Faculty Profile
Dr. Nahid Sultana
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-6971-6021
PhD in Statistics, University of Sheffield, UK.
M.S. in Biostatistics, University of Hasselt, Belgium.
M.S.(Thesis) in Statistics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet.
BSC in Statistics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet.
Research Interests
Clinical Trials
Biostatistics & Epidemiology
Machine Learning
Methodology: Bayesian, Survival, Multilevel modeling
Active Research Project
1. Currently working as PhD researcher in Sheffield University, UK
Previous Research Project
1. Worked as “Co supervisor” in the project titled “Extent of heritability and environmental effect on cancer” .
Journal Publications
1. Sonia, J.B., Hasan, S.R., Sultana, N., Akter, M.F. and Ullah, M.O., 2024. Impact of Microcredit on Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. Manar Elsharq Journal for Management and Commerce Studies, 2(2), pp.62-69.
2. Jahan, I., Faruk, S. M. O., Sultana, N., and Hasan, M. N. (2024). Prevalence and Risk Factors associated with Overweight and Obesity among under 5 years’ Children in Bangladesh. Vol: 20(3), 28-37.
3. Khan, M. A. A.; Babu, M. R.; Haque, M.A., Sultana,N; Ullah, M. O.; et al., (2024), Potential Association between Allergenic Food Exposure and Skin Disease in Bangladesh: An Application of Principal Component Logistic Regression (PCLR); Health Science Report, Wiley (Published 29 September 2024)
4. Hossain, M. S., Ahmed, T. S., Sultana, N., Chowdhury, M. A. B., & Uddin, M. J. (2023). Examining the disparities of anti-malarial drug consumption among children under the age of five: a study of 5 malaria-endemic countries. Malaria Journal, 22(1), 370.
5. Ullah, M. O., Akhter, A., Sultana, N., Baidya, M., & Jiban, J. H. (2016). Extents of Environmental and Heritability Effects on Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study at Sylhet City in Bangladesh. Biom iostat Int J, 4(1), 00088.
1. A simulation study to explore the effect of repeated use of individual patient data in a MAIC adjusted network meta-analysis; Accepted as an Online Presentation to IDWSDS (International Day on Women in Statistics and Data Science) which was jointly organised by the Caucus for Women in Statistics and Data Science (CWS), the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE), and the American Statistical Association (ASA); held on 10th October, 2023.
2. Review of Methods Used to Estimate Treatment Effects Against Relevant Comparators Using Evidence From Single-Arm Studies in NICE Single Technology Appraisals ; https://www.valueinhealthjournal.com/article/S1098-3015(22)02258-6/fulltext; Accepted as a Podium Presentation to ISPOR Europe 2022 which took place in-person at the Austria Vienna center, 6-9 November.
3. Review of Methods Used to Estimate Treatment Effects Against Relevant Comparators Using Evidence From Single-Arm Studies in NICE Single Technology Appraisals; Accepted as a oral presentation at the PGR conference organized by University of Sheffield , UK, 15th June, 2022.
Book/ Book Chapter
Graduate Teaching Assistant in Sheffield University, UK
SUST teaching: Basic Statistics and Probability; Inferential Statistics; Regression Analysis; Design of Experiments; Multivariate analysis
Awards & Recognition
Flemish Government Interuniversity Council Scholarship (VLIR-UOS), for the International Course Program (ICP) on MSc (2-years) in Biostatistics at the Hasselt University, Belgium.
Fellowship for PhD program from University of Sheffield School of Health and Related Research & GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) , Sheffield University, UK
In addition to my academic work, I have reviewed manuscripts for journals such as BMC Cancer, PLOS ONE. I bring a rigorous, detail-oriented approach to reviewing, with a commitment to improving research quality and supporting the scholarly community. I am dedicated to maintaining impartiality, confidentiality, and ethical standards throughout the peer review process.