Faculty Profile
Dr. Md Zakir Hossain
Contact Information
Dr. Zakir born in Chandpur in October 15, 1965. He has passed SSC Examination from Narayanpur High School and passed HSC examination from Matlab Degree College. He has been graduated from Rajshahi University and obtained First Class with First Position in both B.Sc. (honours) and M.Sc. degrees. He obtained M.Phil degree in Statistics (in the area of Bio-statistics) from Rajshahi University, Bangladesh and Ph.D in Statistics (in the area of Demography) from Banaras Hindu University, India.
At Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Professor Hossain has carried out responsibilities as the Head, Department of Statistics; Dean, School of Physical Sciences; Dean, School of Agricultural and Mineral Sciences; Director, SUST Research Centre while doing the teaching and research all along.
Professor Hossain taught different courses at graduate and under-graduate levels including Statistical Inference, Bio-statistics, Sampling Technique etc. He is competent in using most of the statistical software used for data management and analysis.
Dr. Hossain has 3 books under his authorship and published a staggering number of 66 research articles in reputed journals at home and abroad. In line of presentation, Dr. Hossain has offered 47 scientific papers in different national and international conferences.
Dr. Hossain has designed and implemented a number of study projects on various issues in micro and macro levels sponsored by several organizations including IFC, FAO, EU, UNICEF, DANIDA, Save the Children, CARE, University Grants Commission, Ministry of Education (GARE), and Social Science Research Council and Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board. In addition, he has provided consultancy to various issues in different organizations and projects such as Learning Loss Study - 2022, Food Security for Vulnerable Group Development (FSVGD) Project, MNH-FP Services (Mamota Project), UNICEF-BBS Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), JANO Project, and Patuakhali Barguna Aquaculture Extension Project (PBAEP). Professor Hossain has also worked as SPM of a UGC-HEQEP Sub-project (University-wide) sponsored by the World Bank. Professor Hossain’s areas of research include impact studies on development and demographic issues. He has completed a number of research projects related to national planning and policies.
Professor Hossain is a member of various professional organizations namely Bangladesh Statistical Association (BSA), International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP), Islamic Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS), Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS), and Bangladesh Association of Scientists and Scientific Professionals (BASSP). Currently, Professor Hossain hold the position of the Member of the Executive Committee (2019-2021) of Bangladesh Statistical Association.
Ph.D in Statistics (in the area of Demography), Banaras Hindu University, India, 2000; Topic: Some Demographic Models and their Applications with Special Reference to Bangladesh
M.Phil. in Statistics (in the area of Biostatistics), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 1994; Topic: Impact of Some Diseases on Expectation of Life in Rural Bangladesh: A Competing Risk Study
M.Sc. in Statistics in the year 1986 from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh; Result: First Class First Position
B.Sc. (Honours) in Statistics in the year 1985 from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh; Result: First Class First Position
Research Interests
Demographic issues including Migration, Reproductive health, Age at marriage, Mortality etc.
Impact studies on various development issues like Food Security, Poverty, Investment Climate etc.
Impact of Climate Change on life and livelihood, Adaptation to Climate Change
Haor economy and livelihood opportunity
Active Research Project
1. 'Education Statistics Expert' of research project the “Learning Loss Study Due to School Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Primary Level in Bangladesh” commissioned by the NCTB and Funded by the European Union.
2. ‘Principal Investigator’ in the research project “Lessening the Haor Inhabitant’s Poverty via Raising Resilience amidst Flood, Credit-trap and Covid-19” Sponsored by SUST Research Centre.
3. ‘Principal Investigator’ in the research project “Chronic Poverty Condition in the Haor Region of Bangladesh: An Evaluation of Simultaneous Impact of Microcredits and Social Safety Nets Programmes” Sponsored by Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Ministry of Planning, GoB.
Previous Research Project
1. 2011-13: ‘Principal Investigator’ “Rural-urban Migration and its Implications for Food Security in Bangladesh” sponsored by FAO and NFPCSP, funded by EC, USAID and GoB.
2. 2018-20: ‘Principal Investigator’ “Effectiveness of Some Selected Promotional Social Safety Nets Programmes in Bangladesh: Formulation for Future Strategies” Sponsored by Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Ministry of Planning, GoB.
