Faculty Profile
Md Mizanur Rahman
Contact Information
Md Mizanur Rahman is a faculty of the Department of Social Work of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh from October 1999 to the present. He joined as Lecturer in the department on 24th October 1999. Later, he was promoted to the posts e. g. of Assistant Professor in 2002, Associate Professor in 2011, Professor in 2015, Professor (2nd Grade) in 2019. Prior to his joining he obtained BSS and MSS from the Institute of Social Welfare and Research in 1994 and 1995 consecutively. He also received Master in Public Health from Vilnius University, Lithuania in 2011 and Master in Health Systems from Deusto University, Spain in 2011. He was awarded Research Fellowship as 'Research Fellow and Visiting Professor" by the American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS) to conduct a study "Social Background to Health Problems of Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York, USA under the Department of Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University in New York, USA in 2017. He has been deeply engaged with Public Health research since 2011. He is keenly interested to conduct researches on Climate Change and Public Health, Health Issues of Marginalized Communities, Human Rights and Health, Health-seeking Behavior, Violence and Health, Social Capital and Health, Ageing and Health, Health of Divorced People, Research Methods, Socio-cultural Discrimination and Health. He has already completed a number of research projects on multidisciplinary issues funded by many national and international organizations. He offers the social work students a number of courses such as Human Physiology, Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health, Human Demography, Culture and Social Work Practice, Society Culture and Social Work, Social Work Education: National and International Context, Advanced Statistics, Introduction to Social Research, Gender Development and Social Work, Social Policy and Planning etc. He has been able to so far publish numerous articles in many national and international peer reviewed journals.
Research Fellowship, AIBS, Department of Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University in New York, USA in 2017
Master in Public Health, Vilnius University, Lithuania in 2011.
Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems, Deusto University, Spain and Corvinus University, Hungary in 2010
Master of Social Sciences (MSS in Social Welfare), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1995.
Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS in Social Welfare) University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1994.
Higher Secondary Education (HSC-Intermediate), Shyamnagar Mohsin College, Jessore Board, Bangladesh in 1991.
Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Bhurulia High School, Jessore Board, Bangladesh in 1989.
Research Interests
Climate Change and Public Health
Health Issues of Marginalized Communities
Human Rights and Health
Health-seeking Behavior
Gender Violence and Health
Social Capital and Health
Research Methods
Ageing and Health
Health of Divorced People
Socio-cultural Discrimination and Health
Active Research Project
1. Reproductive Health Behaviors of Rural Adolescent Girls Studying at Secondary School: A Study, Principal Investigator, Promotional Research Grant 2023-2024 funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
2. Effects of Old Age Allowance on Social Protection of Rural Elderly: A Study, Principal Investigator, Promotional Research Grant 2022-2023 funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Previous Research Project
1. The Nexus between Socioeconomic Conditions and Health of the Khasi Indigenous Community
2. Survival Patterns of the Transgender People Living in Sylhet
3. Health-seeking Behavior of Ethnic Communities Living in Bangladesh
4. Social Capital and Health Care Access of Rural Married Women in Sylhet
5. Health-seeking Behaviors of Rural Married Women in Bangladesh
6. The State of Loneliness, Vulnerability and Widowhood of Elderly Women
7. The Bangladesh Government’s Initiatives for Education and Rehabilitation of the Distressed and destitute children
8. Climate Change and Public Health Impacts
9. Dowry and Family Violence against Muslim Married Women in Bangladesh
10. Social Consequences of Divorce in Bangladesh
11. Industrial Disasters, Corporate Social Responsibility and Workers’ well-being: A study on Apparel Industry of Bangladesh’, Associate Investigator, Funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet
12. Impact of Climatic Disasters on the Health of Coastal Populations: A Study in the South-west Coast of Bangladesh, Principal Investigator, SUST Research Centre Project, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
13. Social Backgrounds to Health Inequalities of the Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York, Principal Investigator, Department of Populations and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University in New York, USA
14. Public Health Impacts of Shrimp Farming with Water Salinity: A study on the south-west coasts of Bangladesh, Principal Investigator, Funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
15. Socioeconomic impacts of Farming with Water Salinity: A study on the south-west coasts of Bangladesh, Funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
16. Socioeconomic Effects of the Climatic Disaster ‘Cyclone Amphan’ on Coastal Dwellers: A Study in the South-west Coast of Bangladesh, Principal Investigator, Promotional Research Grant 2020-2021 funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
17. Effects of the Climatic Disaster ‘Cyclone Amphan’ on Coastal Dwellers: A Study in the South-west Coast of Bangladesh, Principal Investigator, Promotional Research Grant 2020-2021 funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
18. Effects of Shrimp Farming with Water Salinity on Social and Local Environment: A Study in the South-west Coast of Bangladesh, Principal Investigator, Promotional Research Grant 2021-2022 funded by University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
19. Assessment of Local Governance for Children: Community Engagement and SBCC Component, and Union Level Budget Allocation/Expenditures, Principal Investigator, jointly funded and collaborated jointly collaborated by UNICEF and the Government of Bangladesh in 2020.
