Faculty Profile
Dr. Syed Ashrafur Rahman
Contact Information
Dr. Syed Ashrafur Rahman is the Professor and Head of the Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He was born in a renowned ‘Syed’ Muslim family, Moulvi Bazar Sodor, Mouvi bazar in 1971. His areas of expertise are Climate Change and Environmental Politics, Japan in South Asian Security, International Politics, Foreign Policy of Major Powers and International Organizations.
Dr. Syed Ashrafur Rahman completed his Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.S.) in the Department of Political Science, University of Dhaka on 5 December, 1993, Master of Social Science (M.S.S.) on 5 July, 1995, Master of Philosophy (M. Phil) on 19 June, 2000 on ,“Japan Bangladesh Co-operation: A Study of Political Economy.” He has Ph.D. from the University of Dhaka at the Department of Political Science. He did his Ph.D. on “Japan in South Asian Security,” University of Dhaka on 29 August, 2010.
Professor Dr.Syed Ashrafur Rahman has over twenty years teaching and research experience and involvement with student advisement and research. Before he joined the Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, he taught several Universities and Colleges in Bangladesh. He was a Lecturer (Part-time), Department of Humanities, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka (February, 2001-September, 2003), Lecturer (Part-time), Department of Political Science, Abudahar Grifary College (February 2001-March ,2003), Guest teacher, Department of Political Science, Dhaka College, Dhaka (January, 2002-March 2004), Part-time Faculty, Department of Economics and Social Science, BRAC University (October, 2003-March, 2004). He joined Lecturer position, Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet on 6th April, 2004, he was promoted Assistant Professor on 6th June, 2007, Associate Professor on 5 July, 2011 and Professor 24 October, 2016 and he also promoted Grade-2 Professor in this Department on 28 October, 2020. He became Head of the Department, Department of Political Studies on 1 June, 2023.
Professor Dr. Syed Ashrafur Rahman is a good researcher. He did his two years (2013-2015) post-doctoral research with Dr. Mary Alice Haddad, Professor, Department of Government, Wesleyan University, Connecticut, U.S.A. on, “Climate Change and human security challenges in Bangladesh” and successfully completed several research projects at SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. He was participated different national and Internal Seminars - participated “Japan’s South Asian Youth Leadership Program-2002,” September, 2002 and presented paper in Tokyo on “Japan’s role in South Asian Security,” he presented paper in Osaka University, Japan, on ‘‘Japan’s Check mating role in South Asia,’’ organized by Osaka University, Japan on 14 February 2015. The theme of this symposium was “Legacies of World War II,” he presented paper at Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS), Dhaka on “Japanese investment in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Constraints, Organized by Japanese Study Centre and Japanese Embassy Dhaka, Dhaka 2001, he presented a paper International Conference on Bangladesh at 50:Achievements, Prospects and Challenges, organized by School of Social Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet on ‘‘Japan’s role in the development of Bangladesh,’’ 16-17 September 2022 and he participated several national, international webinars, and e-conferences. He also chaired several national and internal seminars, webinars, talks, and he is a chief advisor “ICPD 2024: 1st International Conference of the Politics, Society and Development,” organize by the Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. He has lot of published articles which was published different national and international Journals. He has a published book. He is a reviewer of an international springer Journals, Environment, Development and Sustainability. He also talks electronic and print media on the climate change issues.
Professor Dr. Rahman has been working Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet in distinct levels – Head of the Department of Political Studies, Chairman of the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC), Member, Shahjalal University Academic Council, Member, Faculty of the Executive Committee of the School of Social Science, Member, Central Admission Test Committee 20021-2022, 2022-2023, Member, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC), Political Studies Department Unit, Member, Shahjalal University Central Sports Committee, Editor, Journal of Politics and Administration, Executive Editor, 2017 and Member, Board of Editors, 2018-2023 of this Journal.
In addition, Professor Dr. Syed Ashrafur Rahman is a good organizer. From his student life he actively involved several educational, community developments, social-cultural and charitable activities. He is a member of the ‘Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA),’USA,’ President, non–profit Charitable organization, “Nisha Shahayak Shangstha,” Chief Advisor, non–profit Charitable organization, ‘Sheikh Buhan Uddin (R) Islamic Society,’ Moulvi Bazar, Advisor, ‘Moulvi Bazar Association, Sylhet, Vice- President Dhaka University Ex-Student Association, Sylhet, ’Advisor, non-profit USA based international Charitable Organization, ‘International Foundation of Moulvi Bazar(IFM),’Member, Zalabed Association, Dhaka, Member, Sylhet Division Chakrijibi Porishod, Member, Sylhet Division Jugajug Unnawon Proshod, Member, Moulvi Bazar Association , Dhaka
He was a Member of the ‘American Political Science Association,’ USA, 2013-2015, an elected Vice-President, ‘Shahjalal University Teachers Association’-2021, President, ‘Moulvi Bazar District Association Sylhet ‘2021-2022, Elected General Secretary, ‘Dhaka University Zalalabad Student Welfare Association,’ Dhaka 1992-94.