3. 2017-19: ‘Principal Investigator’ “Reducing the Errors in the Measurement of Food Security in Bangladesh through Development and Implementation of an Innovative Method” sponsored by the Ministry of Education, GoB under Grants for Advanced Research in Education (GARE) program.
4. 2018: ‘Consultant’ for the Baseline Study of Maternal-Newborn Health and Family Planning (Mamota) project sponsored by the Save the Children International, Bangladesh.
5. 2017: ‘Chief Consultant’ for the Endline Evaluation of Mamota Project (Expansion of Maternal, Newborn Health and Family Planning Services) implemented by FIVDB and sponsored by the Save the Children and KOIKA.
6. 2016-2018: ‘Principal Investigator’ “Targeting Effectiveness and Productive Outcomes of the Social Safety Net Programs in Rural Bangladesh: An Evaluation” sponsored by the Ministry of Education, GoB under Grants for Advanced Research in Education (GARE) program.
7. 2014-16: ‘Sub-Project Manager’ “Enhancement of Library and IT Facilities for SUST” under HEQEP-UGC, sponsored by The World Bank.
8. 2014-16: ‘Project Director’ “Capital Formation through Remittances and Investment Climate: A Study in the Sylhet Region” Sponsored by Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Ministry of Planning, GoB.
9. 2013-14: ‘Project Director’ “International Migration and Household Investment Behaviour of Remittances in Sylhet Region of Bangladesh” sponsored by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh.
10. 2012-13: Project Director’ in the research project “Impact of International Remittances on Education in Rural Bangladesh” sponsored by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh.
11. 2010-11: ‘Project Director’ “A Comprehensive Study on the Causes and Consequences of Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh - What Should be the Next Step and Strategy? Sponsored by Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Ministry of Planning, GoB.
12. 2009: 'Principal Investigator' “Social and Economic Determinants of Female Age at Marriage in Rural Bangladesh: A Case Study”, financed by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh under the research grants of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology.
13. 2008-2010: ‘Co-Investigator’ in the research project “Food Security Strategies of the People Living in Haor Areas: Problems and Prospects” sponsored by FAO under NFPCSP of Ministry of Food, GoB.
14. 2008: Lead Researcher in the research project “Lack of Utilization of Local Funds and Productive Investment Climate in Sylhet Region: Perception Analysis” under IFC-BICF Small Grants Program, sponsored by the International Finance Corporation.
15. 2007: Consultant – Report Writing for “Food Security for Vulnerable Group Development (FSVGD)” Project. This project is funded by European Commission and executed by World Food Programme (WFP) with the co-operation of Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh.
16. 2005 'Principal Investigator' “Sustainable Birth Registration System in Bangladesh – A Case Study in Sunamganj Pourashava”, Sponsored by Social Science Research Council, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
17. 2005: Consultant for “KAP Survey on Nutrition in the Chittagong Hill Tracts” of Integrated Community Development Project, Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board.
18. 2001: Consultant to Baseline analysis of Patuakhali Barguna Aquaculture Extension Project (PBAEP), Sponsored by the DANIDA.
19. 1997: Principal Investigator, “Impact of Rural Out-Migration on Fertility: A Case Study of Comilla District”, sponsored (technical) by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
20. 1995: Consultant to "CSD Multiple Indicators Survey 1996 (Rural and Urban)" , sponsored by the UNICEF.
21. 1995: Consultant to "CSD Multiple Indicators Survey 1995 (Rural and Urban)" , sponsored by the UNICEF.
22. 1994-96: 'Project Director' "Economic and Demographic Impact of Internal Migration in Bangladesh - A Case Study of Sylhet District" sponsored by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh.
23. 1994: Consultant to "Child Survival & Development (CSD) Multiple Indicators Survey 1994 (Rural and Urban Areas)" sponsored and initiated by UNICEF.
24. 2020-2022: 'Principal Investigator' in the research project "Capital Formation through Expatriate’s Remittances: A Study on Investment in Education", sponsored by the SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
25. 2022-2023: “Team Leader” of research project the “4th Year Annual Survey of Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) project”, funded by the European Union, with co-funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation, and implemented by CARE as consortium lead, Plan International, and Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO).
