Mining waste analysis, its Impact on Public Health and Environmental Pollution
Mining and Geological Engineering
Active Research Project
1. A Study on Soil, Water, Air and Social Environmental Status around the Stone Quarry Mine and Stone Crusher Plant, Jaflong-Vholaganj area, Sylhet: An Approach for Understanding the Environmental Sustainability, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
2. Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis, One Way ANOVA and Structural Equation Modeling to Identify Spatial Variability of Soil Quality for Environment around the Mining Industrial area, Parbortipur, Dinajpur.
3. Assessment of Soil quality for Sustainable Environment around Quarry Mine and Stone Crusher Plants, Jaflong-Bholagonj, Sylhet.
4. Water Quality Assessment Using Multivariate Statistical Methods: A case Study of Maddhapara Granite Mine Area, Parbortipur, Dinajpur.
5. Sand and Gravel Quarry Mining Impacts on Surface Water Quality of Piyain River in Jaflong, Sylhet: A View from Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach.
6. Evaluation of Noise Hazard and Risk: A Case Study of Quarry Mine and Stone Crushers Plant around Jaflong, Bholaganj, Sylhet.
7. An Assessment of the Perception on Socio Economic and Health Related Issues: A Case Study of Stone Crusher Plant Jaflong and Bholagonj Area, Sylhet
Previous Research Project
1. Underground Coal Mining Impacts on Subsidence and Hydrological environment around the Mining area, Parbotipur Thana, Dinajpur. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
2. An assessment of the Impacts of Hardrock Mining on Environments with their Management around the Maddhyapara Mining area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh funded by Ministry of education, Bangladesh.
3. An Assessment of the Impact of Gas Blowout and Current Gas Seepage on Groundwater in and around the Tangratila Gas Field,Bangladesh funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh.
4. The Exploitation of the Georesources of Bholaganj area, Sylhet under Sylhet Foundation.
External Affiliations
Bangladesh Petroleum Institute as a guest lecturer
Geology and Mining Department, Rajshahi Univerrsity
Geology Department, Dhaka University
Petroleum and Mining Engineering Department, Chittagong University of Engineering Technology
Petroleum and Mining Engineering Department, Jessore University of Science and Technology
Member, Association of American Petroleum Geology
Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Member, Geological Society of Bangladesh
Journal of Mine water and Environment (Springer)
Journal of environmental Earth Sciences (Springer)
Journal of Water resources management (Springer)
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research (Elsevier)
British Journal of applied science and technology
International Journal of Earth science and Engineering
1. Das D, Hasan MM, Howladar (2022) MFTopsoil heavy metals status and potential risk assessment around the cement factories in Chhatak, Bangladesh, Environment Development and Sustainability
2. Hossain, MN, Howladar MF (2022) Risk Perception and Safety Analysis on Petroleum Production System of Three Gas Fields in Bangladesh
3. MF Howladar, E Chakma, NJ Koley, S Islam, MA Al Numanbakth (2021): The water quality and pollution sources assessment of Surma river, Bangladesh using, hydrochemical, multivariate statistical and water quality index methods, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 12, 100523,
4. MF Howladar, M Hossain, KA Anju, D Das (2021) Ecological and health risk assessment of trace metals in water collected from Haripur gas blowout area of Bangladesh, Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-15
5. MM Hasan, R Basak, MH Sujan, MN Kabir, D Das, SS Aritro, MF Howladar (2021): An Assessment of the Impact of Industrialization on Physical Environment and Socio-economic Conditions around the Alipur Industrial Area, Bangladesh American Journal of Agricultural Science, Engineering and Technology 5 (2 )
6. Hasan MM, Sikder MB, Gupta S, Haque MI, Kabir MN, Sujan MH, Sk Islam T, Howladar MF (92021)n Analysis of the Morphological Changes of Surma River in Sylhet District Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images
7. R Alam, Z Ahmed, MF Howladar (2020): Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in water, soil and plant around the open landfill site Mogla Bazar in Sylhet, Bangladesh Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10, 100311