Ph.D. Department of Political Science, University of Dhaka
M.Phil, Department of Political Science, University of Dhaka
M.S.S. Department of Political Science, University of Dhaka
B.S.S.(Hons.), Department of Political Science, University of Dhaka
Research Interests
Climate Change, East Asian Politics, Japan in South Asian Security
Human Security, Social Capital.
Active Research Project
1. He is working in a research project at SUST Research Center, Shahjalalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. Project Title: Climate Change Challenges in Bangladesh: A Case Study of 2022 flash flood in Sylhet Division.
Previous Research Project
1. 1." COVID-19 Impacts on Human Security in Bangladesh," This research work was completed at SUST Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
2."Adapting to Climate Change in Bangladesh: The Role of Social Capital." This research work was completed at SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. This research was published at the International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2020.
3."Adaptation to Climate Change in Bangladesh: Role of Social Network in Hakaluki Haor in Moulvi Bazar District." This research work was completed at SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. This research was published at the Journal of Politics and Administration, Vol.4, No.1, 2019.
2. Seminar Papers Presentation:
*‘'Japan’s role in the development of Bangladesh’', Presented an International Conference on Bangladesh at 50:Achievements, Prospects and Challenges, organized by School of Social Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 16-17 September 2022.
* '‘Adaptation to Climate change in Bangladesh: The role of Social Capital,’' which was accepted MPSA: Midwest Political Science Association for present on 16-19 April, 2020, Chicago, USA, but due to COVID-19 seminar was suspend.
* "Japan’s role in counter terrorism in Bangladesh," presented at Nobab Noab Ali Chowdhury senate bobon Auditorium University of Dhaka, Dhaka on 19 November 2016. The theme of this symposium was “Terrorism and Extremism in Bangladesh: Role of international community,” Organized by Political Science Association Bangladesh.
*"Japan’s check mating role in South Asia," presented in Osaka University, which was organized by Osaka University, Japan on 14 February 2015. The theme of this symposium was “Legacies of World War II.”
*"Japan's Role in South Asian Security," presented in Tokyo which was organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan on September 2002.
* "Japanese Investment in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Constraints," presented at Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies(BIISS), which was jointly organized by Japanese Study Centre, University of Dhaka and Japanese Embassy in Dhaka.
* "Human Security in Sylhet Division," presented in Sylhet, which was organized by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) on 14th February, 2008.
3. Participated Webinars:
*AAS Webinar Series: Session 22 on, “Gandhi as a Critic of Liberalism,” organized by Association of Asian Scholars on October 7, 2020
* AAS Webinar Series: Session 21 on, “US, China and two unsinkable Aircraft Carriers,” organized by Association of Asia Scholars on September 30, 2020.
* AAS Webinar Series: Session 20 on, “The War of Liberation of Bangladesh: Reflections on the Faith and Harmony,” organized by Association of Asia Scholars on September 23, 2020.
* AAS Webinar Series: Session 17 on “ Post Covid-19 New World Order: Transformation in International Relations,” organized by Association of Asia Scholars on September 2, 2020.
* “Where Are the Friends of India in the Muslim World,” organized by Association of Asia Scholars on August 12, 2020.
*“Pakistan and the Future of Afghanistan,” organized by Association of Asia Scholars on August 05, 2020.
* “ Air Quality in South Asia: Opportunity and Challenges,” organized by Lung Care Foundation and supported by Public Affairs sections, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi on July 30,2020
4. Participated e-Conference:
* “Tackling Climate Migration and the Pandemic,” organized by the American Centre at U.S. Embassy Dhaka, on September 30, 2020.
* "Connecting the Rohingya Diaspora: Highlighting the Global Displacement,’’ organized by the Centre for Genocide Studies, University of Dhaka, Action Aid and the Centre for Peace and Justice(CPJ)BRAC University, Bangladesh.
5. "Restoring peace in Myanmar: Two Years After the Military Coup," organized by the Center for Peace Studies(CPS) of the South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance, North South University Bangladesh on 31 January, 2023.
6. "Bangladesh's Approach Towards Emerging Alliance in Asia," Organized by the Center for Peace Studies(CPS) of the South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance(SIPG), North South University Bangladesh, on 14 February, 2023.