External Affiliations
Member of the Editorial Board of different journals including SUST Journal of Science & Technology, International Journal of Statistical Sciences, Indian Journal of Population and Development Studies
Expert Member of Selection Board of different universities
Expert Member of different universities of home and abroad for Evaluation of Ph.D and M.Phil Research
Resource Person for different Training Programs on Research Methodology, Statistical Techniques and Application Software in several Universities
Journal Publications
1. Errors in Measuring Poverty and Food Insecurity for Perception-based Food Consumption Data: An Alternative Approach for Accurate Data Collection, International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 22(2):47-60.
2. Impact of Rural-Urban Migration on Different Shares of Household Expenditures at Origin in Bangladesh, South Asian Journal of Population and Health, Vol. 12(1-2:): 55-66 (2021).
3. Consequences of Social Safety Nets Benefits and Causes for Not Included in the Targeted Programmes –A Multivariate Approach (Jointly with Rahima Begum and Md. Aminul Kaiser), International Journal of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 21(1), 2021, pp 1-16.
4. Distribution of Internal Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh: Application of Probability Models (Jointly with Mohammad Mahmood Riad), SUST Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 31(1), 2021: 36-43.
5. Consequences of the Benefits from Promotional Safety Net Programmes in Bangladesh and Factors for Not Graduating from Poverty (Jointly with Fazlur Rahman and Roushni R. Majumder), Indian Journal of Population and Development, Vol. 1(1), January 2021: 107-120.
6. Impact of Major Promotional Safety Net Programmes in Bangladesh: A Quantitative Assessment for Graduation from Poverty, SUST Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 32(2), December 2021: 09-32.
7. Evaluation of Performance Efficiency of Stipend Programmes of Primary and Secondary Education in Bangladesh through application of Stochastic Frontier Models, International Journal of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 20(2), 2020, pp. 117-132.
8. Impact of Rural-urban Migration on Household Income in Rural Bangladesh: An Application of 2-Stage NELM Model, International Journal of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 20(2), 2020, pp. 191-2016.
9. Measurement of Food Insecurity and Poverty by Different Methods - Does the Method Matter, International Journal of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 20(1), 2020, pp. 79-96.
10. Potentials and Hindrances of Directing Remittances Investment: A Study in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh, SUST Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 30(1), 2020: 14-24.
11. Estimation of Child Undernutrition at Disaggregated Administrative Tiers of a North-Eastern District of Bangladesh: An Application of Small Area Estimation Method (Jointly with Sumonkanti Das, Bappi and Sabbir Tahmidur Rahman. In the book 'Statistics for Data Science and Policy Analysis', Pages: 267-281, Publisher: Springer-Singapore, 2020.
12. Determinants of Rural-urban Migration in Bangladesh at Community and Household Levels: A Multi-Model Analysis (Jointly with Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Riad), Demography-India, Vol. 49(2) (2020), pp. 123-140.
13. Application of Stochastic Frontier Model in Evaluating the Efficiency of Allowance related Public Safety Nets Programmes in Bangladesh, SUST Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 29(1), 2019: 39-46.
14. Farmers’ adaptation strategies to drought and their determinants in barind tract, Bangladesh; SAARC Journal of Agriculture, 17(1), 161-174, 2019.
15. Drought adaptation measures and their effectiveness at Barind Tract in northwest Bangladesh: a perception study, Natural Hazards (July 2019) vol., 97 (3):1253-76.
16. International Migration Diversity in Sylhet Region of Bangladesh with respect to Destination and Impact of migration on Household Investment Behavior, South Asian Journal of Population and Health, vol. 11(1-2), Pages 85-106.
17. Targeting Errors in Beneficiary Selection of Main Public Social Safety Nets Programmes in Bangladesh, Demography-India, Vol.47 (1), pp: 23-37.
18. Potential Investment Sectors in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh and Ways to Motivate the Users for more Investment of Remittances, South Asian Journal of Population and Health, vol. 11(1-2), Pages 107-124.
19. Do International Remittances facilitate Education in Rural Bangladesh? (jointly with Jasim Uddin Ahmed and Gowranga Kumar Paul), SUST Journal of Science & Technology, vol. 27(1), Pages 21-32.
