Faculty Profile

Mahamudul Hashan

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801638835169
  • Email: mahmud-pme@sust.edu, mahmud.pme@gmail.com


  • Master’s in Georesources Engineering, EMERALD (Erasmus Mundus) Program, University of Liege, Belgium; University of Lorraine, France; Lulea University of Technology, Sweden; Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Germany
  • Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

Research Interests

  • Reservoir Simulation and Modelling
  • Reservoir Characterization
  • Machine Learning
  • Mineral Processing
  • Fluid Flow through Porous Media

Active Research Project

  • 1. Project Title: Machine learning approach coupled with feature ranking for the prediction of rock strength in a heterogeneous petroleum reservoir. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Project Title: Effective integration of core data and log data for core scale reservoir characterization on accurate production forecasting. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
  • 2. Project Title: Empirical, statistical, and machine learning approach to predict water saturation in a heterogeneous petroleum reservoir using geophysical well logs and laboratory derived core data. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
  • 3. Project Title: Synthetic well logs generation for a hydrocarbon reservoir using soft computing techniques. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
  • 4. Project Title: Prediction of gross calorific value of coal of Barapukuria coal mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh using empirical, statistical, and virtual analysis techniques: A comparative study. Funded by: The Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

Journal Publications

  • 1. Prediction of gross calorific value from coal analysis using decision tree-based bagging and boosting techniques
  • 2. Data-driven computational approaches to estimate gross calorific value of coal using proximate and ultimate analyses
  • 3. Advanced machine learning approaches for predicting permeability in reservoir pay zones based on core analyses
  • 4. Empirical, statistical, and connectionist methods coupled with log variables ranking for the prediction of pore network permeability in a heterogeneous oil reservoir
  • 5. Effect of Solid Concentration and Particle Size on the Flotation Kinetics and Entrainment of Quartz and Hematite
  • 6. A comparative study of empirical, statistical, and soft computing methods coupled with feature ranking for the prediction of water saturation in a heterogeneous oil reservoir
  • 7. Modelling of fluid flow through porous media using memory approach: A review.
  • 8. The quality of imported coal and its impact on environmental degradation.
  • 9. Sulphur concentration in imported coal around the Tamabil area, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 10. Shape analysis, quantitative percentage determination and depositional environment of detrital quartz grains of the atrai river sand, Naogaon district, Bangladesh.
  • 11. Fluid Flow Analysis of a Transmission Line of Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution System Limited.
  • 12. Ash Content and It’s Relevance with the Coal Grade and Environment in Bangladesh.


  • 1. An approach to maintain supply chain management and sustainability of petroleum production in the pandemic situations like COVID-19. SPE Fest, 5-8 November 2020, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gujarat, India.
  • 2. A critical review and future trend on relative permeability hysteresis.
  • 3. Modelling of fluid flow in a petroleum reservoir using an engineering approach.
  • 4. State of the art on porosity and permeability hysteresis: A useful techniques for hydrocarbon recovery.
  • 5. Application of memory formalism and fractional derivative in reservoir simulation.
  • 6. A comparative study of mathematical models for fractured reservoirs: anomalous diffusion and continuum approach.
  • 7. Coal quality assessment of Barapukuria coalmine, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2012), 23-24 March 2012, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-984-33-4246-1, p.107-108.
  • 8. Sulfur Concentration in Imported Coal from India and Our Environment. National Seminar on Renewable Energy, 1st April 2012, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 15.

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Advanced Formation Evaluation
  • Advanced Petroleum Production Engineering
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Mine Drainage and Dewatering Systems
  • Introduction to Petroleum and Mining Engineering

Awards & Recognition

  • Govt. Primary Scholarship, 1998, Comilla Board, Bangladesh.
  • Govt. Junior Scholarship (Talentpool), 2001, Comilla Board, Bangladesh.
  • Sonali Bank Scholarship (for SSC result), 2004, Bangladesh.
  • Merit Based Scholarship from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, 2010, Bangladesh.
  • Erasmus Mundus Scholarship awarded by European Commission, 2013, Belgium.
  • Memorial University Research Assistantship Scholarship, 2016, Canada.
  • Deans Award from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology for Research Excellence, 2019, Bangladesh.