8. MM Rahman, MF Howladar, MA Hossain, ATMSH Muzemder (2020) Impact assessment of anthropogenic activities on water environment of Tillai River and its surroundings, Barapukuria Thermal Power Plant, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10, 100310
9. MF Howladar, M Hossen, LN Jahan, MA Sohail (2020): Hydrogeochemistry and sulphate contamination of water environment around the coal stock pile in Tamabil, Sylhet, Environment, Development and Sustainability 22 (4), 3599-3619
10. MF Howladar, M Hashan, MM Rahman, MA Al Numanbakth, MA Sohail, (2020): The quality of imported coal and its impact on environmental degradation, Environment, Development and Sustainability 22 (1), 251-263
11. MA Al Mamun, MF Howladar, MA Sohail (2019): Assessment of surface water quality using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP): A case study of Piyain River's sand and gravel quarry mining area in Jaflong, Sylhet Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9, 100208
12. S Akter, MF Howladar, Z Ahmed, TR Chowdhury (2019): The rainfall and discharge trends of Surma River area in North-eastern part of Bangladesh: an approach for understanding the impacts of climatic change, Environmental Systems Research 8 (1), 1-12
13. MAA Numanbakth, MF Howladar, MO Faruque, MA Sohail, MM Rahman (2019): Understanding the hydrogeochemical characteristics of natural water for irrigation use around the hard rock mine in Maddhapara, Northwest Bangladesh, Groundwater for sustainable development, Ground Water for sustainable Development
14. MA Al Numanbakth, MF Howladar, MO Faruque, MA Sohail, MM Rahman Hossen (2019): Understanding the hydrogeochemical characteristics of natural water for irrigation use around the hard rock mine in Maddhapara, Northwest Bangladesh Groundwater for Sustainable Development 8, 590-605
15. MF Howladar, MA Al Numanbakth, MO Faruque (2018): An application of Water Quality Index (WQI) and multivariate statistics to evaluate the water quality around Maddhapara Granite Mining Industrial Area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh,
16. MF Howladar, MM Rahman, FSA Anas, FMM Shine (2018): A chemical and multivariate statistical approach to assess the spatial variability of soil quality for environment around the Tamabil coal stockpile, Sylhet, Environmental Systems Research 7 (1), 1-10
17. MF Howladar (2017): An assessment of surface water chemistry with its possible sources of pollution around the Barapukuria Thermal Power Plant Impacted Area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 5, 38-48
18. MM Rahman, MF Howladar, MO Faruque (2017): Assessment of soil quality for agricultural purposes around the Barapukuria coal mining industrial area, Bangladesh: insights from chemical and multivariate statistical analysis, Environmental Systems Research 6 (1), 1-13
19. Md Rafiqul Islam, Ryuichi Shinjo, Mohammed Omar Faruque, Hideki Shimada, M Farhad Howladar (2016) Finite element method (FEM) groundwater inflow modeling associated with an unconfined aquifer into open-pit coalmine of the Phulbari area, NW Bangladesh Arabian Journal of Geosciences (article in press, accepted on February 26, 2016).
20. Mahamudul Hashan, M. Farhad Howladar, Labiba Nusrat Jahan (2016) Sulphur Concentration in Imported Coal Around the Tamabil Area, Sylhet, Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis; 4(1): 27-30 doi: 10.11648/j.ijema.20160401.15.
21. MF Howladar, MR Islam (2016): A study on physico-chemical properties and uses of coal ash of Barapukuria Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant, Dinajpur, for environmental sustainability, Energy, Ecology and Environment 1 (4), 233-247
22. M. Farhad Howladar and Mostafijul Karim, (2015), The Selection of Backfill Materials for Barapukuria Underground Coal Mine, Dinajpur, Banladesh: Insight from the Assessments of Engineering Properties of some Selective Materials, Environ Earth Sciences, 73(10), 6153-6165, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014- 3841-
23. M. Farhad Howladar et al. (2015) An analysis of Soil Quality for Environment around the Barapukuria Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant, Parbatipur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Earth resources, v.3, p. 1-6, doi: 10.12966/ne.05.01.2015.