20. Socio-Economic Determinants of The Varying Levels of Food Insecurity Amongst the Haor (Ox-Bow Lake) Residents in Bangladesh, (jointly with Mohammad Mizanul Haque KAZAL and Sanzidur RAHMAN), Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 37(1 & 2): 17 -34.
21. Performance of Remittances in Household Investment Behaviour in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh (jointly with Jasim Uddin Ahmed), Demography-India, Vol.46 (2), pp: 31-43.
22. Poverty Profiles and Coping Strategies of the Haor (Ox-bow lake) Households in Bangladesh (jointly with Mohammad Mizanul Haque KAZAL and Sanzidur RAHMAN), Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, vol. 8(1), Pages 168-191. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development under open access license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.
23. Predictors of Investment Expenditure from Foreign Remittances in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh: A Household-Level Analysis (jointly with Jasim Uddin Ahmed and Sabbir Tahmidur Rahman), Journal of Population and Social Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 11-25.
24. Determinants of Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh including its Consequences for Origin Households and Urban Amenities (jointly with Md. Ohidul Alam Khan, Jasim Uddin Ahmed), Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics. Vol. 5(2), Page 47–61.
25. Rural-urban Migration in Bangladesh and Its Nexus with Some Socioeconomic Indicators at Origin and Destination (jointly with Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Riad, Dr. Jasim Uddin Ahmed), IJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern, Vol. 4, Issue 12, pp. 1-14.
26. Poverty and Food Insecurity for the Haor People in Bangladesh: Status and Coping Strategy (jointly with M. M. H. Kazal and J. U. Ahmed), Farm Economy, vol.14, page 40-59.
27. SME Development in Crops, Livestock and Fisheries in Bangladesh: Fundamentals, Reasons and Achievements (jointly with M. M. H. Kazal and J. U. Ahmed), Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 437-462; 2015
28. Study on the Diversity and Predictors of Internal and International Migration in Bangladesh: A Panel Data Approach (jointly with Sabbir Tahmidur Rahman & Mohammad Mahmood Riad), International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, March 2014 edition.
29. Discriminating Factors of Internal and International Migrant Sending Households in Bangladesh (jointly with Sabbir Tahmidur Rahman & Mohammad Mahmood Riad), Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, March 2014 edition.
30. Poverty Status and Food Insecurity Coping Strategies: Evidence from Haor Areas of Bangladesh, Proceedings of the Seminar on Food Security in Haor Basin, Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, Dhaka; 2013.
31. Application of analytic hierarchy process in identification of productive investment sector: a case study of Sylhet in Bangladesh (jointly with S.K. Das and J.U. Ahmed) International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), a journal of Inderscience Publishers, 2012 vol.6 (5), pp 499-513.
32. Enterprise Development in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh: A Perceptive Assessment of Investment Climate (jointly with M. M. H. Kazal and F.E.M. Faisal), Bangladesh Arthonity Samity Samoyiki, 2012, pp 629-654.
33. Does Parents’ Socio-economic Condition Matter in Determining the Female Age at Marriage in Rural Bangladesh? - A Study in Sylhet District, (jointly with J. U. Ahmed) Demography-India, Vol. 40 (1), June 2011, pp 39-50.
34. Causes of Poor Utilization of Local Funds in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh – A Multivariate Analysis (jointly with M. M. H. Kazal and J. U. Ahmed), International Journal of Statistical Sciences (Professor P.C. Mahalanobis Memorial Special Issue), Vol. 11, September 2011, pp. 245-61.
35. Concentration and Elasticity Measurement of Selected Tea Companies in Bangladesh: An Econometric Analysis (jointly with M.A. Haque and M.B. Alam), Journal of Socioeconomic Research & Development, Vol. 7(3), June 2010, pp. 873-879.
36. Levels and Trend in Child Malnutrition in Bangladesh (jointly with Sumonkanti Das and Mossamet Kamrun Nesa), Asia Pacific Population Journal, Vol. 24(2), August 2009, pp. 51-78.
37. Child Mortality in a Developing Country: A Statistical Analysis (jointly with Md. Jamal Uddin and M.O. Ullah), Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, Vol. 3(4), Fall 2009, pp. 270-283.