20. A research project on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) in Addressing the Increasing Trend of COVID-19 in Three Border Adjacent Districts of Sylhet Division, Principal Investigator, jointly funded by UNICEF Bangladesh and Village Education Resource Center (VERC), Savar, Dhaka in 2021.
21. Health Effects of Climatic Disasters: A Study on Coastal Populations in Satkhira District, Principal Investigator, Promotional Research Grant 2021-2022 funded by Social Science Research Council, Planning Division, Ministry of Planning, GOB, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka
External Affiliations
Reviewer of many national and International Peer Reviewed Journals
Journal Publications
1. Rahman, M.M., Rahman, S.T. & Monjur-Ul-Haider, M. (2020). Sighs behind the Veils: A display of late-life widowhood of rural women in Habiganj. SUST Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 1-15
2. Rahman, M.M. & Lieberman, L. S. (2019). Health behaviors of adolescents: A regional study on high-school-going students in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 26(2), BPATC, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. Rahman, M.M., & Lieberman, L.S. (2019). Social ramifications of dowry transaction in Muslim marriage: An empirical study. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6(5), 217-231
4. Rahman, M.M., Islam, M.S. & Parveen, S.S. (2019). Beyond the Boundary of Healthcare Systems: Can social capital complement the health outcomes of the aging? Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA), 27(2): 11-21
5. Rahman, M.M., Rahman, M.H., Parveen, S.S. & Giedraitis, V.R. (2017). Health Seeking Behavior and Healthcare Access to Married Women in Bangladesh: Encouraging and Discouraging Factors. South Asian Journal of Participative Development, 16(2), Pune, India: Center for Social Research and Development
6. Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. H., Zakaria, A. F. M., & Haider, M. M. (2015). Street Children: Survival on the Extreme Margins of Human Life? Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Education, 2(9), ARC Publications: Hyderabad.
7. Rahman, M. M., Ukil, M. M. I., Zakaria, A. F. M., & Haider, M. M. (2015). Health Effects of Climate Change on Marginalized Populations in Bangladesh. Proceedings of GAIN 2014 International Conference on Governance and Innovation. Centre for Administrative Research & Innovation, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
8. Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. H., Zakaria, A. F. M., & Haider, M. M. (2015). Street Children: Survival on the Extreme Margins of Human Life? Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Education, 2(9), ARC Publications: Hyderabad
9. Rahman, M. M., & Hossain, M. A. (2014). Deconstruction of Population, Politics and Environment: Towards Sustainable Development. Journal of ASA University Review, 8-2(15), Center for Socio-economic Research, Bangladesh.
10. Rahman, M. M., Liberman, L. S., Giedraitis, V. R., & Akhtar, M. T. (2014). The Healthcare Systems in Bangladesh: An Overview of Healthcare Management, Issues and Challenges. Journal of Sustainable Regional Health Systems, 1(2), Reg-health Publications, Europe.
11. Rahman, M, M., & Haider, M. M. (2014). The Impact of Al-Biruni’s Astronomical Works on Modern Astronomy. Proceedings of the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference on Regional Development and World Peace, 2, Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation (ARBF), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
12. Rahman, M. M., & Chowdhury, S. R. (2014). Health Effects of Climate Change on the Ultra-poor People Living in Haor Basins of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Development Approaches for WaSH Implementation, Department of Social Work, SUST and IDEA, Sylhet.
