Faculty Profile

Md. Abdullah Al Numanbakth

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801743007007
  • Email: numan-pme@sust.edu, numanbakth@gmail.com


Md. Abdullah Al Numanbakth (Numan) was born at Bandakshin village under Habiganj Sadar thana, Habiganj. He passed SSC in 2008 from Manab Kallyan High School, Bahubal, Habiganj. After that, he passed HSC in 2010 from Brindaban Govt. College, Habiganj with Dr-Gofesh Bishwash Gold Medal Award. Later, he passed B.Sc in Petroleum and Mining Engineering from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology with honors. After that, he completed his M.Sc (Theory) from Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science. However, he has joined as a lecturer in Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.


  • M.Sc, Department of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
  • B.Sc, Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
  • HSC, Brindaban Govt. College, Habiganj.
  • SSC, Manab Kallyan High School, Bahubal, Habiganj.

Research Interests

  • Drilling Fluid, Natural Gas Processing, Petroleum Production Engineering, Coal Bed Methane, Water and Soil resources and Environment

Active Research Project

  • 1. Principal Investigator in the project entitled "Evaluation of the energy generation from Municipal Solid Waste and the application of life cycle analysis for the management of waste in Sylhet City, Bangladesh." Funding Authority-SUST Research Centre.
  • 2. Principal Investigator in the project entitled "Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Driven Vehicles Safety and Risk Management in Sylhet City." Funding Authority-SUST Research Centre.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Worked as Research Fellow under the project “An Evaluation of the Problems of Solid Waste Disposal, It’s Management With Impact on Public Health and Environmental Pollution: A Case Study in the Sylhet City’’-Financed by Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh.
  • 2. Worked as Research Fellow under the project “An assessment of the impacts of Hardrock mining on environments with their management around the Maddhyapara mining area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh”– Financed by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.
  • 3. B.Sc. Thesis Title Water Quality Assessment Using Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Case Study of Maddhapara Granite Mine Area, Parbotipur, Dinajpur.

External Affiliations

  • Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE
  • Rotaract Club of Shahjalal University

Journal Publications

  • 1. Howladar MF, Chakma E., Koley NJ, Islam S, Numanbakth MAA, Ahmed Z., Akter S., Chowdhury TR. (2020) The Water Quality and pollution sources assessment of Surma River, Bangladesh using, Hydrochemical, Multivariate Statistical and Water Quality Index Methods. Groundwater for Sustainable Development - Elsevier, Vol 12, 100523 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2020.100523
  • 2. Numanbakth MAA, Howladar MF, Faruque MO, Sohail MA, Rahman MM (2019) Understanding the Hydrogeochemical characteristics of natural water for Irrigation Use around the Hard Rock Mine in Maddhapara, Northwest Bangladesh Groundwater for Sustainable Development Elsevier- 8: 590–605, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2019.02.007
  • 3. Rahman MM, Howladar MF, Hossain MA, Muzemder ATMSH, Numanbakth MAA (2019) Impact assessment of anthropogenic activities on water environment of Tillai River and its surroundings, Barapukuria Thermal Power Plant, Dinajpur, Bangladesh Groundwater for Sustainable Development- Elsevier, Volume 10, 100310 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2019.100310
  • 4. Howladar MF, Hashan MM , Rahman MM, Numanbakth MAA, Sohail MA, and Shine FMM (2018) The quality of imported coal and its impact on environmental degradation, Environ Dev Sustain, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-018-0197-9
  • 5. Howladar MF, Numanbakth MAA and Faruque MO (2017). An application of water quality index (wqi) and multivariate statistics to evaluate water quality around Maddhapara Granite Mining Industrial area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Environ Syst Res., 6:13, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40068-017-0090-9


  • 1. Numanbakth MAA and Howladar MF (2018). Assessment of the Ground Water Quality and its suitability for irrigation purposes around the Maddhapara Hard Rock Mine, Dinajpur, 1st International Conference on Energy and Environment, 28-29 September, 2018. SUST.
  • 2. Sohail MA and Numanbakth MAA (2018) Effects of silica (SiO 2 ), cupper (Cu 2+) and iron (Fe 2+ ) content in the boiler water chemical regime of natural circulation water wall tubes (WWTs) high pressure drum boilers of thermal power plants. 1st International Conference on Energy and Environment, 28-29 September, 2018. SUST.
  • 3. Numanbakth MAA, Howladar MF and Faruque MO (2016). Water Quality Evaluation in Terms of Water Quality Index and Statistical Approach around the Maddhapara Granite Mine Industrial Area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh” by Md. Abdullah Al Numanbakth, M. Farhad Howladar, and Mohammed Omar Faruque, presented at International Conference on Environment Pollution and Climate Change, Rajshahi University, 24-25 Sep, 2016.
  • 4. Numanbakth MAA, Howladar MF and Faruque MO (2016). Hardrock Mine impacts on Water Quality around the Maddhapara Granite Mine Industrial Area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh” by Md. Abdullah Al Numanbakth, M. Farhad Howladar, and Mohammed Omar Faruque, presented at PME Day, 12 years celebration and reunion Program, 3-4 Dec, 2016.

Book/ Book Chapter


  • Introduction to Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Heat Transfer, Engineering Thermodynamics, Surface Mining and Underground Mining, Mine Surveying, Blasting Techniques, Transmission and Distribution of Natural Gas, Mine Design, Reservoir Rock Properties, Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoir, Hydrocarbon Exploration and Seismology etc.

Awards & Recognition

  • Achieved ‘Honors’ on B.Sc Examination.
  • Prize of “Top 3 for paper presentation” in 12 years Celebration and Reunion Program of PME, SUST, 3-4 Dec, 2016.
  • “University Merit based Scholarship, SUST.”- 2012, 2011, 2010.
  • “University Trust Scholarship, SUST.” (including “Abdur Rouf- Abdur Rahim Trust”- 2015, 2014,2013; “Mokbul Hossain-Mustak Hossain Trust”-2015, 2014; “Mr. G. G. Chowdhury Trust”-2015, 2014); “Ismail Ali Memorial Trust”-2013.
  • The 2010 Dr-Gofesh Bishwash Gold Medal Award on HSC Examination.