38. Predictors of Infant mortality in a Developing Country (jointly with Md. Jamal Uddin), Asian Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 1(1),2008, pp. 1-16.
39. Predictors of Child Chronic Malnutrition in Bangladesh (jointly with Sumonkanti Das and M.A. Islam), Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Vol. 45(3), 2008, pp. 137-155.
40. Levels and Determinants of Child Undernutrition in Bangladesh (jointly with Sumonkanti Das), Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol. 24(4), 2008, pp. 301-323.
41. Out-Migration from Rural Villages in Bangladesh: A Micro-Level Study (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Journal of Population and Social Studies, vol. 13, No. 2, 2005, pp. 23-45.
42. Socioeconomic Aspects of Internal Migration in Bangladesh - A Case Study of Sylhet City (jointly with A.K. Chowdhury, M.K. Hossaon and Tofayel Ahmed), Journal of Sociology, vol. 1, No. 1 (January 2005).
43. Determinants of Rural Out-Migration in Bangladesh: A Household Level Analysis, Proc. ICCS-VIII, vol. 13, 2005, pp. 163-170, Pakistan.
44. Factors Influencing Fish Farming in Ponds in Bangladesh: Findings from a Baseline Survey, Proc. ICCS-VIII, vol. 13, 2005, pp. 171-180, Pakistan.
45. Trend and Instability of Export Earnings: A Comparative Study of SAARC Member Countries, Journal of Statistical Studies, vol. 24, (December, 2004), pp. 77-85.
46. Devaluation of Currencies among SAARC Countries: A Comparative Study (jointly with Azad Mahbubur Rashid Kazi and Tofayel Ahmed), Asian Affairs, vol. 26, No. 3 (July Sept, 2004), pp. 5-23.
47. Socio-economic Condition and Poverty Situation in Rural Southern Part of Bangladesh: A Household Level Study(jointly with Erik H.J. Keus), Journal of Population and Social Studies, Vol. 12, 2004, No. 2, pp. 135-163.
48. Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Rural Bangladesh (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava and M.K. Hossain), Journal of Statistical Studies, vol. 22, 2002, pp. 1-11.
49. Population Diversity and Rural Out-Migration: Testing the Lee Theory in the Context of Bangladesh (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Journal of Population and Social Studies, vol. 10, 2001, No. 1, pp. 29-42.
50. Some Probability Models for Rural Out-migration (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, vol. 5(2), 2001, pp. 281-298.
51. Age at Marriage in Rural Bangladesh: Determinants, Trends and patterns (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Asian Profile, vol. 28, 2000, No. 4, pp. 319-338.
52. Mortality Differentials in Rural Bangladesh: Evidence from Matlab Data (jointly with Md Abul Basher Mian), SUST Studies, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 05-15, 2000.
53. Pattern of Infant and Child Mortality in Bangladesh: Applications of Some Models (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Turkish Journal of Population Studies, vol. 21, pp. 15-31, 1999.
54. Formulation of a Population Projection Model for Discrete Time and Age (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava, S.K. Singh and Sabina Islam), Journal of Statistical Studies, vol. 19, pp. 1-6, 1999.
55. Rural Out-Migration in Bangladesh: Single Origin and Multiple Destinations Model (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 17(1), pp. 49-57, 1999.
56. Post-partum Amenorrhoea in Bangladesh: Levels and Differentials (jointly with Sabina Islam and Alok Kumar), Proc. ICCS-VI, vol. 11 (pp. 1-15), Pakistan, 1999.
57. Effect of Elimination of Leading Causes of Death in Rural Bangladesh: Potential Gains in Life Expectancies (jointly with Md. Abul Basher Mian and Alok Kumar), Demography-India, vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 301-310, 1998.
58. A Probability Model for the Number of Rural Out-Migrants (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Journal of Statistical Studies, vol. 18, pp. 29-36, 1998.
59. Distribution of Distance Associated with Marriage Migration in a Rural Area of Bangladesh (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava and Sabina Islam,), The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, vol 16 (2), pp. 201-207, 1998.
60. Transformation of Data: Its Relevance and Applications in Regression Analysis (jointly with Q.A. Samad and Sabina Islam), SUST Studies, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 56-63, 1997.