13. Rahman, M. M., Lieberman, L. S., Giedraitis, V. R., & Akhtar, M. T. (2014). The Healthcare Systems in Bangladesh: An Overview of Healthcare Management, Issues and Challenges. Journal of Sustainable Regional Health Systems, 1(2), Reg-health Publications, Europe
14. Rahman, M. M., & Hossain, M. A. (2014). Deconstruction of Population, Politics and Environment: Towards Sustainable Development. Journal of ASA University Review, 8-2(15), Center for Socio-economic Research, Bangladesh
15. Rahman, M. M., Liberman, L. S., Giedraitis, V. R., & Akhtar, M. T. (2013). Shrimp Cultivation with Water Salinity in Bangladesh: The Implication of an Ecological Model. Universal Journal of Public Health, 1(1), Horizon Research Publishing Corporation, USA.
16. Rahman, M. M., Liberman, L. S., & Giedraitis, V. R. (2013). The Paradigm from Traditional Public Administration to New Public Management System in Bangladesh: What do reform initiatives stand for? Journal of Advances in Economics and Business, 1(3), pp. 297–303, Horizon Research Publishing Corporation, USA.
17. Rahman, M. M., Liberman, L. S., Giedraitis, V. R., & Akhtar, M. T. (2013). The Social Sanction of Divorce: Who ultimately pays the social costs of its adverse effects? Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 1(1), Horizon Research Publishing Corporation, USA.
18. Rahman, M. M., & Rahman, M. H. (2013). Street and Working Children at Night in Sylhet City. Journal of Child Vision, 7(4), School of Research for Child Development, Bangladesh.
19. Al-Amin, M., Hossain, M. I. & Mathbor, G. M., (2013). Women Empowerment through Microcredit: A Rhetoric or Reality? An evidence from Bangladesh, Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 2(2), 107-126.
20. Rahman, M. M., & Jalil, M. A. (2012). Distribution of Stipends to the Female Students for Developing the Women Education in Bangladesh: A Regional Study (Bengali). SUST Journal of Social Sciences, 17(3), SUST, Sylhet.
21. Rahman, M. M., & Rahman M. H. (2011). Worker-owned Cooperative: Justification of Its Possibilities to the Socio-economic and Entrepreneurial Culture in Bangladesh, Journal of the People’s University of Bangladesh, 5(1), The People’s University, Bangladesh
22. Rahman, M. M., & Wakkas, M. A. (2009). The Role of Companions for the Resolution of Drug Addiction: A Study on the Drug Addicts and their companies (Bengali). Journal of SUST Studies, 11(1), SUST, Sylhet.
23. Rahman, M. M., & Uddin, F. (2007). The Multifarious Consequences and Social Exclusions of Loneliness, Vulnerability and Widowhood of Elderly Women in Rural Bangladesh: A Study on Hobiganj District. The Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 16(1), BPATC, Bangladesh.
24. Rahman, M. M., & Chowdhury, S. R. (2007). The Roles of Professional Social Workers in Society in the light of the Marxist and Functionalist View: An Overview (Bengali). Journal of SUST Studies, 9(3), SUST, Sylhet.
25. Rahman, M. M. (2007). Social Life and Culture of Patra Indigenous Community of Sylhet Region in Bangladesh: An Anthropological Investigation (Bengali). Annual Review of Ethnic Affairs, 1(1), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
26. Hossain M. I., Akhtar T., Rahman, M. M. & Uddin, M. T. (2006). Rethinking the Approaches to Women Empowerment: Bangladesh Perspective. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(5), pp.1159-1164, Asian Network for Scientific Information, Pakistan.
27. Rahman, M. M., & Akhtar, T. (2006). The Awareness of Industry Workers about Labor Welfare and Labor Legislations: A Study (Bengali). The Journal of Social Development, 17(1), Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka.
28. Rahman, M. M., & Hossen, M. A. (2006). Problems of Women in Work Place: A Study on Employed Women (Bengali). Empowerment, 8(1), Women for Women, Dhaka.