24. MF Howladar, MM Karim (2015) The selection of backfill materials for Barapukuria underground coal mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh: insight from the assessments of engineering properties of some selective materials, Environmental Earth Sciences 73 (10), 6153
25. M. Farhad Howladar, Deb PK, Muzemder ATMSH, and Ahmed M, (2014), Evaluation of Water Resources around Barapukuria Coal Mine Industrial Area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Applied Water Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s13201-014-0207-5.
26. M. Farhad Howladar and Hasan K, (2014), A study on the development of subsidence due to the extraction of 1203 slice with its associated factors around Barapukuria underground coal mining industrial area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Environ Earth Sci., 72(9):3699–371, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014- 3419-y.
27. Md. Mostafijul Karim, M. Farhad Howladar and F.M. Mohi Shine (2014) A Study on the Preliminary Cost Estimation for Hydraulic Backfill Process in Barapukuria Coal Mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2(3):37-45, DOI: 10.12966/jegh.08.02.2014.
28. Shine, FMM and M. Farhad Howladar (2014) Heavy Mineral Concentration and its Importance along the Attrai River, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Earth Resources, 2(1):1-9, DOI: 10.12966/er.10.01.2014.
29. Deb PK, M. Farhad Howladar, Miah MI, Faroque MO, Islam MS, Mia MB and Quamruzzaman C, (2014), Structural Interpretation of Fenchuganj Gas Field, Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, USA, 2 (3): 29-36. DOI: 10.12966/jegh.08.01.2014.
30. M. Farhad Howladar (2013). Coal mining impacts on water environs around the Barapukuria coal mining area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Environmental Earth Sciences, V. 70, P, 215–226, DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-2117-x.
31. M. Farhad Howladar, Md. Mehedi Hasan1, Saiful Islam, Fazle Mohammad Mohi Shine, C. Quamruzzaman (2013). Gas Blowout Impacts on Ground Water Environs around the Tengratila Gas Field, Chattak, Bangladesh, J of Water Resources and Protection, V 5, P. 164-170, USA DOI:10.4236/jwarp.2013.52018.
32. Md. Mostafijul Karim and M. Farhad Howladar, (2013) Volumetric estimation of coal resources in seam VI for require backfill Materials of Barapukuria coal mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Earth Science. Vol. 2,(6), P.113-119, USA. DOI:10.11648/
33. Mahamudul Hashan, M. Farhad Howladar, Labiba Nusrat Jahan and Pulok Kanti Deb (2013), Ash Content and Its relevance with the Coal Grade and Environment in Bangladesh, Int. J. Sci & Engineering Research, V 4 (4), P 669-676.
34. MF Howladar (2013): Coal mining impacts on water environs around the Barapukuria coal mining area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Environmental earth sciences 70 (1), 215-226
35. M. Farhad Howladar, Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, A.K.M Fayazul Kabir, B.M. Rabb Hossain, A.S.M. Golam Hossain, M. Omar Faruque (2012). Engineering Classification of Shari Ghat River Bed Sand and Prospect of its Utilization, Int. J. Scientific & Engineering Research, V 3 (11), PP 1-5
36. Tareq-Uz-Zaman, M. Farhad Howladar, M. Ahmed, Mohammed Omar Faruque and Golam Hossain(2012) Comparable Analysis of Engineering Properties between Crushed Hardrock Dust of Maddhyapara Granite Mine, Dinajpur and Natural Sand, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 5; P:14-18.
37. Mohammad Islam Miah and M. Farhad Howladar (2012), Natural Gas Properties Analysis of Bangladesh: A Case Study of Titas Gas Field, J. SUST Studies, V.16 (2) , pp. 26-31.