61. Some Probability Models for Return Migration (jointly with K.N.S Yadava and S.N.S Kushwaha, Journal of Statistical Studies, vol. 17, pp. 79-86, 1997.
62. The Price Structure of Potato in Bangladesh (jointly with M.G. Mostafa), The Rajshahi University Studies (Part-B), vol. 22, pp. 267-281, 1994.
63. Formulation of a Population Projection Model for Discrete Time and Age (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava, S.K. Singh and Sabina Islam), Journal of Statistical Studies, vol. 19, pp. 1-6, 1999.
64. Estimation of Income and Expenditure Elasticities for the Major Consumption Items in Bangladesh (jointly with Q.A. Samad), Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol.48, No. 1, pp. 98-105, 1993.
65. On the Estimation of Parameters of a Mixed Weibull Distribution with Unknown Proportions and Time Censored Data (jointly with Md Abul Basher Mian), The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 11(1), pp. 89-97, 1993.
66. Foreign Tourist Arrival in Bangladesh A Statistical Study of Trend, Seasonal Variation and Cyclical Patterns (jointly with M.G. Mostafa), The Rajshahi University Studies (Part-B), vol. XXI, pp. 261-280, 1993.
67. Engel Elasticities for the Major Food Items in Bangladesh: A Survey (jointly with Q.A. Samad), Published in the Proceedings of the Workshop on DISSEMINATION OF CURRENT STATISTICS, jointly sponsored by UNDP, CIDA & BBS, Dhaka, November 3 4, (vol 1), 1991.
1. “Measurement of Food Insecurity and Poverty by Different Methods - Does the Method Matter”, Presented at 7th International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities held in December 18-19, 2019 at the Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
2. “Application of Stochastic Frontier Model in Evaluating the Efficiency of Allowance related Public Safety Nets Programmes in Bangladesh”, Presented at the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE) held on January 25-27 at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
3. “Evaluation of Performance Efficiency of Stipend Programs of Primary and Secondary Education in Bangladesh through application of Stochastic Frontier Models”, Presented at the 17th National Statistical Conference organized by the Bangladesh Statistical Association held on July 26-27, 2019 at Dhaka, Bangladesh
4. “Performance Efficiency of Some Selected Public Social Safety Nets Programmes in Bangladesh”, Presented at the International Conference on Emerging Methodologies in Theoretical & Applied Statistics (EMTAS) in conjunction with XXXIX Annual Conference of Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) held on September 18-20, 2018 at Banaras Hindu University, India.
5. “Impact of International Migration on Household Investment Behavior in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh: Does Destination Matters”, Presented at the International Conference on Emerging Methodologies in Theoretical & Applied Statistics (EMTAS) in conjunction with XXXIX Annual Conference of Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) held on September 18-20, 2018 at Banaras Hindu University, India.
6. “Extent and Determinants of Targeting Errors in Beneficiary Selection of Some Selected Social Safety Nets Programmes in Bangladesh”, Presented at the International Conference on Social Work and Sustainable Development 2018 held on January 4-6, 2018 at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology.
7. “Selectivity of International Migration in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh and Its Impact on Household Investment Behavior”, Presented at the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biostatistics for Agriculture, Health and Environment held on January 20-23, 2017 at Rajshahi University.
8. “Targeting Error of Some Selected Major Public Social Safety Nets Programmes in Bangladesh: Extent and Determinants”, Presented in the 16th National Statistical Conference on Role of Statisticians in Achieving SDGs of Bangladesh Statistical Association held on July 28-29, 2017 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
9. “Consequences of Social Safety Nets Benefits and Causes for Not Included in the Targeted Programmes – A Multivariate Approach”, Presented at the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biostatistics for Agriculture, Health and Environment held on January 20-23, 2017 at Rajshahi University.
10. “Potentials and Hindrances of Directing Remittances in Investment: A Study in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh”, Presented at the Second Conference on Research for Sustainable Development (SCRSD-2016) held on June 05, 2016 at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology.
11. “Engendering the Extremity in the Climate Change of Bangladesh: An Observation through Maximum and Minimum Temperature”, Presented at the First Conference on Research for Sustainable Development (FCRSD-2016) held on April 12-13, 2016 at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology.
