Faculty Profile

Krittebas Paul

Associate Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801718737348
  • Email: krittebas-scw@sust.edu, kritte_bas@yahoo.com


Krittebas Paul completed BSS(Honours) and MSS in Social Work from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He has recently achieved MSc with Distinction in International Project Management from the University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK. Mr. Paul started his career by joining the BCS (General Education) cadre. He served as a lecturer and an assistant professor of Social Welfare in two government colleges from 2nd July 2005 to 6th December 2014. Then, he joined as a lecturer at the Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology on 7th December 2014. Since March 2024, he has been working in the department as an Associate Professor.


  • Master of Social Sciences in Social Work, 1999; Obtained A- Grade with CGPA 3.53; Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honors in Social Work, 1998; Obtained A- Grade with CGPA 3.50; Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • Master of Science with Distinction in International Project Management, 2022; University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK

Research Interests

  • Informal Economy
  • Social Services
  • Disability
  • Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)

Active Research Project

  • 1. Project Title: Interventions Addressing Vulnerabilities of Flood-Affected People in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Inquiry

Previous Research Project

  • 1. • Prospects and Challenges of Community Clinic in Bangladesh: A Study
  • 2. • Livelihood Status and Health Condition of Waste Pickers in Sylhet City Corporation: A Study
  • 3. • Life and Livelihood of Street Vendors in Bangladesh
  • 4. • Exploring Experiences of children with Special Need( or disability) in Public sector inclusive schools: A Qualitative Study
  • 5. Parental Experiences of Children with ASD: A Comparative Study between the Rural and Urban Areas in Bangladesh, Funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Journal Publications

  • 1. Higashida, M., Poonpoksin, W., Paul, K., Das, T. K., Vasudevan, V., Ali, I., Jafar, M., Shoukat, A., & Matsuo, K. (2023). An exploration of contextually relevant curricula in international social work education: learning from the experiences of selected Asian countries. Discover Global Society, 1(6).
  • 2. Das, T. K., Paul, K., & Bhattacharjee, P.(2023). What happened to field practicum in social work education during COVID‐19? Evidence from Bangladesh. Asian Social Work and Policy Review.
  • 3. Paul, K., & Das, T.K. (2023). Interruptions, interventions, and innovations in social services during COVID‐19 in Bangladesh. Asian Social Work and Policy Review.
  • 4. Paul, K., & Bhattacharjee, P. (2022) Livelihood Status and Health Condition of Waste Pickers in Sylhet City Corporation: A Study. Space and Culture, India, 9(4), 16-27.
  • 5. Bhattacharjee, P., Paul, K. & Das, T.K. (2022) Gender Inequality in South Asia: A Case Study of Tea Garden Workers in Bangladesh. in Kothari, R.K(Ed.) South Asia: Issues, Challenges and Prospects(pp.236-256). New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors(P) Ltd.
  • 6. Paul, K. (2022). Sustainable Development Goals and Social Service Programs in Bangladesh: An Analysis. Space and Culture, India, 10(2), 7–15.
  • 7. Das, T.K., Paul, K. & Bhattacharjee, P. (2020) Social Work and Social Development: Prospects in Bangladesh, in T.K. Das, N. Ahmed, F. Ahmmed, M.I. Hossain, A. Pervin, M.M. Rahman and M.A. Oakkas (eds.). Social Work and Sustainable Social Development(pp.33-49). Sylhet, Bangladesh: Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.
  • 8. Paul, K. & Das, T.K. (2019). Life and Livelihood of Street Vendors in Bangladesh. In D. Nandy (Ed.), Mapping South Asia: State, Society and Security Dilemmas (pp. 82-119). Gujarat, India: Blue Roan Publishing House.
  • 9. Paul, K. & Bhattacharjee, P. (2018). Effectiveness of the Government Social Services to Uphold the Socio-economic Condition of Rural People in Bangladesh: Evidence from Chatal Village in Sylhet District. The Journal of Social Freedom, Vol. 1(1), pp. 42-55, Gazipur: Bangladesh Health Education and Legal Aid Foundation
  • 10. Paul, K. & Bhattacharjee, P. (2016). Social Services and Social Work in Bangladesh: An Exploration. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK, Vol. 2(1), pp. 63-78


Book/ Book Chapter


  • History and Philosophy of Social Work
  • Social Welfare Services in Bangladesh
  • Social Problem Analysis
  • Rural Community Development
  • International Social Work
  • Social Policy and Planning
  • NGOs and Development

Awards & Recognition

  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2015-16, 2016-2017,2018, 2019, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
  • Received Chairman’s Award for Topmost Position in 104th Foundation Training Course in NAEM(National Academy for Educational Management), Education Ministry.