lee, H and J.-J. Baik, "Processes associated with extremely heavy precipitation in the Meghalaya Plateau region: A case modeling study", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2022), 148, 1057-1074.
2. Jin, H.G, Lee. H, Ahmed, T, Baik, J.J, "A New Warm-Cloud Collection and Breakup Parameterization Scheme for Weather and Climate Models", Atmospheric Research, 272,106145,(2022)
3. Fahad, A. A., Singh, B., Kamal, M., Ahmed, T., Kibria, M., & Chowdhury, N. R, "The Role of Local Topography and Sea Surface Temperature on Summer Monsoon Precipitation over Bangladesh and North-East India", International Journal of Climatology, (2021) 1-16
4. Ahmed, T., Hong, SH., Jin, HG., J.J Baik, "Evaluation of IMERG data in Bangladesh and surrounding regions and their application to studying diurnal variation of precipitation", Theor Appl Climatol, (2021)
5. Ahmed, T., H.-G. Jin, and J.-J. Baik, "A physically based raindrop–cloud droplet accretion parameterization for use in bulk microphysics schemes", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146 (2020) 3368–3383. 3
6. Ahmed, T., H.-G. Jin, and J.-J. Baik, 2020, "Spatiotemporal variations of precipitation in Bangladesh revealed by nationwide rain gauge data", Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 56 (2020) 593−602. 2
7. Ahmed T., and Kucharski, F., "The Influence of Indian Ocean Warming and soil moisture change on the Asian summer monsoon", SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 19 (2012) 89-96
1. A physically based raindrop–cloud droplet accretion parameterization for use in bulk microphysics schemes. (Oral presentation), Autumn Meeting of the Korean Meteorological Society (Cybrespace).
2. Spatiotemporal variations of precipitation in Bangladesh revealed by nationwide rain gauge Data. Autumn Meeting of the Korean Meteorological Society, Gyeongju, South Korea.
3. Impacts of different cumulus physics over south Asia region with case study tropical cyclone Viyaru. (Poster presentation), International Conference on Regional Climate(ICRC), Stockholm University, Sweden.
4. Verify the monsoon forecast during onset/withdrawal phases based on the data provided (21st May IC and 05 Sep IC). Devise criteria for monsoon onset based on tropospheric Temperature. (Oral Presentation), ICTP-IITM-COLA Targeted Training Activities (TTA) on “Modeling and Prediction of Asian Monsoons: Improving Physical Processes”, Pune,
5. ICTP-IITM-COLA Targeted Training Activity (TTA): "Challenge in Monsoon Prediction" Trieste, Italy.
6. The APEC Climate Center Training Program on Producing High Resolution Climate Information. Busan, South Korea.
7. CAS-START Training on Regional Climate Change, IAP, Beijing, China.
8. Madden-Julian Oscillation: Global impacts during boreal winter (Oral Presentation), Conference on the General Circulation of the Atmosphere and Oceans: a Modern Perspective, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
9. Conference on Decadal Predictability, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
10. The Theory and use of Regional climate change, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
Book/ Book Chapter
Atmospheric Physics (for M.S)
Properties of matter, wave and vibrations
Optics, Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
Awards & Recognition
University Grant Commission scholarship for undergraduate and graduate result, SUST, Bangladesh.
UNSCO and IAEA join Pre-PhD scholarship at ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Seoul National University President Fellowship (SPF) for Ph.D.
Selected as a visiting research associate for six years (2023-2028) at International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
Invited to attend Sub-seasonal to Seasonal prediction (S2S) Summit held on 3-7, July, 2023 at Uni. of Reading, UK with financial support
Selected as a Research Scientist at IMKTRO, KIT, Germany
Graduate Supervision
1. Currently supervised 4 students