12. “Exploration of Investment Sectors and Motivation for More Investment of Remittances in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh”, Presented at the at the Professor Mohammmed Naser Memorial Seminar - Statistics and Bioinformatics for Sustainable Development at the 2nd Reunion of RUSA and 55 years celebration of the Department of Statistics held on March 12-13, 2016 at Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
13. “Performance of Remittances in Household Investment Behaviour: A study in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh”, Presented at the Second International Conference on Theory and Application of Statistics held on 27-29 December, 2015 at Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
14. “International Migration and Its Impact on Household Investment Behavior in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh”, Presented at the Second International Conference on Theory and Application of Statistics held on 27-29 December, 2015 at Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
15. “Predictors of Household Level Investment Expenditure from Remittances”, Presented at the Second International Conference on Theory and Application of Statistics held on 27-29 December, 2015 at Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
16. “Determinants of Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh including its Consequences for Origin Households and Urban Amenities”, Presented at the Bi-annual Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held on 25-26 December, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
17. “Do International Remittances facilitate Education in Rural Bangladesh?”, Presented at the Bi-annual Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held on 25-26 December, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
18. “Regional Variation of Climate Change through Drought and Trend Analysis using Temperature and Rainfall Data”, Presented at the Bi-annual Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held on 25-26 December, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
19. “Impact of Rural-urban Migration on Household Income and Expenditure in Rural Bangladesh”, Presented at the Bi-annual Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held on 25-26 December, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
20. “Determinants of Rural-urban Migration at Household and Community Levels: A Multi-model Analysis”, Presented at the Bi-annual Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held on 25-26 December, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
21. “Rainfall Variation in Bangladesh: A Wavelet Transformation Analysis”, Presented at the Bi-annual Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held on 25-26 December, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
22. “Impact of Rural-urban Migration on Food Security at Origin in Bangladesh: An NELM Analysis”, Presented at the 8th International Conference of Asian Society of Agricultural Economists held on 15-17 October, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
23. “Rural-urban Migration in Bangladesh and Its Nexus with Some Socioeconomic Indicators at Origin and Destination”, Presented at the 8th International Conference of Asian Society of Agricultural Economists held on 15-17 October, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
24. “Impact of Migration on Food Security at Origin Households through 2-Stage and 3-Stage NELM Models”, Presented at the International Statistical Conference organized by Bangladesh Statistical Association held on 27-29 December, 2012 at Dhaka University.
25. “Status and Determinants of Food Insecurity of the Haor People in Bangladesh”, Presented at the International Conference on Statistical Data Mining for Bioinformatics, Health, Agriculture and Environment organized by the Department of Statistics, Rajshahi University held on 22-24 December, 2012 at Rajshahi University.
26. “Poverty and Food Insecurity for the Haor People in Bangladesh: Status and Coping Strategies”, Presented at the International Conference on Statistical Data Mining for Bioinformatics, Health, Agriculture and Environment organized by the Department of Statistics, Rajshahi University held on 22-24 December, 2012 at Rajshahi University.
27. “Poverty Status and Food Insecurity Coping Strategies: Evidence from Haor Areas of Bangladesh”, Presented at the Seminar on Food Security in Haor Basin, organized jointly by the Department of Social Works of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Institute of Development Affairs and Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods held on 15 October, 2012 at SUST.
28. “Pattern of Remittances Utilization and Causes of Poor Utilization of Local Funds in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh”, Presented at the First International Conference on Theory and Applications of Statistics organized by Dhaka University Statistics Department Alumni Association (DUSDAA) to be held on 26-28 December, 2010 at Dhaka University.
29. Identification of Productive Investment Sectors in Sylhet Region of Bangladesh: A Tripartite Analysis including AHP Model (jointly with M. M. H. Kazal and J. U. Ahmed), Presented in the 11th National Statistical Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on June 4-5, 2010.
30. An Investigation into the Differentials and Socio-economic Determinants of Female Age at Marriage in Rural Bangladesh: A Study in Sylhet District (jointly with M. A. K. Chowdhury and J. U. Ahmed), Presented in the 11th National Statistical Conference of Bangladesh Statistical Association held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on June 4-5, 2010.