29. Rahman, M. M. (2005). The Nature of Prevailing State of Rural Aging in Bangladesh-Problems and Its Causes: An Overview (Bengali). Journal of Public Administration, 10(2005), BPATC, Bangladesh.
30. Rahman, M. M., & Chowdhury, S. R. (2004). The Mechanism of Establishing Rapport and Its Practices in Social Work Profession: A Critical Review. Journal of Public Administration, 31(2004), BPATC, Bangladesh.
31. Hossen, M. A., & Rahman, M. M. (2003). Rural Poverty Alleviation Programs in Bangladesh: Expectations and Achievements (Bengali). Journal of Bangladesh Public Administration, 8(2003), BPATC, Bangladesh.
32. Rahman, M. M. (2002). Child Labor in Bangladesh: A Reality (Bengali). Quarterly Journal of Bangladesh Public Administration, 25(2002), BPATC, Bangladesh.
1. Paper Presented on Determinants of Health-seeking Behavior and Healthcare Access of Married Women in Bangladesh at International Conference 2016 held on 6-7 February 2016 arranged by the Department of Anthropology, SUST
2. Rahman, M. M., Ukil, M. M. I., Zakaria, A. F. M., & Haider, M. M. (2015). Health Effects of Climate Change on Marginalized Populations in Bangladesh. Proceedings of GAIN 2014 International Conference on Governance and Innovation. Centre for Administrative Research & Innovation, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. International conference on Governance and Innovation, GAIN 2014, Social Development held at BARD, Comilla, Bangladesh on 19th to 20th December 2014
4. National Seminar on Victimology and Restorative Justice in Bangladesh held on May 16, 2014 at ISWR, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
5. Regional Conference on Social Development held on April 24, 2014 at SUST Auditorium, Sylhet, Bangladesh
6. Rahman, M. M., & Chowdhury, S. R. (2014). Health Effects of Climate Change on the Ultra-poor People Living in Haor Basins of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Development Approaches for WaSH Implementation, Department of Social Work, SUST and IDEA, Sylhet
7. Rahman, M, M., & Haider, M. M. (2014). The Impact of Al-Biruni’s Astronomical Works on Modern Astronomy. Proceedings of the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference on Regional Development and World Peace, 2, Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation (ARBF), Dhaka, Bangladesh
8. Food Security in Haor Basin held on September 2012 at SUST Auditorium, Sylhet, Bangladesh
9. Implications of Disasters Management in Bangladesh held on 2012 at SUST Auditorium, Sylhet, Bangladesh
10. Social Capital and Social Development held on 2012 at SUST Auditorium, Sylhet, Bangladesh
11. Improve the Preparedness to give Psychological help in Event of Crisis held on 23rd December 2009 to 26 December 2009 at University of Deusto, Spain
Book/ Book Chapter
Professor (2nd Grade) in 2019, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh dated from 08/11/2019 to present
Professor in 2015, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh dated from 07/11/2015 to 07/11/2019
Associate Professor in 2011, Dept. of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh dated from 29/09/2011 to 06/11.2015
Assistant Professor in 2002, Department of Social Work, SUST, Bangladesh dated from 24/10/2002 to 28/09/2011
Lecturer in 1999, Department of Social Work, SUST, Bangladesh dated from 24/10/1999 to 23/10/2002
Assistant Provost, Second Students’ Residential Hall, SUST, Bangladesh dated from 07/10/2004 to 12/03/2009
Awards & Recognition
American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS) Fellowship 2107 awarded by American Institute of Bangladesh Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship awarded by the Consortium of European Commission for the year of September 2009 to September 2011
Masters Scholarship awarded by the Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh for one year from 1994-1995
Graduate Scholarship awarded by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall Merit Scholarship, Dhaka University, Bangladesh for one year
Merit Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Record awarded by Satkhira District Students Welfare Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh for the year of 1993-1994
Board Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Result in Higher Secondary (Intermediate Level) School Certificate Examination awarded by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh for three years
Board Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Result in Secondary School Certificate Examination awarded by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh for two years (from 1990-1991).
Secretary, 2nd International Conference on Social Work and Sustainable Social Development 2023, Dept of Social Work, SUST, Sylhet
Head, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114 from 08.05.2023 to .....
Graduate Supervision
1. M.Phil -03
2. Master Thesis-07