Faculty Profile
Dr. Khalidur Rahman
Contact Information
Dr. Rahman was born on December 22, 1976, in Sylhet, to his father, Tayabur Rahman, and mother, Maya Begum. He was one of seven children—five boys and two girls. He started his career in 2002 as a lecturer in statistics at the M.C. Academy, Golapgonj, Sylhet. In 2004, he joined the department of statistics, SUST, as a lecturer. Later, he became an assistant professor in 2007. After he had been appointed as an associate professor in 2015, he was promoted to professor in 2018.
PhD in Operations Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, 2014.
M.Sc. in Statistics, 1999 (exam held in 2002) Letter Grade: A (CGPA: 3.84 out of 4),
B.Sc. (Honors) in Statistics, 1998 (exam held in 2000) Letter Grade: A- (CGPA: 3.65 out of 4),
H.S.C. (Science), 1994; First Division, Cumilla Board, M.C. College, Sylhet
S.S.C. (Science), 1992; First Division, Cumilla Board, M.C. Academy, Golapgonj, Sylhet.
Research Interests
Environmental Resources
Education and Social Issues
Water Quality Assessment
Active Research Project
1. Principal Investigator- Air Quality Trends and Their Association with Urbanization in Sylhet Division, Bangladesh: A Remote Sensing and GIS-based Statistical Study. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST(2022)
Previous Research Project
1. Principal Investigator- Modeling and Forecasting Trend of Global Warming in Bangladesh Using Machine Learning. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST (2021)
2. Principal Investigator- A Statistical and Econometric Study to Assess and Characterize Surface and Ground Water Quality in the First Part of Eastern Surma–Kushiyara Floodplain Basin. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST (2019-2020)
3. Principal Investigator- Surface and Ground Water in the Vicinity of Sylhet City, Bangladesh: Assessment of Quality and Association Based on Multivariate Statistical Techniques. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST (2018).
4. Principal Investigator- An Assessment of Queuing System at M.A.G. Osmani Medical College Hospital, Sylhet. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST (2016).
5. Member: Association of SSC & HSC Results with Admission Test in Public Universities of Bangladesh - A Case Study of SUST. Funded by UGC, Bangladesh (2009).
External Affiliations
Dr. Rahman was a part-time faculty member of Metropolitan University from 2005 to 2007, and he was also a part-time faculty member of Leading University and Sylhet International University.
Journal Publications
1. Tarun, D. M., Rahman, K., Alam, S., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). Trace elements in surface water and groundwater in the Surma–Kushiyara Floodplain Basin, Bangladesh: A multivariate statistical evaluation. Water Practice & Technology, 17(11), 2278-2295.
2. Urmi, U. F., Rahman, K., Uddin, M. J., & Hasan, M. N. (2022). The Prevalence of Active Commuting to School and the Factors Influencing Mode Choice: A Study of University Students in a Secondary City of Bangladesh. Sustainability, 14(24), 16949.
3. Rahman, K., Vandoni, M., Cheval, B., Asaduzzaman, M., Hasan, M. N., & Rahman, S. T. (2021). Exploring two pandemics in academic arena: Physical activity and sedentary behaviors profile of university students in Bangladesh. European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education, 11(2), 358-371.
4. Hasan, M. N., Rahman, K., & Bhuia, M. R. (2020). Assessment of Ground Water Quality in the Vicinity of Sylhet City, Bangladesh: A Multivariate Analysis. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 6(5), 1-16.
5. Faisal, F. E. M., & Rahman, K. (2017). An Evaluation of Competition and Challenges among Leasing Companies with Banks in Bangladesh. Journal on Business & Technology, 4, 81-85.
6. Bhuia, M. R., Das, S., Rahman, K., Alam, K., Kawsar, L. A., & Hossain, M. K. (2016). An Assessment of the Importance of Admission Test for Enrollments in Public Universities of Bangladesh. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 3(1), 9-16.
7. Bhuia, M. R., Rahman, K., Alam, K., Smrity, L. A., & Hossain, M. K. (2015). Forced Marriage in Bangladesh: A Quantitative Study to Identify Key Factors. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(08), 450-459.
8. Rahman, K., Ghani, N. A., Kamil, A. A., Mustafa, A., & Chowdhury, M. A. K. (2015). An M/M/c/K state-dependent model for pedestrian flow control and design of facilities. PLOS ONE, 10(7), e0133229.