38. Mohammad Islam Miah and M. Farhad Howladar (2012), Prediction of formation water resistivity from Rwa analysis of Titas gas field using wireline log data, International research Journal of Petroleum and Gas Exploration Research Vol. 2(4) pp. 057-060.
39. Golzar Hossain, M. Farhad Howladar, Lutfun-Nessa, Syed Samsuddin Ahmed and Chowdhury Quamruzzaman (2010), Hydrochemistry and Classification of Groundwater, Ishwardi Municipal Area, Pabna District, Bangladesh J. Geotechnical and Geol. Engg, Vol. 28, pp. 671-679, DOI 10.1007/s10706-010-9326-4.
40. A.K.M. Badrul Alam1 , M Farhad Howladar , Choudhury Quamruzzaman and Farid Ahmed (2010) Inclined Drift Method for Dispersed Rock Handling of Madhapara Hard Rock Mine, Bangladesh, SUST Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1; P:79-84.
41. M. Farhad Howladar (2009) Finite Element Modeling of Extensional Structures in the Annapurna Region of Central Himalayas, Int. J. of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 27 (5), pp. 607-617, DOI 10.1007/s10706-009-9261-4.
42. Quamruzzaman, C., M. Farhad Howladar, Golam, A.K. & Ahmed, M., (2009) Surface Subsidence Prediction in Barapukuria Coal Mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Int. J. Earth Science & Engg, Vol. 2, pp. 55-62.
43. Mondal, D., Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, M. Farhad Howladar, Ahmed, S.S., and Shah, J.U (2009) Subsidence Prediction Based on Long wall Mining of the Khalaspir Coal Field, Rangpur, Bangladesh, J Mines, Metal and Fuels, Vol. 57 (8), pp. 131-138.
44. Mazumder, Q.H., Jahan, C.S., Quamruzzaman, C. and M. Farhad Howladar (2009), Geo-electric resistivity survey in RU campus, Bangladesh: An approach for groundwater potentiality study, Int. Jour. of Power and River Valley developments, Vol. 59 (7-8), pp. 113-118.
45. Golam, A.K.M., Quamruzzaman, C., M. Farhad Howladar, Ahmed, M. and Mondol, A. M., (2009), Long Wall Stress Distribution in 1101 Coal Face of the Barapukuria Coal Mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Int. J. Earth Science and Engg, Vol. 2, pp. 55-62.
46. MF Howladar (2009): Finite Element Modeling of Extensional Structures in the Annapurna Region of Central Himalayas Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 27 (5), 607-617
47. Mining, Engineering Geology and environment based:
48. M. Farhad Howladar and Hayashi, D. (2004a), Simulation of Himalayan major thrusts by FE method, Jour. of Geoinformatics, Vol. 15(4), pp. 207-219.
49. M. Farhad Howladar and Hayashi, D. (2003b), Numerical fault simulation in Himalayas with 2D finite element method, Journal of Polar Geoscience, Vol. 16, pp. 243-258.
Book/ Book Chapter
Engineering Geology,
Hydrology and Groundwater resources
Hazards and Risk in Petroleum and Mining industry
Environmental aspects of Petroleum and Mineral industries
Mine Dewatering and Safety
Geology for Geographers and civil engineers
Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Structural Geology
Mining technology
Course relevant Laboratory classes
Awards & Recognition
Rajshahi University best student award for securing First class in First position in Honors level
Nawab Abdul Latif Hall Gold medal award
Monbukagakusho scholarship award, Japan-2000
Heiwa Nakajima Research grant, Japan-2002
Fellowship award, Social Science Research Council, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh.
Dean Research Excellence Award-2019, by School of applied Science and Technolog, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet
Graduate Supervision
1. I have supervised one M.Sc. thesis student and more than 35 undergraduate (Bachelor degree) students from 2007 to present (2016) while only B. Sc Engr. degree is available in this department.