7. "Impacts of "BURMA ACT" on Bangladesh-Myanmar Bordering Region," Organized by the Center for Peace Studies(CPS) of the South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance(SIPG), North South University Bangladesh on 22 February, 2023.
External Affiliations
Member of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) ,USA,
Former Vice-President, Shahjalal University Teachers Association 2021
Vice President, DU-EX Student Association Sylhet
Senior Vice-President, DU-EX Student Association, Moulvi Bazar District
Former President, Moulvi Bazar Association, Sylhet.
President not Profit Charitable organization, Nisha Shahayak Shangstha
Member, Jalalabad Association Dhaka
Member, Sylhet division Chakri jibi Porishod
Member, Sylhet Division Jugajug and Unnaon Poreshod
Member, Moulvi Bazar Association Dhaka
External Examiner, University of Dhaka, University of Rajshahi
Journal Publications
1. COVID-19 Impacts on Human Security in Bangladesh
2. Japan's role in the Development of Bangladesh
3. Adapting to climate change in Bangladesh: The Role of Social capital ” International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences, and Education (IJHSSE), Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2020.
4. Integrating Technical and Vocational Education with General Education: A Model to Alleviate Youth Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh,” Journal of Asian Politics and Society-JAPS, Volume-iv, November-I&II , January & July 2020.
5. Adaptation to Climate Change in Bangladesh: Role of Social Network in Hakaluki Haor in Moulvi Bazar District ” Journal of Politics and Administration, Vol. 4, No.1, December2019.
6. Climate Change and Human Security Challenges in Bangladesh,” Asian Profile, Vol.46, No.2,2018
7. Japan's Check Mating Role in South Asia: An Analysis,” Journal of Politics and Administration, Vol.3,No.1,2017
8. Post Cold War traditional and non-tradition security threats in South Asia,” Journal of Politics and Administration,Vol.2, No.1, February2014
9. Japan’s Peace building Role in Sri Lanka,” Asian Profile, volume 40, Number 5 , 2012
10. Japan’s role to establish democracy and human rights in South Asia,” Development Compilation, Vol.7, No. 01, 2012
11. Japan in South Asian Security,” Asian Profile, Vol. 39, N0, 6, 2011
12. South Asian Policy of Japan” Development Compilation, Vo. 05, No. 01, 2011
13. Japan’s role in nuclear non-proliferation in South Asia,” Asian Profile, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2010
14. Japan Bangladesh Relations , Book, 2010
15. Japan’s Political and Economic Goals in Bangladesh,” Asian Affairs, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2005
16. Japan-Bangladesh historical relations,” Journal of Politics and Administration, Vol.1, No.1, 2005
Book/ Book Chapter
1. Japan Bangladesh Relations
2. Japanese Investment in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Constrains
Teaching Areas: • Introduction to International Politics • Introduction to Japanese Politics • Introduction to American Politics • Comparative Politics • World Politics • Ancient, Medieval and Modern Political Thought • Politics in the third world countries • Foreign Policies of Major Powers • Globalization: International Organizations and Financial Institutions • Peace and Conflict Studies • Environmental Politics • Politics in the South Asia and East Asia
Teaching Experiences: Present Position: Professor Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Part-time Faculty, Sylhet International University, Sylhet, from 2010 to 2013
Part-time Faculty, Department of Humanities, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh from February2001 to September 2003
Part-time Faculty, Department of Economics and Social Science, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh from October 2003 to March 2004
Guest Teacher, Department of Political Science, Dhaka College, Dhaka, from January 2002 to March 2004
Part-time Faculty, Department of Political Science, Abudhar Grifary College, Dhaka from February 2001 to March 2003.
Awards & Recognition
Bangladesh University Grants Commission Fellowship (2008-2010)
Executive editor, Journal of Politics and Administration, Vol.3,No.1, April 2017
Reviewer Springer Journals, Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Graduate Supervision
1. 1. M.Phil
M.S.S. Thesis supervised on, 1. "Challenges and coping strategies of Transgender people(HIJRA): A study of Sylhet city, Bangladesh."
2." E-Governance during Covid-19: A Case study on Sylhet."
M.S.S. Monograph: 1. "Climate change impacts on Primary education of Haor Areas of Bangladesh: A study in Tangure hoar."
2. " Impacts of Climate change on Agriculture production: A case study on Tahir pure Upazila, Sunamgonj ."
3." Living condition of children engaged in various Hazardous works: A study in Sylhet city, Bangladesh."
4. " Energy crisis in the world and its impacts in Bangladesh."