9. Rahman, K., Ghani, N. A., Kamil, A. A., Mustafa, A., & Chowdhury, M. A. K. (2013). Modelling Pedestrian Travel Time and the Design of Facilities: A Queuing Approach. PLOS ONE, 8(5), e63503.
10. Rahman, K., Ghani, N. A., Kamil, A. A., & Mustafa, A. (2013). Weighted regression method for the study of pedestrian flow characteristics in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Modern Applied Science, 7(4), 17-30.
11. Rahman, K., Ghani, N. A., Kamil, A. A., & Mustafa, A. (2012). Analysis of Pedestrian Free Flow Walking Speed in a Least Developing Country: A Factorial Design Study. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 4(21), 4299-4304.
12. Chowdhury, M. A. K., Rahman, K., Ali, R., Sultana, T., & Rana, M. (2009). Effects of Admission Criteria on the Students Performance in Bachelor's Programs: A Systematic Review from Bangladesh. Journal of Business, Society and Science, 1(1), 52-73.
13. Chowdhury, M. A. K., Ali, R., & Rahman, K. (2008). Influence of Breastfeeding on Fertility. SIU Studies, 2(4), 52-60.
14. Faisal, F. E. M., Islam, K. J., & Rahman, K. (2008). Trend of Inflation in Bangladesh and Its Impact on Income and Expenditure. Journal on Business & Technology, 1(1), 90-93.
1. Hasan, M. N., Rahman, K., & Tajmunnaher (2020). Hydrochemical Assessment of the Groundwater Quality of Sylhet City. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh
2. Rahman, K., Ghani, N. A., Kamil, A. A., & Mustafa, A. (2014). Development of an M/M/c/K State-Dependent Model for the Management of Pedestrian Movements on Sidewalks. Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2014, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
3. Rahman, K., Ghani, N. A., Kamil, A. A., & Mustafa, A. (2013). A Queuing Approach for Modelling Pedestrian Travel Time. Paper presented at The International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2013, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
4. Rahman, K., Ghani, N. A., Kamil, A. A., & Mustafa, A. (2012). Pedestrian Flow Characteristics in a Least Developing Country. Paper presented at The International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications 2012, Bali, Indonesia
Book/ Book Chapter
Stochastic Processes
Time Series Analysis
Multivariate Analysis
Design and Analysis of Experiments
Basic Statistics
Awards & Recognition
Recipient of Research University Postgraduate Research Grant Scheme (RU-PRGS 2012), USM, Malaysia
Recipient of the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Fellowship, Penang, Malaysia, 2010-2013
Recipient of an International Mobility Grant from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, 2006
The Vice-Chancellor's Medal (awarded in recognition of the highest talent and greatest achievement among all graduates of the School of Physical Sciences in the Bachelor’s Level Examination)
Book Prize (awarded in recognition of the highest talent and greatest achievement among all graduates of the Department of Statistics in the Bachelor’s Level Exam)
Book Prize (awarded in recognition of the highest talent and greatest achievement among all graduates of the Department of Statistics in the Master’s Level Exam)
Recipient of a stipend from SUST for meritorious performance in B. Sc. (Honors)
Graduate Supervision
1. Supervision - MS Thesis: Ummay Fatema Urmi- Factors Associated with the Commuting Mode Choice to School: An Investigation among University Students in a Secondary City of Global South
2. Supervision - MS Thesis: Mohammad Nayeem Hasan- Assessment of Ground Water Quality in the Vicinity of Sylhet City, Bangladesh: A Multivariate Analysis
3. Supervision - MS Project: Tanjina Sultana-Evaluation of SUST Bachelor’s Programs Admission Process.
4. Co-Supervision - MS Thesis: Nahid Sultana- Predicting Water Level in Sylhet: An Application of Artificial Neural Network & ARIMAX Approach in the Field of Hydrology
5. Co-Supervision - MS Thesis: Md. Masud Rana-Rainfall Forecasting in Sylhet: A Comparison between Time Series Modeling and Neural Network Modeling.
6. Co-Supervision - MS Thesis: Noor Jannat -Fertilizer Consumption and Forecasting in Bangladesh.
7. Co-Supervision - Undergraduate Thesis: Md. Sakhawat Hossain & Quazi Nirzzhorul Islam-Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Data and Optimization of Rain Gauge Stations for Sylhet City Corporation.