31. Enterprise Development in the Sylhet Region of Bangladesh: A Perceptive Assessment of the Investment Climate (jointly with M. M. H. Kazal and J. F. E. M. Faisal), Presented in the 17th Biennial Conference of the Bangladesh Economic Association held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on April 8-10, 2010.
32. “Status and Determinants of Foreign Remittances: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh”, Presented at the International Conference on Statistical Data Mining for Bioinformatics, Health, Agriculture and Environment organized by the Department of Statistics, Rajshahi University held on 22-24 December, 2012 at Rajshahi University.
33. Tea Production, Cultivated Area and Yield in Bangladesh - A Time Series Analysis (jointly with Mohammad Anamul Haque), Presented in the One day National Seminar of Bangladesh Statistical Association held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on May 22, 2009.
34. A Study of Out-Migration from Rural Bangladesh: Differentials and Determinants (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Presented in the 8 th National Statistical Conference of BSA held in Dhaka, Bangladesh during January 7-8, 2003.
35. Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro-Level Study, Paper for the Poster Session of IUSSP XXIVth General Conference, Brazil during August 20-24, 2001.
36. Factors Influencing Infant and Child Mortality in Rural Bangladesh (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Presented in the 24 th Annual Conference of IASP held in Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, India during February 22-24, 2001.
37. Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Bangladesh (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Proceedings of 7th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-VII), vol. 12 (pp. 117-133), Lahore, Pakistan; January 2-5, 2001.
38. Age at Marriage in Rural Bangladesh: Differentials, Trends and Determinants (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Presented in the Millennium Conference on Population, Development and Environmental Nexus & 23rd Annual Conference of IASP held in New Delhi, India during February 14-16, 2000.
39. Post-partum Amenorrhoea in Bangladesh: Levels and Differentials (jointly with Sabina Islam and Alok Kumar), Presented in the Sixth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences held in Panjub University, Lahore, Pakistan during August 27-31,1999; Proceedings of ICCS-VI, vol. 11 (pp.11-15 ).
40. Age at marriage in Rural Bangladesh (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava and Alok Kumar), Proceedings of 6th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-VI), vol. 11 (pp. 81-91), Lahore, Pakistan; August 27-31,1999.
41. Probability Models for the Number of Rural Out-Migration (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Presented in the 22nd Annual Conference of IASP held in Kalyani University, West Bengal during March 14-17, 1999.
42. Population Diversity and Rural Out-Migration in Bangladesh: Testing the Lee Theory (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Presented in the 22nd Annual Conference of IASP held in Kalyani University, West Bengal during March 14-17, 1999.
43. Rural Out-Migration in Bangladesh: Single Origin and Multiple Destinations Model (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava), Presented at the “International Symposium on Optimization and Statistics and Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Information Theory & Applications” held in Aligarh Muslim University, India during December 8-10, 1998.
44. Distribution of Distance Associated with Marriage Migration in Bangladesh (jointly with K.N.S. Yadava and Sabina Islam) Presented in the "International Conference on Population Issues on the Eve of 21st Century” and XXI Annual Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP)" held in Banaras Hindu University, during February 9-12, 1998.
45. Engel Elasticities for the Major Food Items in Bangladesh: A Survey (jointly with Q.A. Samad), Presented at the Workshop on DISSEMINATION OF CURRENT STATISTICS, jointly sponsored by UNDP, CIDA & BBS, Dhaka, November 3 4, 1991.
Book/ Book Chapter
Graduate and undergraduate level courses of Statistics including:
Research Methodology
Bio-statistics and Epidemiology
Statistical Inference
Regression Analysis
Theory of Statistics
Awards & Recognition
Junior/Senior Research Fellow of University Grants Commission of India and was engaged in Ph.D research work at Banaras Hindu University, India. First two years have been appointed as a Junior Research Fellow and last two years as a Senior Research Fellow.
Published two books: (i) Internal Migration and Its Food Security Outcome, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2014; (ii) Lack of Utilization of Local Funds and Productive Investment Climate in the Sylhet Region: A Perception Analysis, Economic Research Group, Dhaka 2010.
Graduate Supervision
1. A Ph.D student has been supervised and the Fellow has successfully awarded the degree.
2. Over 30 graduate students have been supervised for their M.Sc/M.S degree.